1.25: Making Money

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Lan Qin was in the middle to appease Li Yan's emotions, the last time The treat to eat hot pot was successfully completed.

In order to prevent Yang Jian from committing irrational and illegal acts after eating and drinking, Lan Qin also took a taxi with Yang Jian himself, took Yang Jian to his wife, and then took a taxi back to his home.

At this time, Li Yan has changed from a rose crystal-eyed butterfly back to a human form, but because this human form is actually a ghost body, it cannot be touched by other people at all, otherwise it will be found that it is just an incorporeal body.

Because of this, except for going out to buy vegetables and delivering meals to Lanqin Company, Li Yan will basically not appear in front of people in human form. After all, this risk is really a bit big.

Of course, this risk is in Lan Qin's view, but ghosts and gods don't think there is any risk. After all, except Lan Qin, no one will have the opportunity to meet him.

But because of his greedy sweetheart's worries about him, Li Yan still obediently stayed at their house as a househusband.

In the eyes of ghosts and gods, this is a very warm and sacred duty.

Being able to wash hands and make soup for his sweetheart is something Li Yan never thought about, but now he likes it very much.

Lan Qin and Li Yan took a taxi back to the gate of the community, but they were not in a hurry to go home, because they drank a little beer while eating hot pot, it was only half past seven, and tomorrow was the weekend, so Lan Qin decided to go home with Li Yan. Yan took a walk in the surrounding parks, and sobered up by the way.

The weather in the south in early November is a bit cold, but you won't feel cold even if you wear a coat, especially after you just came out of a lively hot pot restaurant, Lan Qin feels that the slight cold wind blowing on your face is very refreshing and comfortable .

"You've been here for so long, it seems that I haven't gone shopping with you and made a date."

Lan Qin talked to Li Yan while walking.

It was autumn at this time, and many trees were dropping their leaves to the ground. Even though they were cleaned every morning, the cold wind blew down all day, and a layer of dead leaves still accumulated on the street. When people walk past, there will be a 'creaking' sound.

Lan Qin heard the sound of dead leaves being stepped on from under his feet, but he didn't hear Li Yan's voice, so he knew that the ghost was not actually stepping on the ground.

After hearing Lan Qin's words, Li Yan knew that this was an opportunity. He also knew from the Internet that in order to better maintain the relationship between couples, it is very common for couples to date, go shopping, eat and watch movies.

Sure enough, before Li Yan could speak, Lan Qin said that it would be fine to go camping and having a picnic in the countryside this weekend, or just go on a date and watch a movie in the commercial center.

Li Yan said it was all right, "I have been trapped in the tomb for thousands of years, and I really don't understand the current world, Lan Qin, you decide." Lan Qin turned his head to see

Li Yan's expression, and found that under the bright moonlight, That face actually carried a feeling of warmth and tenderness like jade.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been busy taking care of him since he left with him. This is really unbelievable for a noble and precious Crown Prince.

It's also hard for Lan Chin not to feel a little guilty, after all, he looks like a scumbag who squeezes the freedom and labor of his subjects.

I had further contact with Li Yan last night, and the work at hand has come to an end, and seeing that the boss of the magazine may still be suffering his due retribution, the magazine will only be more relaxed recently , he decided to be more considerate of his object.

Lan Qin asked Li Yan if there was any place he wanted to visit. He also knew that Li Yan often surfed the Internet and had a lot of knowledge about modern society, such as the price of vegetables, how to use kitchen utensils, and the recipes of various dishes.

In this way, relying on the almighty network, Li Yan, His Highness the prince and ghost, quickly learned all the basic skills that ordinary people in modern society can master.

There is an old laptop at home, which is exactly the laptop used by 'Lan Chin' when he was in college. Although this laptop is still placed in the study room, it is actually Li Yan's exclusive.

Occasionally Lanchin would use the old computer and look at the search history along the way, and then he saw something unspeakable.

#龙阳十八式specifically what content#


怎么 恒了一个perfect bridal chamber flower candle night#

#A city most suitable for dating husband/boyfriend eight romantic places#

#做了这些十事务, Let your lover be fascinated by you#

#抱他的味就把了他心:喜欢心人的一千食食# #......#

秦在Seeing these records that could only be ghosts and gods search , I just feel a little helpless, he really can't understand how ghosts and gods have so many strange questions to search, of course, on the other hand, he also realizes that he may not care enough about Li Yan.

So when he was free on weekends, Lan Qin decided to take Li Yan on a date, or go on a picnic in the countryside, so as to live a leisurely and warm married life.

Now that Li Yan was asked whether he would prefer a picnic or a date to eat and watch a movie, he did not get a positive choice. Lan Qin, who learned how to care for his partner, decided to go for a picnic in the countryside one day, and go on a date to eat and watch a movie the other day.

Li Yan readily agreed to this.

After walking for a while, Lan Qin returned home with Li Yan after a few minutes of enjoying the lively scenes of children playing, teenagers playing skateboards, and aunts and uncles dancing square dances.

And in the shop downstairs in the community, Li Yan also dropped in to buy some of Lan Qin's favorite creamy strawberries, and then followed his lover back to their cozy hut.

When Lan Qin and Li Yan entered the elevator, they happened to meet a woman rushing in with a baby in her arms. After seeing the woman holding the baby, Lan Qin pressed the button of the elevator, and did not let go until the woman entered the elevator.

Looking at the woman in her twenties with a gentle face, she said thank you to Lan Qin, and then pressed the button on the 8th floor.

Lan Qin, who was about to press the floor, was a little surprised because the woman appeared, because this woman was on the same floor as him, but passer-by A had no memory of it at all.

Although he was a little curious about the woman on the same floor as him in the same building, Lan Qin could only restrain his curious eyes because someone was watching from the side.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, Passerby A used to work from 8 am to 6 pm, and occasionally had to work overtime, and was away on business trips from time to time, so it was normal for him not to have an impression of his neighbors.

What Lan Qin didn't realize was that the woman holding the baby was very anxious before entering the elevator, but when she saw Li Yan in the elevator, she hesitated for a few seconds.

But because Lan Qin kept holding down the elevator and waiting for her, coupled with Li Yan's cold gaze, she had to lower her head and carry the child inside.

She was really afraid of this neighbor with unfathomable means and strength, because her husband beat her in the middle of the night before, and then quarreled with the neighbors. This strange man who called himself Mr. Li came to him on the spot, and She beat her husband who spoke nonsense severely.

What's even more frightening is that Mr. Li called a bunch of evil spirits at the time. The woman didn't know what her husband was feeling at the time, but she was dumbfounded and almost died of fright.

"If there is any more noise, you will be with them for the rest of your life."

Even though fourteen days had passed since that incident, the woman still took the words that Mr. Li said at that time and the extreme indifference on his face. I remember clearly the look on my face.

The husband who was cursing and arrogant did not dare to speak, but only cried and said that he would keep quiet in the future, and the woman who was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face was even more afraid to speak.

Now seeing this celestial master who is suspected to have a high level of cultivation and can even raise little ghosts again, the woman only felt terrified, hugged the child tightly in her arms, and prayed in her heart that she would never attract the attention of this Mr. Li again.

However, women are not unfamiliar with Lan Qin who is next to Tianshi Li. As a housewife, she has actually met Lan Qin who commutes to and from get off work.

Only because her husband strictly forbade her to talk to other men, so there was no conversation between them.

Maybe this Mr. Lanchin didn't even know her.

The elevator managed to reach the 8th floor with great difficulty. The woman rushed out of the elevator first, regardless of etiquette, and then opened the door with the key with trembling hands, then walked in quickly, and closed the door as lightly and urgently as possible.

On the other hand, Lan Qin didn't care too much about this neighbor who only met once, but no matter how fast the woman moved, he could still see clearly that she lived in Room 804.

This community has a total of twelve floors, and there are four families on the first floor. Lan Qin lives in Room 801, but he doesn't know anything about the situation of the other three families.

However, as a passer-by who does not want and does not need to socialize with neighbors, Lan Qin will not take the initiative to close the relationship with the neighbors.

Back home, Lan Chin went to the study to check the new work for next week in advance and make a work plan.

In this way, when he goes to work on Monday next week, he can finish the work as soon as possible, and by the way, he can completely free up the weekend.

Li Yan thoughtfully took the cream strawberries to clean. He was actually very dissatisfied with this relatively small room, and wanted to buy a wedding room on his own strength.

But in view of the property he owns now-that is, the burial objects in his tomb, it is not easy to sell, and even if someone dares to buy it, he can't sell the gold, silver and jewels that are tainted with the resentment of evil spirits.

Otherwise, someone died because of buying those funerary objects, and Li Yan was very worried that such a crime would be imposed on Lan Qin.

So in order to accumulate virtue for his sweetheart, Li Yan, who also wants to earn money to support his family, decided to become a ghost catcher who does good deeds and accumulates virtue.

Of course, he knew that it was too far-fetched for a ghost to be a ghost hunter, so he kept it a secret, and he only chose the high bid list, and he sold it when Lan Qin was not allowed to follow him at work.

Once the ghosts and gods make a move, no matter how difficult or vicious the ghosts are, they have to obey the law obediently, and those who cry for their fathers and mothers beg to let them go.

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