7.8: Naming

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Fa Chanzi didn't know that he not only died in his apprentice's previous life, but was also killed by a The woman saved her rashly, not only did not pay off the karma of the Lan family's life, but also owed another life-saving grace, and then let his apprentice spend the rest of his life in it.

Not to mention the cultivation of the Dao, in the end he even lost his life in Luohua Village.

But now because of Tan Qianhe's rebirth, the thousand-year-old red demon female ghost was resolved before the arrival of the heroine Lan Lan. Although this caused Tan Qianhe's cultivation to regress, it is estimated that he will have to cultivate for a few years for the serious injury.

But in Tan Qianhe's view, it is the best thing for his master to survive safely.

And when Tan Qianhe was about to recuperate, someone from the mountain gate came to report that a young woman had something to do with Elder Brother Tan.

Fa Chanzi knew his apprentice's character very well, not to mention that a woman came to him, just someone came to him is enough to surprise people.

Tan Qianhe was also curious about who would come looking for him at this time, and after hearing what the insider said about the young woman's appearance and clothes, as well as the name on the woman's newspaper, he was sure it was Lan Lan.

Facing this person who used to be his nominal girlfriend, Tan Qianhe also felt complicated.

In his previous life, he could be said to have been implicated by Lan Lan, or it could be said that Lan Lan was implicated by him. Originally, he went to Luohua Village to solve a cause and effect, but he did not expect that the entire team died in Luohua Village.

From this we can see how serious the karma owed is, and it takes the lives of a whole team to repay it.

In fact, in his previous life, Tan Qianhe also launched an investigation into the affairs of the Lan family. After investigating the relationship between the couple of the Lan family and Lan Lan, he only thought it was a misfortune, but later saw Lan Qin from the Lan family in Luohua Village. It was obviously a tragic death, and if he calculated the previous events from the result, he knew that there were a lot of his girlfriend's handwriting in it.

Even in the end, their entire team was buried in Luohua Village, all because of his negligence and the difference between his girlfriend Lan Lan.

The karma of these dozens of human lives still has to be paid in the end.

It's hard for Tan Qianhe to say whether he regretted it, but all the things happened, to a large extent, because he took the orb that belonged to the thousand-year-old red demon ghost because of his greed.

Although in Tan Qianhe's view, this orb is not very important to the thousand-year-old female ghost, it can only keep her youth forever, on the contrary, it can be of more use to him.

But now the thousand-year-old female ghost of the Red Devil doesn't think so. Maybe for a woman, there is nothing more important than eternal youth.

So after discovering that Tan Qianhe actually took his orb to save people, he immediately went crazy and started killing.

Tan Qianhe feels that there is no need to compare the importance of a precious orb and human life, but the thousand-year-old Red Demon Ghost doesn't think so.

Fa Chanzi also felt a headache when his apprentice caused such a thing, but this apprentice is still the grandson of his own brother, and he is the youngest member of the Tan family who is most hopeful to cultivate Dao. Master also had to help.

He also understands the ins and outs of what happened in the Lan family. Fa Chanzi has lived for more than 90 years and has traveled more than Tan Qianhe. How can he not see that young man named Lan Lan? A woman's heart is wrong?

At first, he thought that his apprentice was unlucky and was tricked by a girl, but now everyone has the courage to come to their Tan family. If their Tan family doesn't give an explanation, it seems that their Tan family is afraid of her!

Fa Chanzi looked at his apprentice's embarrassed expression when he heard the news of the young woman's arrival, and shook his head in his heart. His apprentice was still too young to be easily deceived.

This time, Fachanzi had no intention of letting his apprentice see the young woman again. No matter what his apprentice had been involved with that young woman before, since Qianhe's boyhood was not lost, he should be regarded as a young man. It's just a catastrophe.

After thinking this way, Fa Chanzi smoothed his beard with his hand, and said very strongly, "Since you are seriously injured, Qianhe, you should stay in the door to recuperate and recuperate for the rest of the time. Let Master let me handle it for you."

Master said this, Tan Qianhe hesitated for a while, he was indeed

seriously injured, and more importantly, he has nothing to do with Lan Lan in his life, so follow what Master said Bar.

"Then everything is subject to the master."

Tan Qianhe also knew that his personality was not suitable for dealing with too complicated things, so he agreed with a pale face.

Fa Chanzi saw that his apprentice was still very obedient, so he nodded and asked someone to help his apprentice down to start retreat, and then he started to deal with the young woman's visit.

Of course, Fa Chanzi would not lower his value to talk to the girl Lan Lan in person, but just let the little boy inside the door say that the Tan family has something important to do, so it is inconvenient to open the door for guests, let the female guests leave on their own, and told the Lan family The two lives will naturally go to the young master of the Lan family to discuss how to compensate.

As for other things, the Tan family has nothing to say to the female guest.

This is short of directly stating that Lan Lan has nothing to do with their Tan family, and it would be a very rude thing to come to them casually.

When Lan Lan heard this, she was about to explode on the spot!

She is the future hostess of the Tan family, so why don't you say it doesn't matter?

Lan Lan suspected that these guards and children did not tell the male god Tan Qianhe their identities at all, otherwise how could they not see her? !

After thinking so swearingly, Lan Lan hesitated to think that she had not established any intimate relationship with the male god after her rebirth, and even said that she was unilaterally pursuing the male god... In her previous life, she could

easily He went in, on the one hand because Tan Qianhe felt guilty for causing Lan Lan to lose two relatives, and on the other hand because Tan Qianhe's master hadn't come out of the retreat and didn't know her coming.

But now Lan Qin returned to Lan's family safely, and drove Lan Lan's family out, and even called the police to suspect that this family had killed his parents in order to obtain a huge amount of property. Naturally, he will know soon.

It can be said that the skin of Lan Lan's victim had not been put on for a long time before Lan Qin tore it off mercilessly, directly exposing the true face of the heroine Lan Lan to everyone's eyes.

But Lan Lan's mentality was still regarded as a guest of the Tan family, which caught her off guard and had a closed door at the Tan family.

When the heroine Lan Lan stared helplessly at the splendid and simple Suzaku bronze gate of the Tan family, Lan Qin was discussing the name of the little boy she brought back.

For this reason, Lan Qin took out a dictionary from the study in a serious manner.

Adopting a child is considered a big deal in the Lan family. Butler Liu put on his glasses without haste and helped to choose a suitable name.

"At the beginning, Mrs. and Mrs. wanted to give birth to a younger sister or younger brother, Young Master, and even chose a name, but in the end it still failed." Butler Liu said with emotion

. Due to the pain, he went for a ligation operation directly, which made the lady who had chosen the name without knowing it in advance angry for a long time, and it was the master who coaxed her to make the lady smile.

Alas, but there is no need to say such a thing to make the young master sad.

Lan Qin didn't know about this incident, but he was also curious about what the original owner's parents would name, so he asked Steward Liu what the name was.

Butler Liu adjusted his glasses, and replied with a solemn expression, "Madam said that if it's a girl, it's called Lan Pei, and if it's a boy, it's called Lan Mu. It happens to be a good word with your name, young master." Lan

Qin : "..."

I have to say, there is really a tacit understanding.

"I think the two names are pretty good. We can use whichever one you like, kid, okay? If you don't like it, then we can choose another one." Lan Qin stroked the little boy's hair, very

pleased It is easy to talk and let the little boy make his own choice.

It's just that the little boy who was watched by Lan Qin didn't pay much attention to the matter of choosing a name. After all, he never had a name, so it didn't matter what he was called.

Lan Qin felt helpless when he saw the little boy obediently sitting on the sofa playing with his fingers and showing no interest in choosing a name.

Since the child doesn't care about it himself, let him make the decision, "Lan Pei is

a girl 's name, and the child is a boy, so let's call it Lan Mu."

Butler Liu thinks that the name Lan Mu is very cute . Well, forming a word of admiration with the young master is itself the favorite of the old lady, and according to the young man, it is a show of affection.

Lan Qin held the child in his arms, I don't know if it was his illusion, he always felt a little heavy holding the child today.

But it should be an illusion. After all, such a short time has passed, no matter how much he can eat, it is impossible for a child to suddenly gain weight.

Maybe it was because he didn't have a good rest and was out of energy, so he had hallucinations, Lan Qin thought in his heart, and then patiently asked if the kid named Lan Mu was okay.

Maybe it was because Lan Qin asked too many questions, the child finally took the time to look up at the person who was hugging him, although he still looked expressionless, but at least he was willing to nod.

Lan Chin didn't have too many demands, just nodding his head.

Although Steward Liu was very happy that the young master had a relative to accompany him, but seeing that the child never spoke and was still silent and introverted, he was a little worried that this might be a special person. child.

For example, autism, or some strange disease.

After all, the child's bright red pupils were really hard not to make him think too much. If he didn't know that this was a real child, he would have thought it was parasitized by evil spirits.

However, the Lan family invited so many celestial masters to guard them, and they didn't see any problems. They just tactfully asked Steward Liu to take the child to the ophthalmology department-then the child should have no major problems.

This is also the reason why Steward Liu did not prevent Master Lan Qin from adopting the child.

And the little boy who was thought a little strange by Liu Butler just nestled in Lanqin's arms in a daze. This embrace was very fragrant, soft and warm, and he liked it very much.

If possible, it doesn't want to leave this embrace until it really grows up.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the owner of this embrace will not be afraid and frightened after seeing its true face-if this person is also afraid of it, then it can only kill him!

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