- Under the Abyss - 3.1: New World

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Lanqin also lived happily with his partner in this mission world Throughout his life, because of the genetic evolution brought by the alien species, he even lived to be one hundred and fifty years old, and his teeth were so good that he could eat barbecue until the day before his death.

Xiang Hua, who often comes to visit, is very impressed that the beauty does not look old, and her body is also very good. It can be seen that Lu Xingzhi really took good care of Lan Qin.

At this time, Lan Qin has become friends with the protagonist Xiang Hua. Although Lu Xingzhi and Lin Fengyu often take an unwilling attitude towards their friendship, it will not hinder the friendship between Lan Qin and Xiang Hua.

There was a time when Xianghua was obsessed with farming. Anyway, he was just planting all kinds of strange plants. He wanted to study the reasons why plants evolved into heterophytes, and sincerely invited Lan Qin to join him. Lan Qin, who felt that he was a bit idle, also readily agreed.

And because of this, Lan Qin also mastered the good skills of farming.

At that time, Lan Qin was thinking that if he really needs to use the task world of farming skills in the future, then he is also a good hand.

Feeling that it's good to do something, and it needs to be reciprocated, Lan Qin took Xiang Hua to raise animals after he learned how to farm. No matter what kind of animal it was, it basically passed in the arms of Lan Qin and Xiang Hua.

And Lan Qin and Xiang Hua also had a fluffy addiction.

For example, Lan Qin's favorite red pandas, little tigers, little lions, etc., and Xiang Hua's favorite little leopards, little foxes, little rabbits, etc. all raised them, which made Lu Xingzhi, who was still laughing at Lin Fengyu, shut himself up.

After all, this kind of behavior, whether it is planting plants or raising animals, in the eyes of xenografts and xenoplants, is cultivating potential rivals for them.

But looking at the increasing smiles of their spouses, they can only pinch their noses and help farm and raise pets.

Of course Lan Qin knew that Lu and Lu Xingzhi would be jealous, so when he proposed to Hua to raise a litter of wolf cubs, he refused.

After all, raising other small animals is still tolerable, but if they really raise wolves like Lu, they won't be able to bear it.

Lan Qin would not step on Lu's bottom line, because it was his waist that suffered in the end.

Xiang Hua couldn't put it down to that litter of wolf cubs, and since Lan Qin refused to raise them, he took them back to raise them himself, and as for Lin Fengyu's ugly expression, he simply ignored them.

But before leaving, Xiang Hua glanced at the indifferent expression on Lu Xingzhi's face, and suddenly thought of the reason.

This is simply breaking Xiang Hua's view of Lu Xingzhi again. After all, in the previous life, he was a majestic and powerful extermination boss. The most classic evaluation is that he doesn't talk too much.

Not to mention that Xiang Hua had seen Lu Xingzhi's terrifying appearance with three heads and six arms, even he knew that Lu Xingzhi had three forms.

And when Du Wenhan and Lu Xingzhi died together, two heads protruded directly from the form of that mechanical alien-one was a human head, the other was a wolf's head, plus that mechanical tail with long, hard barbs , It really makes people feel like they are going to have a nightmare at a glance.

Xiang Hua guessed that it was Lu Xingzhi's most powerful form, but because the form was too scary, as long as Lan Qin was around, he felt that this person who looked like a powerful villain should not be revealed.

And as long as Lu Xingzhi, the guy with the strongest force value, doesn't go crazy and destroy the world, and now that the relationship between humans and heterogeneous plants has eased, and only a very small number of humans still insist on only marrying humans of the same race, then this world will not be. Destroyed like the previous life.

Xiang Hua is very confident about this.

And there are two other aliens who are also very confident about this, that is, Yu Feng and Luo Yingzhou who also found a very satisfactory spouse.

Luo Yingzhou felt that it was wrong for his friend Yu Feng to find a man to be his spouse, and his reason was that he couldn't get married like this.

"If you also find a human girl, then both of us will have a child, my family will have a little boy, and your family will have a little girl. Isn't that just kissing and kissing!" Yu Feng didn't want to care about himself, he just ran

away Friends of the train, and thought to himself for the one hundred and first time, why hasn't Luo Yingzhou, a bad-mouthed guy, been poisoned and dumb? !

And even if they all

have children and meet the conditions for getting married, Yu Feng will not agree, after all, he can't cheat his own children.

According to Luo Yingzhou's bad nature, what kind of good bamboo shoots can he produce?

Luo Yingzhou had no idea that his friend was thinking of him like this in his heart, so he just put his arms around his shoulder and continued to mutter.

Impatient Yu Feng: "..."

How annoying! Quickly, meteorites fall from the sky and kill this guy Luo Yingzhou!


Chin temporarily stayed in this task world after his death, because he was very worried about his partner's situation.

According to the regulations, after the death of the tasker, there is a 10-minute stay to check whether the task is completed. In the last life, Lan Qin also saw Li Yan hugging himself in the red wedding dress, and in this life he also witnessed Lu Xingzhi was distraught.

His heart is also very sad, but because of the expectation of reunion in the next mission world, Lan Qin's emotions can be regarded as okay.

But now, seeing his partner who promised to be together in the next life, the next life... the whole life, crying so loudly that he has no image at all, his heart is also about to be heartbroken.

Regardless of his image and Lu Xingzhi's dissuasion, Lu turned into a wolf form and cried for five or six minutes, and then turned into a mechanical alien form again, carefully rolled up Lan Qin with his long tail, and cared for him in his arms.

"My wife, don't be afraid, I will accompany you soon..."

Lu Xingzhi's mood is also very deep and sad, but his reason is still there. Thinking of continuing the relationship with Lan Qin in the next life, he has no idea of ​​living.

So he let Lu take Lanqin away, and then hid in the cliff lair that he had prepared long ago-this was a more dangerous and remote lair than the lair they lived in every day, and it was impossible to be discovered by other alien species and plants.

It's a good place for them to sleep with their spouse, there's only one way in, no way out.

Lan Qin also watched Lu Xingzhi completely wrap up his body and hide it, so that no outsiders could see it at all.

After hiding his treasure safely, Lu also closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. They all knew that they would not wake up again after closing their eyes this time.

But they didn't hesitate at all.

Lan Qin's body was hidden, his soul also floated over, and then gently landed on the white wolf's back, this time he didn't feel the soft and warm touch, but felt nothing at all.

Lan Qin sighed, and fell asleep slowly in the familiar place and position with the white wolf's breathing.

It's just that the corner of his eye still couldn't hold back a tear that fell quietly...


ten minutes passed, and Lan Qin found himself back in the system space when he opened his eyes.

The clean and simple space made Lan Qin feel very uncomfortable for the first time. He did not stay too long, but checked the mission world sent to him by the system 1122 before, and randomly chose a mission named "Under the Abyss" The world is determined to enter.

After a familiar dizziness passed, Lan Qin knew that he had successfully entered the mission world, but his current situation did not seem so good.

After checking the surrounding situation and finding that it was still safe, Lan Qin began to accept the memory of this passer-by and check the details of the mission.

But after checking, I found that the memory of this passer-by is really simple, and his daily life is prayer and rescue. Although he is a very honorable son of the Holy See, his life is extremely boring.

But for devout and pure saints, this should be the best daily life.

But this is the case when there is no protagonist attack.

And this has to talk about the situation of the two protagonists in the mission world. As a relatively ordinary saint, the protagonist, Shou Arthur, must not have much intersection with the Son.

However, the protagonist Jody Tracy, as the powerful abyss demon king, used his ambition to kill the powerful holy son of passerby A, and then helped the protagonist accept this ordinary saint to be the holy son.

But this is not what Lan Chin cares most about. What he cares more about is

who is the villain in this mission world.

After all, after going through two mission worlds, he also has a good positioning for his partner's identity, and there is a high probability that he will still be a villain.

Lan Qin roughly skipped the bloody emotional entanglement between the protagonist Gongshou and directly read the end of the mission details, and then knew the protagonist Gongshou's fate.

On the first day of their wedding, she was instantly killed by the villain Lord of the Abyss, and she didn't even have a chance to say a word.

Although a bit immoral, Lan Qin couldn't help but praise him in his heart.

Lan Qin made such an evaluation because the protagonist Gong did very disgusting things. After killing the former holy son passer-by, he also killed the pope by taking advantage of the protagonist's status as the current holy son, which led to In the later battlefield of humans and demons, the human world retreated steadily, and even fell to the miserable situation of being captured as slaves.

That is, after the complete defeat of the human race, the protagonist, Arthur, knew that the lover he had been sweetly and troubled for was not the wandering knight he thought, but the notorious devil king in the abyss.

Especially after being captured into the abyss, he also learned about his lover Jody's romantic past. Those lovers of different shapes and styles basically filled Jody's palace, which undoubtedly made Ben feel betrayed The protagonist who betrayed the faith of the human race suffers even more.

Devils don't have any idea of ​​keeping chastity. They respect instant pleasure the most, and they are especially good at promiscuity. The succubi in the abyss are even loved by the royal family and wealthy merchants and nobles of the human race, and they want to spend a lot of money to experience it. Take a look at the beauty of the succubus.

And there are more than a dozen such high-class succubi in the palace of the abyssal king Jodi, and there is even a pair of twin brothers and sisters who are equally delicate and beautiful, and Jodi loves them very much.

The Holy See has always required saints to remain virgins throughout their lives and to believe in gods with the purest and most innocent souls.

Such an overly dissolute private life made Arthur's love for Jody plummet, even to the point of being disheartened.

But Jody, as the demon king who has unified the human world and the demon world, naturally would not accept the indifference of his beloved towards him, so regardless of Arthur's objection, he directly prepared for the wedding and wanted Arthur to publicly become his queen.

But for Arthur, who is the holy son of the Holy See, and the defeated human race, this is undoubtedly a heart attack.

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