1.4: Little Bird

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Xu Yi's mind was full of thoughts. Qin Ziwei in the tent leaned out with a gloomy expression.

Qin Ziwei looked at the familiar fog and environment outside, and his expression was even more ugly. Like Xu Yi, he was reborn, but compared to Xu Yi who committed suicide, he was an unlucky person who was killed by evil spirits.

Although the evil ghost who killed him did not come from the ghosts and gods of Shiling Village and their subordinates, this does not prevent Qin Ziwei from putting this resentment on the ghosts and gods-if the ghosts and gods hadn't escaped from the foggy Qin Shiling, the world would have been destroyed again. How could it be polluted into a huge and dangerous ghost creature?

Originally, Qin Ziwei was excited for a while after confirming that he was reborn, but unfortunately, he found that the time of rebirth was very unlucky. It was when they first came to Qin Shiling to explore, and one day they would arrive at Shiling Village.

And Shiling Village is the place where fierce ghosts and gods are sealed.

Qin Ziwei always believed that ghosts and gods could escape from the heavy seals because of the sacrifices made by the two reporters before, and the sacrifice of their lives by the two people accompanying them, which made ghosts and gods escape.

Then this time, as long as they can save those two unlucky reporters and their two careless companions, they will definitely be able to prevent ghosts and gods from escaping!

As Qin Ziwei thought about it, the look on his face relaxed for a while. In the previous life, they were not familiar with the terrain of Qin Shiling, and they had different opinions on which mountain road to take, so they left a day later than the original plan. To Shiling Village.

At that time, the two reporters had already died in that strange river, and when they arrived, the villagers in Shiling Village were cheering for the arrival of the new year.

According to the in-depth investigation of their previous lives, it was discovered that the villagers of Shiling Village have been using outsiders to sacrifice to ghosts and gods, because Qin Shiling, as a mysterious place unknown to the outside world, attracts some outsiders to explore from time to time.

The four of them also heard someone talking about the weirdness and mystery of Qin Shiling during the graduation dinner, so they decided to take advantage of the free time after graduation to form a group to explore.

But how did they, who have always loved adventure, know that Qin Shiling would be so dangerous that two of them would never return.

Xu Yi would think of the tragic death of his two friends in his previous life, and he felt very sad. If he hadn't been very clear about the fog that would make people lose their way unconsciously, he could barely resist the urge to check the situation of the two friends immediately.


Xu Yi called out his boyfriend's name, but he didn't talk about his previous life experience. He felt that his boyfriend definitely didn't want to know about their misfortune and pain in their previous life.

Instead of saying it out to make your boyfriend suspicious and sad, it's better to bear all this by yourself.

Qin Ziwei didn't know what Xu Yi was thinking, but it was a coincidence that Qin Ziwei didn't tell Xu Yi what happened before his rebirth.

Because he felt that his little boyfriend was a bit too fragile. If he really told Xu Yi about such a terrible thing, it was one thing to be unable to help, but another thing to cause unnecessary trouble.

There were also two classmates who were traveling with them, Chen Tiao and Jiang Yang, and Qin Ziwei didn't plan to say anything. In his opinion, these two people are a bit unreliable and incompetent, and speaking out will only delay the progress.

"It's still a long time before dawn, Xiaoyi, let's continue to sleep for a while, so as not to be tired from walking the mountain road tomorrow."

Qin Ziwei said in a gentle tone. Before his death, Xu Yi's little boyfriend had been away from him for three years.

Because he was worried about being killed by evil spirits, or simply assimilated into a living dead, Qin Ziwei's spirit was always tense. Only now that he returned to the peaceful past and saw his long-lost boyfriend, Qin Ziwei felt that his tense emotions were relaxed.

Xu Yi woke up suddenly after being reborn. He now feels a severe headache and really needs to sleep a little longer.

Qin Ziwei hugged his long-lost boyfriend, unlike Xu Yi who fell asleep quickly, but his sleepiness did not condense for a long time.

He thought in his heart how he should prevent that evil ghost from escaping from Shiling Village this time. According to their investigation in the previous life, the ghost trapped in Shiling Village has actually been trapped for thousands of years, and the heavy seals that suppressed ghosts and gods have long been trapped. Shaky, escape is a matter of time.

Qin Ziwei didn't think arrogantly that he could deal with that surly and terrifying ghost, he just wanted to ensure that he and Xu Yi could leave Qin Shiling safely, and find someone capable to deal with this matter after returning.

As for whether it can be successfully resolved, it has nothing to do with them.

Qin Ziwei thought about various plans in his heart, and his expression eased a lot, and finally he fell into a deep sleep.

Before they stepped into Shiling Village, this Qin Shiling was not dangerous at all.

At this moment, there is no need to worry too much.

The night fog continued to thicken, directly making the mountains and forests shrouded in darkness even more eerie. In addition, the moon had moved behind the clouds, but it turned the entire Qinshiling into a dead silence.

And in the dense fog, there seemed to be some hideous and terrifying things surging and moving, but no one could see such a scene, and no one knew it.


the second day, Lan Qin woke up with the sound of birds chirping. He glanced at Yang Jian who was still sleeping and snoring, then got up and walked out of the house, and saw a bird that landed on the wooden window sill little bird.

Lan Qin recognized this little bird as a yellow warbler, and it was very smart and cute, and it was not afraid of people. When it saw someone looking at it, it turned its head from side to side, and called a few times towards Lan Qin, the sound was like flowing water It sounds tactful.

Lan Qin looked at it for a while, and felt that the little bird was very cute and cute, so he stretched out his palm towards the little bird as if fascinated, and softly called out "come here".

This little bird, who is not afraid of people at all, seemed to understand what Lan Qin said. It tilted its head and stared at Lan Qin for a while, then jumped to Lan Qin's palm with its wings, and spoke to Lan Qin. Seeing Lan Chin 'chirp' a few times.

Lan Qin's heart softened after being called by this very cute little bird. He even stretched out his hand to gently stroke the fluffy feathers of the little bird, and the little bird was very obedient and let Lan Qin comfort him. He spread his wings and shook them a few times, obviously feeling very comfortable.

After playing with this little bird for a while, Lan Qin even had the idea of ​​raising a little bird in his heart, but when he had such an idea, Yang Jian's loud voice suddenly came from the room.

"Lan Qin! Lan Qin..."

A few shouts attracted Lan Qin's attention. When he was about to answer Yang Jian, the little bird that was standing obediently in his palm spread its wings and flew away as if frightened. gone.


Lan Qin opened his hands to keep the little bird, but when he saw the little bird flying away without looking back, he suddenly thought that being a pet is probably a thing for a wild little bird. A very cruel thing.

Thinking of this fact, Lan Chin withdrew his hand and watched the little bird fly away.

When the cute little oriole disappeared under the eaves of the house, Lan Qin put away his lost expression, and then turned back to the house.

Seeing Lan Qin coming in from the house, Yang Jian asked Lan Qin what he was doing while removing the gum from the corners of his eyes with his hands.

Lan Qin didn't talk about the little yellow warbler, but only said that he went out to breathe fresh air.

Yang Jian understood very well, "The air in our city is indeed too turbid and smelly. After all, car exhaust and carbon dioxide are emitted every day. How can there be such fresh air with green water and green mountains!" "Although Shiling Village is too remote

, But the beautiful mountains and rivers are really nice, if I don't have to go back to earn money to support my family, I would like to spend some leisure time here."

Yang Jian said this with emotion, then got up to wash up, and waited for the villagers to bring breakfast by the way.

"I don't know what to have for breakfast. The stir-fried vegetables last night were very crispy and delicious. If there is white porridge with vegetables this morning, it would be fine." Lan Qin was still thinking about the flying oriole in his mind

, He didn't have much reaction to Yang Jian's words, because he also understood that Yang Jian was talking to himself a lot.

The breakfast was delivered by two strange villagers, but the brothers and sisters Chen Hujin and Chen Huyin who came over yesterday have not been seen yet.

Yang Jian felt that the village chief must have guarded him at home, and lamented that Lan Qin was a heartthrob.

"But it's also understandable. Our Lan Qin is

a young man with both beauty and strength. Although he has the beauty of a prosperous age as your sister-in-law said, he is also a person who works on strength. But the arsonist of the heart, the arsonist of the heart, teaches people to see I just tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night..."

Lan Qin looked at Yang Jian with unkind eyes for the first time after hearing such insane words, and told him to shut up quickly.

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