1.11: Meow

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Among the four people, the cat is only close to Lan Qin. Xu Yi felt a little envious.

May I ask, which person who especially likes cats and dogs would not want a cute little animal that only favors himself?

Especially this black cat is very beautiful, its fur is also smooth and beautiful, coupled with the blatant preference, it really makes anyone who sees it envious.

Xu Yi accepts that Lan Qin is very popular with small animals, and even takes it for granted. Lan Qin is so good-looking, so he must not only be popular and liked by people, but also by small animals.

Qin Ziwei's eyes on the black cat were very unfriendly. He and Xu Yi didn't take anything in order to escape. Now they are in a state of hunger and cold, so he looked at the black cat and proposed to use the black cat as a reserve Keep the food.

Such words received unbelievable gazes from the three people present. Yang Jian stared at Qin Ziwei as if he was looking at a terrifying devil.

"You, are you serious?!"

Yang Jian's voice lost its peaceful tone. After observing Qin Ziwei's expression, he found that this person was not joking, so he quickly pulled Lan Qin and Lan Qin into his arms. The cat moves away from the person.

Xu Yi looked at Qin Ziwei in disbelief. As a boyfriend, he could see that Qin Ziwei was not joking, but made such a suggestion seriously.

"Ziwei, are you, are you out of your mind? Or are you scared stupid by those villagers?" Xu Yi couldn't believe that her boyfriend would say such indifferent words, facing a beautiful and elegant cat , I still want to eat it!

At this time, Xu Yi felt that she might not have really understood her boyfriend's personality and psychology.

Under the displeasure of the three people, Qin Ziwei remained silent, but when he was on the road with the black cat, he didn't know why he suddenly opened his mouth to explain the reason for his suggestion.

"There is nothing to eat in this mountain forest. The villagers in Shiling Village will find us sooner or later. If we want to leave here alive, we must have food." Qin Ziwei means that it is not necessary to eat cat meat, but

if It's really self-evident whether it's a human life or a cat's life when it's really the end of the mountain.

Yang Jian couldn't help it now, and said directly with displeasure, "If you are hungry, tell me earlier, Lanqin and I still have some compressed biscuits in our backpacks, why do we need to deal with such a cute and cute cat? Moreover, there are many edible plants and fruits in this mountain forest, if you dare to come to such a remote place, you don't even have the basic survival skills? No way, no way!" Qin Ziwei heard Yang Jian's strange

words , the hands hanging on both sides of the body clenched into fists.

Xu Yi was worried that his boyfriend would hurt someone, because his boyfriend was a Sanda student, and Yang Jian looked like an office worker who couldn't win a fight. He didn't want to start a fight at this time.

"Don't be impulsive."

Xu Yi grabbed Qin Ziwei's arm to stop him from moving, then turned his head to Yang Jian and Lan Qin to apologize, saying that his boyfriend didn't do it on purpose.

Knowing that Xu Yi was in a relationship with this ruthless guy, Yang Jian shut up and stopped talking about it. After all, if these two close people were really angered, he and Lan Qin would definitely not be their opponents in case of a fight.

When the villagers of Bieshiling Village didn't come after them, they were knocked down and robbed.

When something like this happened, Lan Qin walked on the outermost side on the right, separated by Yang Jian and Xu Yi, and directly separated the cat from Qin Ziwei artificially.

Everyone didn't speak any more along the way, and Yang Jian's thoughts were all on the cat in Lan Qin's arms, and occasionally he tried to reach out and touch it.

But it was evil, the cat was soft and agile, and Lan Qin touched it countless times, but as soon as he reached out, the cat could quickly avoid it without Yang Jian touching a single hair.

Yang Jian only felt ashamed.

Qin Ziwei was in a particularly bad mood, and Xu Yi didn't have the intention to speak anymore.

The four of them walked along the mountain road for a long time, but when night fell, they still couldn't get out of this area, and even turned left and right and walked back to the original place.

The night was very unfriendly to them. Even with the moonlight shining, they still couldn't see the way clearly, so they had to stop.

Yang Jian has already clearly realized what it means to be a ghost hitting a wall, and he feels depressed and desperate. Now he desperately needs the warmth and softness of the kitten to soothe his soul, but the cat completely ignores him, but the whole body is nestled in Lanqin's arms And shoulders, occasionally sniffing and licking Lan Qin, and acting like a baby to Lan Qin.

"I really miss our pigs..."

Yang Jian said with a sigh, sitting under the big tree where he used to sit with his head downcast.

No one can comfort Yang Jian, because everyone is very depressed.

Qin Ziwei ate the compressed biscuits given by Yang Jian. Because there was no water, he could only feel his throat choking.

It's just the current situation, no one is in the mood to complain.

"We have to catch a villager here, otherwise we will never get out of this ghost place."

Qin Ziwei said with a gloomy face, Xu Yi agreed with her boyfriend's point of view.

Yang Jian couldn't see everyone's faces clearly, but he could tell who was sitting where by the moonlight. He also felt weak when he heard Qin Ziwei say that he was going to kidnap the villagers.

"It sounds good. There are so many villagers in Shiling Village. If we don't catch a guide, we will all be taken back and made their food."

Xu Yi thought about being sacrificed to ghosts and gods. If he really wanted to lure a villager out, being a sacrifice would be very useful.

Others may be killed immediately, but as a sacrifice, they must live forever, at least until the day when the ghosts and gods sacrifice.

So Xu Yi proposed to make bait by himself, "Shiling Village needs a living person as a sacrifice, so it will definitely not do anything to the sacrifice."

Yang Jian jumped up excitedly on the spot when he heard the ghost sacrifice, After entering the working state, he was very interested and asked about the details of the sacrifice to ghosts and gods.

But Xu Yi didn't know much, and could only simply say that Shiling Village had been looking for brides for ghosts and gods.

"It is said that as long as the ghosts and gods can find a satisfactory bride, Shiling Village can get rid of the curse. This curse is probably about the need for the villagers to eat people, but apparently after the ghosts and gods sacrificed for thousands of years, the ghosts and gods still haven't found their bride... ..."

Lan Qin also unobtrusively turned on the recorder in his pocket before Xu Yi could speak, which was also his performance of following professional habits.

The black cat licked Lan Qin's hand a few times before and after he reached out his hand. The green eyes that glowed in the dark just stared at Lan Qin closely, and had no interest in looking at other people.


At a certain time, the black cat yelled, turned its head to one place, and then continued to yell softly.

Lan Qin was attracted by the abnormality of the cat, and at the same time looked at that place, but found nothing.

But according to the cat's keenness and vigilance, it is obvious that there is a situation in that direction.

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