- Centaur - 10.1: Extra Special 1

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Lan Qin only recovered his memory after the end of this mission world, when he realized that he Lan Qin felt really embarrassed that he sneaked away and was captured by his partner and was taken away to complete a mission.

But God was the first to apologize to Lan Qin with a guilty face, thinking that if he hadn't been busy with work, Lan Qin would not have been so lonely and bored that he had to go to the small world to do tasks.

"In the future, I will definitely be with you every day, even if I go to work, I will take you with me, and I will try my best to do it three times a day, one time for two hours." Lan Qin, who was hugged by his

partner: "... ..."

In fact, there is no need to work so hard, after all, he is still a mortal body, and cannot bear too much divine power.

Fortunately, in the end, God just talked casually, because He knew very well that his lover could not bear it, so He proposed another way, which was to continue to let Lan Chin do the task.

Of course, System 1122 must follow.

The system 1122 thinks it is all right, after all, it is to bring a host to do the task, and this host has its own plug-in, so doing the task is as simple as finding something out of a pocket.

Lan Qin is also very satisfied with this arrangement, after all, he really needs something to do, otherwise he will really be bored to the point of going crazy.

In this way, it was decided that Lan Qin would continue to participate in the task. Of course, in the eyes of God, it was that they would go to the small world together to complete the task and spend their honeymoon at the same time.

Lan Qin felt that their honeymoon was over long ago, but God's view was different.

"We go to work together, and then we can take turns saving memories, and if we can, we can both try to save memories, but it will be much less interesting in this way."

Lan Qin felt that it was too peaceful for his partner to say such words with a noble, indifferent and desireless face, but fortunately, his partner looked at him with gentle eyes.

This is probably the greatest proof that He loves him.

When Shen and Lan Qin were making love to each other, System 1122 left with a wink, and chose to chat with some of his former system friends.

However, after it soared into the sky by relying on the relationship of the host, these former friends began to regard it not as a friend, but as a boss, a despicable system that relied on the host to ascend.

System 1122 wants to explain to all his friends, but the final explanation is not very useful, it is still regarded as the boss-maybe a more powerful system than those high-level systems, after all, not everyone can have a relationship with God.

In fact, the systems are simply envious and jealous, why their number is not 1122, but 111 and 222, which are not important at all, or other numbers.

Anyway, they can't be related to God, they are very unwilling.

However, after knowing that the system 1122 still has to continue working, and even doing tasks more frequently than them, such unwillingness immediately calmed down.

And when you think about it carefully, they are not completely useless, at least they can fall in love freely now-although they still can't bring the love object back to the center of the universe system, unless that object is the system, but it has to be said that it is still very good.

It's just that they don't dare to get close to the system 1122 that can see God casually. After all, who would not fish at work? If the system 1122 reports this to God, it would be too bad .

When System 1122 came back, the 'war' had just ended, and when System 1122 lived in Lanqin's mind with sluggishness, Lanqin quickly sensed that System 1122 was in a bad mood.

"What's wrong? 1122, is this something unpleasant for you?"

System 1122 hesitated for a while, and after seeing that God had already entered the task world to work in advance, he took the time to tell the difference in how other systems treat him.

After hearing this, Lan Qin frowned and thought for a long time, but he really couldn't find any solution to this situation. Finally, Lan Qin made a suggestion, that is, simply change the number of the system 1122, or pretend to be a number.

"In this

way, you can have fun with your old friends, and even make some new friends."

System 1122 hesitated, because it liked its number very much.

Lan Chin: "Since 1122, you like your own number, you can pretend to be 11222, or 112."

System 1122 shook his head, "These are numbers used by the system, I can't use their numbers. And these The numbers are all my good friends, and I can't use them anymore."

Lan Qin: "...1122, may I ask what standard you use to make friends?"

System 1122 replied without hesitation, "Of course Make friends with a system with a number similar to mine, I don't like numbers other than 1 and 2."

Lan Chin thought that the system is originally a high-tech product caused by coding, and some theology may be added to the high-tech, so I like 1 And 2 is normal, so I nodded understandingly.

"Then there is no other way, you can only hide your number. I saw that many of your system forums are anonymous and use nicknames to speak. This should be an important way for you to make friends." System 1122 nodded in

approval , "This is indeed the way to make friends between our systems, but... wait! Host, host, how do you know the system forum?! I mean, I mean, it is a system forum!!!"

Lan Qin knew why System 1122 had such a reaction, probably because the forum is anonymous, and the system may think that God will not condescend to read the content of a system forum, so the post on the forum discussing God It can be said to be the crucian carp crossing the river.

Of course, this was the situation before Lanqin appeared. After Lanqin appeared, those posts became discussions about Lanqin's relationship with God.

And after the gods allowed both the system and the host to fall in love freely, those discussions began to become forbidden, especially regarding the combination of humans and gods, there were constant speculations.

It's probably about how a human being should bear the demands of a god.

After seeing these discussions, Lan Qin turned a blind eye, although his partner had already created a forum account for him.

Facing the panicked inquiry from system 1122, Lan Chin paused for a moment, and said calmly, "That's a system forum, of course I won't go in, and God is so busy, so I definitely won't go in either!" Lan Chin's

tone It can be said that it is very serious, even so serious that it is abnormal, but the system 1122 is relieved, and then agrees to make friends anonymously.

At this point, the biggest problem of system 1122 is solved.

After the problem is solved, System 1122 and Lan Qin have to go to the mission world to work, after all, they can't keep God waiting for a long time.

"Host, the gods chose a small magic world with many centaurs, you should know about this, right?"

System 1122 asked casually before confirming to enter the mission world, but did not expect Lan Qin to be ignorant of!

Lan Qin: "???"

Lan Qin: "We chose a peaceful modern urban world. I am a human and he is also a human world! Why is it a magical world? Why are there centaurs?"

System 1122 smiled awkwardly, it didn't want to get involved in the god's housework at all, after all it was a weak and helpless system.

But seeing the angry look of the host, System 1122 still couldn't hold back and whispered an excuse, "Maybe it's because the centaur is very powerful in a certain way? For example, thirty centimeters."

Lan Qin: "..."

Lan Qin: "Maybe I You should take a break recently, and don't be so anxious to enter the mission world to work."

System 1122: "!!!"

No no no! If Lanqin didn't enter the mission world because of one of his truths, then Lord Shenming waited in that world, just like a bitter woman who stays alone in a vacant room... Maybe it shouldn't compare Lord Shenming to a bitter woman, but it's still good image.

In short, its end will definitely be very, very... miserable!

Under the begging of System 1122, Lan Qin

entered the mission world with a blank face. Just by looking at the expression on that face, System 1122 knew that God's life might be difficult this time.

But since Lan Chin has promised it won't give it away, it's fine.

It should be used to this kind of thing that hurts the god's rescue system. After all, there have been many things that hurt the host's rescue system before.

Lan Qin felt that the only thing to be thankful about in the mission world this time was that his partner was still in a state of amnesia, otherwise he really couldn't help but give him a loving beating on the spot.

Especially this magical world is even more outrageous than System 1122 said.

"Sea monsters, centaurs, vampires, demon hunters, so many powerful races, why do I still get the identity of a human? Of course I don't mean that humans are weak, but in this strange magical world, ordinary humans basically They are all like giant pandas, why am I still an ordinary human?!"

Lan Chin asked very puzzled, obviously in this magical world he could be a powerful demon hunter from birth, but why did he still have to be an ordinary human?

System 1122 whispered: "Probably because you are a passer-by?"

Lan Qinhe, who was locked in a cage and was about to be auctioned off by a group of non-human races, smiled kindly.

Faced with such a danger, system 1122 immediately chose to bring disaster to the east, "God is also in this auction, and He also likes to regularly auction some young and beautiful humans back, so I think Lan Chin, you should first He will punish."

Lan Chin pulled the collar around his neck, agreeing with System 1122's words.

Especially after receiving the mission details, I found that the male and female protagonists are both extremely heroic demon hunters, only he appeared as a weak human being, and died after only ten minutes of appearance, and then attacked the illegal auction house for the protagonist Provide the strongest evidence.

"From this point of view, your death, host, is not completely meaningless! It's really the first time I've seen such a valuable death as a passer-by character!" System

1122 finished speaking exaggeratedly, but only got Lan Qin A sneer.

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