1.2: Lan Chin

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At this time, Lan Qin didn't know that he was wearing a pair of red underwear, Even the backpack he was carrying, and the two sets of clothes prepared there were also matching red underwear.

Yang Jian was obviously very experienced in such interviews that came without prior notice, and it didn't take him long to convince the village head that he agreed to allow them to stay in the village for two days, and he was also willing to cooperate with their interviews.

"It's just that our Shiling Village has a lot of rules. If you want to get more things from here, it's best not to do things that are not allowed, and not to touch things that are not allowed." Yang Jian said

from the mouth of the village head There is only one surname in Zhishiling Village, and the villagers are all surnamed Chen. There are about 300 families here, and they are basically named after words such as gold, silver, jewelry, peace, joy, etc. The generation of the village chief is Pai Shou. So the village chief's name is Chen Shoufu.

The village head, Chen Shoufu, is a dark and thin old man, but in the conversation with Yang Jian, he claimed very complacently that he could kill a wild boar with his bare hands.

Yang Jian praised the bravery of the village elder brother on the spot, and relying on such flattering work, Yang Jian successfully got a place to stay from the village chief, and he was able to provide three meals a day.

Lan Qin focused his attention on the houses in the village. These houses were built with mud bricks and some stone tiles. They looked very old, very simple and old, but they had their own unique charm.

Originally, the village head looked at Lan Qin with eerie and strange eyes, and even more so when he looked at the camera in his hand, but under Yang Jian's mediation and befriending, he was allowed to walk around in the village.

It's just that there are many rules in the village, no going down the river, no going to the ancestral hall, no sudden leaving the village, no tricking the villagers... The village chief's so-called permission is a bit perfunctory.

But Lanqin and Yang Jian didn't raise any dissatisfaction when they arrived for the first time. After all, what reporters know best is to play on the spot, and play by ear when necessary.

It was the son of the village chief named Chen Hujin who was in charge of taking them to the accommodation. He also had a younger sister named Chen Huyin.

This young villager is very enthusiastic and cheerful. If such emotions can be transferred, the enthusiasm and cheerfulness of the entire Shiling Village may be gathered on this young man named Chen Hujin.

Yang Jian, who was talking to Chen Hujin along the way, was surprised to find that Chen Hujin's gaze was actually on Lan Qin who was beside him all the time, and there was also a kind of love and indulgence for beauty in his eyes.

Both Lan Qin and Yang Jian became wary of this man, Yang Jian because of Chen Hujin's adoring eyes, and Lan Qin because of Chen Hujin's abnormal enthusiasm.

Compared with the villagers who were basically cold-faced and indifferent, this villager named Chen Hujin was obviously extremely abnormal.

After Chen Hujin sent people to a house in the village, he wanted to help clean the house, but because the house was still clean and tidy, and Yang Jian refused, he had no choice but to leave reluctantly.

Seeing that the person had left, Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, put the backpack on the window sill of the wooden window, talked to Lan Qin, and took the camera and tape recorder over to check.

Yang Jian was repeating what the village chief said just now, and at the same time, he was making sure there was nothing he missed.

Lan Qin, on the other hand, was recording some materials with a ballpoint pen and a notepad, such as describing the environment of Shiling Village, recording the mental outlook of the villagers of Shiling Village, and so on.

After confirming that everything was in order, Yang Jian began to complain to Lan Qin that the village was very evil.

Of course, all the villagers in the village are even more wicked.

"Adults are busy with all kinds of heavy farm work, so it's fine if they are too tired to have energy. Why do children who are eating, drinking, and playing have a look of life and death? It was different when I was a child. Basically, I went to the house to cover the tiles and went to the river to touch fish. I've done it, and my mother treats me like a small fight every three days and a big fight every five days." "

So there must be something wrong with Shiling Village, Lan Qin, we must have the writing materials for this issue!"

But since they needed such evil things, Yang Jian spoke in a tone of fear and excitement.

Yang Jian babbled a lot to Lan Qin, and concluded that Shiling Village is very evil.

Lan Qin is also thinking about the background of this mission world. Various weird events often occur in this mission world. It is only because of the

control and processing of professional departments that the mission world does not fall.

Just like a certain saying, "You feel that the years are quiet, it's just because someone is carrying the weight for you." For ordinary people, ghosts are things that do not exist materialistically, or exist only in the mind. Some people believe in ghosts, some don't.

Yang Jian believed it, otherwise he wouldn't have stuffed so many things into his backpack.

Jia Lanqin, a passer-by before, didn't believe it, but because of Yang Jian's insistence, he reluctantly stuffed something to ward off evil spirits into his backpack.

There are all kinds of evil objects next to him, and Lan Qin is wearing a pair of red underwear at most.

At this moment, Lan Chin didn't know that he was wearing such underwear. He just found the evil spirit object that took up almost a quarter of the space when he was sorting the backpack.

Although I felt a little helpless, I quickly picked out a few charms and peace charms that were convenient to put close to my body and put them in the inner pocket of my coat.

This action was to avoid Yang Jian, otherwise, if he was found out, he didn't wear these treasures in Yang Jian's eyes close to his body, and he might be talked about until his ears became cocooned.

Lan Qin naturally suspected that there were evil spirits in this mission world, especially since he had encountered many strange things in his memory, as well as the news he saw on his mobile phone and computer.

The scumbag who loved the new and disliked the old was killed, and the good man who spent most of his life doing good deeds was also killed. The evil spirits in the strange news of the mission world all attacked and killed indiscriminately.

Just like Yang Jian once complained, whether he will meet or be killed by evil spirits, it is simply who is more unlucky, and unlucky people usually have cold water to stuff their teeth, so they are more likely to be haunted by evil spirits .

"Ordinary people have to go to work to earn money to support themselves and their families, and at the same time, they have to be threatened by those evil spirits. It's really hard to live! Lan Qin, you have to keep these treasures close to you, they are things that can save your life at critical moments! Spells, Glutinous rice, peace talisman, black dog blood, ink thread garlic, eight trigrams bronze mirror..." "

This is a treasure that wards off evil spirits that I have collected for a long time. If it weren't for Lan Qin, you are my junior and friend, I would not be willing to share it. After all, there are three people in my family who need these evil spirit treasures..."

Lan Qin recalled Yang Jian's words while tidying up his backpack, and then found the red underwear wrapped in two sets of clothes.

Lan Qin's first reaction was to use his freshly washed hands to pick up the red underwear and check it out. In the previous mission world, he was a transvestite, and his favorite thing to wear was red thongs. Lan Qin felt overwhelmed Feeling tormented.

Fortunately, at that time, system 1122 didn't know why he often went back and forth to the center of the universe system, so he didn't pay attention to whether he would wear red thongs. In addition, that mission only took five days, so Lan Qin was obsessed. Vie secretly doesn't wear such underwear.

Anyway, system 1122 will not come to lift his skirt to see if he is wearing the red thong.

At this time, Yang Jian was also packing his backpack. After all, his wife was not here, so he could only support himself.

Both of them were wearing red underwear, and even the two sets of clothes they brought for a change of clothes were also red underwear. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that wearing a red dress was too eye-catching, Yang Jian would have come here wearing a red suit.

Lan Qin didn't know that Yang Jian had such a bold idea. After all, a little red can ward off evil spirits, but a large area of ​​red is obviously easy to attract ghosts.

Yang Jian also didn't know what Dao Lanqin was thinking.

After packing his luggage, Yang Jian took Lan Qin to the village for another visit. Although it was slightly dark at this time, the road could still be seen.

Because they only had three days for their business trip and could only stay in Shiling Village for two days, they had to hurry up and work.

After all, if they go back late, the boss will not give them a salary increase, but will deduct their salary.

As a veteran in the workplace, Yang Jian obviously understands how to maintain an appropriate balance between work and salary.

"Lan Qin, time is running out, let's go interview those villagers first, and we can have dinner by the way." "Anyway,

I don't want to eat those nasty compressed biscuits anymore.

" Biscuit's disgust was clearly on his face.

Lan Qin has no objection to this, but he feels

that according to the indifference of the villagers towards them, they are more likely to be rejected.

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