6.7: Welcome

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Lan Qin didn't know that the partner he was thinking of just happened to have sex with him The two elevators were missed, and he only knew that after checking and accepting the new batch of monsters several times, he still couldn't find his partner.

This is undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to Lan Chin.

He was worried that his partner might have something wrong on the way, so he didn't come to this new mission world in time. Or maybe the Cosmic System Center had discovered that he was in a paid relationship, so he arrested his partner-it's not that Lan Qin didn't want to have a little more confidence in his partner, but if he wanted to fight against the Cosmic System Center , he still felt a little unlikely to win.

After all, it is the center of the cosmic system that can treat every real world as a mission world, and according to what System 1122 once revealed, there is a supreme god in the center of the cosmic system.

Although no one or the system has ever seen the true face of that god, the omnipotent and omniscient strength of the god is clear to all systems and taskers. If it is not for the help of the god, only the system, like him It is simply impossible for ordinary taskers to freely shuttle between various task worlds.

Even the space-time turbulence between the mission worlds is enough to tear the soul of the missioner into thousands of pieces.

This is not Lan Qin's alarmist talk, but System 1122 told him very seriously that there used to be a system in the center of the universe system that fell in love with its host, and then wanted to sneak away with the host, but never wanted to escape by itself. But the human being whom the system loved so much was directly torn to pieces.

Then the system, which was in pain, went back and begged the gods to help it revive its lover, and promised to forget its lover and never miss its lover again.

Lan Qin, who had just passed away at the time, felt very unbearable, so he asked the god if he could help the system, but the system 1122 did not understand the fragile and innocent heart of its host, but directly told the very cruel facts its host.

"...I don't know if the gods have a way to save that human being, but as far as I know, that system and its host have seriously violated the center of the universe system. In order to gain enough time to escape, they took on a lot of tasks , but did not complete one at all, which led to the decline or even destruction of many mission worlds." "

Later, the system was sent back to the original birthplace for formatting, and after cleaning up all the emotional residue and data disorder, it started to bind again. The host is working." System 1122 finished speaking in a very indifferent tone, and then added.

"Host, don't worry, even if your appearance is among the best in the human race, the aesthetics of our system is completely different from that of humans. If a system likes its own host, it is a complete pervert." , I can assure you with certainty that I, 1122, will never be a pervert who likes the host!"

Lan Chin's various thoughts about the system and the host were all forgotten in the loud 'pervert' of System 1122 Two clean.

But Lan Qin, who was innocent and happy at the beginning, could not care about this kind of thing, but now Lan Qin, who has fallen in love, cannot ignore it.

Lanqin even regretted that he didn't ask the system 1122 that question: If the system can't fall in love with the host, is it okay for the host to fall in love with people in the task world, or is it a human character?

It's just that the system 1122 is now in a state of being out of contact, and Lan Qin has no chance to ask the system 1122 at all. As for leaving a message to the system 1122 for inquiries, Lan Qin feels that this is a bit informal.

In case the system 1122 refuses immediately, he cannot persuade the system 1122 to withdraw the decision on the spot.

And Lan Qin was also very worried that if the system 1122 knew about it, he would be separated from his partner immediately, and they would never be able to meet again.

Based on the above two points, Lan Qin did not leave a message to ask the tasker if he could fall in love.

It's just that this matter has always been suppressed in Lan Qin's heart, until now after he failed to find a partner, it all broke out.

Unable to

find , Lan Qin left here in a state of despair, planning to go back to sleep first, and continue looking after he regained his energy.

For Dr. Lanchin's performance, everyone thinks that it is because Dr. Lanchin didn't like the monster. After all, Dr. Lanchin is very picky, and this batch of new monsters is not very good, especially one of them The monster larvae were even more severely injured and thin, and it seemed that they could not survive to the end of the research.

But because the search for the monster larva was not going well this time, I could only use this one as a supplement. Anyway, it was just a new type of gene, and it didn't matter whether it was dead or alive.

Of course, many doctors prefer living monsters, because it is easier to observe the behavior of single monsters, and it is better to compare them with newly cultivated monsters.

However, Dr. Lan Chin's performance is normal. The quality of the new monsters is not good. In addition, due to the recent accident in the training room, the workload of all doctors has to be doubled, even the two doctors who are responsible for transporting monsters during this period are no exception. .

Originally, the two doctors thought that they had neither participated in the recent experimental research, nor could they be the ones who caused the accident in the training room, but seeing Dr. Lan Chin's unfavorable expression, you still don't have the guts to raise it. objection.

When the two doctors returned to their labs and learned from their assistants that they had been assigned the task of three research results, they were even more embarrassed to tell Dr. Lan Chin that they couldn't do it.

After all, the amount of this task is really not heavy. Originally, they planned to do one or two experiments after returning to the base, but now they have one more than the original goal, which is still very good.

It seems that Dr. Lan Chin still understands their hard work in transporting monsters, so he didn't give so many tasks.

At least compared to the task of Dr. Kimberly next door who needs to complete seven research results, it is much smaller. Even Dr. Kimberly who could only submit five or six research results a year is strictly required, so they can no longer shrugged off.

Otherwise, it would appear that they are even less serious than that Dr. Kimberly, and that would be a bad reputation.

People need face, trees need skin, and they need to be aware of current affairs.

Moreover, the relationship between Dr. Lan Chin and the director is still so good, it's better for them not to get into trouble.


13, B26 floor, singing and dancing hall.

People who come and go are all toasting and drinking, or talking happily, or closing their eyes to rest their minds. Anyway, it is a peaceful and joyful scene.

Even in the most dangerous moment, a certain sense of ritual belonging to human beings will still persist, at least for the director of the research institute with a high status in the base, this welcoming ceremony is regarded by the leaders of the base as just necessary.

At the welcoming ceremony, except for those who really didn't have time to come, most of the people had already arrived.

Dr. Kimberly looked left and right, but she could only see Dr. Lanchin's assistant Modi, so she raised her eyebrows excitedly, and said in a very firm tone, "Little assistant, your Dr. Lanchin is not going to attend this event. Is there a welcoming ceremony? And if he sends a handsome and charming young man like you as a representative, he won't be afraid that he will be swallowed by me directly?"

Modi knew that something was wrong when he saw Dr. Kimberly , but thinking of the task Dr. Lanchin gave him, he still tried to communicate with Dr. Kimberly as naturally as possible.

But for all the ambiguous topics that Kimberly said, he either kept silent with a smile, or used Dr. Lanchin as an excuse that he still had something to do.

Modi racked his brains to deal with Dr. Kimberly, while making precise calculations for the end time of the welcoming ceremony.

But after some conversation, when Dr. Kimberly's feet almost reached his calves under the table, only forty-five minutes and thirty-six seconds had passed for the welcoming ceremony!

Modi feels that things are going in a very bad direction, but he has no ability to stop the horse from the brink.

Just when Modi's endurance was about to run out, there was a loud noise from the entrance of the banquet, but after carefully observing the conversations of the people around him, he heard that it was Dr. Lanchin who came!

At that moment, Modi seemed to see Allah.

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