5.9: Looking for a Lover

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When Lan Qin heard the woman at the front desk say that she is Jenny, he felt Is the matter too simple, and it is so easy to find the key person of the dungeon mission?

The two girls who were in charge of the inquiry also felt that the answer was too easy to come by, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, and even asked the woman at the front desk if there was a second lady named Jenny here.

The woman who called herself Jenny was very upset when she heard that there were still people doubting her identity, "I am the only Jenny here, if you have nothing else to do, please don't occupy the front desk and hinder other guests." Order."

One of the two girls looked back and only saw the companions with them, and didn't see the existence of other customers at all, so she felt that the waiter was lying, so she apologized and said sorry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, actually we came here because we heard that there is a lady named Jenny who is very beautiful, noble and elegant, so we asked a few questions out of curiosity. If you are the rumored Jenny, you really deserve your reputation!"

These words are obviously flattering to Jenny. Girls think that there should be no women who don't like being praised for their beauty, and they don't stretch out their hands to hit people with smiling faces. How about this Jenny, who doesn't know if it's true or not, won't lose her temper with her .

And Jenny's reaction was indeed similar to what the girls expected, but I don't know why the two young girls suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Jenny didn't reprimand the guests for doubting her identity, but the girl's words didn't please Jenny. Instead, it made Jenny restrain her smile, and asked them to find a seat quickly, because the food they ordered quickly disappeared. Ready to serve.

"Although I am very grateful to you, a young and beautiful girl, for complimenting me, but for a woman like me who was escaped by her fiancé with a mistress in the wedding hall, her life has long been a mess." Jenny finished this sentence with a sad

face After that, he didn't speak any more, but turned around and went into the back kitchen to get the food prepared by the chef.

Lan Qin witnessed this conversation with his own eyes. Although they were located a little away from the front desk, they also saw all the reactions of Jenny at the front desk, whether it was Jenny's jealousy towards the female player at the front, or her love for the front desk. The two girls in the back didn't like it.

This Jenny seems to be a bit unfriendly towards women, but I don't know if it has something to do with the woman who ran away with her fiancé.

Wait, it seems that mistress is not necessarily a woman, but considering Jenny's overly heavy tone when talking about mistress and her unfriendly attitude towards women, the possibility of mistress is a woman seems to be relatively high.

And one more thing, that is, apart from the new guests, all the guests he saw on the first floor before were men, if the kitchen in the kitchen was also men, then Jenny was the only woman in this motel.

Could this also be a clue?

Lan Qin was thinking about these issues in his heart, and there was one more thing that attracted Lan Qin's attention, that is, Jenny served the two waves of players first, and he and Homan were the first customers to order food, but they were the last to serve. dishes.

From a little distance, Lan Chin could also see that the food on the table of those players was no different from that on their side, so why did they serve the food for the latecomers first, but serve them last?

But this is not a big problem, and Lan Chin didn't show dissatisfaction, but watched Homan check all the food served before telling him that it was ready to eat.

Even so, Lan Chin still picked out the fried chicken nuggets from the burger and only ate two slices of bread.

"Honey, don't you like fried chicken?"

Seeing Lan Qin picking out the fried chicken, Homan leaned over and asked in a low voice while gnawing on the hamburger.

In fact, Lan Qin was just a sequelae of the previous dungeon, and he didn't dare to eat the meat in the dungeon, but when Homan asked, he nodded, just casually saying that he suddenly didn't want to eat it.

Homan didn't ask any more questions, but put the fried chicken nugget that Lanchin had picked out in his hamburger and ate it together,

with a happy expression on his face.

"My wife, you must have seen that I like fried chicken nuggets, so you gave it to me. Wife, you are so kind!"

Lan Qin: "..."

If this Homan is not his partner, then it is indeed acting Great, or a real infatuation seed.

In fact, Lan Qin is not in a hurry to find his partner right away. Anyway, as long as he meets someone similar to Homan in the next dungeon, it is 100% that his partner is playing role-playing.

Well, his partner has always enjoyed playing this.

Maybe it's a special hobby.

Lan Qin didn't feel anything, and even enjoyed it.

After eating all the food he ordered, Lan Qin sat and watched Homan clean up the dining table, rolled up the wrappers, and threw them into the trash can next to him.

After disposing of the garbage very environmentally conscious, Homan set his sights on Lanqin, with anticipation, "Honey, let's go back to the room! It's getting dark outside now, we have to wash up and go to bed quickly." Going to bed!"


Suddenly thinking of the translucent bathroom, which was obviously a taste, Lan Chin thought maybe they should sit on the first floor for a while.

It's just that no matter how much Lan Chin dawdles, it's a sure thing to go upstairs and go back to the room, because just now Jenny suddenly came over to announce something. In order to save electricity, the motel's power will be cut off at ten o'clock in the evening, and it will not be restarted until six o'clock in the morning. call.

"It's early autumn now, and the temperature is not too hot. If you feel that the room is a little hot, you can open the windows. We basically don't have any mosquitoes here, so there is no need to worry about mosquito bites." Jenny

said It's easy, but players who know how dangerous the dungeon will be will never open the windows. After all, there is a power outage and the windows are open. Who knows what the hell will come in at that time? !

Of course, Lan Qin also checked the windows in the room, and then found that the two windows did not have anti-theft nets, and they were still very old. Even if they were locked from the inside, it seemed unsafe, after all, the latches were rusty up.

If this dungeon really has a ghost or something beyond materialism, it seems that there is no need to go through the window, just go through the wall and enter.

But he didn't know why, or there was someone who seemed to be his partner accompanying him, so Lan Chin didn't feel much sense of crisis.

Lan Qin admonished himself not to take it lightly, maybe Homan is the biggest killer of the dungeon arrangement, if he relaxes his vigilance easily, he may die unexpectedly!

He hasn't really reunited with his partner yet, so he can't just die in this infinite streaming game so easily.

Of course, Lan Qin also believes in the strength of his partner. If he is really dead, then this infinite streaming game may not be good.

But the problem is that he knows and believes that his partner is very powerful, but he can't directly tell the main system of the infinite streaming game "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", otherwise it will seem like he is mentally ill.

Lan Qin was a little disheartened and went back to the room on the third floor with Homan. Before entering the room, he looked at the room next to him. He really couldn't tell if there were any new guests moving in.

But even if the other rooms are empty, Lan Qin has no intention of changing rooms. After all, 301 is located at the first room at the corner of the stairs. If something happens, it must be the most convenient way to escape.

Lan Chin will not forget that the name of this dungeon is "Dead End".

Regardless of when this dead end appeared, anyway, as long as the player comes in, the dead end will definitely come to the player. After all, the existence of the dungeon is to beat the player severely.

Of course Homan knew what the mission of this dungeon was, but he was still thinking about what he should ask his wife to exchange if he came to ask him for help.

This is really a very big problem. Should He ask his wife for a kiss, or just ask his wife to give him a kiss?

If he really wants his wife to agree with him, how should he introduce himself to his wife? If it is a player, doesn't it mean that he has been playing tricks on his wife before? But if it is an NPC in the dungeon, what identity should he use to reunite with his wife

in the next dungeon? The game master doesn't mind changing his identity, but if he changes more, no matter whether his wife will continue to fall in love with him or not, he feels that he may feel jealous and resentful towards the identity that was loved by his wife before. thought. And even if the identities that may or may not appear in the future, it is difficult for him not to have a hostile attitude. After all, those identities will share his wife's love with him. This is something that the master of the game can't stand! Considering this, the game master silently crossed out his plan to continue to use fake identities to fall in love with Lan Qin. At this time, the game master who was a little bit in a dilemma and resented himself for why he had directly revealed the identity of the player to his wife before, but insisted on pretending to be a couple with a married relationship with his wife.

But when he got back to the couple's room where there were red love balloons and red roses everywhere, the game master thought it was a good idea to pretend to be a dungeon NPC, otherwise how could he live in a couple's room with his wife so quickly!

"Wife, are you tired? I'll find pajamas and put hot water for you right now!"

Homan was very active in serving his wife to take a bath. After all, the sexy glass bathroom is not just a decoration, and he can even imagine when it will come What a beautiful scenery it will be.

Lan Qin is not interested in taking a bath half naked in front of a stranger. Although there is a bathtub in the bathroom, Lan Qin doesn't want to use the bathtub in the hotel, after all, he doesn't know how many people have used it.

Lan Qin directly rejected Homan, but Homan was very active and quickly took out the pajamas, and then put them on the bed that Homan had re-laid with a new sheet.

After taking a quick look at the contents of the suitcase, Lan Chin could understand why there were two such large suitcases, and they were all filled with his belongings.

Because Homan was worried that he would be allergic to the things in the hotel, he brought a sheet, a thin blanket, and even a pillowcase, and he almost moved the whole family here.

Lan Qin felt that the most important thing now was to determine whether Homan was his partner, and he did have a good way.

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