9.2: Extra 2

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This time to go to Desolate Star to shoot, based on the danger of Desolate Star, there is no No one else was willing to go with him, so Lan Qin could only take three drones to the deserted star by himself in a spaceship.

Of course, the round-trip ferry tickets, as well as the reasonable expenses incurred during the filming process, will be borne by the program team.

In addition, there is still 200,000 interstellar currency remuneration, even if the company takes 50%, there are still 100,000 interstellar currency.

This is undoubtedly the best job for Lan Qin, who is almost penniless.

Just thinking that there may be countless robots that are hostile to humans on the barren star, Lan Chin was so worried that his legs went weak.

The only thing that can be thankful is that there is no need to worry about his life. No matter how powerful the mechanical clan is, they cannot kill him, at most they will suffer a little.

Lan Qin felt that compared to sleeping on the street, not having enough food and clothing, he could still eat the hardships of being embarrassed by robots.

The spaceship took off at eight o'clock in the evening, and then arrived at the Desolate Star Station at seven o'clock in the morning. Lan Qin, who was half asleep and half awake, had no idea what was waiting for him on the Desolate Star.

After reading the details of the mission, the system 1122, which received the communication from the gods, has a stable mind - after all, the biggest villain bosses in the world of this mission are replaced by their gods, and the gods still love their hosts the most, so it will be an accident Well, its host probably won't lose a single hair.

This riding horse is really a little lamb returning to the green prairie - nothing will happen if you run around with your hooves!

As long as there is a god, even if its host breaks the sky of the mission world, there is probably no problem.

System 1122 is as stable as an old dog, but Lan Qin, who has completely lost the memory of his partner, is very uneasy.

Also do not want to take risks, but the director team who occasionally pay attention to the filming process behind the scenes is also very disturbed. Their anxiety is different from Lan Qin's.

Looking at Lan Qin's beautiful face like a spring flower, the director directly sighed in his heart, why is this little star so stubborn? I would rather choose to go to the barren star to suffer and gamble than to accept the support of the big boss. This is simply drinking poison to quench my thirst!

The person the big boss wants to get has never failed. Even if he fails this time, the next time it will definitely happen to this extremely beautiful little star.

If you don't understand such a simple truth, you are really not suitable for being in the entertainment industry!

But it's no wonder that the big boss is so persistent, such a beautiful face that is unparalleled in the world, and such a perfect body proportion, words such as white moonlight, dream lover, etc. are almost tailor-made for him.

It's a pity that in the entertainment circle, an overly beautiful appearance will only bring covetousness. If you choose to give in, then of course it will be a scene of hello, me, and everyone, but if you want to resist, it will definitely be hitting a stone with an egg.

I just hope that the ending of this little star will not be too tragic!

The director has skipped a lot of unfortunate examples. Those beautiful flowers that do not want to be broken are either forced to bloom in the hands of some people, or they wither and wither directly, leaving only the fragrance all over the ground. I can't help being frightened.

The director shook his head, still following the investor's order, and did not give too much help and attention to Lan Qin who was going to the deserted star - as long as he suffered enough, the little star would probably know what the "right" choice was.

Lan Qin didn't know that the investor hadn't given up yet, and he also joined forces with his entertainment company and the program group of "Star Adventure" to give him a blow, just to make him retreat.

After all, he has been hidden in the snow for three years, the day lily is cold, and the 300 million fans who once belonged to him now have less than 3 million fans, but 90% of them are given by the company at the beginning. Zombie powder he bought.

It's desolate to say the least, but Lan Qin came into the entertainment industry by accident, and it's enough to make a living, and there's no need to sell his body for the sake of future and wealth.

If it weren't for the fact that he signed a five-year contract with the entertainment company, if he even terminated the contract, he would have to pay a sky-high liquidated damages of 100 million, and Lan Qin is a penniless poor man, otherwise he would have quit the circle and left. up.

At worst, just find a small place to farm or pick up garbage. Lan Qin thinks that as long as people are alive and work with their hands, they will not starve to death!

Perhaps no one could have imagined that he was so tough that he faced difficulties.

This only shows that many people have not realized how stubborn and irritable Lan Chin's temper really is.

Probably too hard to break, in the task details, 'Lan Chin' died on the road of refusing the unspoken rules, although in the end he failed to let those fat-bellied investors succeed, but he paid his life like a flower.

System 1122 sighed, it was mourning for passer-by A in the task details, fortunately it was Lan Qin who came now, and the omnipotent god followed.

Then this time, those dark investors are definitely going to be in bad luck, and its system can just sit back and enjoy its benefits with the host.

Lan Qin rushed to the deserted star in a high spirited manner, but worried about his agent.

For such a stubborn artist, the manager is also worried, he has never seen an artist like Lan Qin, he is like a copper pea, no threats or lures can shake him.

Of course, there is also the reason why Lan Qin is an orphan. People who have no weaknesses, of course, will not be coerced.

Not to mention that Lan Qin is still a person who would rather be broken than broken, which makes the manager even more headache!

If he had known that he would end up on the bench like this, he shouldn't have signed Lan Qin, a beautiful artist like a flower! Originally thought it would be a cash cow that could turn him into a gold broker, but he didn't expect it to be a copper pea!

After the agent finished worrying, he called the big boss tremblingly, but he didn't expect that the big boss and investor didn't think anything was wrong.

And the investors behind the scenes didn't feel frustrated when they knew that the little beauty they were looking for was so stubborn. Instead, they felt that this grumpy rose with thorns was more beautiful and lovely.

Moreover, the barren star was also selected by the investor himself. Those mechanical clans that occupied the entire barren star were only tools created by humans to fight against alien planets. It was only later that a large number of tools awakened consciousness and defected, but for the loyalty and loyalty of humans. The rejection after awakening is definitely engraved on their main control board.

The investor was not worried that those non-reproductive robots would do something irreversible to his little rose, so the investor who wanted little rose to bow down immediately asked the director to arrange the shooting.

Rose will know that the glass greenhouse is the best place for him only after he has endured enough wind and rain outside.

For this, the system 1122 just wants to spit on each of these filthy human beings, although it does not have saliva.

Lanqin's life motto is to never give up and face up to difficulties, so when he found out that he came to Desolate Star, he didn't have any support, and he didn't feel frustrated. Instead, he directly followed the itinerary arranged by the program group, and met the desolate star in an orderly manner. Make observations.

"Planet Expedition" means that star contestants will select one or more alien planets, and then conduct daily observations and records of the alien planet's environment and aborigines. Except for the safety of the players' lives, nothing else can be guaranteed.

So the stars who came to participate in this show are basically either courageous lunatics or poor people like Lan Qin, and of course there may be some unlucky ones who were tricked into it.

But this time, Lan Qin really belongs to the super unlucky poor. Lan Qin joked that the buffs are full, and now he is waiting to fight the boss!

But what made Lanqin feel strange was that he had not encountered any troubles in the almost an hour since he came to Desolate Star. Even from his station in Desolate Star to the hotel, the whole journey was calm and peaceful.

Could it be that his low-key attire of sunglasses, mask and black hat looks like an aborigine on Desolate Star?

Otherwise, he really couldn't explain clearly that the robots he met seemed to be kind, well, young and handsome at the same time.

If the system 1122 knew Lan Qin's thoughts at this time, I'm afraid he would complain on the spot. As soon as God came to this task world, he immediately took control of Adam, the highest intelligence brain of the mechanical clan, and even thoughtfully described all the things the host would encounter. Robots have hacked data. The robot

that its host is facing now is either dominated by the consciousness of God, or a simple robot that has been infinitely improved in favor. When Lanqin comes here, he feels completely at home, and of course it feels good to be home!

Of course, if it weren't for the fact that its host has no memory of the past, maybe its host is no longer in this small hotel room to start live broadcasting, but is being given a sweet 'punishment' on God's bed.

At this time, the system 1122 immediately remembered that it and its host sneaked out from the center of the universe system in collusion, and only prayed that its host could appease the gods before the task was completed, otherwise its lovely database would have to be formatted once up. Thinking of the system chips that he has cherished for many years, 1122 felt that he had to work hard to promote it.

Moreover, the character Lanqin got this time made System 1122 bald with worry. Since its host sternly rejected the company's support, would it be impossible to accept God's love? Although there is still a big difference between nurturing and expressing love, perhaps for the host, there is not much difference.

Finally, there is another serious problem. After learning from Starnet that the mechanical race does not have the need for reproduction, and does not possess a certain organ, System 1122 is a little worried that the god of this mission world may... no.

As a system that has the same effect as robots, it is very understandable why the mechanical family doesn't buy that organ for themselves, after all, they don't need it and can't use it.

So why waste mechanical material on that?

But now it is clear that its host is in great need of this aspect, but it is not known whether God will make improvements in this aspect.

If God doesn't have the ability to make improvements in this area, maybe it needs to persuade its host to accept a platonic love.

After all, in love, maybe there should be other things besides physical passion, such as Plato's love, and Plato's love again!

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