8.2: Visitors

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After receiving the task details and the memory of the original owner, Lanqin will start to search for the task details The villain of the evil dragon in the movie pays the closest attention, but there are not many descriptions about the evil dragon. It only says that the evil dragon appeared at the heroine's fifteenth birthday party and then took the heroine away.

Then the king and queen, eager to save the daughter, announced to the whole world that as long as whoever can save the princess from the evil dragon, he will betroth the princess to him.

In the end, countless knights and princes rushed to the dragon's lair for the most beautiful princess, and after a fierce battle, a prince-that is, the hero successfully cut off the head of the black dragon and left the princess safe and sound. brought back the kingdom.

The finale must be that the prince and princess live happily together forever.

Lan Qin frowned subconsciously when he saw the black dragon being beheaded. Although generally speaking, his partner is a big villain who can crush the protagonist, but it is also possible that this mission world is restrained by the male protagonist's halo .

And in a very fairy tale-style task world, princes and princesses will always have some luck and abilities that ordinary people don't have.

Could it be for this reason that his dragon companion was defeated?

Lan Qin tapped the railing of the carriage rhythmically with his fingers. He was on his way to the little princess's birthday party. Today, he took the carriage to the main city of Mesfante, rested for half a day, and then went to attend tomorrow night Little princess's birthday party.

In the normal plot, the bard left the main city safely after attending the birthday banquet. As for the final ending of the bard, it was not written because it had nothing to do with the main plot.

However, in the distorted mission world line, the bard died unexpectedly in full view, which directly added a haze of death to the original birthday party.

Then the dark witch who appeared after the death of the bard pushed the haze of death to a peak, making the heroine, the little princess, face the first test of fate in her life.

Before the king and queen gave birth to the little princess, they also gave birth to two princes. It can be said that the little princess should have grown up in a happy family, but because of the death of the bard and the curse of the dark witch, the little princess was killed. The subjects of the whole kingdom of Goss begged to be executed.

There are tens of thousands of subjects on one side, and the beloved little daughter on the other. The king and queen are driven to a desperate situation, and finally they have to turn to the fairy godmother of the little daughter.

And the fairy godmother, who was seriously injured by the dark witch, had no other choice. After all, it was a choice between one person's life and tens of thousands of lives. How could she bear this responsibility? !

In the end, it was the queen who asked the fairy godmother to take the little princess away, and then announced that the little princess had died of illness-of course, the subjects outside thought that the little princess was executed by the king and queen, but in order to save face, everyone also acquiesced The little princess is sick and dead.

At this point, the one-year-old heroine was taken away by the fairy godmother and never appeared in front of the crowd again.

It's just that the heroine is gone, but after more than ten years, other princesses are still taken away by the black dragon, and the prince, the hero, still goes to save the princess.

But I don't know if it's because of the lack of the halo of the heroine. The prince didn't kill the dragon, but was killed by the dragon. Even the princess who was kidnapped was accidentally thrown by the dragon who was in a rage. Under the cliff, died on the spot.

The system 1122 also received the task details, and it sent the task to the host on the spot - [Complete the hymn blessing for the heroine and leave Mesfant safely]

Lan Qin looked at this task and knew that if there were no accidents, he would It is very likely that you won't even be able to meet your partner's face once. Moreover, the ending of the villain dragon being beheaded by the prince in the original plot also made Lan Qin feel worried.

He had to survive this unexpected death, and then he had to see the dragon at least once before leaving Methfante.

I just don't know where the evil dragon will be now? Will it be different from the location of the nest ten years later?

Lan Qin had many worries in his heart, but under the surveillance of System 1122, he couldn't show them at all.

System 1122 checked the task details over and over again, but still couldn't find out

how the bard, passerby A, died. It just said that the bard came to the palace tomorrow night, and before he had time to sing hymns for the princess, he vomited blood and died .

Before he vomited blood and died, the bard happened to drink a glass of wine prepared by the kingdom, so system 1122 suspected that the glass of wine had been poisoned.

【"At that time, the host, please be careful not to eat or drink any food prepared in the palace, and I will monitor the surrounding situation for the host in all directions, and will never let the death event in the mission details happen."] Lan Qin will definitely not be able to do so at this time

. What to say, naturally nodded, agreeing with System 1122's approach.

At this time, the carriage that Lan Qin was riding in had already arrived at the hotel. The coachman outside the carriage knocked on the door frame of the carriage and told the guests that the hotel had arrived.

Lan Qin looked at the white cloak that was neatly placed beside him, and after thinking about it, he put on the cloak and covered most of his face with the hat on the cloak.

System 1122 praised Lan Qin's behavior very much, ["Host, your face is too eye-catching, so you must cover it up. We can't be too eye-catching at this critical time."] Lan Qin's idea is indeed this, after

all The folk customs of this mission world are still very open. If there is someone you like on the street, you can express your love directly and enthusiastically. If the person who is loved is willing to reply, the next step is that the two of you can go to the hotel together to spend a good night.

As for whether the two want to continue dating after a good night, or part ways, there is no problem at all.

However, this mission world is also very loyal to marriage. Generally speaking, cheating in marriage is very immoral and will be cast aside by everyone, because in the eyes of everyone, marriage is sacred and pure.

It means that if you want to mess around, it is okay before marriage, but absolutely not after marriage.

If you really want a second spring, you must first get a divorce, and only after leaving your married status can you continue the unruly life before marriage.

Needless to say, this is a different kind of freedom.

So Lan Chin still pays attention to this, he doesn't want to be shown love by a lot of people in full view - no matter whether he responds or not, it will cause a lot of trouble.

And the original owner is very immersed in this kind of open and free love relationship, and the ex-girlfriend can make enough for two football teams.

As for why those ex-girlfriends broke up with the original owner, it was naturally because the original owner was not good at it.

In this free love kingdom, although there is beauty control, everyone pays more attention to things on the bed. If you can't satisfy your lover even on the bed, you will definitely be ridiculed for a hundred years!

The original owner, as a world-famous bard, is also a rare handsome man in the world. Naturally, there are turbulent waves and butterflies flocking to him, but after dating, he knows that the original owner is not good, so he can only break up with regret.

But because the original owner has a high EQ, and is very considerate and gentle to his girlfriend, and the girlfriend proposed to break up, so none of the ex-girlfriends who felt guilty talked about the original owner's incompetence.

It's just that the original owner who is jokingly called an arsonist by the whole world, only wants to find a lover who doesn't dislike himself, but he has never been able to follow the platonic love path.

As a result, the sad and angry original owner became more and more melancholy, and the temperament of poetry recitation also became depressed. It was just the praise and longing for love, coupled with the poet's beauty and fickleness, but he still became the white moonlight in many people's hearts.

It's a pity that such beauty can only be viewed from a distance but not approached.

Lanqin gave the groom a few gold coins, and made an appointment to go to the palace tomorrow night, and the groom who received the reward also liked this errand with less money and more money, so he quickly agreed to return to the job tomorrow night.

Without paying too much attention to the groom, Lan Chin quickly walked into the hostel with his suitcase and got a first-class room. To be on the safe side, he directly paid the three-day accommodation fee.

After putting the suitcase in the opened room, Lan Qin took the money bag and went out to buy a dress suitable for the palace banquet.

As a distinguished guest invited by the palace, he naturally cannot make mistakes in clothing. As for accessories and the like

, they are prepared in his suitcase.

The original owner is very familiar with the main city of Mesfante. Lan Qin, who has the memory of the original owner, soon came to a relatively luxurious clothing store. He stood outside the store and saw that there were not many customers inside, and they were displayed in glass showcases. The clothes in front of me were also very good, so I walked in directly.

"Welcome to the shop!"

Lan Qin, who was wearing a cloak, was greeted warmly by a waiter as soon as he walked in. After all, the clothes and cloak on this guest were luxurious decorations decorated with precious stones, gold and silver threads. No matter how you look at it, you are a distinguished customer with a big wallet.

Those who do this line of work can cultivate a pair of sharp eyes over time.

Lan Qin didn't want to talk nonsense, and said very simply that he wanted to buy a dress, and told the waiter the size he was wearing.

As soon as the waiter heard it, he felt that the figure of this distinguished guest was too good! And this waistline is only 63, which is too thin... The waiter couldn't help but look at the waist of the distinguished guest. Although he couldn't see clearly under the cover of the wide cloak, with his eyesight, he felt that 63 might be It is said to be big.

There is also the curvature of the chin exposed by this distinguished guest, which is also extremely delicate and beautiful, maybe this is a distinguished guest with an extraordinary appearance.

This is so different from the paunchy nobleman who came here to order dresses on weekdays! Therefore, this distinguished guest must still be very young, at least not at the age where he would empty his body out of drinking and drinking.

While talking, the waiter brought the distinguished guests to the luxury dress area, and then talked about these gorgeous dresses, as if it was a lifetime regret for the distinguished guests not to buy any of them.

Lan Chin was not led by the nose by the waiter, but took a closer look, and then picked out two ready-to-wear dresses-one was gold and the other was blue.

The waiter praised the dresses selected by the guests, and asked the guests softly and enthusiastically if they wanted to try them on.

When Lan Qin came out to buy clothes, he didn't intend to try them on, but seeing that there was no one in the store, and the dress couldn't be unfit, he nodded and decided to try it on.

At this time, Lan Chin didn't realize how much his decision would change his fate.

The waiter eagerly expressed that he could help the guests get dressed, but Lan Qin was only used to being served by his partner, so he shook his head and refused the waiter.

Lan Qin planned to try on the golden dress first, while the waiter led the distinguished guests to the fitting room, and stood outside the fitting room with the blue dress in his hands.

Undressing and getting dressed did not take time, and Lan Qin still chose a dress style that was easier to put on and take off, so soon Lan Qin came out with a purse in his hand.

The waiter originally planned to warmly and sincerely praise the distinguished guest for how noble and elegant they were wearing the new clothes, but when he saw the distinguished guest walking out in the new dress with his own eyes, he was so amazed that his mind went blank on the spot.

Not to mention looking for gorgeous words to describe it, the waiter's mind is empty now.

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