6.2: Little Monster

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Lan Qin didn't care much about the assistant named Modi, just saw This assistant has a pair of very cute and innocent dog eyes, and he can't bear it.

Perhaps because of empathy, Lan Chin still kept the new assistant, even though it might break the character design.

As a doctor in the research institute, Lan Chin has someone to help him swipe his card to open the door along the way, so he doesn't need to do anything at all, as long as he maintains a frosty expression, he won't be suspected at all.

And Lan Qin took this opportunity to sort out the details of the mission and the memory of the original owner.

The past memory of this body is very simple. It has been living in this dark research institute since it was born. After growing up, it stayed in this research institute named No. 13 because of its outstanding ability. In a few years, he became the most prestigious doctor.

Except for a short time to eat and sleep, the rest of the time is spent doing research. It is precisely because of this hard work and diligence, coupled with the unrivaled talent of others, that the research results are twice as much as others.

Lan Qin looked at the picture in his memory that cultivating monsters was dissecting monsters, so he had a headache and turned his attention to the task details.

Because he guessed that his partner would also become a certain monster villain this time, Lan Qin was very disgusted with the institute's behavior of using monsters as experimental products and free money-making tools.

Only after reading the mission details, he also understood why humans treated those monsters so cruelly.

Twenty years ago, the human world was also very peaceful and peaceful. Although there may be some contradictions with nature in the process of rapid development, it will not threaten the survival of human beings.

But this originally very peaceful and peaceful scene turned into a bubble after an experimental accident.

That experiment led to the escape of countless experiments, coupled with the leakage of highly infectious experimental agents, which indirectly led to terrible mutations in animals and plants all over the world, and the size of the mutated animals and plants skyrocketed, and from time to time Falling into a tyrannical attack state-this caused the human beings who were originally the rulers of the world to retreat underground.

During the ten years of struggle between human beings and those mutated monsters that are extremely hostile to human beings, safe bases under the ground have been built one after another. Because the ground has become a world of plants and animals, in order to survive, most human beings retreated underground and never left the base.

In order to regularly understand the situation on the ground, the base selected a group of elites from among humans to collect intelligence and supplies on the ground. As for those monsters, they also belonged to the category of supplies, especially the new types of monsters that were the hottest sellers.

The hero and heroine of this mission world are also very special, because one is a human and the other is a monster, and that monster is a new type of monster that was captured from the outside by the human team.

At this point in time, the human team had just captured the male protagonist who had become a child due to serious injuries back to the base, and then sent him to the base's research institute for research.

According to the usual practice, the original owner was the first to select the monster, but because the male protagonist was still in his infancy and was seriously injured, the original owner felt that this new type of monster was not of much research value, so he did not choose the male protagonist.

The other doctors thought the same way. After all, the number of monsters they could pick in each batch was limited, and none of the doctors at the top wanted to choose a crippled monster that seemed useless, so the hero was ranked at the bottom. The heroine is selected.

Rather than being selected, it is better to say that there is only one monster left as the hero, and the heroine has no choice at all, so she can only take this little monster back to her laboratory.

It was such a coincidence that the heroine came to the fore by virtue of her research on the hero right after the research institute lost the most powerful doctor, the original owner, and became the most prestigious doctor in the No. 13 research institute.

Lan Qin searched the task details several times, but still couldn't find out how the original owner, the passer-by, died. The task details only said that he died accidentally due to an experimental accident, and then the heroine shined by relying on the research of the hero. .

Under the circumstances that everyone's life is very likely to be in danger, no one will care about how a dead person died. No matter how beautiful or powerful a person was in life, death is meaningless


As for why the feelings and relationships between people have become so indifferent, I have to mention the background of this mission world - because retreating to the ground, there are countless monsters rampaging on the ground. May attack underground human bases. So in order to survive, human beings put forward a very crazy plan, that is to fight poison with poison, and use monsters to defeat monsters.

Research institutes in human bases in various regions rely on this plan to establish. There are all kinds of world talents in the research institutes. They all exist to protect fellow human beings, so basically they will be trained by the base as soon as they are born. .

Children with talents in this area will be cultivated emphatically, and those who don't will be educated to serve as explorers of the base. Therefore, human beings living in the base must register at the base from conception onwards. All births must be approved by the base.

Every married couple must give birth to two children for the base, so that the base will not lack talents in all aspects.

Because the situation of human beings is really critical, the surviving humans can only agree to this explicit order. After all, even the leaders of the base implement this measure like this. How can ordinary people who have to rely on the base to survive resist?

Based on this measure, everyone in the research institute generally would not know who their biological parents were, and it was impossible for their biological parents to know whether their children were working for the research institute or the base.

There are a total of 301 bases suitable for human survival, but during the 20 years of struggle, 96 human bases were captured by the monster army, and all the humans in the base were not spared, and all were killed and eaten by monsters, or even worse. Unfortunately, he was infected and became the monster he hated the most.

Until today, there are still 205 surviving human bases, and the No. 13 base where the original owner and the hero and heroine are located is naturally the most talented and powerful, and the number of surviving humans is also the largest. They put No. 13 base Become the 'most impenetrable fortress'.

But even this place, which claimed to be the 'most indestructible fortress', was finally captured by the monster army and turned into a monster carnival hell.

The most fundamental reason for the capture of Base 13 began with the accidental death of Passerby A and the heroine's promotion. With the heroine acting as an internal response in Base 13, and the hero being able to contact and command a large number of monsters on the ground, no matter how indestructible the defensive fortress of Base 13 is, it is impossible to resist it.

When the humans at base 13 were brutally slaughtered by monsters, the heroine was directly regarded as the queen of monsters by the hero, while the hero himself became the king of monsters, commanding the army of monsters all over the world.

But maybe it really proves the saying that extreme joy begets sorrow. When the hero and heroine reached the pinnacle of their lives, Human Base No. 13 suddenly burst out with a burst of violent energy. All the male and female protagonists were twisted into a puddle of mud.

But even if the army of monsters and male and female protagonists who attacked the 13th base were wiped out, there are still countless monsters far away from the 13th base. The fall of the 13th base has made other human bases popular Worrying all day long.

In the ten years since the death of the hero and heroine, other surviving human bases were also captured one by one. This once vibrant world soon became a carnival paradise for irrational monsters. Killing each other, just to get the flesh and blood that allows them to evolve.

Because of this irrational civil war, the monsters slowly disappeared soon. After losing humans, the planet also lost all life, and finally turned into a dead planet with no signs of life.

This is the whole process of the destruction of the world, which is recorded in great detail by the mission details.

After reading the details of this not-so-simple task, Lan Qin just walked to the training room. Modi saw that Dr. Lan Qin was silent all the way, and his face was even more solemn. He knew that this time the experimental accident was very serious. Make Dr. Lanchin angry.

It's just that this kind of thing was something that everyone didn't want. After all, no one expected that the latest batch of newly cultivated monsters would be so aggressive that they killed the three researchers on the spot.

If the researcher who escaped at that time hadn't reacted quickly and closed all the protective doors of the training room, I am afraid that those little monsters who killed people would have fled to various places in the research institute, and even to various places in the base. Area, that is the real crisis!

"...According to the report, no monsters have escaped from the outside world, but because all the protective doors are closed, we cannot observe the specific situation in the training room. So Dr. Lan Chin, what should we do now?" Modi

put Probably report the accident in the training room again, and then stand still and wait for Dr. Lanchin's order.

And Lan Qin also felt very headache, because this experimental accident was not really no monsters fleeing. In the original plot, the original owner directly ordered to kill all the monsters in the training room. There was an uproar.

Because there are a very large number and types of monster gene containers in the training room, if they are killed directly, the recent research results of all the PhDs in the research institute will be burned, and they will basically have to start all over again.

But at that time, due to the status and strength of the doctor, although the researchers felt that something was wrong, they still carried out the disinfecting measures directly, until all the monsters in the training room were killed, and the hostess returned to the hospital half a month later. Order to reopen the culture room.

But passer-by A at that time had long been killed by the escaped monster in this experimental accident, and that escaped monster was none other than the researcher who closed all the protective doors connecting the training room to the outside world at a critical moment.

This batch of experimental cultivation has indeed cultivated many new types of monsters, and there are even monsters that can parasitize in the human brain and then manipulate human behavior.

Poor Passerby A, such a hard-working genius, died silently at the hands of his former colleagues.

It's just that in the mission details, Passerby A's death is just a prelude to this horrible and smokeless war.

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