3.5: Brad

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Lanqin wanted to go to the Holy See after leaving the abyss, but because I really don't know where the Holy See is, so I had to hire a carriage and a groom first, and drive to the Holy See at a very limited speed.

Knowing that there must be someone who is the protagonist in the Holy See, in order not to expose the news that he is not dead, Lan Qin can only calm down for the time being.

According to the details of the mission, the protagonist Gong Jodi took action against the Pope within a month after the Son died.

If the Holy See really has a strong sense of vigilance against the Demon Realm, then it would not be easy for the protagonist Gong to seize the Human Realm.

According to the groom, it will take about five or six days to go back to the Central Holy See from here, and Lan Qin can wait.

Just taking this opportunity, he can also investigate with Wu Miao where it is more suitable for them to live alone.

Lan Qin really likes the place where spring flowers bloom all year round. Maybe they can think about it again. After all, it will take some time to really achieve the goal of peace in the human world.

And the Lord of the Abyss, who walked outside in human form for the first time, naturally obeyed his lover Lanqin in everything. After all, He must not know as much about the outside world as his lover.

In this way, Lan Qin took his partner, enjoying the scenery along the way, and hurried towards the Central Holy See.

And on the way they rushed back to the Central Holy See, they arrived at a city with the reputation of a romantic city. Lan Qin looked at the streets full of pink roses and the lively atmosphere of people coming and going on the streets. Decided to take the Lord of the Abyss for a stroll.

Anyway, it's just a day's delay in work, and it doesn't get in the way.

The Lord of the Abyss' eyes fell on a billboard, which was the promotion of the new opera released by the Golden Rose Opera House. Just because it can be released on the day of the Rose Love Festival, one can know that this is definitely a movie related to love. opera.

What Wu Miao cares more about is the brief introduction of this opera on the promotional board - "No one sleeps tonight, because we are going to the temple of love together, the beautiful lover in the unknown distance! Please listen to me singing for you Singing a song of sincerity, let the breeze, the sun, and the little birds bring my fiery and sincere love to you and sleep peacefully with you!" "Do you want to

see this love opera "Brad"? If you want If you watch it, we can go together."

Lan Qin's words moved the heart of the Lord of the Abyss, the billboard is so big, it is impossible for Lan Qin not to see those words, but when he saw it clearly, he asked him if he wanted to watch this love opera The Lord of the Abyss felt that Lanqin must have a crush on him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to say such ambiguous words.

Even if it is to leave the abyss, the outside world that has already come, there is really no need for Lanqin to continue to be so considerate to him.

Now that Lan Qin is still so kind to him, it is obvious that he also has a deep love for him!

In fact, the Lord of the Abyss wanted to nod his head in agreement immediately, but in order to make Lanqin cherish him more and maintain the image of the Lord of the Abyss by the way, he sat firmly on the carriage and said it was okay with a calm expression.

"Depending on your time, my words are free."

In order not to let Lan Qin feel that he didn't like it, the Lord of the Abyss also added that he was free.

Seeing Wu Miao's elegant posture, Lan Qin knew that there must be some strange thoughts, but it might be because he was too restrained and shy, so he didn't express his thoughts directly.

Compared with the very candid personality in the past, Lan Chin thinks that such restraint is also very good, at least in the future, he will not have that cheeky person to make some bad demands.

"Since you have no objection, let's go on a date today."

Lan Qin said this directly with the intention of teasing the Lord of the Abyss. Originally, he wanted to see if the Lord of the Abyss would blush, but The result of the observation disappointed Lan Chin.

Because Wu Miao's expression didn't change at all, he even nodded slightly, with a noble and glamorous look, and his aura was still full.

Lan Qin didn't tease his partner anymore, but asked the groom to find a hotel

with good to rest first, and then leave for the Central Holy See at noon tomorrow.

The groom is a middle-aged man with brown hair who doesn't talk much, and he has no curiosity about these two distinguished guests who have been wearing cloaks all the time, and just takes money to do things.

In particular, these two distinguished guests are very generous, and they don't seem to be trifling characters. The groom just doesn't listen or ask, and is a qualified driver.

The hotel accommodation was handled by the groom, and Lan Qin took the Lord of the Abyss to the market, but because the western food and recipes were very simple, there were no amazing delicacies.

But fortunately, the lord of the abyss is easy to feed, and he doesn't have any requirements for food.

As long as Lan Qin bought it for him, he could finish it with two or three slaps.

After finding that no matter how much he ate, Wu Miao's stomach and expression remained unchanged, Lan Qin stopped buying food by himself.

For such a food that is heavy in sugar and salt, eating too much is not good for your health. In addition, compared with oriental food, it has a satiety effect, so Lan Qin has no interest in eating it.

In fact, Lan Qin also knows why the food in this task world is so simple and simple. It is because the Holy See all over the world advocates the dogma of not emphasizing desires, and appetite is also one of the desires that must be abandoned.

Foods that are not too delicious but full of calories to sustain life are the best choices.

After eating a full stomach, Lan Chin took Wu Miao to visit some beautiful places. Because it is the Rose Festival, there are roses of various colors everywhere, and most of the people walking on the street are couples or couples, with bright and bright smiles on their faces.

Because it is autumn, the weather is a bit cold, and many people wear cloaks over their clothes.

Since the holy uniforms of the Holy See are basically platinum, white and gold cloaks are also very popular.

"Brad", an opera praising love, starts at 8 o'clock in the evening, and tickets must be purchased an hour before the start of the show, and admission must be within half an hour before the start of the show.

Lan Qin brought the Lord of the Abyss into the arena 40 minutes earlier, just to avoid the crowds. After all, Wu Miao, who has been sleeping under the abyss, must not like crowded and noisy scenes.

Because the tickets were bought on the same day, the location was not particularly good, and it was a bit far from the stage, but it was not a problem for Lan Qin and the Lord of the Abyss, who both had good eyesight.

Lan Qin and Wu Miao talked for a while, and not long after, other audiences entered the arena one after another. After the audience entered the arena, the opera soon drew up the red curtain.

"Brad", an almost two-hour opera, has four acts in total. The theme is to praise love. It mainly tells the story of a handsome young man who is eager for love at the beginning of his love, meets his lover and bravely and enthusiastically pursues true love.

The male protagonist Brad appeared as a young man longing for love. He met a pure first love by chance by the beautiful Cocasi Lake, and then analyzed his sincerity to the lover he admired in his heart, and yearned for the breeze, the moon and the nightingale Can convey his love to his lover.

What is the specific image of the first love in the opera "Brad", there is no actor to perform it, I don't know if it is a man or a woman, and I don't know what the appearance and personality are, but there is a male protagonist Brad facing the shore of Kekaxi Lake , Facing the moon, Facing friends, Facing parents, tell your love and desire.

At this time, the first scene was staged. Brad stood by the lakeside where he first met his lover during the day, and poured out his tossing and turning love to the moon:

beautiful moon, pure lover,

who in the world can truly understand love what is it

I don't even know what love is!

But ever since I met the love of my life, the love of my life, I've been feeling turbulent every day.

Sometimes I am excited, sometimes depressed, sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes cold;

but as long as I think of my lover, I will smile again.

I know that happiness calls from afar, but I still feel terrified;

my love! Why don't you reply me yet?

my love! How long are you going to torture me?

I am looking forward to, I am looking forward to, I am eager to fall in love with you!


I want nothing more, nothing more!

People can die for love,

but I am willing to die for my lover!

If falling in love with my lover is a torture, then I am willing to suffer this torture!

My beautiful and pure love!

Don't torture my heart, my body, take pity on me, give me a kiss!


After spending two hours watching this opera praising love, Lan Chin felt that the ticket price was worth it.

The leading actor's voice is very good, and his emotions are also in place, at least the admiration and longing for his lover are expressed vividly.

And Lan Qin also thinks that this love opera is very cleverly written. The image of the first love that has never appeared is all based on the confession of the hero Brad. This is the way of interpretation. The first love is beautiful and depends on the audience's imagination.

It is precisely because of the audience's imagination that the beauty and purity of first love are pushed to the supreme position.

After all, it must be a rare beauty in the world that can make a handsome young man who is excellent in every aspect fall in love at first sight and never forget.

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