7.16: It is you

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The evil god's plan is also very concise and clear, this point Lan Qin must have already Asleep, it sneaks in to see its believers, and it will definitely not be found.

Since it will not be discovered, there is no need to hide its snake tail.

The evil god looked down at his own long snake tail, which seemed completely fine to him, but to humans, it might be too terrifying.

It can't guarantee whether its believers will accept its snake tail. Maybe it intended to use this appearance to test the hearts of believers, but now it hopes that the snake tail is not important.

The most important thing is its believers, its Lanchin.

When Lan Qin fell into a deep sleep, the evil spirit entered through the gate of the No. 1 Hospital openly, but no one could find the trace of the evil spirit, let alone being frightened by the evil spirit with a snake tail.

Lan Qin couldn't notice the arrival of the evil god at all, he just cleaned himself up in his sleep like a prey stared by some large beast - this feeling is too familiar to Lan Qin!

After all, in the previous mission world, he could be said to be watched so passionately by his partner day after day, and this was completely his partner's fixed behavior.

When he fell asleep, his partner always liked to watch him intently, watching him wake up. After all, for his partner, sleep is not necessary.

Even the master of the abyss who likes to sleep is addicted to seeing the sleeping face of his sweetheart, as if it is the most beautiful scene in the world.

Lan Qin never appreciated his sleeping face, but when he was growing up, his parents and his elder brother praised him more than once. Their family's Qin Qin looked like an angel sleeping, innocent and innocent.

At this time, being stared at for most of the night, ordinary people might wake up immediately, but under such eager and hot eyes, Lan Qin felt full of security and slept more soundly.

The evil god watched its believer very seriously in the dark room. This was its only believer, and it was also his favorite believer.

If there are other gods in this world, it is even willing to kill that god, and then snatch the godhead to its believers, so that their believers can accompany it forever.

The evil god's mind is filled with all kinds of extreme thoughts, and its eyes are so heavy that humans can't bear it. Maybe it still can't understand the reason for its emotions, but it loves believers a lot.

If possible, it wants to enclose its believers between the snake's tail and imprison it in front of its heart, so that its believers can get along with it without distance.

The evil god thought so, the long snake tail was even more sincere than its heart, so it just quietly climbed onto the bed, and then paraded up from the bottom of the quilt, before reaching the warmest human chest, it couldn't help but linger .

There are slightly raised red dots, a cute navel, and a faint waist, all of which make the snake tail forget the previous destination, but it is also greedy for this, and likes that too.

Crawling around in the quilt for a while, the snake tail suddenly remembered its purpose. It wanted to stick to the believers, so it reluctantly bid farewell to the thing it loved the most, and then slowly climbed up.

But after climbing up for a while, the snake's tail was tempted by the delicate collarbone again. It couldn't help rubbing the collarbone back and forth for a while, and very happily circled the believer's neck with the thinnest tip of the tail-it I think this location is very suitable for it to stay in. It feels tender and warm, and it really loves it.

At this time, it was seduced by the collarbone, lingering for a while, and suddenly felt a trace of continuous fragrance, which came from a higher place, although the collarbone also exudes a little fragrance, but compared to the top place, it is still Much thinner.

So the snake tail decided to continue to climb up, and finally it reached the face of the believer, and the extremely soft lips became its latest favorite.

At this time, the evil god had followed his inner thoughts and directly leaned his whole body on the hospital bed. Because it was a VIP ward, even the beds were much larger than ordinary beds. At least after the evil god also lay on it, it didn't look crowded.

Of course, the evil god felt that the bed

was a bit too wide, otherwise it could get closer to its followers.

But this distance is also very good, at least it can be very close to the believer.

It's just that there is a quilt between them, and the snake tail of the evil god has pushed the quilt to the side flexibly.

But after finding that the air conditioner in the ward seemed to be turned on a little low, and the snake tail was cold to the touch, Lan Qin actually had goose bumps all over his body, and the evil god moved the quilt back with the snake tail.

The end of the snake's tail has invaded into the mouth with high temperature, and the involuntary swallowing mouth and throat made the evil god's snake's tail so excited.

The evil god's red pupils also became extremely excited because of the feeling from the snake's tail, and the pupils suddenly stood up, which was the fierce reaction of snakes when they touched their prey.

In the over-excited mood, the tail of the snake got deeper and deeper, and the evil god forgot that human beings' ability to bear is limited.

Lanchin felt his throat full of discomfort in his sleep. He dreamed that he was drowned by a dark sea, his mouth and nose were covered with sea water. Wake up with a lot of effort.

Sleeping people don't realize that they are dreaming. After being choked awake, Lan Qin keenly felt that there was a foreign object in his mouth, and this foreign object was still alive!

At that moment, Lan Qin felt that the hairs on his whole body were going to stand up, but what was outrageous was that he was also experienced in this matter. In the previous mission world, he was crawled into by his partner's fluffy tail and countless Gu insects. mouth.

But that was just crawling in while playing with him, not in his unconscious state of sleep, and now it caught him by surprise.

Lan Qin didn't think too much, subconsciously stretched out his hand to pull out the thing that was pressing on him and extended to his mouth, and then held it tightly in his hand to observe.

Feeling the touch, temperature and shape of the foreign object in his hand, Lan Qin had reason to suspect that it was a snake tail as thick as an arm.

According to the god statue he saw in the Luohua Village Temple, the longest tail of this snake can be more than two meters, and the widest part may require his hands to look around.

The evil god was discovered by believers, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he still thought about greeting believers with snake tails.

Lan Qin felt the extremely lively snake tail in his hand, touched the length, width and hardness a few more times, and felt that the rest of his life might be a bit sad.

He didn't think his partner would not use this flexible snake tail at a certain time.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Lan Qin has to be thankful that his partner's snake tail is on the place above him, instead of choosing to go through the back door.

Otherwise, he can go to the anorectal department now.

etc! What is the age of his partner now? He can't fall in love with minors, eighteen years old is Lan Qin's minimum bottom line.

"You're back?"

Lan Qin said sleepily, and then lay back on the warm bed with the snake tail in his hand. Now he is so sleepy, he just wants to have a good sleep first, as for other things Let's talk about it tomorrow.

"Don't leave casually tonight, you'll be worried about me for a long time when you're missing..."

Lan Qin muttered these words, and then told Lan Mu some things one after another. Had to hold hands tightly.

In the dark night, the evil god looked at Lan Qin's face falling into a deep sleep again. This was simply a reenactment of the previous night. Its believers found out that something was wrong with it, but they were still pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Maybe the believer is holding the idea that everything will be normal when he wakes up tomorrow morning, but this time it will let him down.

Because this snake tail, which is usually troublesome, can't be retracted for a while, Lanqin can't see the snake tail clearly in the dark tonight, and he will be terrified when he wakes up tomorrow morning.

But this is something that its believers must accept, and it is inevitable.

The evil god leaned over and stretched out his long snake letter to lick the corner of the believer's lips. There were some water marks left there, but its believers seemed to be so trapped that they didn't care about it.

But following the believer's scent, the evil god still helped

the believer to lick all the traces with a blank face. Of course, in the process, it also gave the believer an exclusive scent mark.

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