- Gu - 4.1: Model worker

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After spending a happy millennium with his partner Abyss , was eventually squeezed out by the mission world.

Abyss also knows that 1,000 years is already the limit of human life extension. If Lanqin is forced to stay like this, he will suffer from the backlash of the world's laws, and he will definitely be in great pain by then, and it will also hurt Lanqin's soul.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the abyss.

So it took him a few days to let himself accept the fact that his lover would die, and finally decided to accompany his lover to sleep forever under the abyss.

In order to allow lovers to have a good sleeping environment, the lord of the abyss also cleaned up the bottom of the abyss in advance, and those abyssal demon souls that had not completely disappeared were also cleaned up.

Even the abyssal demons who originally lived on the edge of the abyss were driven out. Anyway, the relationship between those demons and humans is very good now, so it might as well drive them all to live in the human world.

The lord of the abyss was not satisfied until the abyss was cleaned up until only he and his lover remained.

After bringing his lover who was about to end his life back to the abyss, where he and his lover first met, the Lord of the Abyss felt extremely sad.

Lan Qin's appearance at this time is still the same as the youthful appearance when he first met his partner, but there is not much vitality left. He is very clear about his partner's temperament. If he is allowed to live alone, the entire task world will be destroyed was completely destroyed.

Therefore, Lan Qin did not refuse the choice of his partner to leave with him silently every time. Instead, he made a promise to continue the relationship in the next life.

Lying in the generous and warm embrace of his partner, Lan Qin slowly revealed the deepest secret buried in his heart, "My partner, in fact, I love you the most all the time. They are all my partner, I love you..."

Wu Miao gently held Lan Qin's hand, and then left a lingering kiss on the back of his hand, and said with the same tenderness and sincerity, "I love you too, my Lover. Whether it is time or time and space, it will not be an obstacle to love between you and me, and I will definitely find you in the next life." Lan Qin really believes in

this promise of his partner, and he will always believe that his partner will find him. And also firmly believe that they will love each other again.

"Then I'll wait for you."

Lan Qin left the last sentence, and then slowly and reluctantly closed his eyes in his partner's arms.

And Wu Miao, who witnessed the death of his lover, did not shed tears, but just quietly hugged his lover's body and sat there for a long time, until another self said in his mind that they should leave.

Only then did Wu Miao wake up.

"It's time to go... Everyone should go, otherwise Lan Qin will be worried if he waits too long on the road..."

Wu Miao whispered like this, and then let the other self go back to his own world, 【"Lan Qin Qin has already left, and you don't need to stay anymore, you'd better get out now, or don't blame me for killing you."]

Wu Miao said mercilessly, the current He is no longer an abyss that will be defeated by another self , especially now that he has no intention of living at all.

The master of the abyss sighed depressedly, lost his lover, and 'I' don't want to live anymore, so why is he like this.

【"If you really have the intention to kill me now, that would be a good thing."]

After all, if you can make 'myself' think like this, it means that Lan Qin is safe and sound.

Wumuu didn't have the slightest interest in paying attention to his other self. Instead, he hugged his lover and his Lanqin tightly with both hands, and walked firmly into the bottom of the abyss.

When he came to the deepest abyss, which was the long-selected resting place, Wu Mui turned back to his huge prototype, and then devoured his lover into the abyss itself.

After hiding the best treasure in the world, the Lord of the Abyss sealed the entire abyss and no longer allowed any creatures to enter.

He doesn't want anything to disturb the rest of him and his lover Lanqin.

The master of the abyss sensed the well-placed lover, and then fell into a deep sleep.

But this time, Abyss never wanted to wake up again.

Unless the lover of the abyss re-enters the abyss to wake him up.


Lan Qin died again, his soul was immediately ejected by the world consciousness of the mission world, and he didn't even stay for ten minutes.

Lan Chin just touched his nose in embarrassment about this, and did not raise any objections to the practice of world awareness.

After all, according to the mission time limit of the Cosmic System Center, a passer-by like him thinks that he can stay for ten years at most, and it is very good to stay at the limit of human life for a hundred years.

Now he stayed for nearly a thousand years before being expelled by the intolerable world consciousness, which is considered very good.

Lan Qin didn't dare to have any objections. On the contrary, he was a little worried that the world consciousness of this task world would go to the Cosmic System Center and complain about his passive sabotage.

Lan Qin, who returned to the system space, also paid special attention to the presence of system 1122, and found that system 1122 was still busy in the system center. Qin immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that the system 1122 didn't notice, otherwise he would have a little guilty feeling of fishing in troubled waters at work.

After Lan Qin felt relieved, he began to choose the next mission world.

I reached out and pulled a few mission worlds given by System 1122, and finally decided to choose the mission world with the fewest words.

Lan Qin clicked on the task named "Gu" with anticipation, and then happily entered the next task world.

What Lanqin, who was entering the mission world, didn't know was that the system 1122 hurried over to check the host's mission status not long after he had completed the mission.

After checking that the host Lanqin only took a rest in the system space for less than five minutes before going back to the task after completing each task, the system 1122 was very satisfied with Lanqin's dedication and self-motivation.

System 1122 has more than one host, Lan Qin, of course, it actually has many hosts, but compared to the hardworking Lan Qin, the other hosts are lazy as soon as they return to the system space, and they must get the three days stipulated by the system space. When the time comes, I reluctantly go to work.

That expression was so mournful that it was like going to a grave!

System 1122 is very dissatisfied with the laziness of the human host. It originally thought that Lan Qin, the host, would be lazy quietly, so it took time out of its busy schedule to check.

But I didn't expect this host to be so diligent.

While System 11.22 was extremely happy, he also planned to report Lan Qin's name to the next time the System Center held the "Most Diligent and Involved Host Contest".

System 1122 is full of confidence, and feels that this time he will definitely be on the hard work list with Lan Qin, making other systems envious of it!

After thinking so beautifully, the system 1122 left a few more tasks for the host, and then left in a hurry. After all, it is really busy in the center of the universe system!

Lan Qin didn't know that his task load had doubled again, but even if he knew, he just thought it was very good.

After all, in Lanqin's view, he went to the mission world to do missions, not to go to work at all, but to fall in love with pay.

Just thinking about it makes me feel happy!

Lan Qin came to the mission world expecting to reunite with his partner, and opened his eyes full of anticipation before he could receive the mission details and the memory of passer-by A.

But what disappointed him was that even though there were several people around him now, after observing them one by one, they were all sure that they were not his partner.

"Teacher Lan Qin, are you alright?"

Li Xingruo couldn't bear to ask when he saw Teacher Lan Qin walking not far away, his face pale and sweating profusely, "If you are tired, I can Help call the tour guide to stop."

Hearing his girlfriend suddenly express such concern to the young male teacher leading the team, Fu Ze, who worked so hard to chase the goddess for more than half a year before he captured her heart and became her official boyfriend, frowned. Silently became jealous.


Fu Ze was jealous, but he followed his innocent and kind girlfriend's worried eyes and looked at Lan Qin on the other side, but it was just a casual look.

Fu Ze's originally casual eyes stopped suddenly, and at that moment, his heart beat rapidly.

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