6.3: Meeting Room

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After reading the memory and task details of the original owner, Lan Qin has a Not a good guess, is it possible that the female protagonist who ends up with the monster male protagonist is not a real human female protagonist? To be more precise, it was the heroine controlled by monsters.

The male protagonist needs a human with a high position in the human base to do things for him. If the human female protagonist is fascinated by the monster's so-called love at the beginning, but when she sees the human compatriots in the base being slaughtered and eaten , as long as the human heroine has a little conscience, she will not smile and become a monster queen.

So in Lan Qin's view, the heroine at that time seemed to have been completely eroded by the monster's brain, so she didn't move at all.

Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, the human heroine hates human beings extremely, even to the point of destroying human beings with her own hands, so she smiles and sees human compatriots being tortured and killed, and then laughs very happily.

Lanqin does not deny that such people without empathy and compassion do exist in the world, but he feels that since the world consciousness has chosen such a human being as the protagonist, it has its own reasons after all.

There must be one of the two protagonists who has merit, making the world better and developing for the better.

It is impossible for the world consciousness to choose a protagonist who is planning to destroy the world with all his heart.

Even if the hero is a monster, everything tends to be a monster, but the heroine is a human being, and she should be on the side of humans by nature.

Lan Qin was thinking about various things in his heart, but on the surface he maintained a calm and thoughtful expression, and then watched the entire monitoring video of the monster killing and eating people with the same expression, in which two legs were bitten off by the newly bred monster The researchers were still yelling for help in panic, but the lucky one who escaped from death didn't look back at all, and directly closed all the protective doors of the cultivation room with a face full of grief.

Although this parasitic monster has just been born, it has a very high IQ. After manipulating the researcher to close the protection of the training room, it wailed and cried outside the door for a long time in extreme pain, and then took out the communicator to contact other staff of the Institute.

If you just look at the surveillance video and the performance of the researcher, it is difficult to suspect that there is something wrong with the researcher.

After all, the researcher was behaving like a human after a newborn monster-killing accident.

Lan Qin, who only knew the truth, would never believe it, and could very accurately find a smile that was not a smile on the researcher's face, as if he was looking forward to the future tragedy of Base 13.

When Lanqin was thinking about how to peel off the monster's fake skin, the assistant Modi spoke cautiously again.

"Dr. Lanqin, the incident in the training room was also an accident, but the director is not in the research institute now, do you want to make up your mind as soon as possible?" After the assistant

Modi tentatively asked how to deal with the accident in the training room, Lan Qin made a decision.

"Go and tell the doctors to go to the conference room for a meeting."

Lan Qin said this sentence concisely, then turned and walked towards the laboratory.

The two assistants who were left in place looked at each other, one followed Dr. Lanqin's footsteps, and the other was responsible for contacting other doctors and rushing to the conference room on the 30th floor as soon as possible.

In short, it is very tacit.

Modi, who was assigned to notify the doctors, acted very quickly. After all, Dr. Lanchin doesn't like to wait for others, so he must act as soon as possible!

Assistant Modi thought so, and quickly took action. After all, according to what Dr. Lan Qin said just now, it is the accident in the training room that must be decided by the doctors.

As Dr. Lan Chin's assistant, he had to inform the other doctors immediately.

Otherwise, when the doctors come later one by one, not only his assistant will be scolded, but all the doctors will definitely be scolded bloody by Dr. Lan Chin.


"Didi! Dr. Anxi Kaimei, you have a new message, please check it in time!"

In a relatively remote laboratory, a mechanical sound suddenly

sounded in the empty laboratory, directly frightening the quiet station. Ansi Kaime who was watching, when she realized that she was actually standing in the familiar laboratory, and there was no army of hideous monsters around her, she shed tears of joy on the spot.

Anxi Kaimei remembered very clearly that she died in that energy explosion, but she didn't hate the person who caused that energy explosion. After all, she wanted to lead the Die that massive army of densely packed monsters!

Seeing the people in the base being killed and devoured with her own eyes, Anxi Kemei had only one thought in her mind, and that was to kill the source of all these tragedies-herself and the monster Hill!

Anxi Kaimei has never regretted that she met that monster named Hill. If she hadn't lured the wolf into the house, Base 13 would never have been captured so easily, and even everyone in the base was killed by the monster. .

Whenever he thought of that horrible scene, Anxi Kaimei's eyes turned red with hatred!

It's all that monster Hill's fault! If it hadn't bewitched her to fight for the honor of being the first person in the base, she wouldn't have cultivated so many aggressive monsters-as Mingming Hill said, although those monsters are very aggressive, they are very harmful to humans. friendly.

But after witnessing those monsters killing and eating the people in the base, she knew that she was cheated!

That monster named Hill was simply trying to plot against Base 13, so he pretended to be seriously injured and pretended to be a harmless juvenile monster to gain her trust. After Anxi Kaimei realized something was wrong, he decisively let her She was controlled by that terrible monster!

This is a conspiracy against the surviving human beings!

But she was fooled.

When Anxi Kaimei thought of this, her teeth itch with hatred, and she just wanted to kill that young Hill immediately!

"Didi! Dr. Anxi Kaimei..."

Just as Anxi Kaimei was about to be blindfolded by hatred, the communicator on her waist rang again, and this voice brought Anxi Kaimei back to her senses .

She recalled the current time a little bit, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was before the monster Hill came into Base 13, and more importantly, Dr. Lan Chin, the most powerful base in Base 13, was not surprised. die!

This made Anxi Kaimei's eyes light up a little hope. In Anxi Kaimei's view, the reason why those monsters were the first to kill Dr. Lanchin must be afraid of Dr. Lanchin's ability-because Lanchin The doctor is likely to kill them, so he took the risk of revealing his identity and killed Dr. Lan Chin!

But now, Dr. Lanqin is still fine, and is even doing various monster research, which undoubtedly gave Anxi Kaimei hope.

While thinking about how to disclose the events of his previous life to Dr. Lan Chin, Anxi Kaimei took off the communicator at his waist and pressed it indifferently.

She is just the most trashy doctor in the research institute now, and she doesn't even have an assistant. She really doesn't think that there are any particularly important people and things that will find her at this time.

But since they called her twice, there must be some important announcement.

"Drip! Dr. Lanqin asked all the doctors of the 13th Research Institute to arrive at the meeting room on the minus 30th floor within ten minutes. Please rush there as soon as possible after receiving the notice! If any doctor is unable to go, please inform immediately Dr. Lanchin's assistant, Modi, thank you for your cooperation!"

Anxi Kaimei, who thought there would be nothing important: "!!!"

Why did Dr. Lan Chin suddenly ask her, the last doctor, to discuss things? This is totally abnormal! And has this happened in the previous life?

Anxi Kaimei desperately recalled the events of her previous life in her mind, feeling that nothing like this happened, but when she thought about it carefully, she was not so sure.

It may be because her brain has been parasitized by monsters, it is a bit difficult to think about things now, and many memories seem to be separated by a layer of clouds, and she can't remember clearly.

It's all the fault of those damned monsters!

Made! Monster Hill, you'd better

pray , otherwise I will let you taste what life is worse than death!

Ansi Kemei once again insulted the monster Hill passionately, then hurriedly cleaned up and immediately went to the elevator to meet her idol, Dr. Lanchin.

If it weren't for the limited time of ten minutes, and she didn't want Dr. Lanchin to wait for a long time, otherwise, she would want to take a shower and change into new clothes that she is not willing to wear on weekdays, and then get a nice hairstyle before going out.

But the most important thing now is not to keep her idol waiting for too long!

Anxi Kaimei couldn't hide her surprise when she went out. She walked briskly on the road. When she actually took the elevator to the negative 30th floor, she reluctantly put away her immature cheerful look and tried to keep a steady and reliable appearance. into the meeting room.

Generally, doctors will have assistants to guide the way or pour tea and water, but because Anxi Kaimei is the least accomplished in the research institute, he is basically not kicked out of the doctor's team because of the success of the experiment that he occasionally scratched his head. At the end of the crane, there was no assistant or assistant assigned by the base at all.

But because of this, Ansi Keme got a glass of water poured by his assistant Modi.

Ansi Kemei looked at the cup of tea poured by Dr. Lanchin's assistant, Modi, and felt very happy in his heart. This is the tea that Modi, the assistant of Dr. Lanchin (emphasis added), poured for her. Rounding off, she drank the tea invited by Dr. Lanchin!

How does this not make Ansi Keme so happy that she wants to jump up and do a cha-cha? !

Anxi Kaimei was very happy at first, but when she saw that almost all the doctors in the base rushed to this conference room, she knew that something might be wrong.

Is there anything important happening at the base at this time?

Anxi Kaimei frowned and thought about it, but she still didn't think of anything. She only remembered that Dr. Lanchin died unexpectedly shortly after the monster Hill entered Base 13.

At that time, she was very sad about the death of Dr. Lanchin, and she was not even interested in studying the rare monsters that came into her hands.

It was only after this monster came to talk to her and comforted her for a long time that Anxi Kaimei walked out of the shadow of the idol's death.

But at that time, how could Anxi Kaimei think that the accidental death of her idol was originally caused by this seemingly harmless monster!

Lan Qin didn't directly wait for the arrival of the other doctors in the conference room, because it really didn't fit his personality, and it was too unstyled.

So he waited in the lounge next to the meeting room for the doctors from the institute to arrive one after another. After his assistant Modi told him that all the doctors who could come from the institute had come, he got up with a cold face and entered the meeting room.

At this time, only eight minutes had passed since the notification was issued, which shows that Passerby A's status in this research institute is very high.

If he didn't die too easily and dramatically, maybe he wouldn't be just a passerby.

The original owner is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, so after entering the conference room, Lan Chin didn't look at the doctors in the conference room too much, and explained the whole process of the accident in the training room very concisely, and his attitude was very strong. Let all the doctors solve it together.

Dr. Kimberly frowned when she heard Dr. Lanchin calling them over for such a thing. She didn't think it was a big deal, and according to Dr. Lanqin's personality, she should have dealt with it by herself, why did she call them all over?

Dr. Kimberly's question is also the question of many doctors present, even Anxi Kaimei thought in her heart that this is not something her idol would do.

The reason is also very simple, because her idol will never do such a waste of time.

Moreover, the problem with the cultivation room sounds serious, but it is very easy to deal with. Just wipe out the cultivation room completely. As for the monster larvae that were to be cultivated before, it is not a big deal. Not a small loss.

She didn't think the director of the institute would blame Dr. Lanchin for this.

So after thinking about it, she felt that Dr. Lan Chin's act of calling all the doctors to the meeting was very unbelievable.

Lan Qin seemed to see the doubts of everyone present, so he tapped the table with his fingers, and after attracting

everyone's attention, he said in a cold tone.

"A researcher escaped from the training room where the accident happened, but I suspect that he has been parasitized by a new type of monster. The reason why I called you all here is to analyze who is responsible for the research project of this parasitic monster. "

Anxi Kaimei: "!!!"

Other doctors: "!!!"

Hearing what Dr. Lanchin said, everyone present knew that the emergence of new monsters must be true. After all, Dr. Lanchin has always been taciturn. I don't bother to talk to ordinary people like them, but if I say so many things at once, I must be sure of it!

Thinking about this, the doctors present were a little flustered. After all, no one thought that such a dangerous monster hatchling was bred by their own hands.

It would be fine if this monster larva was friendly to humans, but now that three researchers have died, it must be that it is not very friendly to humans, and it has successfully parasitized a researcher... This mistake is a big one. up!

"What kind of experiments have you guys done recently? The research institutes have real-name registrations. If you feel that your experiments may have such deviations, you'd better tell them as soon as possible. If you ask me or the director to investigate in person, then The severity of the punishment will not be as light as it is now." As

soon as Lan Qin said these words, all the doctors present were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat. Although Dr. Lan Qin is terrible, the director will only be more terrible.

They neither want to be punished nor take responsibility, nor do they want to be dealt with by the director personally, so they start to recall and review their recent experimental research in fear.

Because Kimberly has been busy training and training the pure and beautiful men and women under her command recently, she has no time to do new experiments at all, so she sat very calmly in her seat, looking at Dr. Lan Chin's noble, glamorous and beautiful side profile with great interest. The face is in a daze.

In the same way, Anxi Kaimei also did not do new experiments recently due to lack of ability and too salty fish, so he also looked at the idol's delicate chin and thought about things.

For idols that are sacred and cannot be desecrated, she only dares to look at her chin with a nympho, but she doesn't have the courage to do more.

All the doctors present were trying their best to recall, while Lan Qin's two assistants were also standing behind Dr. Lan Qin, flirting with each other.

--It turned out that Dr. Lan Qin asked me to send someone to detain the researcher who escaped from death because of suspicion... Ah no, it was because he was sure that the person had been parasitized by a monster! Oh my God, Dr. Lanqin is indeed a god-like existence, and he knew that something was wrong with that researcher just by watching a replay of the surveillance video!

--That's right, that's why Dr. Lan Chin asked me to notify all the doctors to come to the meeting, so it was because of this matter! However, two doctors were busy dealing with the new batch of monsters that arrived today, so they didn't come here. The research on a new type of monster with parasitic function should not be done by those two doctors, right? !

- Certainly not! After all, choosing a new monster species would take ten days and a half a month at a time, and the two doctors would never have the time and energy to do new experiments.

-Is it like this? I can rest assured that! But I still want to sigh with you again: Dr. Lan Chin, you are the eternal God!

--Hehehe, me too!

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