4.3: Ganshui Town

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Lanqin's breath in his chest is relieved, and he and the people in the team After saying a few words, he said that he would close his eyes and rest for a while, implying that he didn't want to talk anymore.

If you put it in the past, everyone might think that Lan Qin is a teacher who has a lot of things, but now looking at the appearance of this sick beauty, they all acquiesce in Lan Qin's closing his eyes and resting.

And he also took the initiative to keep his hands and feet light, so as not to disturb Lan Qin's short rest.

Even Lao Ou, who was still smoking Hanyan, went a little further, saying that the smell of Hanyan would not choke Teacher Lan.

Another female student in the team, Zhou Suyun, murmured that the uncle didn't think about their feelings at all when he smoked Hanyan before, and he smoked more than seven or eight times during the journey of more than two hours.

Li Xingruo put his index finger on his lips and made a quiet gesture of "shh", and then walked aside with his outspoken best friend.

Originally, she wanted to sit next to Teacher Lan Qin to see if she could help Teacher Lan Qin do something, but now it seems that as long as she has a good view of Suyun, it is the best help for Teacher Lan Qin.

Zhou Suyun didn't think there was anything wrong with her muttering behavior, even when Li Xingruo pulled her aside, she even took Li Xingruo's hand and sighed that the new art teacher was good-looking.

"If it wasn't for sure that this is a new teacher, I would have thought it was a male model hired by the school at a high price!"

Zhou Suyun's words interrupted what Li Xingruo was about to say, and her thoughts turned to the model involuntarily. On the body, if Mrs. Lan Qin is really a model, it is definitely the best-looking and most perfect model she has seen in the ten years since she learned to draw.

Seeing that her best friend Li Xing didn't speak, Zhou Suyun didn't think much of it, but she could talk a lot with a small mouth.

As for the fact that she didn't speak before, she was actually tired from walking. Thanks to the beauty of Tuolan just now, she was resurrected with full blood after drinking water and eating.

I have to say that being young is good, and the body is great!

"Xingruo, have you observed the facial features of the beauty of Lanta?! Oh, it's 360 degrees without any dead angle, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is peerless and perfect! If the beauty of Lanta goes to debut as an idol, then I will I can have a natural idol with a prosperous and beautiful face, and I no longer have to argue with black fans whether the idol has a plastic face." After all,

according to the face of Lan Dameiren, it is estimated that even the most skilled plastic surgery hospital can't restore it. Carve it out, let alone create it out of nothing.

And if Lanta Beauty really debuts, she is willing to mobilize all her relatives and friends to make the ranking for Lanta Beauty.

A great beauty with a prosperous beauty should stand out and be seen by everyone!

If Li Xing is well aware of the fanaticism of her girlfriend's star-chasing, now that she says such a thing, it can be seen that she has fallen into the beauty of Teacher Lan Qin.

But isn't it a bit too much to directly call Teacher Lan Qin the beauty of Lan Da...

Li Xingruo thought it was a bit inappropriate when he thought about it, but then he thought about it, how could she not be in this state.

If it wasn't for maintaining his own image, Li Xingruo would have broken up with his current boyfriend Fu Zeti now, and then turned to pursue Teacher Lan Qin.

Although it is said that teacher-student relationship is not advocated, but she is now a junior and will graduate in a year, she can chase after her first, and then be with Lan Qin after graduation...

Li Xingruo is what she imagined The bright future was so excited, but he subconsciously took a look at his current boyfriend, and when he realized that he could meet Fu Ze's eyes, he quickly averted his gaze.

Anyway, I feel a little guilty.

Fu Ze actually accidentally met the eyes of his girlfriend looking over, but at that moment he was also guilty, because the last second he was still looking at Lan Qin's beautiful sleeping face, and he was very itchy to put that pair of eyes on his face. The beautiful scene is drawn.

The ancients said that Begonia's spring sleep is the most lazy and luxurious, and it really does not deceive future generations!

He can only repeatedly remind himself that he is a straight man, and his dream is to find a young, beautiful and gentle girl to marry and have children, so he must not suddenly bend like his brother Xu Yiming!

Lan Qin didn't notice the eyebrow-eye

lawsuit at all. He just took advantage of the few minutes of rest to quickly check the mission details and passerby A's memory.

In fact, the mission this time is the identity of a passer-by, and it doesn't really count. After all, he still played for a few minutes, although he soon separated from the team due to an accident, and then disappeared directly in this dense mountain wild forest that seemed to have no boundaries. up.

If Lan Qin hadn't come over, this passer-by would have passed out directly before the protagonist group actually entered Ganshui Town, and the protagonist group certainly couldn't see a person in a coma with a pale face, so they couldn't even take care of sketching, and immediately They carried people down the mountain and sent them to the hospital for emergency treatment.

It is because of such a passer-by who got separated and disappeared not long after the mission plot started, the protagonist group did not enter Ganshui Town at all in the end, and the world plot was directly lost by the butterfly.

It is as outrageous as Tang Seng in "Journey to the West" in the four famous novels was unwilling to save Monkey King, and Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" were unwilling to be sworn brothers.

Anyway, because Passerby A fell like this, all world plots are gone, and human beings are also destroyed with the disappearance of Ganshui Town.

Although, according to the normal world plot, even if the protagonist group enters Ganshui Town, it seems that they have not succeeded in saving the world.

After all, the villain of this mission world is a tricky character, no matter whether there is a protagonist group or not, he is determined to destroy the world.

Now is just waiting for the right time.

And these living people who are lured, lured, and entered Ganshui Town from time to time are the best test subjects.

Lan Qin sighed in his heart. He only found it outrageous and novel that the human beings in the mission details stopped falling in love or getting married and had children because of the loss of love and lust.

At the same time, I also feel that the villain of the details of this mission may not really be his partner. After all, according to his partner's "black history", the idea of ​​destroying the world may come true, but there will never be love and lust. Impossible.

As for why a powerful villain is committed to exterminating all human emotions, and even turning all human beings into sexual frigidity, we must talk about the villain's mother.

And when it comes to the villain's mother, we must talk about the long history of Ganshui Town that lasts almost three thousand years.

As an ancient town, Ganshui Town is inhabited by the Wu clan who once ruled the world for the king, but later the enfeoffment system became a feudal monarchy, and the powerful king began to suspect and suppress the Wu clan.

The Wu clan who had killed many clansmen fled to Ganshui Town with their huge property and only a few thousand clansmen left, and they are still thriving in Ganshui Town.

The reason why the Wu Clan is called the Wu Clan is because each of their clansmen will learn to raise Gu and cast Gu from an early age. It can be said that every child of the Wu Clan has already started to fight against Gu poison before they learn to run and speak. study.

And the child with the highest talent is the big witch.

The Great Witch used to be a big figure who was respected by the king, but after he escaped from the world, although the treatment of the Great Witch has declined, he is still the most noble figure in the Witch Clan.

And the villain of this mission world is the great witch of the Wu clan.

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