2.16: Big Joy

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Lu was moved by his Lanqin wife to understand it with emotion and reason He was moved, and even because of Lan Qin's promise of "benefits", Lu hurriedly went to help Lin Fengyu and the others.

And Lu also has his own plans, seeing that its breeding season is only a few months away, it urgently needs to perform well in front of his wife, so that it can get the right to be a spouse during the winter breeding season.

What Lan Qin said just opened up Lu's idea of ​​pleasing his wife. As long as it can do things well, his wife must admire it and agree with him happily.

Lu Xingzhi was pleasantly surprised by the bright future he could think of. After lunch, he was going to take Lan Qin out, and warned Lu Xingzhi in his heart not to intervene.

According to Lu Pushi's thinking, if it is the only one to make a move in this big event, then Lu Xingzhi will have no face to rob it of his wife during the reproductive period.

But in fact, Lu Xingzhi didn't care whether he made courtship, after all, Lan Qin was his spouse.

And he thinks that his courtship behavior has never stopped, whether it is taking Lanqin to collect supplies or hunt, or to watch the stars and admire the moon, in Lu Xingzhi's view, it is a very beautiful courtship behavior.

As for Lu Nei's thinking, Lu Xingzhi just turned a blind eye. According to Lu's rough nerves, how can he beat him during the reproductive period?

Even if he can get along with Lan Qin intimately, it is Lu Xingzhi himself. After all, as the main personality, even if he can't eliminate Lu's sub-personality, it doesn't mean he can't suppress it.

Lu Xingzhi saw that Lu Mao was frizzy, so he took Lan Qin out in the form of a white wolf. He didn't say much, but quietly watched Lu doing cool work.

After all, no matter whether he works with him or not, he can get a chance during the reproduction period, so he doesn't need to compete with this simple-minded and well-developed limbs.

And fighting itself is what Lu is best at.

If you want to persuade those alien species, you can only convince people with (martial) virtue.

Lu Xingzhi thinks that Lu is the most suitable, and more importantly, Lu is also very active.

Unaware of the bad water in Lu Xingzhi's belly, Lu took his fragrant and soft wife to Lin Fengyu's territory, only to find that that guy was not here.

Lan Qin rode on the wolf's back, thought for a moment, and asked Lu to go to Shuguang Base.

Hearing that Lan Qin was going to Shuguang base, not only Lu's nerves tensed up, but even Lu Xingzhi was very worried.

Even though they had been together for a few months, Lu and Lu Xingzhi were still very worried that Lan Qin would want to stay with those humans more.

Especially now that Lan Qin still wants to contribute and work hard for those human beings, it makes Lu Xingzhi and his worries come back.

Lu scolded the human beings in the base more than once and talked a lot of sweet words. He has always been bitter about the fact that both Lu Xingzhi and Lan Qin were betrayed and abandoned by humans.

If it weren't for Lan Qin's wife's thoughts, and Lu Xingzhi's stop, Lu Fei would have to go to the human base to make a big fuss.

As for the degree of disturbance, Lu felt that it should at least be similar to Monkey King's disturbance in the Heavenly Palace in Lu Xingzhi's memory, otherwise it would not be able to show its power.

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