2.8: I'm Jealous

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Lanqin and Lu Xingzhi's first stop was City B, which was once incomparable The prosperous and developed city is now submerged by countless plants, and from time to time there are some large or small animals walking and jumping around the streets.

Originally, this huge city was a very distinctive economic center, and traffic jams were common occurrences, but now Lan Qin rode on Lu's back and walked into the city with the most powerful alien species. No trace of half a human being was found.

Of course, if it is found, it is more likely to be a heterogeneous or xenoplanted human form.

Lu yelled at the ferocity of those animals, and the high-level alien coercion made some alien species and plants avoid them quickly. Looking at the animals and plants consciously avoiding them, Lan Qin knew their identities.

Ordinary animals and plants didn't react too much to Lu's arrival. A wolf of different species that seemed to be full, and a beautiful human who was too weak to carry on its back, really attracted the attention of many different species and plants. .

Yu Feng moved his two wings lightly, and then lightly landed on the tallest building nearby. Because of his landing, the xenoplant that originally occupied this sunny site was unwilling to move his body away.

How dare it snatch its territory as soon as it comes, if it can't beat it, it will have to make these two big birds pay the price!

Yu Feng and his companion Luo Yingzhou happened to see Lu Xingzhi bringing a beautiful and delicious human out of his territory, which made them really curious about where this human came from.

Luo Yingzhou, as a human being who used to like to be lively, is now also a strange bird who likes to gossip, so naturally he would not miss such a rare event.

"The combination of a foreign wolf and a very beautiful human has never been seen before. Yu Feng, don't you think that little beauty is the spouse of this foreign wolf? This is really reckless!"

Yu Feng was not too moved by the words of his friend Luo Yingzhou, although he followed him because he was curious about how this human being could be with a vicious and brutal alien wolf, and the relationship seemed to be very harmonious.

Such a scene has never been seen even in the first few years of the end of the world. At that time, apart from wild animals, there were also domesticated animals that mutated and evolved. Some of them were very close to their owners, and they did not have much malice towards humans. .

Then when did the relationship between humans and heterogeneous plants become so bad? Yu Feng found that he didn't remember much.

Perhaps it is because the strength of alien species and alien plants is much more terrifying than that of human beings. Even when facing pets raised by themselves, human beings are more afraid than liking them.

Moreover, human beings have always believed that the hearts of non-my races must be different.

Facing the animals and plants that used to crawl under their feet, but because of a meteorite landing, their strength has greatly increased, and they can even suppress humans in turn. How can humans eat and sleep well?

If you can't make your own strength as strong as those alien species and plants, then you have to kill them all.

Those humans who were unwilling to give up their pets were also driven out. Since then, only humans have been seen in the human base, and no alien species or plants have been seen.

In order to prevent alien species and alien plants from invading the base, humans even ordered ordinary people not to leave the base as much as possible. Even the process of planting crops will send some fire-type supernatural beings to monitor. Once a plant is found to mutate, It must be killed on the spot.

Yu Feng and Luo Yingzhou are people who are relatively close to alien species and alien species. In order to survive better, they even took a gamble and directly evolved in the direction of their favorite alien species.

And the god of luck obviously favored these two people, they both successfully evolved, one became a different species of goshawk, and the other became a different species of golden eagle.

As for the precious pets that gave them evolutionary genes, they have long found their favorite spouses, and then abandoned their owners after waving their wings. They don't know where to live with their spouses in the world of two birds.

Maybe even the offspring have reproduced several litters now.

Both Yu Feng and Luo Yingzhou felt that their babies were lustful and despised their masters, but they had no intention of restraining them for the rest of their lives, so they could only let go with tears in their eyes.

Luo Yingzhou saw that a wolf of different species could find such a beautiful mate , and he felt that he could too.

"As long as there is a little beauty who likes my mighty and majestic golden eagle appearance, I definitely don't mind getting out of the order. Sigh... When will the human base throw a little beauty out to be my wife?" Yu Feng gave Luo Yingzhou a white look, Said that you wash and sleep now and then you have everything in your dream.

Luo Yingzhou was also very dissatisfied with his friend's behavior. In fact, if Yu Feng was not too harsh, he would not be unable to let go.

But since they are all males, and the heterogeneous species are territorial and are extremely sensitive to smells, it is impossible for something special to happen between the two heterogeneous species.

On the contrary, heterogeneous plants and ordinary animals and plants are more likely to have some special things happen, of course only limited to those without human genes in them.

After all, even if you like the most alien human beings, it is difficult to endure a spouse who cannot communicate with you for many years.

In particular, many xenogenes and xenografts will only find one mate in their entire lives.

Therefore, the matter of leaving the order must be cautious.

Looking at the silhouettes of alien wolves and humans in the highlands that were about to disappear into the dense vegetation, as if they were about to go into an abandoned shopping mall to find something, Luo Yingzhou felt that he could go forward and negotiate.

He hasn't communicated with normal humans for a long time, because those humans that appear in the wild are all supernatural beings, and they have high hatred and vigilance against alien species and alien plants.

Not to mention communication, it will be difficult to stop if you don't fight to the death.

"Maybe we can ask that alien wolf how to capture the heart of the little beauty, and then we will go to the human base to pick a mate who sleeps. It doesn't make sense that we two young men in prime of life can't get rid of the order. And I don't want to spend this year's breeding season still relying on fighting."

Yu Feng felt that this alien wolf was very familiar, and it seemed that he should have fought with them in a certain year, but he didn't know much about each other's situation.

"The two of us were barely able to draw with him. Don't make a fool of yourself. You are so cheap in front of others. When the time comes, you will be beaten. I don't care about you." Luo Yingzhou is very confident, thinking that he looks so handsome and handsome

. The honest and responsible appearance will certainly not arouse their disgust.

"Maybe the little beauty has some kind of older brother, younger brother, younger sister, then we will be in-laws, that is, a family."

Yu Feng, who never expected things to turn in this direction: "..."

Where is his friend? They are all good, but they are talkative and overconfident.

Naturally, Lu Xingzhi had already noticed that something was watching them secretly. He suspected that it should be the sight of birds in the sky, so he took Lan Qin into a shopping mall, and avoided the scorching and disgusting sight when collecting supplies.

But he won't be afraid of this line of sight, after all, in the past few years of becoming a different species, that guy Lu can be said to be invincible all over the world, so he doesn't have any fear at all.

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