1.12: Caught

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The villagers of Shiling Village still caught up with the four of them, and the more terrifying However, when the vision of the four people was blocked by the night, those villagers were able to move quickly in the forest, as if their vision was not hindered at all.

"You must run separately, or everyone will be caught."

"Run separately! Separately-!"

Qin Ziwei spoke first, and Xu Yi also shouted in panic. Although Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang were killed before, But the current situation is that it is better to run separately, otherwise it will be the worst thing if they are really caught in one pot.

Lan Qin felt that running separately would only make the danger more uncontrollable, so he called Yang Jian and wanted to run together.

But Yang Jian was also terrified. As a witness to the tragedy, he would be more afraid of being caught by those villagers than others-for a fat living person like him, being caught must be the fattest food !

This is the same reason that he likes to catch the fattest big fish when fishing. Those villagers must also want to catch him the most.

Yang Jian was thinking like this, when he heard Xu Yi yelling 'run away', he really didn't want to hurt Lan Qin, so he randomly chose the nearest direction to escape, just thinking that he could lure some villagers away.

Even if he couldn't leave Shiling Village safely, he couldn't harm Lan Qin.

Lan Qin didn't have time to stop and look, but when he ran for a certain distance, there was only a black cat by his side, and it was clear that Yang Jian ran away from him.

He wasn't worried about Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi. After all, the protagonist was the protagonist. If everyone else died, the protagonist might not be injured.

The cat nestled obediently in Lanqin's arms and stopped crying.

Lan Qin didn't pay attention to the situation of a cat. He could clearly hear the hurried footsteps coming from behind him or even around him. It was the villagers who came to chase him.

"Lan Chin..."

"Lan Chin! The forest at night is not safe, come out and go back with us! Don't be afraid, don't run, we won't hurt you!" "Lan Chin, did you hear that


Panting anxious voices came from Lan Qin's surroundings, directly setting off the eerie mountain forest that was already dark because of the darkness, making one's heart chill.

Lan Qin could accurately recognize the voices of Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin, brothers and sisters. Although the tone was full of worry, Lan Qin never trusted them.

Maybe they guessed something from Lan Qin's silence. The Chen Hujin brothers and sisters behind did not speak any more, but directly accelerated to chase. I will show mercy.

So if they really wanted to capture Lan Qin, they might as well let them do it themselves, so that at least they would know the severity of the kidnapping.

"Lan Qin, you can't escape this Qin Shiling, no one can leave here alive..."

When Chen Hujin's voice came again, Lan Qin had already run a long distance, he would not be so easy He was caught without a fight.

I don't know how long this running and chasing lasted. Lan Qin heard the voice behind him again, it was Chen Hujin telling him the bad news: the three of Yang Jian who ran separately were caught!

Chen Hujin said that if Lan Qin didn't stop running away immediately, Yang Jian and the other three people would be hacked to death on the spot.

Lan Qin naturally does not believe that the two protagonists will really be hacked to death, but the safety of Yang Jian cannot be ignored-Yang Jian has no halo of the protagonist, if those villagers really want to attack Yang Jian, then Yang Jian Just die for real.

Thinking of this, Lan Qin stopped running away, and instead of continuing to run forward, he put down the cat in his arms and pushed it away.

"Cat run, don't stay here."

Lan Qin touched the cat's back with some reluctance, and the gentle voice told the little cat to leave this dangerous place quickly. Those villagers even eat living people, so they will only be more cruel and merciless to this live cat.

He didn't want the cat to die, so he could only hurry up and drive the kitten away.

"It's dangerous here, you can't stay here, you have to get out of here quickly, you know?" The little cat didn't know if it understood Lan Qin's words, but just rubbed the back of Lan Qin's hand

with its fluffy head, meow

Miao Miao acted coquettishly for a while, and then disappeared into the dark forest with a few quick movements.

Lan Qin silently watched the cat leave, and the villagers who were chasing after him quickly surrounded him, and then they took the rope two or three times to tie Lan Qin up, but they were met by Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin. opposition.

There was objection from the village head's two children, and it was confirmed that this was the bride who was worshiped by ghosts and gods this year. The villagers did not insist, but blocked Lanqin's escape route as numbly and indifferently as marionettes.

"Lan Qin..."

Chen Hujin shouted, with an incomprehensible expression on his face. He was in a very complicated mood at the moment. He wanted Lan Qin to escape from Qin Shiling just like this, but he was also reluctant to let Lan Qin leave.

Not to mention that there is a more realistic problem, that is, Lan Qin will never be able to get out of Qin Shiling alone.

Qinshiling has a vast land and few people, and the mountains are dangerous and complicated. In addition, it is surrounded by miasma and fog all year round. It is obviously very dangerous for a large living person to walk around outside.

Chen Huyin was very worried about Lan Qin's safety, and when she finally found Lan Qin, she reached out and wanted to hold Lan Qin's hand without thinking too much, but Lan Qin avoided it.

Even in the dark night, Chen Huyin could still clearly see the silent and indifferent expression on Lan Qin's face, which made Chen Huyin feel very bad.

Before finding out that Lan Qin was not in Shiling Village, Lan Qin was still very friendly to them. Now Lan Qin has completely changed his appearance, and it will only be related to the two outsiders who were killed.

Chen Huyin recalled the piece of fresh flesh and blood that she wolfed down into her stomach, and the delicious taste with a strong bloody smell still lingered in her throat. Facing Lan Qin at this time, she suddenly felt ashamed. Feel.

Chen Hujin also sensed a certain ominous fact from Lan Qin's sudden escape from Shiling Village and Lan Qin's avoidance of them, that is, Lan Qin must have known the secret of Shiling Village-or even knew the secret of Shiling Village. They can eat human flesh and drink human blood.

Lan Qin was brought back to Shiling Village. Compared with the situation where he was still able to leave by himself, Yang Jian, Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi who were almost tied up by five flowers looked much more embarrassed.

The four people were locked in the Chen's ancestral hall. This place is surrounded by high walls, and there are a lot of villagers closely watching them. This is completely difficult to fly.

On the second day, before dawn, the village head brought a group of villagers to take Lan Qin away. Yang Jian yelled Lan Qin's name frantically, but no one paid any attention to him.

Lan Qin was not in a hurry, but followed obediently.

The village chief looked at Lan Qin with serious and gloomy eyes, and was a little surprised at Lan Qin's calmness, but since this person would soon be sacrificed to ghosts and gods, there was no need to pay much attention to it.

The bride of ghosts and gods was taken down to wash and dress up, and the other three 'livestock' used as living sacrifices were also dragged away together.

It's just that compared to the ghost bride who is still treated with care, what Yang Jian and the three received was rough treatment. They poured a few large basins of cold water on them, rinsed them very roughly, and then dragged them to the Baigui River like a dead dog. side.

During this process, Yang Jian always felt dizzy, but Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi knew better.

When Qin Ziwei saw Lan Qin's appearance for the first time, he knew that this was the best candidate for the bride of ghosts and gods.

As for why Lan Qin was not selected in the last life, but died directly, Qin Ziwei thinks that Lan Qin may have died unexpectedly before the ghost sacrifice began, otherwise, with Lan Qin around, the matter of the ghost bride would not fall to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi also guessed this way, he didn't know what happened to Lan Qin in his last life, let alone what happened to Lan Qin.

It's just that now he has an encounter with her boyfriend Ziwei, instead of participating in the sacrifice as a bride of ghosts and gods, which makes Xu Yi very complicated.

"Ziwei, what should we do..."

Xu Yi was so wet and shivering that he couldn't help asking his boyfriend for help.

Qin Ziwei did not answer Xu Yi immediately, but set his sights on the surface of the Baigui River.

"Lan Qin! Where is Lan Qin? What did you do to Lan Qin?!"

Yang Jian couldn't see Lan Qin's figure after searching around

, and couldn't help shouting, but the villagers who clamped the shoulders of the three masters were very uncomfortable. Be patient, and directly warn that if they make any more noise, they will be killed.

Not betting that the villagers would remain rational, Yang Jian could only keep silent under the dissatisfied expressions of the villagers and Qin Ziwei, but the turning of his head showed that Yang Jian hadn't given up yet.

Lan Qin didn't disappear for too long, but after seeing Lan Qin's situation clearly, Yang Jian became more worried.

It was cloudy and windless this morning, but the river, which had been clear before, was now turbid and yellow, and even kept rolling up high waves, which directly created a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere in Shiling Village.

Lan Qin was forced to put on the red wedding dress he had seen in Chen's ancestral hall, and was tied to a wooden stand covered with various flowers by the villagers of Shiling Village, just like a sacrificial offering. Offer up.

When Lan Qin, who was dressed in a costume, was carried up by four villagers, all eyes were on Lan Qin.

Yang Jian saw Lan Qin being taken away and brought up again, but this way of dressing undoubtedly magnified his worries and fears infinitely.

What are these lunatics in Shiling Village trying to do? !

Qin Ziwei looked at Lan Qin with obscure eyes, and Xu Yi's expression was also very flustered. He was the one who was chosen by the villagers as the bride of ghosts and gods in his previous life. He has suffered.

It's just that no one dared to act rashly when two strong villagers were restraining their hands.

The village chief and his two children stood in front of the villagers, directly facing the Baigui River.

Lan Qin was carried up, and the eyes of Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin inevitably fell on Lan Qin.

They really wanted to save Lan Qin, just like they really wanted to save their mother back then.

But against their biological father, against the entire Shiling Village villagers, they have no chance of winning.

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