7.4: Escape

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Judging from the fact that the child's hair was cut off, Lan Qin thinks The attitude of those villagers towards the child was also very unfriendly, so he took the child out of Luohua Village, he should also be trying to keep the child.

And according to those villagers, they seem to raise this child as a food reserve, and even raise it as a free range, otherwise the child would not be so thin.

So Lan Qin touched the end of his hair that had been violently cut off, and then decided to leave this place now.

Although those villagers came here just once, there is no guarantee that they will come again. By then, not only his life safety will be threatened, it is very likely that this child will also be implicated.

From what the villagers said just now, Lan Qin concluded that the child should be a boy, so Lan Qin no longer followed the rules, but directly bent down and asked the little boy if he wanted to leave Luohua Village with his brother.

What surprised Lan Qin was that the little boy nodded without even thinking.

It seems that this little boy's life in Luohua Village is not very good, otherwise he would not easily trust his strange brother and agree to leave with him.

Although according to the current time point, all the teachers and classmates of Passerby A should have been killed by those villagers, and even Passerby A's biological parents were successfully killed by the heroine Lan Lan, but if he can escape, then these Things are not a problem.

After all, according to the Lan family's wealth, it is more than enough to invite a few celestial masters to protect him.

And the hostess's family, don't want to steal away the property that the original owner's father has worked hard for decades!

As for the hatred of the heroine for killing the original owner's parents, Lan Qin will definitely not ignore it.

Knowing that the little boy might indeed be dumb, Lan Chin didn't insist on asking the little boy's name, but squatted down with his back to the little boy, letting the little boy lie on his back, "Brother will take you out of this danger now Don't be afraid."

Perhaps Lan Qin's attitude and words were sincere enough, the little boy hesitated for a while and climbed onto Lan Qin's equally thin but tough back.

Steadily picking up the little boy on his back, Lan Qin took one last look at the statue with a blurred face, and then walked towards the gate of the temple without hesitation.

He is only leaving temporarily, and he will come back with the celestial master and the police after he has dealt with the affairs of the Lan family.

With so many lives buried here, Luohua Village cannot escape.

For example, in the original mission plot, the hero and heroine were brought in by a group to deal with the Luohua Village incident, but at that time the evil god had become the climate, and the villagers of Luohua Village also increased in strength, but the hero and heroine missed and were killed.

However, there are also reasons for the negligence of the male and female protagonists. After all, it is enough to see that the male protagonist is underestimating the enemy just by seeing that the male protagonist even brought the female protagonist's oil bottle with him.

Lan Qin walked away from the temple firmly, not realizing that the little boy on his back also glanced at the statue of the snake-tailed god with gloomy eyes, but compared with his reluctance, the little boy's eyes were more Just resentment.

The little boy actually didn't think that this strange brother could really take him out of Luohua Village. After all, before this strange brother named Lan Qin, there were countless people who wanted to take him out.

There are ordinary people who run away in a panic, some celestial masters who want to do something next, and some policemen who accidentally come to Luohua Village, but all of them fail and unfortunately become the prey of those lunatics.

Of course, every time those lunatics find him running away, not only the outsider will be punished, but he will also be beaten violently, but that is already commonplace for him.

Although he didn't think he could leave Luohua Village this time, he was still willing to take a gamble, not because of anything, but because he believed in this brother named Lan Qin.

Lanchin, Lanchin, that was the best name he had ever heard in his long life.

If he really couldn't escape from Luohua Village, he wouldn't mind keeping Lan Qin secretly in his temple. As long as those lunatics didn't find out, Lan Qin wouldn't die.

The little boy thought like this, and then involuntarily put his face on Lanqin's back,

and took a deep breath. His mood, which was as calm as stagnant water, was also stirred up, and he really hoped that this time he could really leave this damn Luohua Village.

Lan Qin didn't know what the little boy behind him was thinking. As an adult, he never thought of letting a child give him advice.

But Lan Qin also understood that relying on his two legs alone, if he wanted to leave Luohua Village before dawn, it was undoubtedly a dream.

So this departure must have a charter-for example, go to a villager's house to steal a bicycle.

Because the mountain roads are difficult to travel and extend in all directions, the villagers of Luohua Village do not have any means of transportation such as cars, but almost every household has horse-drawn carts, donkey carts and bicycles.

And because the neighbors are familiar with each other, many of the bicycles in the yard are unlocked, which gives Lanchin a good chance.

From the mouths of the villagers who spoke in the temple just now, Lan Qin can analyze that they must be having a carnival after hunting, and it is very likely that they will gather together for some kind of bonfire party, so if he goes to steal a bicycle, he just needs to be careful. It was found that there is no problem at all.

With the help of a bicycle, his escape can also be smoother.

In addition, those villagers themselves used bicycles very frequently, and those mountain roads were full of bicycle ruts, even if there was him, it would not be very obvious.

Lan Qin made up his mind and whispered the plan to the little boy, but to Lan Qin's surprise, the little boy actually took the initiative to show him the way after knowing that he was going to steal the bicycle.

Originally, Lan Qin was worried that he would be unlucky enough to touch the home of a villager with a dog, but under the guidance of the little boy, Lan Qin managed to steal an old bicycle very smoothly.

However, although the bicycle was old, it was very easy to pedal, and the chain brakes and tires were well inflated. Lan Qin put the little boy on the front rail, and then kicked back and started their escape.

With the little boy as the guide, Lan Chin did not miss any detours, and soon drove to a place with a little impression in his memory.

And just as they were about to leave the village, thick fog suddenly enveloped them.

Lan Qin was nervous for a while, and immediately slowed down the speed of the car. Finally, when the thick fog filled the place, he got out of the car and pushed the car away very carefully.

This is not the time to be able to move forward, and because they are not familiar with the place, if they drive the car on the wrong road or hit some big rock, they will have to get a boxed meal.

When the little boy saw the thick fog rising slowly, the corners of his mouth were tightened. These are all ghost-beating walls used to confuse outsiders. Many outsiders are planted in these countless ghost-beating walls.

By the time those lunatics release it, the outsiders may have already been desperate in the ghost wall.

Because he can't leave Luohua Village, his guidance is completely useless at this time. Whether he can successfully go out depends on the luck of the outsider.

Of course, the most important thing is whether the person who took him away really wanted to take him out without any purpose.

As long as the outsider who is willing to take him out has a sense of bad use, instead of thinking about him wholeheartedly, then he must not be taken out, and it is absolutely impossible to go out successfully.

This ghost hit the wall not only to prevent him from leaving Luohua Village, but also to prevent all outsiders from escaping.

Lan Qin felt that he had been circling around for a while, but he didn't get any answer when he asked the little boy, and then he no longer had any sense of direction, and finally Lan Qin was walking forward relying on his intuition.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, when Lan Qin felt that his legs were going to be crippled, he suddenly found that the thick fog was slowly dissipating, and there was a clear road ahead of them.

Lan Qin was so happy on the spot, he quickly took the little boy's hand and asked if this was the way to leave Luohua Village.

The little boy actually saw the road appear earlier than Lan Chin, but it didn't delay his shock at it.

This person actually succeeded in walking out!

The little boy nodded in a daze, and Lan Qin, who got the answer, didn't care about anything, so he jumped on the

bicycle seat and accelerated towards the road.

When the bicycle passed the boundary marker with three big bloody characters 'Luohua Village', the sky also revealed a glimmer of light.

It was dawn.

At this time, the villagers of Luohua Village didn't know that their god had successfully escaped from Luohua Village with an ordinary outsider, and they were still happily having a carnival, no matter men, women or children, they were all eating meat.

And Hua Xueliang, who killed the entire class, was also accepting the compliments from the clansmen, while drinking and eating meat. He didn't care about the young master Luo Danlan who hadn't been found yet.

After all, according to the level of waste that the eldest young master is, if encountering such a thing, he would probably scare himself to death.

Moreover, Luohua Village has always been able to enter but not exit. To go out, there must be a specific person leading the way out at a specific time.

Wait for them to eat and drink enough before going to sleep, and then search for that young master Lan, maybe there will be only one corpse by then.


After successfully leaving Luohua Village, Lan Qin immediately wanted to call the police, but thinking of the news about the human trafficking village he had seen, Lan Qin was worried that there would be an accident.

After all, this place is really too close to Luohua Village, if it was a fake police station, then he would have brought the little boy into the tiger's mouth.

It would be safer to leave the area and call the police outside.

Lan Qin made up his mind, and searched all his belongings, an ID card and a few hundred yuan, which were probably enough for him to take the little boy back to City A.

Without further ado, Lan Chin didn't intend to take a bath and go to bed. Instead, he found a station and bought a sleeper train ticket back to City A, and then took the little boy on the train ahead of time.

It wasn't until this time that Lan Qin was truly relieved.

But after relaxing a little bit, the hunger and fatigue of the whole body and mind appeared, and there was nothing delicious on the train, and it was very expensive.

It's just that Lan Qin was too hungry, so he casually bought two buckets of instant noodles and ham sausage and marinated eggs with the flight attendant. After soaking them separately, Lan Qin handed a bucket to the little boy, and then he himself "swished" a few times while it was hot. Finished a bucket of instant noodles.

As for the little boy, when he saw that Lan Qin was eating so deliciously, he tentatively picked up the fork, and after taking a little bite, it tasted really delicious immediately.

His movements were turbulent, as if he hadn't eaten properly for a long time, and he finished a bucket of instant noodles faster than Lan Chin, an adult.

When Lan Qin started to take the last few instant noodles slowly, the little boy had already picked up the instant noodle bucket and drank the instant noodle soup.

Lan Qin didn't think there was anything wrong with letting a child eat instant noodles with him, after all, instant noodles were considered very good instant noodles in Lan Qin's opinion.

Probably because of his poor health in the real world, he has never eaten instant noodles.

Now it seems that the little boy should have been captured by instant noodles just like him.

It's just that it's not good to eat too much instant noodles. When I return to City A and deal with the affairs of Lan's family, I will take the children to eat a few big meals.

Look at how those crazy villagers starved their children.

At this time, the little boy would not say that he does not need to eat. After all, as a statue, he will not starve to death if he does not eat, but his strength will be relatively weak.

Those lunatics relied on this to contain him.

But now that he has successfully left Luohua Village, and the real statue has been shrunk down and taken away by him, so the false statue in the temple is completely unnecessary.

The little boy lowered his eyes and thought, but the hand in his trouser pocket was carefully pinching his idol.

As long as he can find a true believer in the outside world, he will never dissipate.

But where should this believer go?

The little boy's eyes fell on Lan Qin's delicate side face involuntarily. After eating and drinking, Lan Qin began to take a nap comfortably.

He bought an off-shelf sleeper, just to make it easier for himself and the little boy to sleep.

Seeing the little boy

looking at , he felt that he must be sleepy, so he picked up the little boy and put him in the innermost berth, and then lay on the outside by himself.

This is also to prevent others from inadvertently seeing the little boy's red pupils and being frightened.

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