7.14: Chasing the Murderer

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Lan Qin is not worried about what happens outside the car, but everyone else is They were all ready to fight, and when the co-pilot's Tianshi observed that the funeral team on the left was likely to break through more easily, suddenly a thick fog filled the area, covering everyone's sight directly.

"Damn it!"

The young celestial master scolded uncontrollably. He knew that the fog at this time was the mist array set up by those evil spirits. The purpose was to make them confused where the weak point was, and then break out.

The left side, which was finally observed with great difficulty, must have been replaced, and it is very likely to be replaced by the most powerful team of evil spirits.

If they still break out to the left, they are likely to seek their own death.

The young celestial master couldn't make up his mind, so he quickly used a special tool to contact the master in the car ahead, wanting to discuss with him what to do next.

During this process, Lan Qin did not cause trouble for the Celestial Masters, but while calming Lan Mu's emotions, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was indeed in a state of no signal.

What is the origin of these four evil ghost teams? It is completely abnormal to attack living people on the edge of the city.

It's just that no matter how they feel that the current situation is abnormal, they still have to survive the siege before they have the opportunity to investigate other things.

The young celestial master didn't ask the employer which direction he wanted to break through. After all, this is not the ability of a rich young master.

His master didn't answer him right away, but after some observations, he replied that he had to break out from the front, and he had to move quickly, otherwise they would have to make a new choice if the team of evil spirits in the four directions changed again.

The evil spirits will not give them so much time and opportunity.

Although I don't know why these evil spirits concentrated on attacking them, the most important thing now is to escape first, and let the authoritative Tianshi family take care of other things.

The three cars drove forward very quickly. During this journey, there were constant screams and laughter of evil spirits, which seemed to ring in their ears, but the white and thick fog outside the car windows made them feel uncomfortable. Can't see anything.

What made the expression of the young celestial master changed was that within two minutes, he lost contact with the master who was sitting in the car in front. If there was no abnormality in their second car, it meant that something happened to his master. .

This conjecture made the expression of the young celestial master very ugly, but at this time there was no extra time for him to think, and the figure of the little ghost in white mourning clothes was already looming in the thick fog, which meant that those evil spirits were already in the infinite court. They approach.

Now it's time to bet on whether they will break out of the encirclement first, or if the little devils move faster.

Just thinking of the overly large team of evil spirits, Tianshi's face became ugly, and he took out a large stack of talismans written in cinnabar. These talismans were shining and hot, which indicated that the ghosts approaching this car were moving rapidly. Increase.

He didn't have time to look at the situation in the back seat, but turned his head to look at the driver in the driver's seat, and loudly told him to drive faster!

The driver, who was about forty years old, was also flustered and pale. He said tremblingly that he had stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and he really couldn't go any faster.

And the driver is also worried about the previous car that lost its track. In case of a rear-end collision, the situation will become even worse.

When Tianshi heard that the driver still cared about the car in front, he couldn't help but twitch his forehead. He knew very well that the driver had already stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but he hadn't touched the car in front. It is very likely that there was a mistake in the direction of their three cars.

It is possible that their car was driving in the wrong direction, or that the other two cars were driving in the wrong direction.

But now is not the time to pursue this matter.

Tianshi didn't yell at the driver anymore, but distributed the amulet in his hand to Lan Qin in the back seat, and told him to quickly stick the amulet around the car.

Tianshi didn't say what's the use of this, and Lan Qin didn't ask, but took the charm obediently, and then stuck it on the windows, roof and bottom of the car.

This process seems to be very long, but from

the time when their car started to stick the charm, that is, five minutes have passed, but this foggy road ahead can never end.

The driver's navigation has completely lost its function, and the car's display screen is full of three big characters of no signal. The driver is so scared that he is sweating profusely, but he has no time to wipe it off. He presses on the accelerator hard and squeezes the steering wheel with both hands.

At the same time, the driver's gaze was fixed on the front of the fog. He kept praying in his heart that he must drive out. He still had his wife and children waiting for him to come home from get off work. He didn't want to die!

The driver was so nervous and scared that he wanted to bite his lip. He didn't notice the pain on his lip at all. Now his attention was on driving, and he was very worried that he would die here today.

Lan Qin noticed something was wrong with the driver, and at the same time, he could understand the fear of the driver as an ordinary person. Although it is normal to have ghosts in this mission world, seeing so many evil ghosts at once is really a test. The hearts of ordinary people can bear it.

Of course, such a big scene appeared in City A, and the celestial masters like the Tan family would definitely notice this anomaly. Even if they couldn't escape in time, as long as they persisted until other celestial masters rushed over, they would still be able to survive.

Not to mention that there is Lan Mu in their convoy. Compared with the villains who can destroy the world, no matter how many these evil spirits are, they are not enough to be feared.

During the process of sticking the charm, Lan Qin also took time to look at Lan Mu's expression, and after finding that it was very cold, he knew that there would definitely not be any great danger this time.

After being calmed by Lan Qin, Lan Mu began to think about why these 'foods' came to him so suddenly. It hadn't been long since he came out of Luohua Village. Although countless evil spirits had died under his hands, but On the side of the evil spirit, its true identity should not be known.

It is also impossible to know that it is in Lan's house, after all, it can be said that it has traveled all over the world during this period of time.

If you had to pick someone from this group of people that the evil spirits would covet, Lan Mu would only choose Lan Qin.

After coming out of Luohua Village, Lan Mu also found that there were many things wrong with Lan Qin, or the Lan family, for example, there were ghosts in the mirror in the master bedroom, evil ghosts in the garden of the house, ghosts in the basement, and little ghosts crawling on the ceiling. move.

If Lan Mu hadn't been the first to kill these ghosts, even if Lan Qin could escape from Luohua Village, when he returned to Lan's house, he would probably end up dead.

There were so many ghosts in the Lan family, but no one found out, not even the Tan family, which surprised Lan Mu.

Who is it that is trying so hard to deal with the Lan family?

And what's strange is that the mastermind behind this was only targeting the Lan Chin family, not the woman's family.

Lan Qin is only eighteen years old, it is impossible to provoke such a powerful enemy, so it can only be Lan Qin's parents.

Lan Mu was thinking about various things in his heart. Of course, he didn't tell Lan Qin about his discovery. After all, once he talked about it, he couldn't hide it in the urban areas where he was killing ghosts everywhere.

Although Lan Qin had already bumped into it, Ke Lanmu still hoped that Lan Qin would not have such a deep understanding of it.

It is not a good god, it is an evil god that can kill ghosts and kill people.

Thinking of a lot of 'food' automatically delivered to the door outside the car, Lan Mu felt that his hunting nature was about to move, especially the hunting weapon - its snake tail, so excited that he wanted to show it on the spot.

If Lan Qin hadn't been present, Lan Mu would not mind showing the true nature of the evil god in front of these humans. It's just that evil spirits can easily make living people sick, and Lan Mu didn't want Lan Qin to get sick.

Then the car must be opened first, and then everyone should be dispersed, so that it can officially start hunting.

When Lan Mu thought about this, the evil spirits outside the car were also approaching the car, and they were scrambling to tear up and eat the living people in the car.

After all, they are really hungry for too long!

Before releasing them, their owners directly starved them for a period of time in order to increase their lethality and attack power. At this time, seeing them alive was like a hungry wolf seeing its prey.

They just want to rush forward and

bite and swallow their prey.

Lan Mu's eyes shifted to the window of the car, a strange red light flashed in its eyes, and then the little ghost surrounded the car and salivated at the living people was immediately controlled by the evil god.

Their attacks became more intense. Some kid jumped to the top of the car, some got to the bottom of the car, and some jumped to the front window of the car, and then braved the pain of being scorched by the spell, they scrambled to get rid of it. The window was smashed.

This is undoubtedly the last straw for the driver whose psychological defense line is already precarious. The driver widened his eyes and shouted in horror. He wanted to step on the accelerator to death again, and then shake off the ghost with claws sticking in from the window. But as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he realized something was wrong.

Because the driver clearly felt that something was hugging his feet tightly, the driver subconsciously looked down at his feet in fear, and was startled by the ugly and ferocious little ghost.

The driver slammed the steering wheel, screamed in terror, stepped on the accelerator desperately, and tried to throw all the little ghosts up and down.

It's just that the kid wasn't thrown out in the end, but the car hit something directly and rolled over on the spot.

For a while, even the young celestial master couldn't help cursing. He said something just now to calm the driver down. As long as the spell in the car is still there, those little ghosts can't really crawl in. What the driver saw just now is probably Eye contact with the evil spirit, and then hallucinations appear.

It's just that the driver's sanity has been completely lost. He couldn't hear the co-pilot Tianshi's explanation at all, so he slammed the steering wheel to the side and stepped on the accelerator to death. Soon he collided with an unknown object and caused the car to roll over .

"Master Lan! Hold on tight to the chair, don't be thrown out!"

The car was covered with charms, even if the car did roll over, as long as the spells were still there, those little devils couldn't do anything to them.

The Celestial Master also tried his best to think about the good things. It is very likely that what they hit just now was his master's car - as long as his master is there, at least their lives can be saved.

It's just that before the car turned over, Tianshi tried to see what they hit just now, but he saw a red coffin.

During the tension, there were only two thoughts in Tianshi's mind, that is: a good news, the red coffin is less fierce than the black coffin; a bad news, their car did not hit another car just now, but It hit the coffin of the evil spirit!

This is really fatal!

I just hope that their luck will be better, and they will be able to wait for the rescue of his master before being killed by the evil spirits, or even luckier, waiting for the rescue of other celestial masters.

This was the last thought of the young celestial master, and then he was stunned by the impact of the continuous rollover of the car.

At this time, almost everyone didn't know if they had a chance to wake up again.

After all, all of them were very unlucky, and they actually ran into evil in broad daylight!


The idea of ​​the young celestial master is not wrong. So many evil spirits are required to besiege a group of people in the city. This has indeed attracted the attention of many celestial master families, but only a few have the ability and speed to rescue them. .

The Tan family is at the forefront. What Tan Qianhe did before undoubtedly brought some bad influence to the Tan family, so in order to restore the reputation of the Tan family as soon as possible, they must make some great contributions in the near future.

And now that there is such a vicious collision with evil in broad daylight, this is the Tan family's opportunity.

The Tan family sent an elder and several disciples, and they rushed to the scene of the accident not too slowly, but when they arrived, they only saw a burnt car, a car overturned, a A car that was halfway through the guardrail.

During the rescue, it was found that two people died, two celestial masters were seriously injured, and the rest were very lucky with only minor injuries or no injuries at all.

When Lan Qin woke up, he found that he was in the hospital, and after he woke up, the doctor came into the ward one after another to do the final examination for him, and the elders of the Tan family and the concerned housekeeper Liu stepped forward to watch him .

Lan Qin: "..."

Such a scene made him feel that he might be dying soon.

But the doctor's final examination results were good, showing that Lan Chin was just a little frightened, and nothing else.

Lan Qin first asked about Lan Mu's situation. Butler Liu wiped away his tears and said that Lan Mu was missing, "Young master, don't be too sad, that child Lan Mu must have disappeared..." But Butler Liu also felt that what he

said It's unbelievable, after all, they are the evil spirits of the four teams, and it's more likely that Lan Mu's child was captured and eaten.

The elder Tanjia was the elder who attended the funeral of Lan Guanshan and his wife before, so he could only say "sorry" to Lan Qin with a heavy expression.

Lan Qin didn't think he was going to mourn this time. It was very likely that Lan Mu had grown taller because of this day's collision with evil, so he hid it from outsiders to see.

Or Lan Mu simply went after those evil spirits. Anyway, Lan Qin didn't think anything would happen to the child.

A few ordinary evil spirits face off against gods and villains, that's exactly the rhythm of food delivery.

But after listening to Butler Liu say that two bodyguards were killed, Lan Qin's heart became very heavy. He wondered if someone was targeting the Lan family, or just targeting him.

After all, among the people in these three cars, he is the only one who is a bit qualified to be targeted.

As for those evil spirits coming towards Lan Mu, Lan Qin never had this guess. Where in this world would there be prey running towards the hunter? This is not just waiting for a rabbit!

It's just that in front of these people, Lan Qin still has to show his worry about Lan Mu, and then ask Butler Liu to pay a large sum of compensation to the two bodyguards' families.

Although Lan Qin didn't expect that someone would come to deal with him at this juncture, after all, the bodyguard was hired by the Lan family, so he still had to bear a lot of responsibility.

And those two celestial masters also need to give a sum of compensation.

Steward Liu wiped his tears while saying that he knew about it, and then let the young master take a good rest first, and he will take care of other things as well.

Lan Qin really didn't need to worry about this matter. The Tan family was responsible for tracking down those evil spirits, Liu Butler was responsible for compensation, and two celestial masters were also responsible for describing the situation of being attacked by evil spirits at that time.

Compared with Lan Qin, an ordinary person, the two people who are celestial masters can describe it more clearly.

Under Steward Liu's ardent attention and sad tears, Lan Qin could only rest in bed, but Lan Qin felt that there was nothing wrong with him physically and mentally.

When the car rolled over, his body seemed to be surrounded by something, and he didn't suffer much damage at all. Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, the airbag should have worked.

Even the driver in the driver's seat was only slightly injured. As for the third car where two people died, there is a high probability that it suffered heavy casualties because it was not protected by a spell.

This is also something that no one expected.

While Lan Qin was resting on the hospital bed, Lan Mu, who was thousands of miles away, was doing something important. It didn't follow Lan Qin back, just to use these evil spirits to catch the mastermind behind the scenes.

Of course, it only left a few evil spirits to lead the way, and the other evil spirits were killed by it on the spot.

This also caused Lan Mu to grow up again, and he was already fourteen or fifteen years old at this time.

And Lan Mu's appearance, young, extraordinary strength, and a pair of blood-red red pupils completely frightened everyone in this Celestial Master family.

It also didn't want to investigate why the mastermind behind the scenes targeted the Lan family and Lan Qin. After all, dead people don't need to talk anymore, and they are not worth guarding against.

However, there is something that shocked Lan Mu, that is, the behind-the-scenes mastermind who sent out the evil spirits is actually a family of celestial masters. Although it is not as big as the family of the Tan family, it is also a well-known family in the world of celestial masters.

Lan Mu didn't need to explain, but the people who were attacked by ghosts were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, wanting to let this stranger of unknown origin spare their lives.

The behind-the-scenes messenger knew very well that this was a powerful person who followed the evil ghost he had sent. He wanted to ask for mercy, so he directly told everything, and wanted this person to save his life.

"Master! Master, spare my life! I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong! I was worried that

my brother who is directly related to me would come back and compete with me for the position of Patriarch, so I went to lure Lan Zhentian's family to kill him." Kill them, but I really just want Lan Guanshan's family to die, and I definitely don't mean to do anything to you, Master..."

The person begging for mercy thought that the master, a formidable figure, was just being targeted accidentally, so he emphasized that he just wanted to kill Lan Guanshan's family, and had no intention of attacking the master.

But what he didn't know was that Lan Mu cared more about Lan Qin than about Lan Guanshan.

And this person's plan is to kill Lan Guanshan's family, just to prevent Lan Guanshan and Lan Guanshan's family from coming back to compete with him for the position of Patriarch.

Lanmu couldn't accept that this person actually wanted to kill its believers, and he was the only one.

So when this person wanted to continue begging for mercy, Lan Mu quickly signaled the out-of-control evil spirits to act quickly, otherwise they would all be killed.

The evil spirits were afraid of the evil gods, so they could only kill the whole family in madness.

But the evil spirits never imagined that the faster they killed people, the sooner they would die.

Lan Mu has no interest in killing people with his own hands. Since these celestial masters have the guts to tame evil spirits and order evil spirits to eradicate dissidents and do all dirty things for them, they should be prepared to be backlashed by evil spirits.

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