3.4: Love and Hate

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Lanqin successfully reunited with his partner, while on the other side, Because of the unexplained disappearance of the Holy Son, the Holy See, which needed to stabilize the mood of the people, quickly selected a new Holy Son, and held the ordination ceremony within three days.

Among them, Jody, who claims to be the Demon King of the Abyss, is of course vigorously promoting it, because he has conspired against the human world for hundreds of years, and he has gradually arranged many subordinates in the human world, even within the Holy See. The plan went smoothly.

Generally speaking, the selection of the Holy Son is from among the five or six-year-old children, but because this year's Holy Son is still young, and the disappearance is too strange, it is probably impossible to re-select.

As a result, a group of seventeen or eighteen-year-old saints who had a good affinity with the Holy Light were recommended by the Holy See, and Arthur was one of them.

When Arthur found out that he was actually reborn, he had already been successfully selected as the new Son.

With the memory of his previous life, he knew very well that the most powerful holy son in the history of the Holy See had been killed, and the murderer was probably his former lover... This was undoubtedly the most painful point for Arthur.

Thinking of this, Arthur's eyes flashed with extreme pain. He would rather die by himself than let the Holy Son die. After all, the strength of the three of them cannot be compared to that of the Holy Son.

If neither the Holy Son nor the Pope had been killed, the human race would not have lost ground in the battle with the devil.

Arthur made some plans in his heart, and he made up his mind to save the Pope-the Holy See had already lost the Holy Son, and it was absolutely impossible to lose the Pope again.

Otherwise, without the restraining demon army, they would definitely invade the main human city immediately, slaughtering and abusing all human beings without restraint.

Arthur recalled the horrible and cruel scenes he saw in his last life. Those hideous demons could bite off a person's entire head in one bite, or tear off a thigh and two arms of an ordinary human with a random pull, and some even A demon who likes lust and pleasure not only abuses and kills human beings, but also rapes and prostitutes before killing them...

Such a terrifying scene that would turn into a nightmare at a glance, but it is the daily life of an abyss demon. After Di Lao went to the abyss, he has been seeing such a hell-like scene of demons dancing wildly.

If it weren't for the idea of ​​not letting go of the people, Arthur felt that he would not be able to live a day.

But there were far more things that made Arthur collapse even more. The fact that his former lover, Jody, was a vagabond in love directly collapsed Arthur's belief that he had insisted on for seventeen years.

Especially those lovers raised by Jody in the palace would run over to show off to him unscrupulously, and tear off the already thin clothes to let Arthur see the devil's love for them in every possible way.

Looking at those mottled red marks that were almost obscene, and even bruises, even Arthur, who knew nothing about sex, could see how intense their previous experiences were.

And even if Arthur can't understand, those seductive lovers who are so beautiful that it's hard to distinguish between men and women will still explain in soft voices while pointing at the love marks with their fingers.

Arthur heard the two succubi vividly say that the red mark was kissed by His Majesty the Demon King, and the blue and purple mark was drawn out by His Majesty the Demon King with a whip on the bed... not to mention that there are some aspects of

it The succubus who are the most relaxed, they have no lower limit, they still say that they are looking forward to Arthur's joining with full of temptation.

And the joining of the holy son of the Holy See must be an extremely interesting thing.

"...After all, although His Majesty the Demon King dotes on our brothers and sisters, because His Majesty the Demon King is too powerful, we can't bear it, so we can only let the other demons or humans serve together..."

"I think that although Lord Shengzi has become a bereaved dog now, and the Holy See has long since passed away, the strength of Lord Shengzi should be there. He can definitely serve His Majesty the Demon King for most of the night. As for the rest of the time, that is by We came to do it for you..."

"Your Majesty the Demon King has countless pets, but he has never had the Holy See. After all, I heard that the Holy See is very concerned about the chastity of the saints. If you lose your chastity, it will reduce your perception of the holy light." The degree of tolerance and tolerance, but Lord Shengzi looks very

peaceful , and I don't know if Shengzi will occasionally think of those of his kind who are used as food or pets, and will he feel pain? After all, their wailing sounds are so Sir, you shouldn't be able to hear it..." "

Your Majesty the Demon King is indeed very powerful. This is the first time you play with the saints of the Holy See, and you are as good as Master Shengzi. We are all looking forward to Master Shengzi. Maybe His Majesty the Demon King will be in a good mood when the time comes, and we can also taste the deliciousness of Lord Shengzi..." "..." The voices of the succubus


and sisters were seductive and full of temptation, and the eyes were full of temptation. It was full of anticipation, as if he really wanted to see how Arthur, the Holy Son, would deal with himself then.

Arthur had been forced to listen to such unpleasant words after he was taken captive, and at the same time there were other people's wailing.

Such a situation made Arthur feel like he was in hell all the time. He just wanted to break Jody's seal on the palace and rush out to kill all those disgusting demons!

If possible, he would most like to kill Jody Tracy who had been lying to him first.

But until the final death came, Arthur failed to get out of this cage.

This palace successfully trapped Arthur for a lifetime.

Arthur has nothing but a disgusting attitude towards his former lover.

In Arthur's simple concept, both love and marriage are sacred, they must be loyal and unique, and they cannot be so promiscuous.

Because this is tarnishing love and insulting marriage.

After learning that his former lover Jody turned out to be a wandering devil, Arthur felt extremely disgusted.

As long as he thought of kissing his lips, stroking his hands, and looking at his affectionate eyes, and everything about this devil, who had given countless lovers before him, Arthur felt dirty and nausea.

This was simply the most unbearable thing, and it made Arthur feel unacceptable.

Arthur woke up from the memories, but what happened to him still left him with lingering fears and even pain.

If Jody really dared to appear in front of him now, he must be risking being killed, and he would kill Jody too!

Arthur closed his eyes, and then got up to look for the Pope, because he also went to the battlefield in his last life, so he probably knew about the traitors belonging to the devil in the Holy See.

He must win the trust of the Pope as soon as possible, and then reveal the true identities of those people as soon as possible.


the other side, Jody Tracy, who is in the palace above the abyss, is also hesitant. Although he has controlled everything, he has helped his most beloved person to the second most important position in the Holy See .

But the reborn Abyss Demon King is also reflecting on himself. At least he feels that there are two things that are more important than unifying the two worlds of humans and demons. And how to find a balance between unifying the two worlds and winning the sincerity of your lover.

Jody is naturally extremely unwilling to die. While he is very afraid that the Lord of the Abyss will suddenly appear, he is also ambitious to realize the ideal of unifying the human world and the demon world. He wants to be the master of the world.

But he also knew that although his strength was strong, it was still not enough to defeat the abyss master. So after realizing that he was actually reborn, he immediately planned to lure the holy son of the Holy See of the human race, 'Lan Qin', into the abyss, and let the holy son with the most powerful holy light power weaken the power of the ruler of the abyss.

But at this time, the Jodi Demon King never expected, but he did not expect that the holy son of the Holy See of the human race would actually see each other with the Lord of the Abyss, and they both fell in love.

Jody felt that it was impossible for him to give up the unification of the two worlds. After all, this was his lifelong ideal, not to mention that he succeeded in his last life. Although he died innocently at the hands of the abyss master in the end, he never wavered in his ideal.

But at the same time, he also really wanted to gain the sincerity of his lover. In his last life, he was treated coldly by his lover Arthur for so long, so he could only be busy with the affairs of the two worlds every day, and occasionally use wine to drown his sorrows and make up for the emptiness and love in his heart. pain.

Fortunately, she was reborn in this life, and Jody decided to achieve both career and love.

I think so, but it is very difficult to take specific actions. At least Arthur is very clear about the character and behavior of his lover Arthur. If Arthur knows that he is plotting against the human world, he is still the abyss demon king who killed countless saints. It was the first time they met, they would not save him, but directly stabbed him to death with a long sword.

The Abyss Demon King recalled the warm and alone time when he was rescued by his lover, and he couldn't help showing a warm smile of nostalgia on his face.

And such a smile made the succubi who were accompanying them look at each other and think that His Majesty the Demon King seems to be in a good mood today, but showing such a smile is really a bit too weird.

However, they were just lowly demons who depended on His Majesty the Demon King for their survival. How could they dare to judge His Majesty the Demon King's expression and behavior, so they had to lower their heads and pretended not to see them.

But the succubus brothers and sisters nestling between the demon king's legs are a little bit arrogant. One is gently stroking the demon king's strong legs with soft and white hands, and the other is sticking his seductive and beautiful face on the devil's red face. On his bare chest, he smiled and asked His Majesty the Demon King what happy things he was thinking just now.

But His Majesty the Demon King didn't tease them like before, but directly raised his hand to brush them aside, then got up and left.

The succubus brothers and sisters who were treated coldly for the first time felt very surprised, but thought that maybe His Majesty the Demon King might have other pets outside, that's why they were so cold, so they didn't panic too much.

After all, this is not something that has never happened before.

If His Majesty the Demon King really likes it, he'll just 'steal' it outside for a while, and then bring it back to the palace for placement; if he gets tired of playing and doesn't like it, he'll just treat it as a one-night stand and let it go.

So they don't need to panic too much.

The succubus brothers and sisters and the other succubi present can be said to be in a relationship of competition and cooperation. Now that everyone is being treated coldly, they didn't make fun of each other. Instead, they decided to wait for a few days and see what happened to His Majesty the Demon King. .

But the succubi, who were not in a panic at this time, never expected that they would wait until they were ordered to regain their freedom and were forced to move out of the palace.

At that time, many pets knew that their majesty the Demon King had probably found a true love, and that true love was probably the master who couldn't rub the sand in his eyes.

This is unprecedented among the demons whose style is so open that it can open the eyes of human beings. It directly surprised the demons and talked about who is so powerful, who can actually take His Majesty the Demon King who loves to play multi-monster sports most!

But this all happened later. At this time, Jody Demon King was still thinking about whether to get rid of his pets. After all, demons have always been a species of lust and indulgence. It will be a long time before he comes down and brings his lover Arthur here. If he sends away all his pets at this time, what should he do when his lust is overwhelmed?

Moreover, his lover Arthur is of mediocre strength, and it is impossible for him to withstand his demands for a long time. If he really sends out all his pets, then his lover will be confined in lust for the rest of his life.

Jody knows how strong her lover Arthur is, and it is impossible for her to be bound by her side all her life. Because of his deep love for Arthur, even if he really wants his lover to be by his side all the time, Jody doesn't want Arthur to feel pain for it.

Based on this, Jody temporarily suppressed his desire to send his beloved pet away immediately, and instead turned to thinking about how to get closer to his lover Arthur.

Jody is very clear that the Holy See needs to keep chastity, and the doctrine requires that the Holy See must never lose their virginity. If he wants to have a further relationship with his lover Arthur, he must win Arthur's heart first.

And Jody Tracy, as a very famous vagabond and demon king, and countless pet lovers, naturally knows how to capture a hot and passionate heart.

But for the love of this life, Jody still wants to be more prepared, not to be foolproof.

As for the current Arthur, he doesn't know that Jody, the devil, still has such disgusting thoughts, otherwise he must put aside the affairs of the Holy See and go directly to kill Jody, a disgusting guy.

--Lan Qin didn't know anything about the relationship

between the protagonist's attack

and the subject , because he was busy with how to lure the Lord of the Abyss out of the abyss.

However, Lan Qin thinks this is not abduction, after all, it is a gratification involving true love, how can it be called abduction?

Lan Qin thought so while rubbing his chin, and then held the arm of the Lord of the Abyss, Wu Miao.

He discovered that his partner in this world seems to be very restrained and shy. If he didn't hold his partner's arm, he might turn back into a black mist now, making him unable to see or touch it.

From the details of the extremely simple task, Lan Chin didn't know why being the master of the abyss who was a mass of black mist was because nothing ever came out of the abyss. With the twisting gray tentacles, he had other thoughts in his mind.

Maybe it's because the prototype of the Lord of the Abyss cannot be seen by other creatures? Or maybe his partner simply doesn't want to go out, after all, he knows his partner's temperament very well.

For example, in the previous two mission worlds, both Li Yan and Lu Xingzhi didn't like contact with others, and wished they could find a place in the wild mountains and take him to live an isolated life.

And that was apparently the case in the end.

Lanchin has little thought about being able to connect with others, and enjoys alone time with her partner.

This time, regardless of whether he is the holy son of the Holy See or an ordinary human being, Lan Qin does not want the human world to fall.

After all, judging from the details of the mission, if the human world is really defeated by the devil, it must be a good life every day, and it can even be said that it is in hell all the time.

Lan Qin decided to take his due responsibilities, but at the same time he didn't want to give up the time alone with his partner. If his partner really couldn't get out of the abyss, then he could only rush back to the Holy See as soon as possible, and then make a quick decision and try his best Efforts to come back.

It's just that Lan Qin is always worried that his partner will get into the corner, for example, if he has any grievances in his heart, he is unwilling to tell him.

In fact, the Lord of the Abyss didn't really want to leave the Abyss, but he felt that there was nothing interesting in the outside world, and instead it was extremely dirty and noisy, which made him displeased even when he saw it or heard it.

In order to prevent himself from destroying the dirty world in his irritability, the Lord of the Abyss never tried to get out of the abyss again, but chose to sleep, turning a blind eye to everything about demons and humans only eye.

In addition, even if there are other creatures who look at the archetype of the Lord of the Abyss, they will be assimilated and become delirious lunatics.

The Lord of the Abyss avoided Lan Qin before because he was worried about this.

But when he found out that Lan Qin was not affected, and had a very bright and beautiful soul, the Lord of the Abyss became curious about this incredibly beautiful young man.

Changing into a human form was just an act made by the Lord of the Abyss without knowing why, but after being awakened and embraced, His tolerance for Lan Qin became more lenient.

The Lord of the Abyss knew that Lanqin must know a little bit about his identity, and after exchanging names and identities with each other, and knowing that Lanqin was still a member of the so-called God of Light, the Lord of the Abyss, who claimed to be Wumu, praised him in his heart .

No wonder Lan Qin looked so noble and inviolable. It turned out that he was the Holy Son of the Holy See.

Naturally, I have heard about the Lord of the Abyss of the Holy See. After all, this is something that has existed for thousands of years. It is just that the Lord of the Abyss had no image of the Holy See before, but now he is fascinated by a holy son.

In fact, knowing that Lanqin is the holy son of the Holy See, Wu Miao also understood some things, such as how Lanqin passed through countless demon defense lines, and then came to the place where he was sleeping.

In order to meet him, Lan Qin must have faced countless evil demons and experienced many dangers.

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Abyss looked at Lan Qin with even more distressed tenderness.

This must be his lover, otherwise everything wouldn't be such a coincidence!

The Lord of the Abyss thought so, and then he was going to take Lan Qin out of this dark and dark abyss.

Human beings are not suitable for living in such a place for too long, and the Lord of the Abyss still knows this in this regard


Entering this darker place, it turned out that Lan Chin wanted to get rid of the demons frantically rushing around, because only this place is where the demons dare not approach.

Before Lan Qin jumped directly, he didn't have much confidence in waking up the sleeping Lord of the Abyss.

But fortunately, this is indeed his partner.

The first time he saw the Lord of the Abyss, Lan Qin also guessed that this was his partner.

In fact, Lan Qin really wanted to let nature take its course and stay with his partner, but at this time the Holy See had confirmed the death of the Holy Son, and after a day of mourning, let the protagonist accept Arthur as the new Holy Son.

Although there is a conspiracy by the protagonist to attack Jody Tracy, it just shows that the human world is really dangerous.

The Holy See is the first line of defense to guard the human world, and it is also the most important line of defense.

If there is a problem with the Holy See, then the defeat of the human world is a matter of time.

Lan Qin knew that if he wanted to stay with Wu Miao until the end of his life, he had to ensure the development and stability of the mission world. If the mission world collapsed, he would be excluded as a missioner immediately.

To ensure the stability of the mission world, the survival of the protagonist of the mission world and the peaceful development of the mission world are the two most important factors.

The original task details 'Lan Chin', the holy son, died in battle. At that time, the protagonist, Arthur, became the new holy son. Although the former holy son died at that time, at least the pope was still there.

Because of the presence of the pope, even though it was very difficult for the human world to fight against the army of demons, they did not retreat steadily. But later the protagonist Gong killed the pope by virtue of the protagonist Shou Arthur's pure and kind character, and the human race lost to the demon race. treated as captives and slaves.

And just when the protagonist was full of ambition, the villain of the Lord of the Abyss appeared, and as soon as he met him, he instantly killed the protagonist who was happy together.

I just don't know why, the passer-by Saint Son was killed by the protagonist Jody Tracy in advance, and then the Pope was also assassinated, and the defeat of the human world was accelerated, directly causing the mission world to collapse.

That's why Lan Qin came over to perform the task of playing the role of passerby.

Although from the details of this task, it is impossible to see that his identity as a passer-by is of much use, but Lan Qin is still very dedicated.

Lan Qin obediently followed Wu Miao in the abyss to leave the abyss. He didn't see half of the demons along the way, which was completely different from the scene when he entered the abyss.

And the Lord of the Abyss, who entered into love for the first time, directly regards Lan Qin as his own unique and unparalleled treasure. He listens to what Lan Qin says and gives Lan Qin what he wants. , I'm afraid it will melt if I put it in my mouth, it's like seeing it as an eyeball.

Those demons who sneaked and hid far, far away in order to survive, couldn't help but stared curiously, and were stunned.

He even doubted the identity of the Lord of the Abyss.

Could this really be the master of the abyss who can kill all directions with just a wave of his hand? Now it looks like this, can't it be purified by the holy light? !

Although it is very difficult to purify the huge body of the abyss master, it should be possible to purify a head, otherwise the abyss master would not have such a broken head!

The demons turned a lot of thoughts in their hearts, and finally came to such an outrageous but not bizarre conclusion.

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