5.4: Beef Noodles

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The player lobby of "Please close your eyes when it gets dark" is a very huge opening Square, there are countless high-tech game cabins here, just to allow players to enter the instance to do tasks.

After confirming that he had safely returned to the player hall, Lan Qin checked his player points and found that the account only had the 500 points he had just earned, so he reluctantly gave up and immediately bought some life-saving items from the player mall. props.

He'd better go back to the player's dormitory first, and make a careful selection. He couldn't just spend his points randomly like before, buying fancy invisibility props and props that reduce the sense of presence.

Although he survived in the instance of "Thriller Snow Night", it was because of these props that neither the player nor the instance boss paid much attention to him.

But even if it is really ignored by the dungeon boss, it will only be ignored until the end. When the other players are dead, the only surviving player will become extremely bright, and may even face being ignored by a lot of dungeon bosses. Horror scene of siege.

At least in the original world plot, Passerby A died like this.

Therefore, it is not necessarily a good thing to only have defensive props. Even if you can survive until the last day safely, you must pass the level as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the seven-day mission time limit is up, you will starve to death if you are not killed by the dungeon boss.

Lanqin seriously suspects that the infinite stream game "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" has set a seven-day task time limit to let players experience the pain and despair of starving to death.

This shows the danger of this infinite streaming game.

It is precisely for this reason that many players directly call the mastermind behind this world a dog.

Of course, after some players discovered that players who had the courage to insult the mastermind behind the scenes would die earlier and more miserable, the players learned to be cautious in their words and deeds and silence is golden.

But this does not prevent the players from abusing passionately in their hearts.

In order to be able to insult accurately, the players also named the main messenger behind the scenes-the Lord God.

After all, the behind-the-scenes messengers of many horror games and thriller novels will be set as the main god, so even if this name is not put on the surface, many players will still greet the eighteenth generation of the main god's ancestors very "kindly".

I don't know if it's because the mastermind behind "Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" is not called the main god, or because of something else, anyway, players who verbally retaliate like this have not been targeted and obliterated by the game.

Therefore, the name of the main god appeared frequently among the players as it should.

Although intellectually knowing that they scold the main god may not be able to curse this damn game, it is really a very cool thing for someone to scold dirty!

But Lan Qin knew that it was not without revenge, because the 25 players gathered in the D-level dungeon this time were basically very grumpy people. A player abused the main god on the spot.

Looking back on the end of the group's destruction, it can be seen that it can be regarded as the game's revenge.

There are also two protagonists who also realized that the tragic death of passerby A's brother and parents was inseparable from the game, so they also carried out fierce abuse for more than an hour on the spot, and then they were betrayed by their teammates not long after, and followed closely by the leader. Boxed lunch.

So it doesn't matter, Lan Chin absolutely doesn't believe it.

Lan Qin thought about it casually, and decided to find a restaurant on Player Street to have a full meal, and then go back and have a good sleep.

Let's wait for him to solve these two things before thinking about the future, otherwise he may die of sleepiness or starvation.

Lan Qin hurriedly left from the player lobby. As for the players who came and went, they were not interested in caring about the situation of a strange player who almost covered half of his face with a windbreaker.

After all, under such a high-intensity dungeon task, people only rely on one breath to live, so there is no thought and energy to pay attention to others.

The most is to cast an envious look at the players who can pass the dungeon safely, and then hope that they can also get good luck and return safely.

But more, only big shots and fools would waste time

paying attention .

"Close Your Eyes When It's Dark" is an infinite streaming game that at best wants to watch players struggle to survive in the dungeon, but outside the dungeon, it provides players with very convenient food, clothing, housing and transportation, and the fees are not particularly expensive.

At least one bowl of beef noodles only needs two points. In Lan Qin's opinion, it is relatively cheap.

Although there are some rough humanoid robots working in the restaurant, whether it is serving food or cooking, it is quite good.

Anyway, Lan Qin couldn't taste the difference from the artificially kneaded beef noodles.

After eating and drinking, Lan Qin wiped his mouth with a tissue, then got up and went back to the player's dormitory.

As for other entertainment facilities in this place, such as playgrounds, libraries, gyms, etc., he really doesn't have the energy and interest to go there.

Not to mention that points are required to enter these places.

With this time and energy, it is better to rest quickly and prepare for the next copy with the best physical condition.

According to the game rules of "Close Your Eyes When It's Dark", players need to play a copy every three days. As for the level of the copy and the number of players, it's a test of character and luck.

Lan Chin didn't think that a passer-by would have any good luck.

Of course, finding some reliable teammates in a short period of time to form a group to download the dungeon is also a labor-intensive task, and it can only be done by the way when the dungeon is being downloaded.

After all, the rest time is only three days, unless they met before entering the infinite streaming game "Please close your eyes when it gets dark", otherwise, who would suddenly be bound to other players? It's hard to say whether such a sudden teammate friendship can live and die together, but it is very normal to betray one's faith in the face of life and death.

As long as the betrayed player is dead, no one will know that you were a traitor.

Some old players rely on this way to fish, using naive, ignorant and inexperienced new players as shields, and then let themselves feel like a fish in water when they play dungeons.

Lan Qin has no idea of ​​finding teammates to form a team yet, but if his partner shows up, or if the two protagonists come into the game and reunite with him, then a team of four can be formed.

I just hope that the two protagonists can accept the younger brother's coming out more calmly.

Lan Qin walked towards the player dormitory with heavy steps, not noticing that a large number of robots in the restaurant behind him were watching his departure intently, and they also showed a very humane expression of reluctance and nostalgia.

Such a horrifying scene happened to be seen by several players who wanted to come in to eat noodles. Just as they wondered whether these game robots had a virus, these robots quickly returned to normal, welcoming the arrival of new guests in a mechanized manner.

"Dick! Welcome to the Beef Noodle Restaurant..."

The welcome message was still the same. Several players scratched their heads in doubt, and carefully looked into the restaurant. They didn't find any danger, and everything was as usual.

"It seems that this high-tech will still cause problems..."

Several players muttered a few words, not paying attention to the abnormal situation of the robot in the beef noodle restaurant, and just went in to order and pay and waited for the beef noodles to be served.

As for the robots possessed by the game consciousness, they didn't find anything wrong with them just now, and they still provided food for players with points as usual, just like they have done countless times over the past few decades.


The player dormitory is the most common dormitory building, each building has one hundred floors, each floor has twenty independent rooms, and the distance between buildings is still similar to that of the handshake building.

As long as you see how many buildings there are densely packed, you can probably know how many unlucky players have entered the infinite streaming game "Please close your eyes when it gets dark".

Lan Qin lived in the 319 dormitory in Building 10, 3 floors. Although it was only a 3-story building, he was too tired to take the stairs, so he took the elevator directly up.

There are ten elevators in each building, plus not all players will gather in the same dungeon, and apart from downloading dungeons or going out to eat, no players want to go out, so waiting for the elevator is not a problem. how much time is required.

While waiting for the elevator

, Lan Chin also met a few strange players who hooked up shoulder to shoulder. The relationship between these players is very good. If they didn't know each other in the real world, they should have teamed up and played many dungeons together.

But Lan Chin didn't intend to talk, but silently pulled the collar of the windbreaker a little more towards his face, making sure that others would not see his appearance clearly.

After so many mission worlds, he certainly knows that his appearance should be considered outstanding, so in order to avoid unnecessary social interaction, he still has to pay attention.

The third floor arrived soon, and Lan Chin walked out without paying too much attention to the other people in the elevator.

And Lan Qin, who has been keeping silent all this time, would not have noticed that one of these players followed him out on the third floor, and the rest of them disappeared in the elevator suddenly like ghosts.

It's a pity that this elevator is not equipped with surveillance cameras like the elevators in the human world, so no one saw this horrifying and weird scene.

As for the male player who walked out with Lan Qin, he followed behind Lan Qin at a not too far distance, until he saw clearly that Lan Qin had entered the 319 dormitory, then stood there and looked at it for a long time, and then leave.

But Lan Qin, who was physically and mentally exhausted, didn't notice all these things happened.

After all, in this place where any violent behavior between players is prohibited, such as robbery, beating or murder, players can say that they don't have to worry about the safety of their lives and property at all.

Of course, such protection regulations for all players are invalid in the dungeon.

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