7.13: Meet the Devil

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Lan Qin thinks that only a family like this can raise a heroine Selfish people like the father and the heroine, and the fact that the original owner's father and the heroine's father are not biological brothers, can make the heroine's father even more ruthless.

After all, the one who died was a younger brother who was not his own, but what he got was an inheritance of hundreds of millions. This is a very good deal.

And even if it is a real brother, it is normal to fight for this billions of dollars of inheritance, let alone a foster brother.

During the growth of the heroine's father, he must have been subtly influenced by his biological parents, and he felt that Lan Guanshan, the younger brother, should give everything for himself.

After solving this doubt, Lan Chin didn't analyze the matter of the hostess's family anymore. Anyway, there are so many people staring at them, and the hostess's family is not a powerful figure in themselves. Hard to say.

Of course, in the village where the hostess lived, Lan Qin silently called the police again and told the fact that the original owner's father had been trafficked.

Lanqin believes that the police station will definitely be able to investigate this matter, but he still wants to remind it again, and at the same time vaccinate the village for a future where human trafficking will no longer occur.

Moreover, the fact that the heroine Lan Lan has a pair of yin and yang eyes that are not effective at all times makes Lan Qin a little worried, but as long as the heroine does not rely on this skill to get involved with the hero Tan Qianhe, there is a high probability that there will be no what is the problem.

As for the first day he came back to Lan's house, the heroine Lan Lan met Lan Mu directly but there was no abnormal reaction. Either the heroine didn't notice the child at all, or the heroine's yin and yang eyes just didn't work.

But it may also be that his partner is so powerful that even the heroine can't see anything wrong.

At this time, Lan Qin just called the police by the way, but he never expected that the heroine in the future would be involved in human trafficking, and as a party to the crime, she would be arrested by the police and brought to justice.

After the affairs of the heroine Lan Lan's family came to an end, Lan Qin put aside one thing on his mind and went on a good trip with Lan Mu. While relaxing, he also paid close attention to Lan Mu's secret actions.

In order to prevent outsiders from noticing that there is a problem with Lan Mu's growth, Lan Qin will change a group of celestial masters and bodyguards every time he goes to a place. This not only protects their personal safety, but also prevents Lan Mu's abnormal situation from being discovered. .

After all, he was just taking a child out on a trip, how could those new celestial masters and bodyguards know whether the child should be five or six years old or twelve or thirteen years old. After all, from the outside, these age groups can be regarded as children.

Lan Qin confidently took Lan Mu to play and relax outside. After half a month passed, Lan Qin looked at the child who had grown up to twelve or thirteen years old, and decided to have a showdown with Lan Mu.

Otherwise, looking at Lan Mu's expressionless and indifferent expression, Lan Qin would wonder whether such a growth rate is normal.

Having been together for such a long time, Lan Qin has almost figured out Lan Mu's inner thoughts. He did not hide his growth rate, but exposed it more brazenly, probably to test Lan Qin's attitude.

Lan Qin himself brought Lan Mu out of such a strange Luohua Village, and he should have been mentally prepared that this would not be an ordinary child, so Lan Mu would test Lan Qin like this.

Lan Qin couldn't figure out what the boy would do to Lan Mu if the result of the test didn't satisfy him. Thinking of the size of the statue he saw in the temple, it was exactly three meters tall. Lan Mu finally Wouldn't it be to grow up to that level?

Sometimes Lan Qin has to doubt his real partner, the prototype is not a giant over three meters tall, otherwise why in so many mission worlds, his partner is basically very tall, it is simply stepping on what Lan Qin can hold Bottom line crazy bouncing disco.

Lan Qin really felt that it was not easy for him.


night, at one o'clock in the morning.

Lan Qin knew that this was the time when Lan Mu would go out to look for food. Before that, he always pretended to be asleep, or really fell asleep, because Lan Mu didn't go out every night, and most of the time he went out every other day or two.

go out .

When Lan Qin told Lan Mu that they were going back to China, Lan Qin knew that Lan Mu would go out again before they returned to China.

And Lan Mu's actions were exactly as Lan Qin expected. After all, when he was about to return home, Lan Mu planned to kill all the evil spirits that could be hunted around.

The reason is also very simple, because it does not want to waste.

After that, I don't know if I have time to go abroad again, so I can simply catch everything in one go. Anyway, the existence of these evil spirits is harmful to people. It likes to pick some evil spirits with deep evil thoughts, because it is the embodiment of various evil thoughts.

The more vicious a ghost, the more suitable it is to be its nourishment.

It has sensed that something is wrong with Lan Chin recently, and guessed that Lan Chin may have discovered its abnormality. When it was in Luohua Village, it used its evil energy to deceive the basic cognition of those villagers, making them think that its growth rate was normal.

It's just that for Lan Qin, it is unwilling to use evil energy. It just wants to expose its original appearance to Lan Qin and let Lan Qin choose.

Whether to let the celestial master come and destroy it, or choose to help it cover up, it is entirely up to Lan Qin's heart.

If Lanqin is the former, it will kill all the celestial masters who are in the way, and then go back and kill all the humans in Luohua Village, and finally make Lanqin the most perfect sacrifice in front of its god statue.

It will eat Lanqin's body completely, and then imprison Lanqin's soul by its side forever and ever, and serve it until the day it dies.

This is the only believer recognized by it, who should be born as it, and die as its ghost!

Although Lan Qin didn't know Lan Mu's plan, he still had a certain understanding of his partner's madness and perversion.

To be honest, no matter what his partner did, Lan Qin felt that he would not be too surprised.

This night, Lan Qin originally planned to wait for his partner to come back before continuing to sleep, but he didn't expect his partner to go out for so long, and he didn't come back until he had a short sleep.

Lan Qin felt that he was very thirsty. He lay in bed thinking for a minute or two, and finally decided to drink a glass of water first, and then go to the toilet.

He didn't think Lan Mu would come back so suddenly. After all, it was five o'clock in the morning, and Lan Mu probably planned to work all night.

But it was such a coincidence that when Lan Qin had just finished drinking water and went to the toilet again, he happened to run into Lan Mu who floated in from the balcony like a ghost.

Now the scene is very embarrassing, Lan Qin hesitated for a while, a little hesitant to pretend to sleepwalking, but seeing Lan Mu's bloody eyes shining in the dark night, Lan Qin felt that it was too late to pretend to be stupid now.


Lan Qin didn't know what to say, so Lan Qin, who was still very sleepy, decided to show off. He walked past Lan Mu who was standing still, and patted Lan Mu's hairy head by the way. , and finally climbed into bed like a wandering spirit, covered the quilt and continued to sleep deeply.

Anyway, he didn't know what expression and response he should make, so he simply didn't do anything and let Lan Mu, a brat, figure it out by himself.

Faced with Lan Qin's calm reaction, Lan Mu was indeed stunned for a while, but it would definitely not be the first to mess up between them.

So Lan Mu stared at Lan Qin's sleeping face for a long time, but in the end he didn't do anything, but took off his out clothes and put on the pajamas that Lan Qin personally chose for him, and obediently Climb into bed and start to sleep like Lan Chin.

Nothing happened overnight, and it passed quietly like this.

The next day, after Lan Qin took Lan Mu to Disneyland, they embarked on their journey back home in the afternoon under the escort of the newly hired celestial masters and bodyguards.

Although it has been confirmed that Lan Mu is a mysterious and powerful existence, Lan Qin is still willing to spend all his money for his own safety. Anyway, the Lan family is so rich that they don't spend it wisely.

After Liu Butler received the news that Lan Qin was going back to China, he had cleaned the Lan family's house spotlessly in advance, and just waited for the young master to bring Lan Mu back.

It's just that the decision Lan Qin made was to disappoint Steward Liu, because

Lan Qin had no intention of bringing Lan Mu back to Lan's house. After all, he only went out for half a month, but brought back a seven or eight-year-old Lan Mu. Mu, it is estimated that Butler Liu will call Tan's family overnight if he finds out.

In terms of subduing evil spirits, the Tan family is indeed a top-notch existence.

Lan Qin didn't mention what happened last night along the way, but after getting off the plane, Lan Qin didn't ask the driver to drive the car to Lan's house, but went in another direction.

Of course, Lan Mu knew the route back to Lan's house, and when he found out that the car was going in an unfamiliar direction, he was not in a hurry.

Although it hasn't grown up yet, based on its strength, even if the entire Tan family came to ambush it, it would still be able to escape unscathed.

As long as Lanchin can bear its crazy revenge, then it really has nothing to be afraid of.

Lan Mu looked out of the car window with a blank face, even his demeanor and sitting posture were careless. As for Lan Qin, who was sitting next to Lan Mu, he was also very relaxed. After all, he had no intention of doing anything.

And Lan Mu, who felt Lan Qin's relaxed mood, had deep eyes. He was wearing a pair of dark brown colored contact lenses, but if someone looked at his eyes, he could definitely see a burst of oppression.

Lan Mu's mood is somewhere between suspicion and trust in Lan Qin. It feels that Lan Qin will not be so stupid as to attack him on the first day back home, but he has always understood the stupidity of human beings.

Sometimes human beings are even vicious and stupid to the point of shocking the evil spirits, after all, human beings are the most unfathomable existence.

Both Lan Mu and Lan Qin were waiting for what would happen next, but what they didn't expect was that the car encountered a problem halfway.

The car that Lan Chin and the others were sitting in was in the middle, with celestial masters and bodyguards sitting in the front and back of the car. With high salaries, they protected their employers in the middle, but this did not mean that they would protect their employers with their lives.

The two celestial masters who were hired were the first to discover that the road the car was on was wrong, but the evil spirit was so fierce that it was too late when they found out that something was wrong.

Facing the funeral procession surrounded by three cars, the hearts of the two celestial masters sank to the bottom. This is not a good intention!

As for the bodyguards in charge of breaking the back, they also had their eyes vigilant, and their hands were secretly holding the guns around their waists. Although people with a little common sense know that guns are not very harmful to evil spirits, at least they can kill the evil spirits. People with guns feel more secure.

One of the two celestial masters was sitting in the co-pilot of the car in the middle. He looked out of the car with sharp eyes and began to analyze which of the four directions was more suitable for them to escape.

As for the direct confrontation between the two celestial masters, they have never thought about it. After all, this is a team of four funerals. There is also an evil ghost sitting steadily on the coffin.

The most important thing for them now is to choose a relatively weak position to rush out before being surrounded by these four evil spirits, otherwise, after they are really approached, these living people will really make delicious desserts for the evil spirits.

"Master Lan, take these two amulets well. If an accident occurs while rushing out of the encirclement, these are things that can save lives."

The celestial master sitting in the co-pilot succinctly stated the plan to break out, and then gave two triangular amulets. During the half month of traveling abroad, Lanqin has received countless amulets. Now he has all over his body. The pockets are stuffed with various amulets, and there are even two or three on the back of the phone case.

But no matter how many amulets there are, it can't stop Lan Mu from sleeping in the same bed with him.

Facing the terrifying emergency surrounded by all sides, Lan Qin didn't panic much, but when he took the two amulets, he still said thank you very seriously to the young celestial master.

Being thanked by the elegant young master Gui, even at such an urgent moment, the young celestial master couldn't help but turn his ears red.

This young master Lan can really be said to be the best-looking and the best-tempered among the employers he has served.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, he would have wanted to talk more with this young master Lan.

Lan Qin didn't notice that his casual words

made , so he naturally put one of the amulets in Lan Mu's coat pocket.

Lan Mu is wearing a short-sleeved shirt and overalls today, which happens to have a lot of pockets. Similarly, the amulets given by the celestial masters are also stuffed into Lan Mu's pockets, but they are still useless.

If it is not very clear that the high probability is because his partner is too powerful, Lan Qin will think that all the celestial masters he hired are useless liars.

But it was precisely because of the presence of these celestial masters and bodyguards that he and Lan Mu had a very comfortable half-month tour.

Lan Mu didn't pay attention to the amulet that was put into its pocket at all. Although these celestial masters are all capable, when the amulet touched its body, it only glowed for a very short time, and then became into something completely useless.

This time is no exception.

Lan Mu's indifferent gaze flicked over the back of the head of the young celestial master in the co-pilot, successfully making the celestial master feel a chill blowing over his neck. The young celestial master thought it was the evil spirits outside the car that were causing trouble. There was no doubt that it was the killing intent from the backseat.

When Lan Qin saw Lan Mu holding his chin with his small hands and looking out the car window indifferently, he felt a little inappropriate. After all, normal children would not be so calm when they saw this horrible scene, even if they didn't scream or get scared.

In order not to let the celestial master of the co-pilot suspect Lan Mu, Lan Qin quickly put the child's head in his arms, and gently patted Lan Mu's back with his hand, and said softly "Don't be afraid, brother is here."

Lan Mu was still watching the little fish and shrimp bumping into him through the car window, and when he was thinking about whether to take this opportunity to get rid of this extremely obtrusive celestial master, Lan Qin into his arms.

Forced to bury his whole face in Lan Qin's warm chest with a burst of fragrance, Lan Mu only felt that his mind suddenly went blank, and there was a very strange soft emotion in his heart.

At that moment, Lan Mu not only couldn't think of all kinds of "food" outside the window, but also didn't deal with the co-pilot Tianshi at all.

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