3.13: Falling in Love

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Abyss Master After planning, go directly to find another trace of yourself After all, bringing the statue back to life is already the most impatient idea of ​​the abyss ruler.

On the other hand, Wu Miao has already found his lover in a relaxed mood. At this time, he is in urgent need of his lover's comfort, and he is thinking about his lover Lan Qin, and he has not noticed the danger at all.

As for Lan Chin, who didn't know what happened at all, he didn't even notice it, and his mind was full of how to solve the protagonist's attack on Jody Tracy.

Although the pope really wants to get rid of the evil abyss demons, the abyss is not a simple place. The Holy See has always taken the elimination of all abyss demons as the main teaching since its establishment for thousands of years, but it has never been successful.

Regarding the origin of the abyssal demons, the pope also knows a little inside story, so even if he really wants to wipe out all the abyssal demons immediately, he can only be patient.

The ten bishops maintain two attitudes, one is to support the full-scale killing of the abyssal demons, and the other is to maintain the status quo and attack the abyssal demons normally, and there is no need to invest too much manpower and material resources.

The positions of both sides have their own reasons for consideration, but to wipe out all the demons of the abyss is absolutely wishful thinking.

Lan Qin also understands this situation. After all, the lord of the abyss obviously hates those abyssal demons, but he can't wipe them all out. It can be seen that the origin of the abyssal demons is very problematic.

Lanqin thought in his heart that he would go back and ask Umiu about the origin of the abyssal demons, and then he did not express his point of view of wanting to exterminate the abyssal demons, because now it is the discussion between the pope and the bishop, he is really a bit of a holy son I can't speak.

But in the end, the discussion between the pope and the bishop did not come to a conclusion, but no one would have any objection to the matter of sending troops to various places to take up duties to protect the lives of the people.

Obviously, after the abyssal demon has attacked the holy son of the Holy See, if the Holy See does not take any action, it will be looked down upon by the abyssal demon, and it will even wantonly invade the human world.

The Holy See absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen.

The ten bishops were the first to leave after the end of the council. As for the saint son Lanchin, he stayed. Obviously, he had to discuss matters with the pope.

The bishops didn't think anything of it either. After all, the Pope must have been extremely worried after the Holy Son had gone through such a dangerous situation, so he wisely gave them a chance to be alone.

Looking at the child raised by himself, the Pope just sighed in his heart, and then he didn't say anything, but told him to pay attention to safety, and rest for two days to re-crowned the Holy Son.

"You should take a good rest these two days. As for other things, you can work on them after the coronation ceremony. After all, you don't have much free time when you become the Holy Son. And the knight who saved you is called Wu Miao, you Take this opportunity to show him around the bustling places in the city, and do your duty of hospitality."

The Pope said with a relaxed expression, and Lan Qin just nodded to show that he understood.

But just when Lan Qin was about to leave, the Pope hesitated for a while, and then mentioned another thing, "Lan Qin, if that knight doesn't want to stay in the Central Holy See, then the Holy See will give him a commendation award." Gift and a generous gift to express the gratitude of the Holy See to him for saving the Son of the Holy See. But if he wants to stay in the Central Holy See, then I will give him a golden knight position in the name of the Pope and let him be in the Central Holy See. The Holy See took office."

"Lanqin, what do you think of this arrangement?"

After the Pope finished speaking, he kept looking at Lanqin with his kind eyes, as if he wanted to see something from the face of his raised child. What a flaw.

When Lanqin heard the Pope's arrangement, he subconsciously wanted to answer that Umiu would definitely be willing to stay in the Central Vatican, but before such an answer came out, Lanqin suddenly realized that he could not make decisions for Umiu.

Otherwise, it would be easy to expose the too close relationship between him and Umiu.

Although Lanqin didn't think there was anything wrong, in the eyes of the Pope or other saints, it must be a very inappropriate behavior, and he might even be kicked out as the holy son before the Abyss Demon King was killed


Lan Qin secretly cried out in his heart, and then lowered his eyes and said with his usual expression that he had to go back and tell Knight Umuu about such an important decision, and let his savior make the decision.

"As a wandering knight, Umiu may not be able to adapt to the life of the Central Holy See, and I don't know much about Wumiu's inner thoughts, and I also respect Umiu's choice, so it is better to ask Umiu's opinion first."

Lanqin felt that he should be speaking impeccably, but looking at the Pope's eyes that seemed to have a different meaning, he still doubted that the Pope would really see something, right?

When Lan Qin was a little worried, the Pope withdrew his inquiring look, but said that he really must respect the choice of Knight Umau, so he asked Lan Qin to go back and ask Knight Umau for his opinion.

"Before the coronation ceremony, you can make a choice. Lan Qin, you can let Knight Umiao think about it. After all, according to the strength of Knight Umiao, it would be a waste of his strength to be a wandering knight." Lan Qin nodded

, Said it was true, and left.

But the Pope looked at the back of Lanqin leaving, but sighed heavily with a melancholy expression. He still felt that there was some ambiguous relationship between that Umyu and his own child Lanqin. If possible, he still hoped that Umyu could Choose to leave the Central Holy See.

He is already very old, and his soul will return to the God of Light in a few years at most. At that time, Lan Qin will be the most suitable to replace him as Pope. If Lan Qin is captured by a knight, he will give up. If the Son of God leaves the Holy See, it may be difficult for him to find a suitable candidate for the Pope.

As for the ten bishops, the Pope never had any other ideas. After all, the Pope must not be chosen from among the bishops, otherwise the Holy See would be in chaos.

The Pope was thinking about all kinds of things, but he still couldn't find a suitable solution-if Lan Chin really fell in love, how could he save his child from that boundless love?

After all, even he himself couldn't save himself back then.


Lanqin returned to his room, he saw Wu Miao standing on the window sill looking at the scenery in the distance.

He was a little curious about what scenery Umiu would be looking at, so he walked up to him, only to find that there were only holy white Holy See buildings in the distance, and some golden roses in bloom.

As the symbol of the Holy See, golden roses can be seen almost everywhere in the Central Holy See. As for the buildings, they can be found everywhere. It seems that it is really not worth a lord of the abyss to stop and admire.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lan Qin asked softly, he felt that Wu Miao must be thinking about some important things instead of enjoying the scenery.

The answer given by Wu Miao was in line with Lanqin's expectations.

"I'm thinking of you."

After Wu Miao finished speaking, he turned around and looked at Lan Qin affectionately with those dark blue eyes that seemed to be bottomless, "My lover, your dream is to want Kill all those demons in the abyss?"

Lanqin is very used to Wu Miao calling him his lover, as long as he doesn't call him like that in front of outsiders, Lanqin doesn't care.

Lanqin didn't think there was any problem with Wu Miao knowing the content of the discussions in the council. After all, the Lord of the Abyss certainly wouldn't even have this ability.

"I really thought about eradicating all those abyssal demons, but I also know it's impossible. Otherwise, with your dislike for abyssal demons, you might have wiped out the demons long ago. Where do you need them?" The Human Holy See is here to take action. So I guess the abyss demon must be very difficult, and it is very likely that it will not be completely wiped out at all."

Wu Mu nodded, agreed with his lover, and then stretched out his hands to hug his lover In his arms, Lanqin refused Wu Miao's embrace, but leaned out to close the window sill first, and then fell into his partner's arms.

Lanqin explained this very thoughtfully, "When I have not relinquished the responsibility of the Holy Son, we still have to pay attention, if someone sees it accidentally, we will be thrown out of the Central Holy See together. "

Lan Chin said this with a sense of joking. After all, he is also very aware of

the strength of the Lord of the Abyss. Even if he is really discovered, his partner will definitely be able to settle it, instead of really letting them be kicked out.

Wu Miao was already used to his lover's temperament of making small jokes occasionally, so he didn't comment on it, but hugged his lover very contentedly, and then took a deep breath of the light rose fragrance on his lover's body.

"Even if someone finds out, I won't let you be kicked out. If it doesn't work, I can still modify the teachings of the Holy See and agree to the free marriage of saints." Wu Miao said very seriously, but Lan

Qin He quickly refused, because he knew very well that if his partner had always been serious, he would be able to do it 100% if he said it.

He didn't want to spend a lot of time revising the teachings of the Holy See. After all, the existence of this teaching naturally has its necessity, and there is no need to modify it at all.

Moreover, this doctrine is not very strict, and at the same time, it does not prevent saints from marrying, but only restricts it, that is, if you want to get married, you have to give up your identity as a saint.

This is very necessary in Lanqin's view. After all, if this doctrine is abolished, maybe there will only be saints who are full of love in the Holy See, and there will even be bloody love triangles, square loves, and even more bloody ones. True and false double Bai Yueguang.

If the Holy See becomes like that, there will inevitably be many vulgar love problems such as "choose me or the countless people", and the victims will be countless people.

He can't afford this responsibility!

Wu Miao watched his lover's expression change, but he was actually a little unhappy, because he couldn't understand the strange thoughts in his lover's heart, and finally had to tell the truth about the existence of the abyssal demon, so as to attract his lover's attention force.

And Lan Qin was indeed attracted by what Wu Miao said, and even had an unexpected but reasonable feeling about it.

"It turns out that the appearance of the abyssal demons is closely related to the evil thoughts generated by human beings. No wonder the abyssal demons can never be eliminated. After all, as long as there are human beings, the abyssal demons will never be extinct." Lanqin said with emotion, but he did not

stop Express too many opinions.

As the Son of God, he will definitely take on the necessary responsibilities for one day. As for the plan to destroy the abyss demon, no one can do it. After all, even the lord of the abyss cannot erase the evil thoughts of human beings, and others are even less likely to do it .

After Lanqin thought this way, he continued to discuss the future living arrangements with Wu Miao.

"When the abyss demon is severely injured enough to allow humans to live a peaceful life for decades, I will withdraw from the Central Holy See. At that time, I will wander around the world with you, a wandering knight. You can't dislike me for doing nothing. "

Wumiao heard such an arrangement about his and his lover's future life, and he felt a tenderness in his heart. He took one of his lover's hands, kissed gently on the back of the hand, and promised, "Everything I can do it, lover, you don't have to do anything, you just need to love me."

Lan Qin met Wu Miao's affectionate gaze, and his heart was full of love, so he stood on tiptoe and kissed very actively .

Faced with such a passionate move from his lover, Wu Miao naturally accepted all of it, and returned it twice, until he kissed and stroked his lover until his body became limp, and he reluctantly let him go.

At this time, the Abyss Lord who was chasing after his own aura fell into self-doubt, because he didn't understand why the god who was deeply missed by him came back to life just by turning around.

What made him even more unacceptable was that the revived idol had an intimate relationship with his other self, which made the abyss ruler immediately furious.

If it wasn't for the worry that it would affect the close-range gods, the abyss master would just kill his other self immediately.

After all, the scene in front of him is really an eyesore!

And the Lord of the Abyss, who was still immersed in the tenderness of his lover just now, seemed to feel the inexplicable killing intent in the air. His eyes were a little gloomy. What he cared about was not to affect Lan Qin.

I have to say that the two abysses are exactly the same, at least they are always thinking of Lan Qin.

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