2.6: Look at the stars

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After patrolling the territory with Lan Qin's wife, Lu went hunting again , It knows that if you want to raise your wife to be white and fat, you can't just let your wife eat wild fruits.

It was only this time when he followed to hunt that Lanqin knew how ferocious Lu Xingzhi's hunting was. Basically, he could kill a sheep or a cow with just one lurking and pouncing.

After killing the prey, Lu actively dragged the prey to Lanqin, cleaned up the blood on his body and mouth on the grass, changed from a dark alien to a white wolf, and finally stuck out his big tongue. Lick it's good wife.

This is what Lu Xingzhi repeatedly reminded it in his mind. As a human being, Lan Qin's wife must have difficulty accepting a blood-stained alien. That's why Lu used pitch-black mechanical aliens to hunt, and then gnawed on the grass he didn't like the most, making sure that there was no blood left in his mouth, and then started to lick it sticky every day.

Of course, there is also Lu who thinks that his form with black metallic luster is very powerful and domineering, and such a perfect hunting scene will definitely win his wife's heart in one fell swoop.

Lan Qin no longer has any resistance to Lu's licking, but just looking at the two fat cows and sheep, he feels a bit of a headache - one of them belongs to Lu Xingzhi and the other belongs to him, right?

Looking at these two prey, which were both taller and stronger than him, Lan Qin felt that he couldn't finish it, and it was impossible to really eat raw meat.

Of course Lu knew not to let his wife eat raw meat, but its territory was too far away from where humans used to gather, and apart from those human bases where it was inconvenient for them to go there, there were really not many places where humans could collect supplies.

Even if there were, with the last ten years of the last days, there would be basically nothing left.

At this time, Lu complained that Lu Xingzhi's ability was wrong. If Lu Xingzhi had a fire ability, he would be able to breathe fire and barbecue for his wife now!

Lu Xingzhi looked down on Lu's complaints, and directly accused Lu of not being able to create unnecessary illusions in fact.

【"But when it comes to lighting a fire and grilling meat, the power of thunder and lightning is not impossible."】

Lu Xingzhi heard that Lu Xingzhi had a way to light a fire for his wife to barbecue, so he immediately stopped looking for wild fruits. Lan Qin had already eaten a lot of wild fruits today.

From the perspective of Lu, who doesn't like vegetarianism, his wife has suffered a lot.

It urged Lu Xingzhi to quickly tell the method of making a fire with thunder and lightning, so that his wife could have a hot barbecue earlier.

Lu Xingzhi was not particularly anxious, because he knew that Lan Qin should not be particularly hungry now, and for the first time they grilled meat for Lan Qin, they must try to roast it as deliciously as possible, so that Lan Qin can have a delicious cooked food.

【"You need to find some dead grass and dry firewood first, and then there are more sour wild fruits. These can help us bake more delicious barbecue, and Lan Qin will definitely like it."] Lu knows that he is taking care of his wife

. In this matter, Lu Xingzhi is definitely better than himself, but in this case, it still wants to emphasize that Lanqin is just its spouse and has nothing to do with Lu Xingzhi.

Lu Xingzhi: ["..."]

They are all in the same body, so it doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter?

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