5.7: Dirty Stuff

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Lan Qin is worried that the false husband next to him will be a bad person, but he is also worried He will be a good guy, because in the horror dungeon, the rule is whether you are a player or an NPC, a good guy or a bad guy, you all have to die!

If you want to live, you can only rely on yourself, and others are untrustworthy.

The mountain will fall if you rely on it, but everyone will run if you rely on it.

The last thing you can give in a horror dungeon is trust, especially if you give trust to strangers, you are definitely courting death.

That is, the two protagonists who have the halo of the protagonist died under the betrayal of their teammates, which shows how thrilling the endless stream game "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" is so thrilling.

Lan Chin thought about it carefully, but he still didn't get the memory of the identity of this dungeon, which would obviously increase the difficulty of the dungeon.

With the restart of the car, Lan Qin observed for a while and found no danger, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, but in fact he was going to check what the mission of this dungeon was.

[Dungeon name: "Dead End"

dungeon level: D-level

dungeon task: find her lover for Jenny.

Dungeon time limit: seven days]

After reading the basic information of the dungeon, Lan Qin felt at a loss. Who is Jenny did not say, the only one What can be seen is that Jenny should be a woman, but there is no mention of her lover.

It seems that the Jenny mentioned in the dungeon mission is likely to appear in the motel, but what does this have to do with the name of the dungeon?

Is this really a Grade D copy? But it looks like it's difficult!

Lan Qin couldn't figure it out, but since he hadn't experienced the situation of higher-level dungeons, he could only give up.

The most important thing now is to go to the motel as soon as possible, find out Jenny's real identity, and then learn about her lover's situation from her mouth.

In fact, Lan Qin couldn't believe that the mission of this dungeon would be so simple, that is, to find a lover. No matter how you look at it, it looks like digging a hole for the player.

Lan Qin insisted on finishing the half-hour drive in an uneasy mood, and he was relieved when the motel mentioned by the man in the driver's seat arrived.

"Honey, the destination is here."

The man in the driver's seat said with a happy smile, and before Lan Chin could react, he quickly ran from one side of the car to the other side, and gave him a warm welcome. Lan Qin opened the door.

"Wife, you stand here first, I'll go to the trunk to get our suitcase."

Although Lan Qin was a little uncomfortable with the name "wife" in the man's mouth, he still nodded.

And after the man got Lan Qin's response, he was so happy that he wanted to jump three meters high, "Honey, wait for me here, don't go into the motel alone, and don't talk to strangers, they are all bad people!" Lan

Qin When Qin heard what the man said, he felt that something was wrong, and when he was about to ask the man why he said that, the man went to the trunk to get the suitcase.

The man left temporarily, and Lan Chin looked up at the motel, trying to see something from the exterior of the house.

But looking left and right, I can't see anything wrong, because this is the most common western motel. The facilities and appearance look very old, and there is an old feeling that it may not be cleaned no matter how hard it is. , A casual look is a gloomy yellow tone.

Lan Qin didn't see any other people walking around outside the motel, but through the glass windows of the motel, he could clearly see that there were people sitting, drinking and eating in the motel.

But what was strange was that no one was looking outside. I don't know if they didn't hear the sound of the car engine or they didn't notice someone coming.

Lan Qin felt that this motel was like a place in a horror movie, and there was a weird atmosphere everywhere, but because there was a dungeon mission, or there was only this motel for hundreds of kilometers around, passers-by had to stay in the motel. Here to stay.

Lan Qin was not alone for too long, the very familiar man came back with two suitcases, and called Lan Qin

to enter .

Normally, Lanqin would never set foot in a strange place that was just a sign of danger at the gate, but now he still needs to complete the mission clearance copy, so he can only move forward bravely.

Maybe it was because of seeing Lan Qin's nervousness, the man still said a few words of comfort, "Don't be afraid, my wife, we just need to stay here for one night, and we can drive five hours tomorrow to arrive here. This is the honeymoon sanctuary, where there are endless flower fields, and your favorite natural hot spring, and the hotel is also a five-star hotel, which will definitely provide us with the most perfect honeymoon service." Lan Qin just smiled when he heard this

. He gave the man a smile without smiling. As for the honeymoon, let's wait until they leave this place alive.

According to the man's planned honeymoon full of expectations, nine times out of ten, he has to get a box lunch here, after all, this is the legendary Li flag.

Lan Qin originally wanted to help the man carry a suitcase, but was rejected.

"Don't worry, my wife. I have enough strength. I absolutely don't need my wife to do it!"

The man was holding a 29-inch suitcase in one hand and a backpack on his back, but he was still able to keep up with Lan at a brisk pace. Chin's pace.

Now Lan Chin is glad that he didn't come up with any bad ideas during the half-hour drive, otherwise he could just lie down and enter the motel at this time.

As for the man, he could kneel down and beg his nominal wife not to die.

'Ding Dong' sounded a crisp bell, and Lan Qin pushed open the glass door of the motel, and the alarm bell hanging on the glass door rang, making everyone in the hotel turn their attention to Lan Qin.

Facing the gazes of about twenty people in the motel, Lan Qin was still able to maintain a calm expression on his face, and walked in unhurriedly.

As for the man behind Lanqin, he also walked in very casually, strode forward to the front desk, and then told the woman standing at the front desk that he wanted a room, and did not pay any attention to the person who was staring at them. Put it in your eyes.

Seeing that there was business coming, the woman with a face full of spectators put away her lazily leaning posture in front of the counter, and casually asked the man which floor the room needed.

"There are two vacant rooms on the first floor, which are 104 and 107. There are three vacant rooms on the second floor, which are 202, 209 and 210. There are eight vacant rooms on the third floor, which are 301 to 308. Which room do you want? "

With a strange smile on her face, the woman asked the guests which room they wanted to choose with malicious intent.

From the woman's eyes and tone, Lan Qin knew that there must be safe rooms and dangerous rooms in these empty rooms, but the problem is that they can't tell the difference at all.

"Wife, which room do you want to choose? I will listen to you, wife. We will live in whichever room you choose."

The man stared straight at his wife with those dog eyes, and his face was even more serious. She has a bright smile, as if she really is a strict wife who listens to her wife in everything.

Feeling very caught off guard, Lan Qin: "..."

Lan Qin could clearly notice that because of the man's words, the eyes of those people in the hotel had changed from looking at them, from 'let's see what kind of unlucky guy it is' Came here to die' turned into 'My God, this is actually a couple of gays who came here to die'.

The tolerance for homosexuality here is obviously very strong, at least the expression of the woman at the front desk has not changed, but she is very patient and asks which room the guest wants to choose.

Normally, when a guest lives in a hotel, unless the guest makes a request, the hotel staff will randomly arrange rooms for the guest. But now the woman who may be the hotel owner obviously wants to watch the jokes of the guests, or that she wants to watch the jokes of the players, and she wants the players to make their own choices.

With so many empty rooms, Lan Qin didn't know how to choose, so he kicked the ball back to the man.

"I have difficulty in choosing, so you should choose. Whichever room you choose, we will live in that room." Lan Qin felt that his words were very watertight, because the man was very happy

after hearing such words

Ruokang, and then chose a 301 room.

"3 is my wife's lucky number, plus I prefer the number 1, so let's choose 301, shall we, wife?"

Those doggy eyes never left Lan Qin's body, but he was more focused when he spoke He looked at Lan Qin carefully, as if Lan Qin was really the beautiful wife he just married.

Lan Qin felt that he could see the stars from those eyes. He had no objection to choosing the room 301, so he nodded.

3 is indeed his lucky number, but it is also the lucky number of Passerby A. It may have been directly copied and pasted into the copy.

So the man happily took out his wallet to pay immediately, and it was the man's action that made Lan Qin see the driver's license in the wallet, with the name Homan on it.

Could it be that Homan was this man's name?

Thinking this way, Lan Chin also remembered the name Homan in his heart.

Lan Qin felt that the matter had progressed to this point, and the next step would be to go upstairs to rest, but he never expected that the woman suspected of being the boss would congratulate them with a smile on her face after collecting the change.

"301 is a very romantic room for couples, the two of you are so lucky! Congratulations on your newlyweds!" It may be

that the man named Homan laughed even sweeter when he heard the boss's congratulations, and his temper was very sweet. Okay, thank you in return.

On the other hand, the polite smile on Lan Qin's face was about to stiffen. He looked left and right at the two people who seemed to be at home, and suspected that they were in the same group.

But after thinking about it, the NPC in the dungeon is indeed a group for the player.

After Lanqin heard that 301 was actually a couple's room, he subconsciously wanted to change a room, but then thought that if he changed, it would cause Homan's dissatisfaction on the one hand, and on the other hand, he would move to a very dangerous place.

Considering these two reasons, Lan Qin still silently swallowed back the words of wanting to change rooms.

Moreover, the money for the room was also paid by the man, so it was not easy for him to raise objections.

But as far as the man's behavior along the way is concerned, it's really hard not to make Lanqin suspect that this Homan is his partner, right?

When the man easily walked to the third floor with two suitcases, Lan Qin observed the man in all directions from a little behind, but he still couldn't confirm it until he came to room 301.

If it is said that Homan is his partner, there seems to be something wrong, if not, then Homan's enthusiastic expression is very similar to the tone and expression of calling his wife.

So was Homan his mate?

Lan Qin didn't dare to draw conclusions lightly, after all, if he made a mistake, then...the consequences would be very serious!

"Wife, please sit down first, and I'll pack your luggage. By the way, wife, do you need to take a shower first? Or are you hungry and want to have a meal first?"

Homan was very eager to surround his wife. If he was not afraid that his wife would reject him, he would have wanted to keep his wife in his mouth, or hide him in his body, so that nothing else could see it.

Just like downstairs just now, He just used some means to prevent those dirty things from seeing his wife's face clearly, otherwise, with his wife's peerless beauty, he would definitely attract the attention of those dirty things.

If he hadn't reached an agreement with the world consciousness, he would definitely kill all those dirty things who dare to look at his wife.

But now, in order to maintain the stability of the dungeon world, he had no choice but to endure the urge to kill.

And it would easily frighten his wife Lan Chin, it would be bad for his wife to be afraid of him.

But if those things have the courage to come to the door, then don't blame him for being cruel.

Lan Qin didn't feel hungry, and at the same time didn't want to take a bath so soon, who knew if there would be any danger in the bathroom.

So he said that he was a little tired and sat down for a while, and then he really sat on the chair and watched the man pack all kinds of things in the suitcase.

Then I looked at Lan Qin and found that something was wrong, "Why do the things in the two suitcases seem to be mine? Where are your things?"


that moment, Lan Qin felt that his dungeon identity was It's not that he was hijacked by a murderer or some pervert halfway, and then pretended to be his husband to deceive the player.

Otherwise, how could a newlywed couple come out for their honeymoon, and both suitcases contain one of their luggage, while the other has nothing.

No matter how you look at it, this is very abnormal. Lan Chin is ready for Homan to reveal his identity and then they will tear his face and he will rush out the door.

But the man who was questioned by Lanqin didn't have the slightest strange expression on his face. Instead, he took it for granted that the suitcases should all belong to his wife.

"I have so few things, a backpack can fill them all, so it's right to put my wife's things in the suitcase."

Lan Qin, who never expected a man to answer like this: "..."

No, if you lick your wife like this, then you Does my wife know?

Oh yes, I am your wife now!

Lan Qin barely resisted the urge to complain, he looked at the man from the beginning to the end again, he really thought that this Homan was probably his partner, but what was that vague sense of strangeness?

Lan Qin felt that he was a big head now.

He didn't think it would be difficult to recognize his partner before, but now he just wants to surrender.

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