1.3: Reborn

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When Lan Qin and Yang Jian were going out, they happened to meet Chen who came to deliver the meal Hu Jin, accompanied by his younger sister Chen Huyin.

Yang Jian was keenly aware that the brothers and sisters were looking at Lan Qin with admiration in their eyes. Faced with the situation that the siblings were suspected of falling in love with the same man, Yang Jian only felt a little headache.

He can only think of the good things, at least they can start with these two people for the next interview.

With a hot dinner delivered to the door, Yang Jian once again used his bright and optimistic social skills, and after welcoming the brother and sister in, he got some useful information within a few steps.

Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin's eyes and attention were all on Lan Qin aside, except that Chen Huyin was more restrained as a girl, and only occasionally looked up at Lan Qin, the rest of the time he was helping to arrange the dishes.

And Chen Hujin was more emotional, and asked Lan Qin directly if he needed help, "I am the most familiar with the village, absolutely no one is more familiar with this place than me, you, what do you need to help with?" You don't have to be polite, just come to me directly!" His

dark complexion, which is very similar to that of the village chief, gave Chen Hujin an honest and honest temperament, but his tall and strong figure made it clear at a glance that he was a man. Not to be trifled with young lads.

The village head said he could kill a wild boar with his bare hands, but maybe his son Chen Hujin had a better chance of winning against a wild boar.

Yang Jian used his high-spirited talk to attract the attention of the two, but it backfired. In front of Lan Qin, his superior social skills were completely useless.

Seeing that Yang Jian said a lot of things without getting any response, Lan Qin quickly took over the conversation and talked to the brothers and sisters instead.

Yang Jian was a little worried, but seeing the two people who responded one after another to Lan Qin's question, he cursed in his heart, you damn Yangou!

Lan Qin first asked about the past history of Shiling Village and the situation about Qin Shiling. After an interview, he asked about the biggest purpose of their trip and about the strange situation in Shiling Village.

The brothers and sisters rushed to answer the previous questions, but when asked if there were any strange rumors or things in the village, the brothers and sisters paused at the same time.

The polite smile on Lanqin's face did not restrain himself because of this, but he thoughtfully said that if it was inconvenient, he would not have to mention it, but there was a trace of disappointment in his smile.

While Chen Huyin was still hesitating, the more impulsive Chen Hujin had already opened his mouth to answer. He looked at Lan Qin's beautiful face, and although his tone of voice was a little excited, he also paid attention to slow down and softly, as if he was worried about the big A loud voice would scare Lanchin.

"...Actually, there is nothing special in our village, except that we hold a sacrifice to ghosts and gods every year. This is a tradition left by our ancestors and has lasted for more than a thousand years. I didn't think it was necessary, so I didn't mention it just now. But If you are interested, Lan Qin, I, I can also introduce you in detail."

Chen Hujin touched the back of his head embarrassedly while talking, but looked at Lan Qin's shy expression, and that even The blush that couldn't be concealed by the dark complexion actually proved that this young man's love affair was just beginning.

Seeing that Lan Qin's attention was attracted by his elder brother, Chen Huyin hurried over and added, "I also understand ghost sacrifices! Lan Qin, you can ask me too... and I know better than Chen Hujin More rules about sacrifices to ghosts and gods!"

Just after saying this, Chen Huyin's expression changed again, because she looked out of the wooden window and found her father was watching outside.

Chen Hujin, who hadn't noticed that his father had discovered him, wanted to speak, but his younger sister Chen Huyin slapped his elbow and motioned him to look outside with fearful eyes.

Chen Hujin was finally willing to look away from Lan Qin, and when he saw his father with a gloomy face outside the window, he immediately called out 'Daddy' in fright.

The village chief's brows were gloomy, and he cast a very gloomy glance at the two of them before turning around and leaving without saying a word.

"You two, go home!"

The Chen Hujin brothers and sisters did not dare to disobey their father's order, and hurriedly left with a bamboo basket containing rice, but before leaving, they still reluctantly said that they must find them if there is something to do .

"Lan Qin, don't

trust , they are not as trustworthy as I am."

Lan Qin looked at the serious expressions of the two, and nodded to show that he understood.

After both brothers and sisters left, Lan Qin and Yang Jian looked at each other, and then began to check the progress of the work in a tacit understanding.

After checking that there were no abnormalities, they started a discussion about the ghost and god priest that came from the two populations of Chen Hujin.

Yang Jian was taken aback by the village chief just now. If it weren't for the voices of Chen Huyin and Chen Hujin, he would never have noticed the village chief's arrival.

"I found out that the villagers in Shiling Village walk silently, almost like that."

Lan Qin knew that the one that Yang Jian said referred to ghosts, but in order to avoid taboos, he replaced it with this. kind of argument.

Yang Jian didn't know much about ghost sacrifices, but one thing is that sacrifices must require sacrifices. At this time, Yang Jian used his imagination, and various weird guesses came oncoming.

"The village chief said that he can beat a wild boar with his bare hands. The wild boar is likely to be one of the sacrifices. Besides, there may be living sacrifices... It is unlikely to use people from the village, so foreigners like us It is very suitable to be a sacrifice."

Yang Jian touched his chin and thought about it, but he thought it was a bit funny when he made this guess, "We came to Shiling Village under the instructions of the superiors, and obviously there is also a connection with the outside world. , if you really used living people as sacrifices, you would have been found by the police long ago."

Lan Qin has been listening to Yang Jian's words, but he doesn't speak, because he really doesn't understand the mission world, and it would be wrong to say more.

Yang Jian said he answered for a while, then slapped his forehead fiercely, and decided to have dinner first.

"Lan Qin, let's eat first. People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. And it's hard to think about things when you are hungry."

Lan Qin had no objection to this, so the two started Pick up chopsticks to eat.

While grilling rice and vegetables, Yang Jian murmured in his heart that the villagers in Shiling Village are good at cooking, and this beautiful place to grow vegetables and fruits is also a good place, but why is this Shiling Village so remote and poor?

He felt that this situation was very problematic, but when he thought about the ten misty mountains and the fact that there were only three hundred people in Shiling Village, he thought it was justifiable.

After Yang Jian and Lan Qin finished their meal, two strange villagers brought them two barrels of hot water, and they packed up the dishes and left.

There is a bathroom in this house, but there is no water source, and water and food must be relied on in the village.

Lan Qin and Yang Jian took turns carrying hot water to take a bath, and then changed into clean clothes, and packed the dirty clothes in a plastic bag. They planned to take the dirty clothes back for washing.

After both of them took a shower, they lay down on two wooden beds and prepared to sleep, but they were a little dissatisfied with the accommodation conditions that only had a bamboo mat and a sheet, and not even a pillow.

"The bed is too hard, and there are no pillows. I, a broad and fat person, can bear it, but is it difficult for you, Lan Qin, who is thin and tender? If you knew it, you should have mentioned it to Chen Hujin and the others. A little request, after all, if it was you, Lan Qin, you would definitely not be rejected."

Lan Qin gave a perfunctory 'hmm', but he didn't feel much about the somewhat difficult accommodation conditions.

Of course, he also felt that the bed was very hard and it was inconvenient without pillows, but he had long been used to it.

After all, he has also experienced more difficult environments.

The two who had already traveled mountains and rivers felt very tired, especially after lying on the bed, they felt even more drowsy.

Yang Jian was also tired, and fell asleep unconsciously after talking for a while.

When Lan Qin heard that Yang Jian stopped talking, instead there was a burst of snoring, he thought about what the system 1122 was doing at this moment, and he also fell asleep.

After the quietness of the house was restored, the originally bright moonlight also became dim and dim, and the whole village became quieter and darker at night, even the noisy insects and birds chirping disappeared without a trace.

When the thick fog gradually shrouded the entire Shiling Village, and even the entire Qin Shiling, the big river that no one saw suddenly became rough.

With the turbulent

flow of the river, some weird things roared and rolled in the river, as if they could rush to the bank in the next second and attack the village...


"It's foggy..."

In a distance from Shiling Village More than ten kilometers away, it was still in the Qinshiling area. After opening the door of the tent, Xu Yi sighed as he looked at the thick fog outside.

He thought of the misfortune of himself and his friends in the previous life, that on such a foggy night, his friends died one after another, while he and his boyfriend Qin Ziwei left this dangerous place with a sigh of relief after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers.

But things were not as they expected. When they thought they were safe, they found that the terrifying ghost followed them and left Qin Shiling. Even the suppressed 100,000 evil spirits came out. And soon turn the whole world into ghosts.

And what's even more frightening is that all the living people who were forced to live in the ghosts and monsters gradually turned into the living dead...

For the living people, that is the most terrifying doomsday.

In Xu Yi's opinion, it is better to die directly than to become a living dead person who is neither dead nor alive.

But what Xu didn't expect was that after he shot himself, he would encounter such a miraculous thing-rebirth.

But this kind of rebirth seems to be meaningless, because at this time they have already entered Qin Shiling to explore, and it is impossible to withdraw immediately.

Xu Yi, who has the memory of his previous life, is very clear that as soon as a living person steps into the area of ​​Qin Shiling, he will become a being forgotten by everyone. If they cannot leave safely, they will only become a missing person who disappears without reason .

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