2.7: Looking for supplies

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Just to tan and dry these few furs, it took more than half a day time.

Because this is not Lu Zaixing's business, he can only let Lu Xingzhi show off in front of Lan Qin's wife.

Originally it was very angry, but thinking that his wife didn't know about Lu Xingzhi's existence, even if Lu Xingzhi behaved very well now, in Lan Qin's wife's opinion, it was the most powerful thing.

This thought keeps it silent, just let Lu Xing do the drudgery, and take all the credit for himself.

Lu stared at Lanqin very happily, and praised his wife in his heart for being beautiful, anyway, she was fragrant, soft and tender.

Hearing these unsightly words, Lu Xingzhi just wanted to make him shut up, but because Lan Qin kept his eyes on him, Lu Xingzhi, who was a little at a loss, could only move while being stared at by Lan Qin with a stiff expression. Mechanically tanned furs.

Various thoughts emerged in Lu Xingzhi's mind, but on the surface he looked very calm and indifferent. Lu had been paying attention to Lan Qin's wife, but he didn't notice Lu Xingzhi's situation.

Of course, Lan Qin noticed that Lu Xingzhi was watching him all the time, and he would turn his head to look at him every minute or two, before lowering his head and continuing to tan the fur.

When the tanned fur was drying on the big stone, the barbecue was just finished, and Lan Qin called Lu Xingzhi over to eat first.

Eating the meat roasted by Lan Qin himself, Lu Xingzhi only felt that his heart was extremely sweet, but at this moment Lu shouted loudly in his mind that he wanted to change it back, 【"These roast meats are all roasted for me by my wife! You are not allowed to eat them!"】

Lu asked Lu Xingzhi to go back immediately, and then he came to meet Lan Qin's wife in person.

Lu Xingzhi was not in a hurry, but said that he would sew the fur into clothes for Lan Qin later, and there were some soft grass blades nearby, which could also be used to make a temporary grass skirt for Lan Qin.

Such words completely misled Lu's thinking. From Lu Xingzhi's memory, he knew what grass skirts and fur skirts looked like. As long as Mrs. Lanqin wore them, she would be half-naked.

And if Lan Qin, who is wearing a grass skirt and a fur skirt, wants to ride on its back, it means that its fur will directly touch the most private and intimate parts of his wife... It is impressed by the erotic scenes that I can think

of Excited and ashamed to the point of blushing, if it was the one facing Lan Qin at this moment, then Lan Qin would be able to see a red-faced man now.

Lu Xingzhi was also taken aback by the arrogance of "himself", he clearly didn't have much sexual relationship with Lan Qin, but this guy actually fast-forwarded to the 18th style scene of an old couple, which really made Lu Xingzhi Have a new look at 'myself'.

Fortunately, he has a thicker skin and a better psychological quality, otherwise he would suddenly blush in front of Lan Qin, and it would be tricky at first glance.

Lu Xingzhi ate the barbecue that Lan Qin handed over, feeling very complicated, because of Lu's existence, he always felt that he was bullying his friend's beloved wife.

But obviously Lan Qin should also be his spouse.

Lan Qin saw that Lu Xingzhi was eating the barbecue very slowly, so he was a little worried that the meat he roasted today was not tasty, so he quickly took a bite and found that the taste was comparable to yesterday's, so he began to wonder if Lu Xingzhi liked it very much. Eat raw food.

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