6.13: Female Doctor

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Anxi Kaimei knows that the director will often come down to discuss with Dr. Lanchin Important things, so even if you are asking questions from Dr. Lan Chin, you still have to keep your eyes open and your ears listening to all directions, for fear of missing the perfect opportunity to leave before the director arrives.

When he heard movement outside the laboratory, Anxi Kaimei said with a serious expression that he still had something to deal with in the laboratory, and he would stay soon.

"However, I will seriously consider Dr. Lanchin's proposal to sterilize that little monster." After Ansi Kaimei finished speaking, she was worried that Dr. Lanchin would think that she did not accept his opinion, so she hurriedly He added, "If it is observed that there is no need for that little monster to leave offspring, I will try to sterilize it."

Dr. Lan Chin nodded with a serious expression on his face, as if he was concerned about whether Anxi Kaimei would give his hands The matter of neutering the monsters down there wasn't too interesting.

But in fact, Lan Qin is very much looking forward to this happening. The heroine of the mission world sterilized the male protagonist, which sounds very interesting.

Tsk, it's a pity that for the sake of his personality, he can't urge the heroine Anxi Kaimei to give that monster Hill a ruthless hand. He can only give opinions from the side.

But if the heroine is really determined to sterilize the hero, he will definitely find an excuse to visit, after all, this is not a very common thing.

Not to be missed.

"Dr. Lanqin, then I'll leave first, and I won't disturb the academic exchange between you and the director."

Anxi Kaimei finished speaking with a serious expression, and immediately left as if oiling the soles of his feet, leaving only Lanqin in the There was laughter in the laboratory.

There is no serious academic exchange between them, I am afraid that there is only a certain aspect of technical exchange.

But Lan Chin didn't reject doing this kind of thing, on the contrary, he thought it was very good. Probably because someone had something to hide from him, and he didn't reveal his true identity, so he only dared to lick a few mouthfuls around him.

In Lan Chin's view, the method of not exhausting all his strength is completely bearable.

"Modi, you stay in the laboratory to observe the changes of the two new samples in person, and I will receive it by the director alone."

Lan Chin told his assistant Modi, and then tidied up the clothes on his body . White protective clothing, make sure it still looks good before taking off the goggles.

When Lan Qin walked out of the laboratory, Fu Zhizhang just walked in.

He was very concerned about seeing a female doctor in the laboratory, and he pretended not to care too much. By the way, "Why did that Dr. Ansi Kaimei come to you suddenly? I remember Dr. Lanchin, you and her The research directions are not the same, right?"

One studies biological genetics, and the other studies biological gene mutations. In fact, they are similar in essence, and the Ph.D. In fact, it is also for better division of labor and cooperation.

"I also dabbled in biological genetics. Dr. Kaimei didn't understand some things, so he came to ask me some questions. And I also showed her my experimental method by the way. Dr. Kaimei, who was inspired, naturally immediately Go back and start a new experiment."

Lan Qin answered simply, then squinted at Fu Zhizhang, and joked, "If you want to say who visits my laboratory the most, it has to be you, the director. Now who doesn't know that I'm already on the 29th floor? Is it your second office, Director?"

Fu Zhizhang: "..."

What's wrong with being a little guilty? In fact, he didn't come down many times, did he? After all, the sweetheart has no time to go up to find him, so he must come down to find the sweetheart! Otherwise, the new couple didn't have enough time to get along, and if there was some emotional rift, Fu Zhizhang felt that he could cry to death!

And now that the iron tree is finally blooming, although he may be complained that the old house is on fire, he still has to take good care of his little master!

Don't think he doesn't know that there are many people in the No. 13 Research Institute and even the No. 13 Base who are coveting the beauty of his sweetheart, waiting to dig his corner with a hoe.

If it wasn't for the fact that his sweetheart felt that the relationship between them hadn't fully stabilized, so he didn't want to make it public for now, he felt that he would be able to stay in

focus with Lan Qin and Meng Meng, and stick together every day, just like a pair of conjoined twins!

Lan Qin originally wanted to reach out to grab Fu Zhizhang's hand, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he found that there was a person behind his partner, and he took a closer look and it happened to be his partner's subordinate Zhang Shibin.

Now Lan Qin's expression was not right. He knew from his assistant Modi that there was a rogue subordinate on the director's side who had been sexually harassing him, but because of the director's prestige, Modi didn't dare to refuse.

Although Lan Qin felt that Modi's blushing appearance did not seem to dislike Zhang Shibin's surrounding him, but now that he saw someone, as Modi's boss, Lan Qin still had to say a few words.

After all, he was his right-hand man, so he couldn't help him at all.

"My assistant, Modi, was sent out by me to handle some errands. If you, my subordinate, came to look for my assistant, it might be a bit of a coincidence." Before Fu Zhizhang could speak,

Zhang Shibin couldn't help showing disappointment on his face. He even wanted to see with his own eyes if there was no Modi in the laboratory.

When he met Dr. Lanchin's polite expression with a smile on his face, he scratched his head in embarrassment, and then apologized to Dr. Lanchin very embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Dr. Lanchin. I believe what you mean, that is, that is, I am a little anxious, I have something important to tell Modi today, why is it so unfortunate hahaha!" Lan

Qin: "..."

Doesn't this big man want to confess his love to Modi? Although the base did not oppose gay marriage and love because of the world crisis, it did not agree with it.

After all, there will always be a shortage of people in the base, and heterosexual marriages are more respected than same-sex marriages. The base has also released various policies, that is, marriage and love relationships between the same sex need to pay a certain amount of contribution value regularly, while marriage and love relationships between the opposite sex are rewarded with a certain amount of contribution value.

Therefore, in the major human bases, same-sex marriage and love relationships are still relatively rare.

Because the contribution value can only be obtained through work, and it is used to pay for food, clothing, housing and transportation to barely maintain expenses, so where is the extra contribution value used to fall in love?

Of course, it's just an ordinary relationship, the base is still willing to turn a blind eye, but if you want to get married, it's a bit difficult.

Lan Qin is not worried about the relationship between himself and his partner, after all, neither he nor his partner is short of a little contribution value.

It's just that if the threat of monsters to human life is not solved for a day, he just doesn't feel safe. He always feels that the protective gate of No. 13 base will be broken down by the monster army in the next second.

And this is actually Anxi Kaimei's biggest worry. Lanqin knew about the fall of Base 13 from the mission details, but she witnessed it with her own eyes.

The protective gates of the 13th base have three floors. When all of them are breached, cruel massacres will take place on each floor. Anxi Kaimei can't forget the screams and cries of his compatriots. That's the monster Hill Caused!

Ansi Kemei hated the unknown monster who manipulated her body, but she hated the monster Hill even more.

She was obviously the monster's savior, and it was she who healed the serious injuries inside and outside its body, but what she got in the end was the destruction of her life and the tragic death of her compatriots.

This is something Anxi Kemei absolutely cannot accept!

It's just that she also knows very well that if she wants to talk about conscience, morality and repayment to a monster, it's completely like talking with a duck. Rather than wasting all this time and energy, it's better to take advantage of this little monster's weak infancy and kill it directly!

However, Anxi Kaimei also understands how important the research value of this little monster is, so she will not kill it for the time being. After all, many future research results of their base have to be obtained from this monster.

She will play well with it until it squeezes out its full value.

Anxi Kaimei thought so, and when she returned to her laboratory, she put on an innocent and kind face-this is the appearance that can most paralyze the little monster. It seems that as long as she stays in this state, the The head monster will become more docile and obedient.

And the confidence that supported Ansi Kaimei to tell such a big lie was the survival of Dr. Lanchin and the parasitic monster that had been imprisoned.

If nothing else happened, the parasitic monster would have been thoroughly dissected and thoroughly researched long ago.

What I said in front of Dr. Lanqin before, I just didn't want Dr. Lanqin to think that she was a woman who could cruelly kill a weak monster, but when she returned to the laboratory alone, she had already decided Good time to sterilize this little monster.

Anxi Kaimei knew the ambition of this monster Hill, which was to destroy all human bases and become the king of monsters, but it seemed that there was already a king inside the monster, so the ambitious monster Hill wanted to use Their No. 13 base made a record.

The tragic death of countless people was just a monster's trial to become a king. This fact made Anxi Kaimei feel surprisingly angry!

If she hadn't been sane, she would have given this monster a series of fatal stabs.

But don't worry now, anyway, she will definitely stab her when she is sterilized later.

Regarding the fact that she was killed in her previous life, Anxi Kaimei was very open. After all, as a marginal figure in the base, it was normal for her not to know that Base 13 still had secret weapons.

And that kind of ability riot that can destroy all monsters must be used at the most dangerous time, after all, it is a powerful weapon that no one will survive after using it.

With a gentle smile in his eyes, Anxi Kaimei put on the protective clothing and goggles, and after a thorough disinfection, he entered the laboratory to check the situation of the monster Hill.

"How are you today, little guy? Are you more energetic?"

Anxi Kaimei gently stretched out her gloved hand to caress Hill's ears. If you don't look at the dark color and sharp roots This little monster looks like a weak and harmless rabbit.

Especially the long drooping ears, which are different from other monsters in their ferocity and terror.

It's just that after being reborn, Anxi Kaimei, who had seen the steel-toothed man-eating rabbit swelled to five times its size, didn't find it cute at all. Even if it wasn't for the fact that this monster rabbit was still useful, she could have pinched it with her bare hands on the spot. kill it.

Never pity a monster, this is the first sentence that all human bases want everyone to remember when cultivating talents.

No matter how harmless the monster looks, they all like to eat people in essence, because human flesh and blood are like drugs to them.

It can be ironically said that human beings are like special food for monsters.

And the monster Hill who was gently stroked comfortably squinted its bright red eyes that seemed to bleed blood, and uttered a "chi chi chi chi" sound, as if urging the master to give it more. caress.

Anxi Kaimei listened to this familiar coquettish voice, but she no longer felt cute in her previous life. Her eyes were full of coldness, but there was still a smile on her face.

"Good rabbit, don't worry... I'll continue to touch your fur after the third tube of blood is drawn."

Anxi Kaimei was stroking the abdomen of the monster rabbit while talking, and then signaled to the assistant beside him to be responsible for drawing blood.

As an assistant, the researcher didn't look down on the monster rabbit at all. Even though the monster was very docile and seemed more harmless under Dr. Anxi's comfort, she was still very vigilant during the whole process of drawing blood.

After all, it's not like they didn't paralyze the researchers with a docile state, and waited for them to relax their vigilance before biting them - even if they had serum to block the infection of the monster virus, it was only a 90% probability.

If you don't want to become a monster, you still have to be vigilant against the backbites of these monsters all the time.

Of course, she did not fail to remind Dr. Ansi Kaimei of such a bold behavior, but after being rejected, she learned to shut up.

But she doesn't have the guts of a doctor, so it's no wonder that she can only be an ordinary assistant, while Ansi Kaimei is a doctor.

Being drawn blood is obviously very painful for monsters. After all, blood is the source of power for monsters. Being drawn out like this

is something that no monster can adapt to and endure.

But in order to win the trust of this human female doctor, it can only endure it!

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