- Alien - 2.1: Savory

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Lan Qin was already very old when he left the mission world, but Because of being warmed by the power of ghosts and gods, coupled with the transformation and influence of gentle ghosts in the past few decades, even at the age of seventy or eighty, he did not show his oldness and fatigue.

After his ninetieth birthday, Lan Chin's healthy body quickly collapsed, and he soon came to the end of his life.

Lan Qin is not worried that Li Yan will do something bad for the mission world after his death, because they have agreed to live and die together.

They slept together in the same bed during Lanqin's lifetime, and they were buried in the same grave after Lanqin's death.

Li Yan was reluctant to let Lan Qin lie alone in the tomb, and Lan Qin also knew that Li Yan would not let him be buried in the tomb of Jianglongfuhu alone.

Therefore, no matter what role the ghost Li Yan played in the original, whether it was an important male supporting role or a villain who destroyed the world, Lan Qin felt very relieved.

On the day when he felt that death was approaching, Lan Qin changed into the red wedding dress that Li Yan had worn at their wedding ceremony according to Li Yan's wish.

He knew that this extremely luxurious red wedding dress was carefully prepared by Li Yan's biological mother for his son's wife. At the same time, he also knew that Qin Ziwei was actually Emperor Shang, the subjugated king of the Great Qin Dynasty in history. A protagonist, unexpectedly died in Qin Shiling.

Thinking of what Qin Ziwei did to Li Yan before his reincarnation, even this red wedding dress was used as a funeral object, which was a kind of contempt and provocation to ghosts and gods, it was hard for Lan Qin not to feel disgusted with Qin Ziwei, the protagonist.

But time has changed and the person is dead, so there is no need to pursue it.

During the decades of being in love with each other, Lan Qin also knew a lot about Li Yan's temperament. He knew that he was the scabbard guarding this sharp blood blade.

Especially after all the gravekeepers in Shiling Village died, and the hundreds of thousands of subordinates who had followed Li Yan for thousands of years were all reincarnated one after another, Li Yan only cared about him in this world.

But fortunately, the husband and wife life between him and Li Yan is still very peaceful. They live in Qin Shiling's palace, and they are just some little ghosts who serve them daily.

Generally, a little ghost with a lot of grievances can eliminate most of the grievances after working here in Qin Shiling for two or three years, and then he can successfully reincarnate.

This can be regarded as an alternative ghost hunting sideline.

Many governments may send evil ghosts and fierce ghosts to ghosts and gods for transformation, and the success rate of transformation is 100%.

Lan Chin: After all, the most vicious ones, the ones that had no way or need to be transformed, were all physically eliminated by his subjects.

With such a powerful background of ghosts and gods, the government and celestial masters feel less pressure when working, and sometimes even ghost hunting is like going on a business trip.

After all, no matter how powerful or awesome the ghost is, as long as they report the name of the ghost, nine out of ten they will be caught immediately.

The celestial master Zhou Yuanhang, who is still a rookie, said that the gold medal of ghosts and gods is really easy to use!

So you can't blame him for using it every day or two. After all, the coercion of ghosts and gods is such that all ghosts worship.

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