2.9: Stranger

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"There is a team of humans approaching here."

Yu Feng suddenly said solemnly said a word.

Then Luo Yingzhou withdrew his gaze from looking at the mall, and followed Yu Feng's gaze to a certain place. Although he didn't see a human figure, Yu Feng's sense of smell and vision were better than his.

Yu Feng said that if there are humans coming, then there must be humans coming.

Luo Yingzhou tried his best to smell the smell passing through the air, but because of the wrong wind direction, he really didn't smell the noisy stench of human beings.

"Anyway, as long as you can smell it, it's a good thing I can't smell that disgusting stench."


Sometimes he really wants to find some suitable foreign plants, and then dumb Luo Yingzhou.

Luo Yingzhou didn't feel the dangerous thoughts of his friend Yu Feng at all, but squatted halfway and looked at the scene, "If these humans and that alien wolf run into each other, I'm afraid it will be unlucky. Besides, there are still some sorceresses around the alien wolf." A beautiful and delicious little beauty, humans will definitely die."

Because human beings are more or less difficult to resist beauty.

If he didn't know that he couldn't beat that alien wolf, he would also want to take a gamble and grab it.

After all, he also likes young and beautiful beauties very much.

--Under the tall building, Lu Xingzhi and Lan Qin wanted to go into the shopping mall to collect supplies. Naturally, he could no longer use the form of the alien wolf, so he changed back to the human form.

But even so, Lu Xingzhi still held Lan Qin's hand tightly, and even the long tail of the alien species protruding from nowhere was sticky and carefully wrapped around Lan Qin's slender waist.

Lan Qin knew that there must be many dangers behind this seemingly peaceful mall, so he didn't reject Lu Xingzhi's behavior.

This shopping mall is very messy, and many things are spread by plants or moss, and some have even grown various mold spots. Looking at it, there are really not many things suitable for human use.

Lu Xingzhi didn't let Lan Qin do it at all. This kind of mildew might be a mutated plant. If Lan Qin got hurt, he wouldn't be able to see it.

Lan Qin didn't have the problem of having to do it by himself, so he took the fur bag and followed Lu Xingzhi closely while picking up various supplies carefully selected by Lu Xingzhi.

Basically, there is nothing to eat, just some pots and pans and other things with no shelf life.

Although the shopping mall is very large, because there are not many usable materials, when they come out of the shopping mall, basically none of their pockets are filled.

Lu Xingzhi took Lan Qin's hand out while carrying a fur bag.

And just walking out like this, Lu Xingzhi, who was standing on the windward side, soon smelled the smell of human beings.

Suddenly, the wind blew again, the vegetation trembled, a hole was torn in the gloomy sky, and the sound of violent running came from not far away.

Humans who can get out of the base are generally not simple people, and their footsteps are also very fast, and they are close to where Lu Xingzhi and Lan Qin are in a short while.

After discovering that there were actually two humans in this barren city without any human beings, the team of about a dozen people panicked for a moment.

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