7.3: Wild Temple

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This child is really too quiet to be hugged by a stranger like this In the temple, there was no struggle or sound at all, which made Lan Qin feel even more weird.

Remind yourself to be vigilant again and again in your heart, and you must not take it lightly just because the other party is a child.

Before Lanqin brought the child into the temple, he also observed the situation in the temple in advance. After finding that the only child in the temple really existed, he closed the gate of the temple lightly.

The temple looks very big from the outside, but it feels normal when you actually come in, but it is very empty, except for a statue of a god about three meters high, there is nothing else.

Putting the child down carefully, and seeing that the child was neither crying nor fussing nor running away, and also unable to ask other questions, Lan Qin began to investigate the situation around the temple.

But I still didn't find anything. I rubbed my fingers in front of the stone table where the statue was placed, and I knew that no one had come to worship here for a long time, and the accumulated dust was enough to form a spider's web.

And it was precisely because of this that the child who suddenly appeared in the temple seemed even more suspicious, but the child kept silent, leaving Lan Qin with nothing to do.

Suddenly Lan Chin had a guess, this kid is not a mute, right? That would indeed explain why the child does not speak.

There was nothing found in the temple. Lanqin looked at the statue whose face had been eroded by the years to the point that it was hard to distinguish the face for a long time. He could only see that it was a statue with a human body and a snake tail, and the gender was still male. There aren't many clues either.

However, the statue was not well protected, and even the two arms had cracks, as if they had fallen off and then been glued back.

Reminiscent of the fear and fear of the villagers towards the temple, and the fact that the heroine in the mission details once said that she moved her eyes when she saw the statue, Lanqin felt that the statue might be the villain of the mission world.

Those villagers would turn into such a frenzied and bloodthirsty appearance, maybe it has a lot to do with this statue that looks like an evil god.

It's a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to ask those villagers, but now he still has a very suitable person to ask, it depends on whether he has the ability to make this child cooperate.

Lan Qin didn't have to go to his partner right now. After all, according to the details of the mission, the statue would not come back to life until at least a few years later, and it might still be in a sleep state. He was standing in front of the statue without seeing him His partner woke up.

So the most important thing right now is to save your life.

And if he wanted to save his life, he had to find a way to leave this child.

After thinking about these things clearly, Lan Qin turned around and came to the child again, intending to continue to do the child's ideological work.

"Little friend, my brother's name is Lanqin, Lanhua's Lan, admired Qin, what's your name?" "My little friend, my

brother needs to leave this village in a hurry. Is there any way for you to let him leave safely? Do you know the route out of the village? My brother can take you out to play."



Lan Qin said a lot of things, but the child still only watched with those big eyes He couldn't tell if he understood what he said, but this inexplicably well-behaved look didn't make Lan Qin feel impatient.

After all, if he wants to get a breakthrough from this child, he is going to the doctor in a hurry, and he can't entrust too much hope to this child.

However, after staying in this temple for so long, no villagers came to find them with torches, which proves that the temple is still safe for the time being.

It's a pity that on the first day they came to Luohua Village, their bus suddenly broke down and couldn't be started anymore, otherwise he could have made up his mind on the bus now.

But now it seems obvious that the problem with the bus was caused by those villagers, or more precisely, by Hua Xueliang who was hiding among their students.

Otherwise, why did the bus break down just after arriving at Luohua Village by such a coincidence? It was obvious that they didn't want their

prey, to have the opportunity to escape from Luohua Village.

It's just that no matter how much you think about this kind of thing, the most important thing now is how to leave Luohua Village.

Lan Qin did not find the direction and route to leave in his memory. After all, he was not the driver, and considering the thick fog when they came, it is estimated that even the driver could not tell which way left Luohua Village.

After all, here is really eighteen bends of the mountain road, each bend leads to a different direction, and some bends may end in a dead end or a cliff.

The reason why Lan Qin is so clear is because the hero and heroine have suffered from the eighteen bends of the mountain road.

Therefore, running around will not work, but it may allow those villagers with murderous intentions to find him earlier.

It's just that the only seemingly harmless child didn't cooperate with him, which made Lanqin feel very headache.

Lan Qin also went to the window to look at the dark night outside. He didn't have a mobile phone or a watch to check the time, but judging from the approximate position of the moon and the time it took him to escape, it is estimated that it is midnight now.

According to common sense, this should be the most difficult time for normal people, and they usually lie in bed and sleep.

Of course, Lan Qin also felt very sleepy, but the increased nervousness prevented him from falling asleep casually. After all, with his current situation, he might just fall asleep and never wake up again.

Lan Qin, who dared not sleep and couldn't sleep, came to the child's side for the third time to test, "Little friend, don't you want to talk? Then can you shake your head or nod with your brother to communicate, because my brother is a little scared now. So can you please?" How about you talk to your brother?"

Lan Qin said, while clasping his palms together as a plea to the child, he softened his figure even more. Of course he knew that it was not a good posture for him to ask a child like this, but he just had a hunch that if he wanted to survive, he had to lower his posture.

This child is very likely to be the key to his survival!

Maybe it was because he saw that Lan Qin was very pitiful, but when Lan Qin was about to give up in frustration, the child finally nodded expressionlessly.

This made Lan Qin almost so unhappy that he jumped up on the spot.

However, in order to maintain his image as an adult, Lan Qin still did not make such a naive move, but thankfully took the child's hand and said words of thanks.

If it wasn't for the fear of offending the child, Lan Qin would have wanted to kiss the child.

Now that the child responded, it proves that children are not incapable of communicating, so Lan Qin hurriedly asked the question he was most concerned about, "Do you know the way to leave Luohua Village, kid? It is to go to the road outside the village. Little friend, do you know which one is correct?"

Lan Qin looked at the child expectantly after speaking, and then saw a thoughtful look on the child's face, and after thinking for a while, he finally returned to Lan Qin. Qin nodded again with hopeful eyes.


After Lan Qin heard the child say that he really knew the way to leave Luohua Village, the joy in his heart overflowed directly on his face, barely suppressing his excitement, Lan Qin began to coax the child to take He goes out.

"My little friend, my brother really needs to leave this village in a hurry, can you help him?"

Lan Qin swears that this is definitely his most sincere look. I don't know if he was moved by his sincerity. Anyway, the child stared at him for a long time, then nodded slowly.

Although he didn't know what the child was thinking at that minute, Lan Chin still held the child's hand and desperately said thank you.

And the child landed on Lanqin's hand, his eyes were obscure, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, still expressionless, but in the process, the child's face suddenly changed He turned to look towards the temple entrance.

Lan Qin didn't pay attention to this small detail, because he was thinking about one thing with all his heart, that is when should he escape.

It's dark outside now, although it will hinder him from escaping, it can also add a bit of cover for him, and more importantly, if the villagers find that the number of people is wrong every morning, it is very likely that they will wantonly search Mountain.

Once he gets

here, he will have nowhere to hide!

Just when Lan Qin made up his mind to run away now, there was a sudden loud noise outside the temple, and Lan Qin's expression immediately became serious.

There is such a noise, it is obvious that those villagers came here.

For some reason, Lan Chin turned his help-seeking eyes to the child.

The child didn't do much to Lan Qin's help-seeking eyes, but walked up to the statue, then lifted the red silk cloth under the stone table, and gestured for Lan Qin to hide here.

Looking at the small but hidden space, Lan Qin didn't think too much, and quickly bent down and climbed in.

Fortunately, at his age, he is only about 1.7 meters tall, and his bones are soft, and he can barely squeeze it into a ball.

The child put down the red silk cloth again, and Lan Qin's sight became completely dark, but his hearing allowed him to hear very clearly that there were noisy voices gradually approaching from outside the temple.

Just hearing the rude sound of pushing the door, Lan Chin felt terrified. These barbaric villagers wouldn't do anything out of conscience to a child, right? !

If those villagers really want to do something tragic to a five or six-year-old child, Lan Qin feels that he must not stand by and watch, at worst, he will die. I believe his partner can understand that they will meet again in the next mission world.

He made such a logical decision in his heart, but Lan Qin did not take off the red silk cloth rashly, but listened carefully to the movement outside.

I don't know if it's because the temple is very empty and everything is clear at a glance. The villagers who broke in didn't search everywhere, but directly asked the only child in the temple.

"Hey, dumb, have you seen a stranger coming to the temple?"

The villager who spoke was very rude and asked directly in a rough voice.

Lan Qin frowned subconsciously when he heard this. Although the child probably couldn't speak, it would be too impolite to call the child dumb!

But the more impolite thing that Lanqin could not have imagined was still to come. He didn't know how the child would react, and the villager who asked the question suddenly became very angry, "Stinky dumb, he can't even nod and shake his head, is he still a deaf person?" Can't you be a fool?!"

"Ergou, what nonsense are you talking about with this unclean thing, this temple is only a small place, and the temple is so dangerous, it seems that no stranger has the guts to come here." "Yes

, Although the number of corpses counted by that guy Xueliang is one less, but maybe the rich young master was so scared to death, or maybe he ran away into the ditch and fell down the cliff, and there is no need to be so anxious "

The villager who spoke first didn't seem to be angry with the missing prey, he just couldn't understand the indifference of this stinky dumb man, but he was not interested in doing anything to a stinky child after being persuaded by others.

And this stinky dumb is of great use, "This stinky dumb, the hair grows so long, he looks like a woman, the little arms and legs, don't know how to nourish, so where does the long hair go? I still have to do it Help me..."

I don't know what the talking villager did, anyway, after a while of silence, there was a burst of strange laughter in the temple.

"I'm very happy to kill people today, so I'll let you go for now. Next time you make me angry like this, it's not just a matter of words. Let's go! Go back and drink and eat meat!" "Yes, let's go

! I have worked so hard tonight, so I have to have a good time."

"There is still a warm corpse, and I can satisfy my hunger. When this dumb man grows up in a few years, it will be a real delicious meal..." "

You That's right..."


This group of people came and left suddenly, and the meaning in the words they left was also huge.

When the child lifted the red silk cloth and the bright light came into Lan Qin's eyes again, Lan Qin hadn't reacted yet.

It was a child who gave him a hand, and then Lan Qin slowly crawled out from under the stone table.

And just like that, when Lan Qin wanted to talk to the child, he was surprised to find that the child's long hair

had been cut off.

It's just that the haircutter's skills are not very good, and it's simply not as good as the messy long hair that day.

But it's normal, those villagers probably have experience in killing people, so they don't have experience in cutting hair.

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