5.12: New Jenny

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In the end, Lan Qin still expressed his belief in Homan, but saving the world is also necessary Saved, but the most important thing now is to clear the level from this instance first.

Because according to Lan Qin's observation and analysis on the first floor, if the level is not cleared as soon as possible, the lives of the three female players may be in danger.

"What's the situation of this dungeon?"

After confirming that Homan is his partner, Lan Qin no longer maintained an alienated and indifferent attitude, but quickly adapted to having a partner.

And Homan is also happy to see his wife relying on him. Of course, the most real thing is his wife's closeness to him. This makes the game master wish to actively show his strength and omnipotence now.

Regarding Lan Qin's idea of ​​saving the world, he didn't feel that the second child was frivolous, but felt that she really deserved to be his wife, she was so beautiful and kind!

But the master of the game didn't lose his mind. He knew that he had to clear the level and leave this dungeon first. It's a pity that he hadn't arrived at the honeymoon holy land.

But it doesn't matter, after saving this weak planet, he will bring his wife over for honeymoon! And after that, he and his wife must be legal lovers, and the honeymoon is the most natural thing!

Thinking of this, Homan suddenly felt an urge to save the world immediately.

"This dungeon is actually a half-true world. At the place where we parked, going back and forth is the way to life, and driving forward is the way to death. As long as you complete the mission of the dungeon, and then drive back along the road from here, you will You can pass the level smoothly!"

Homan finished briefly, and then looked at Lan Qin expectantly with those innocent eyes, "If my wife wants to clear the level immediately, I can go and get that woman named Jenny Killed!"

Lan Qin: "..." There is no need to be so simple and rude.

Seeming to see Lan Chin's hesitation, Homan hurriedly told the bad things Jenny did in the dungeon, so that his wife would agree to clear the customs.

"The woman named Jenny has great malice towards any young woman because of the betrayal of her fiancé and best friend Xiaosan. During the decades when she hovered around this motel with a lot of men, she killed There are countless female players. If there is no accident, after the power outage tonight, she will go and kill those three female players."

Homan said so, and briefly said that Jenny would use young women's Taking a bath with fresh blood so as to keep oneself youthful forever, but although such an evil method can preserve youth and beauty very well, it is very laborious.

The reason why Homan is so frank is that compared to making love to his wife in the fake dungeon world, Homan prefers to go back to the game center, and then stay in the small player dormitory with his wife and love each other.

For the first time, Homan felt that the game center built with world awareness was really good. For example, the player dormitory was very well done. He really shouldn't have said that world awareness was stingy before!

At this time, his mind was full of thoughts of lying on a small bed with his wife and having a romantic relationship, and he completely forgot that there was a sexy bathroom behind him waiting for him to enjoy.

Lan Qin glanced at the transparent glass in the bathroom, and then nodded.

Whether it was to save the three innocent female players, or to avoid this sexy bathroom, he seemed to have no reason to refuse.

With his wife's approval, Homan was so happy that he wanted to fly.

"Then wife, wait for me here, we can set off to go back in less than three minutes!"

Homan rushed to deal with those dungeon bosses. Anyway, World Consciousness invited him to come here, and there is a high probability that he can help the invading aliens. Star creatures give the purpose of finishing.

It's just that Homan was not very interested before. He basically spent three days fishing and two days drying the net.

Fortunately, the world consciousness has been seriously injured and comatose, otherwise I am afraid that he will have to shake him to work every day.

Seeing Homan running out like a gust of wind, Lan Chin didn't stay idle, but bent down to pack the two suitcases.

However, Lan Qin did not put away the sheets and pillowcases that had been taken out for use.

After all, this bed may have lived in many dead people. Who knows if this motel will be cleaned regularly, so there is no need to take it.

With such a strong companion, Lanchin believes that he will have endless sheets and covers in the future.

Homan said it could be resolved in three minutes, but he really came back in two and a half minutes, and he was very active in taking both suitcases and backpacks. After all, these are clothes he bought for his wife, so it must be Take it back to the game center.

Just according to His observation (peeping), a wife is also needed.

Lan Qin took another look at the completely unused bathroom, and quietly followed his partner to leave.

In fact, Homan felt as if he had forgotten something important, but he couldn't remember it no matter how hard he tried, and seeing his wife was beside him, and followed him away very obediently, Homan couldn't remember anything else something happened.

Homan, who happily left this old motel, doesn't even know what he missed!

For his missed appointments, such as agreeing to take a bath with his partner, Lan Qin felt that he could not blame himself, after all, his partner didn't remember it.

And he just kept quiet obediently.

How could this be his fault?


Compared to the young couple who were already planning to go back to the game center to do something, the players of the other two teams were not in such a good mood. They waited in the room with trepidation, and only silently prayed that there would be no danger tonight.

Even if they heard the woman's screams and the sound of footsteps going downstairs one after another, they didn't dare to go out to check easily. After all, night was the time when the death happened, and if they were too curious, they would die early.

It's just that these players didn't expect at this time that after they spent the most dangerous first night of the dungeon in fear, they would face the situation of people leaving the building the next morning.

Although there were only these two teams of players left in the motel, they still didn't dare to walk around at will. They didn't dare to go to the back kitchen until they were hungry, and then they saw an extremely terrifying scene.

In the kitchen, except for a few thawed chickens, the other meats belong to human beings, such as half-cut thighs, human heads hung high, and various viscera discarded in the kitchen waste bin , and the countless human limbs in the freezer, these two teams of players were terrified, and the less timid players even vomited.

Judging from the almost complete thawed chickens, the chicken breasts that were cut out and fried are the chicken breasts, and the amount at most is enough to make two or three hamburgers.

But they all ate hamburgers yesterday, some even ate two!

No one can guarantee that what they eat is the two or three hamburgers made of chicken breast, so the number of people throwing up by the sink has increased a lot.

Just after vomiting, they still need to face the severe situation of how to clear the dungeon. Although they have all received the notification that the dungeon task is completed, the dungeon has not yet been cleared.

As for who completed the dungeon mission, after a little thought, they knew that they probably followed the missing guests. While thankful that someone completed the dungeon mission, the players who really had no clue couldn't help complaining about those who had already cleared the mission. Players who left didn't take them with them.

It's just a matter of saying a word, but it's really abominable to leave them in such a ruthless manner!

The two girls listened to Xu Wei swearing at the ruthlessness of the player who left first, and they just wanted to roll their eyes: If the big player hadn't completed the dungeon mission in one night, they might not have survived last night!

The human limbs they saw in the kitchen just now allowed them to understand the horror of this dungeon very accurately. From that tragic situation, they can know how dangerous the dungeon boss of this motel is.

Although they didn't realize what kind of role that Jenny got in it, just looking at the mission of the dungeon revolves around this Jenny and her lover, which means that the boss of the dungeon is either Jenny or Jenny's lover


Hearing what Jenny said that her fiancé had run away with Xiaosan, the dungeon boss is more likely to be Jenny who is still in the motel.

Thinking of this possibility, the two girls felt creepy, after all, they had talked face to face.

They tried desperately to recall whether they had ever said something that would make the dungeon boss unhappy, probably they didn't, otherwise they would have burped on the spot!

However, they seem to have brought up the sadness of the dungeon boss. If they think about it differently, if their fiancé puts doves on them at the wedding scene, and then the fiancé escapes with his mistress, they may not be able to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives! Thinking that Jenny might be the boss of the dungeon... Whether the fiancé and mistress are still alive is a mystery.

Maybe Jenny was planning to settle accounts with them at night, but no one expected that there would be a wolf extermination boss in the dungeon this time, and everything would be resolved with a single face-to-face meeting.

After checking the open-air parking lot and finding that only one car was missing, the two girls looked at each other, thinking that the way to clear the customs should be related to the car.

"If you want to link it with the dungeon name, does it mean that the road we came from is a dead end, and if we want to clear the dungeon and leave, we just want to find a way out?" The male player teamed up with two girls tried to use his brain to

think , but because it is just a newcomer, it is hard to think of what is the right path.

A girl frowned, thinking it was a bit easy, "Maybe it's the other way around? The road we came here is a dead end. If we want to find a way out, we have to drive forward? Or drive backward from the motel?" The four players looked at

me I see you, you both think that what each other said is very reasonable, so in the end they decided to try all these possibilities. If they can catch dead mice, they are considered lucky.

In order to ensure safety, they also specially checked the fuel tank of the car. After finding that it was probably enough for them to run two or three times, they started guessing and decided to take that route first.

The first route they chose was to drive backwards, but there was also a problem, that was how long they would drive backwards. After all, no one knows how far this road is.

"It took about half an hour for us to drive here. No matter whether we drive forward or backward, we should control it within half an hour in the end."

A girl suggested this, and the other three nodded in agreement.

Before driving away, the four discussed and decided to tell the other team about their plan, so that no matter whether their plan is correct or not, it can also provide a little help to other players.

Hearing that these four strange players were going to drive to find a way to clear the level, Xu Wei sneered, thinking that they were just messing around.

According to Xu Wei's way of thinking, the way to clear the level must be to drive around in this motel, maybe encounter other dungeon monsters, and die unexpectedly.

But thinking that the back kitchen only had a little food suitable for eating, Xu Wei was very satisfied with the fact that there were four less people competing with her team, so she smiled and wished these four people good luck.

The girl who was in charge of talking always felt that the big beauty's smile was a bit strange, but she didn't think too much about it. She just returned to her team quickly, and then got into the car with her teammates and set off.

At this time, Xu Wei and the others, who were happily watching the team of players leave, never imagined that during the half day they waited, this motel would actually be refreshed.

The refreshed dungeon has a new boss. Although the appearance is completely different from the previous Jenny, she is still a woman named 'Jenny', and the mission of the dungeon is to find her lover for Jenny.

As for the four players who Xu Wei and the others regarded as looking for death, they never came back.

No one knew whether the four players were killed in danger, or whether they had successfully cleared the level and left.


Lan Qin and his partner returned to the game center safely, he did think about the situation of those players who were left in the instance, but he just thought that he could not always provide help to those players, and he had to live until the world was successfully saved One day, you still have to rely on yourself.

Moreover, Homan has already

dealt with the high-risk bosses of the dungeon, as long as those players have some strength, they will not die in that dungeon.

Thinking of this, Lan Chin no longer focused on those players, but started to discuss with Homan how to save the world.

Homan's idea is that everything is fine, anyway, he can do whatever his wife wants him to do, and it is right to listen to his wife in everything.

Lan Chin: "..."

Although he did have some experience in saving the world, he has never experienced such a complicated struggle between high latitudes and low latitudes, especially if he is not careful, it may become The culprit for the destruction of the world.

This really made Lan Chin feel more stressed.

And after Homan successfully lay on his wife's bed, he was not at all enthusiastic about saving the world. After all, in his opinion, even if the planet was really destroyed, at worst he would take his wife back to his planet.

As Homan who owns several planets, he never lacks a place to sleep.

Of course, there is no shortage of places to have a sweet time with my wife.

But such a plan can't be told to his wife, otherwise his wife will have to blow his head off!

I don't know why, but He just has such a strange idea.

Touching his lovely head, he felt that he should cherish it.


Lanqin didn't have time to pay attention to his partner's weird thoughts, he called his partner's name, and it was only then that Homan realized that he hadn't told his wife his real name.

"My wife, my name is not Homan, but... but..." 'Homan' wrinkled his face in distress, trying to translate his name in human language, but he couldn't find a very good one. Good words, after struggling for a while, I finally decided on a word.

"My name should be Tianji, which is probably the same in human language. So my wife, you can call me Tianji. I randomly picked up the name Homan in the game center." Lan Qin heard his partner say that

he His name should be Tianji, and he wasn't surprised, because the villain's name, his partner, never appeared in the mission details.

But as long as it is a living being, it must have a name or pronoun.

"Tianji, what should we do to save this planet?"

Lan Qin asked patiently, and Tianji was delighted to hear his wife calling his name.

Of course, after enjoying yourself, you have to start thinking about how to save the world quickly.

"In fact, a method like world awareness can also save the world very well. As long as there are human beings who continue to enter "Please Close Your Eyes in the Dark", then this infinite world will not collapse. As long as this false game world does not collapse, then There won't be any problems in the real world."

Tianji said this, but he also knew that Lan Qin would definitely not be satisfied with this solution, after all, the chances of clearing the level for human players after entering the dungeon is really not high, and the death rate is also high.

According to the rules of human beings, it takes at least eighteen years for a person to grow from a baby to the age of being able to download dungeons. In addition, it takes ten months for human reproduction. In the long run, human beings will definitely be defeated.

Moreover, Tianji also knows from the world consciousness that if human beings know that there are alien species invading their world, many people may actively resist without fear of death, but there will also be human beings who choose to become traitors and sell the whole world to aliens Species, only to preserve their own lives.

According to the development history of human beings, this is indeed what is very likely to happen.

This is also the reason why the world consciousness has never thought of confessing everything to human beings.

After all, what the world consciousness wants is a helper, not a drag.

Like now, let humans directly enter the inner world to become players. If you don't want to die, you must stop the indiscriminate killing of the dungeon boss, and kill the dungeon boss to complete the level. From the perspective of the world consciousness, this is the best way to motivate humans to resist.

As an outsider, Tianji has no objection to this way of world consciousness.

It's not His world anyway, and what the future looks like has

nothing to do .

But now that he has a wife, since this planet is his wife's home planet, he must give him a little help.

Regardless of whether this little help is useful or not, at least he has to express his opinion.

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