7.19: Determined for life

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Later, Lan Qin still knew how Lan Mu handled this matter. Qin glared at the evil god angrily, obviously very dissatisfied, when the evil god finally revealed that he was in the form of a full snake and a half-human snake, as long as he didn't want to be seen by humans, he would never be seen.

What's more, after half a day, after the evil god is able to maintain a complete human form again, it will be able to deceive the five senses of human beings even more, and no human beings will even notice something wrong afterwards.

It was only at this time that Lan Qin realized that other people couldn't see such a huge snake, and he almost laughed out of anger.

Since it cannot be seen by humans, why should it be seen by him? And it still appeared so suddenly, as if he came here to do something, how could Lan Chin not feel annoyed by this? !

Moreover, the hospital is a public place. Although the incident happened in a separate ward where only he and Lan Mu were alone, it still made Lan Qin feel very bad.

He didn't get a good face from the 'wife', and the evil god didn't care. Instead, he took care of everything for the 'wife' with a rare expression of relaxation, and then told the 'wife' what it did yesterday in the angry eyes of the 'wife'.

What was mentioned at the same time was the life experience of the 'wife''s father. Only then did Lan Qin know that the original owner's father had such a rough life experience-to sum up, it was the internal struggle of the Tianshi Xin clan, and then the original owner was killed. The Patriarch's son was unfortunately lost during the struggle, and the Patriarch's younger brother became the new Patriarch.

Perhaps it was because he always felt that his brother's son had died young, so when he saw Lan Guanshan in City A by chance, he was so shocked and terrified that he wanted to get rid of him quickly.

Whether it's Tan Qianhe releasing the vicious thousand-year-old female ghost, or Lan Zhentian's frenzied attack on Lan Guanshan and his wife, or 'Lan Qin' going to Luohua Village, it's all the conspiracy of the head of the Xin family.

In the details of the task, the owner of the Xin family is of course successful. Maybe the Xin family will still be attacked by evil spirits in the end. Maybe it was discovered by other celestial master families that the Xin family domesticated evil spirits and was punished, or the Xin family has never been punished. debunk.

But no matter what, Lan Guanshan's family can't see such a future.

After hearing these things, Lan Qin could not help but sigh in his heart when he knew that those Xin family members who had committed many crimes had already reaped the consequences.

This can also be regarded as good and evil will eventually have their retribution. Lan Qin will not sympathize with the Xin family in such an end.

Lan Qin naturally also asked about the whereabouts of those evil spirits. After all, they are evil spirits contaminated with the blood of an unknown number of people. If they are not handled properly, they may endanger the society.

The evil god hesitated for a moment, and then said that those evil spirits were all solved by it.

Lan Qin knew that his partner's solution would definitely not be a simple solution, but since the matter had been settled, he did not pursue it further.

Seeing that the 'wife''s attention had been diverted away, and he no longer pursued what happened before it, the evil god breathed a sigh of relief on the spot.

"The Xin family is quite respectable in City A. I'm afraid that those Celestial Master families have already discovered this matter..."

Lan Qin murmured, and things happened exactly as Lan Qin thought, the Celestial Master Xin family would be completely eliminated within a day. Once the destruction was discovered, it was immediately publicized.

This news caused a lot of uproar in the world of celestial masters, and the investigation was fruitless until the end, and it became an unsolved case many years later.

But at this time, what the entire celestial master world is more worried about is not the matter of the Xin family, but what is happening to the evil spirits who killed the Xin family and turned from ghost servants into masters. Breaking into a dense crowd, I am afraid that there will be countless casualties!

Because of this incident, almost all the people in the Celestial Master world got into action, searched City A, and even the area around City A, but still found nothing.

In the end, many worried celestial masters could only return without success, but they were extremely concerned about all the abnormal events that happened in society, and they were worried that those evil spirits did it.

But until the weird Luohua Village incident was resolved, the Xin family incident still had no results, and finally had to be let up.


Lan Qin met his partner, he

simply had a complete physical examination at the No. 1 Hospital, and then returned to Lan's house with his newly released partner.

He was really worried that if he stayed in the hospital again, his partner could do something like that again.

Lan Qin felt that this was too much a test of his psychological endurance, and it was better to leave the hospital as soon as possible.

Butler Liu heard that Lan Mu's child was rescued by the young master's boyfriend, and even got a blessing in disguise, reunited with his biological parents, and was picked up by his biological parents.

Also, the fact that their young master has found a partner and has already left the order also surprised Butler Liu for a long time. Originally, Steward Liu wanted to say that you are only eighteen years old, young master. It seems a bit bad to find a partner before you start university.

But then I thought that college is such a free and easy stage, and their young master has also grown up, so it doesn't seem to belong to the category of puppy love.

And the most important point is that after the arrival of this mysterious and handsome young man, their young master was indeed much happier, and even became fond of laughing.

It seems that Master Lanqin still needs the warmth of his family, and this boyfriend came just in time.

However, after Housekeeper Liu inspected the young master's object on behalf of the old lady, his expression became very complicated, because this boyfriend really looks too much like kid Lan Mu!

When Steward Liu asked Lan Qin about this in private, Lan Qin said without changing his face that his partner was Lan Mu's brother, and because he was his own, he must look alike.

Butler Liu suddenly realized.

Then Lan Qin threw another thunderbolt to Steward Liu, "Because our Lan family is dying, and Lan Mu was originally going to be adopted by the Lan family, but now Lan Mu is taken back by his biological parents, of course Can't stay in the Lan family. So in order to compensate our Lan family, my boyfriend decided to join the Lan family and change his name to Lan Mu."

Liu Butler: "!!!"

Lan Qin: "I'm just talking to you about this matter. Let me tell you, there is no need to talk to the outside world, anyway, Lan Mu is now a member of our Lan family."

Liu Butler: "...Okay, okay, master, I know how to do it."

Liu Butler was in a daze After finishing speaking, he left in a trance, and Lan Qin almost burst out laughing when he saw Steward Liu like this.

The evil god has no name, no one will give the evil god a name, and the evil god also thinks that he does not need a name.

But in this life, its "wife" gave it a name, and it still liked it very much, so it discussed with Lan Qin to keep this name.

And letting the evil god marry into Lan's family was of course Lan Qin's idea. I have to say that this is really the best of both worlds, but it's just embarrassing Butler Liu who can't change his mind.

"Hahaha, you didn't see Steward Liu's shocked expression, otherwise you would have to laugh too!"

Lan Qin went back to the bedroom and talked about this with his partner, he couldn't help laughing.

Of course, the Cthulhu wouldn't be like those human men who hate being married, thinking that it would hurt the male self-esteem-the Cthulhu just wanted to be able to become a real family with Lanqin.

Especially the eyes of the 'wife' who saw it were immersed in the water light because of joy, bright and bright like high-quality obsidian, and the eyes looking at it were even more shimmering, like stars falling into it, gentle and full.

Because he was too young, and the company suddenly lost the person in power, it was even more popular, so Lan Qin developed the habit of being cold-faced, and generally would not smile outside the Lan family.

After all, he also knows his own appearance very well, if he adds a joyful smile, it is completely easy to give people a sense of ignorance and innocence.

Then it is even more impossible to restrain the thousand-year-old fox in the company.

Moreover, he generally likes to wear dark suits, and his expression also looks like the bright and cold moon. When wearing a well-made expensive suit on him, the tall, slender and flexible figure can make people look tall without any other movements. Unattainable big shot.

If you have to use an adjective to describe it, it is a high and cold snow mountain.

The beauty is full of coldness, which makes people stop at a glance.

Lan Chin had just returned from dealing with business in the company, and he was wearing a dark gray suit - but after

returning to the bedroom, he took off the jeweled cuffs and took off the suit jacket.

The flexible waist can be seen at a glance, and the evil god can recall the touch of being able to be covered by it with one hand at a glance. If it maintains a certain posture, it can tightly hold the cute waist on both sides of the slender waist, and then attack in one fell swoop , let its 'wife' retreat steadily.

In particular, Lan Qin didn't look cold outside at the moment, but stretched his smile, his bright eyes were shining brightly, like stars turning into rain, fireworks blooming, and clear light falling all over the ground.

This made the evil god even more intolerable.

If it didn't know that Lan Qin had just left work, and it would be time for dinner later, it would really want to circle its beloved with a snake tail and start a 'battle' of chasing after me.

Lan Qin's heart was full of Butler Liu's strange reaction just now. It is estimated that Butler Liu will not understand the situation between Xiao Lanmu and Da Lanmu now.

So Lan Chin didn't notice his partner's patience at all.

After standing not far from the bed and taking off his coat, Lan Qin casually tore off the red tie with one hand, and then bent down to give his partner sitting by the bed a soft kiss.

In order to allow his partner to stay at home in peace, instead of following him to the company step by step, Lan Qin can be regarded as coaxing his partner to a superb level, giving him a kiss from time to time to comfort his partner.

At this time, Lan Qin also had the same idea.

But how did Lan Chin know that this action of his would actually become a spark that ignites dry wood.

The evil god rolled his throat a few times, but he still couldn't hold back the longing in his heart. He pulled his beloved into his arms, and then turned over and pressed back, pressing the beloved under his body.

At this moment, Lan Chin certainly knew that his partner wanted to do something, thinking that today was already Friday, and before that he had made his partner endure for five days in order to go to work.

Thinking of this, Lan Chin didn't use his elbows to stop his partner, but untied his tie with both hands, and then used this tie to wrap around his beloved partner's neck.

This gesture is very tender.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, I don't need to get up early, but it's dinner time later, let me have dinner first, and then we can continue."

Lan Qin pulled his partner over forcefully as he spoke.

In fact, he also kind of wanted to put other things aside first.

And the evil god, who was forced to put his strong chest on Lanqin's body and consciously propped his hands on both sides, leaned his whole body over when he heard these words.

Lan Qin felt his partner's eagerness, and the always troublesome snake tail also quietly climbed up, so he knew that his partner probably didn't want to wait.

But Lan Qin didn't have the cheek to ask Butler Liu to wait downstairs, so he stretched out his hand.

After catching the tail tip of the snake that was messing around, he dropped a few kisses on the base of his partner's ear-this is his partner's sensitive spot.

"Dinner is half an hour away, how about I give you some pre-dinner dessert first?"

The evil god's pupils have changed from camouflaged black brown to reddish red. It sniffs the delicious scent permeating the whole body of its beloved, and immediately enters the most suitable period for this time.


Lan Qin didn't go down to have dinner himself in the end, but Lan Mu went downstairs to bring the food up.

Facing Butler Liu's caring inquiry, Lan Mu knew that Lan Qin was too tired from work today and was taking a bath, so he didn't come down to eat.

Butler Liu had no doubts at all, and prepared all kinds of sumptuous meals for the young master very considerately.

Little did he know that his young master had just been tasted over and over again as a delicious little dessert.


Qin and the evil god spent a very comfortable two months at Lan's house, and then it was time for the university to start.

In order to be able to accompany Lan Qin, the evil god followed directly to the vicinity of the university, and Lan Qin rented an apartment near the school without any objection. He usually let the evil god follow him even in class and socializing, and he also very frankly asked everyone The classmate said this was his boyfriend.

The evil god was very satisfied with this practice of the believers

, and sent his idol out in a very strange way one night.

But Lan Chin, who was forced to accept the idol, was not so happy. He was very angry and drove his partner to the second bedroom to sleep for a week. Finally, he reluctantly forgave the evil god in the various coaxing skills he learned from the Internet. .

It's just that there are three chapters at the same time. What should stay where is something that cannot be changed. For example, a statue of a god should be placed in a shrine instead of a bed.

In this regard, the evil god expressed his disappointment very helplessly.

Lan Qin will not spoil his partner, the most he can accept is the snake tail, and nothing else.

After all, Lan Chin, who knows that his partner will make progress, is really worried that the complicated network will bring down his partner.

Lan Qin once tried to turn on the youth mode for his partner, but after the evil god learned how to turn off the youth mode, this method was completely useless.

In the end, Lan Qin could only make a three-chapter agreement with the evil god with a tough attitude.

The evil god actually didn't want to agree, but if it didn't agree, it would have to sleep in the second bedroom in a miserable state, and it wouldn't let it attend the usual classes-this made it even more unacceptable!

After all, in that university, there are many human beings who covet its believers. Although those human beings are so ordinary, they are so confident.

Its mates clearly rejected them, but they still stuck to them in an endless stream, which made the evil god so angry!

If it wasn't for Lan Chin's sake, it would have to tear up these disgusting humans like flies like tearing up evil spirits.

It's just that it can't kill people, but the evil god can make some little ghosts to intimidate them. After sending out many little ghosts, the surroundings of its believers are finally much quieter.

But this method can only work for one year. When the new semester begins and a new freshman arrives, it will be another harassment-entanglement-intimidation-defeat.

The evil god expressed his sorrow for this, and was very dissatisfied with why human universities require at least three years of study, while its believers still study for four years!

Lan Qin said that there was nothing he could do to help. After all, college needs so many years, and this is not something he can decide alone.

Moreover, the minds of college students are going downhill after graduating from high school. If the study time is shortened to one or two years, there will be even less learning.

Cthulhu: "After four years of study, I may not be able to learn anything. I found that many college students are empty-headed, and it seems that they can't get any knowledge." Lan Qin: "..."


Qin: "It seems that you understand College students."

Finally waiting for his beloved to graduate from university, the evil god hadn't had time to be happy when he heard that Lan Qin wanted to take a postgraduate degree in law across majors.

The evil god suddenly had a very bad premonition, and it carefully asked Lan Chin about when he wanted to read.

After Lan Qin took a meaningful look at his partner, he gave an answer of 'live and learn'.

Seeing his partner's collapsed expression, Lan Qin thought it was funny, and at the same time kindly said a specific time, "Three years as a graduate student in law, and another three years for a Ph.D. in psychology, probably another six years." Lan Qin

said He made up his mind to read all the majors he was interested in. He might not have such a good opportunity in the previous mission world. Now that the opportunity comes, he doesn't want to miss it.

The evil god couldn't accept this, and believed that believers liked reading more, and they still liked it more deeply than liking it.

Lan Qin looked at his partner who was still jealous of studying, almost burst into laughter, and joked to his partner, "I see you, you are not the incarnation of evil thoughts at all, but the incarnation of the jealous jar of Luohua Village!"

Said At this point, Lan Qin put away his smile, and then scolded with a solemn expression, "Ji Tanzi, you and I have been in love for many years, why don't you hurry up and reveal your real body?!" The evil god: "..." The evil god has black lines all over


head Swipe across, it can't stop believers from choosing if it is so angry, after all, it is a strict wife!

But in other places, it can get it back from the 'wife'. Lanqin , who was

tossed and turned on the bed by his angry partner,

shouted hoarsely, "Don't want the idol-!"

own plan.

Lan Chin: "..."

Lan Qin: "Two come in together, are you trying to make me never get out of bed again..."

The rest of the words were blocked by the tail of the snake, Lan Qin could no longer speak, and could only be eaten by jealousy The partner who lost all reason was severely 'cleaned up'.

As for whether the two really went in together in the end, then I have to ask Lan Qin and his evil spirit partner.

--During college, that is, when he was a sophomore, Lan Qin accompanied the evil god back to Luohua Village according to the mission details, but at that time, Luohua Village had been almost solved by the celestial masters of the celestial master world.

Going back to the evil god is also a task of mopping up, but this task is very difficult for the celestial masters to solve.

Fortunately, the celestial master who was suffering from a headache finally had the secret help of the evil god, and the weird temple that could not be destroyed at all was finally collapsed by the evil god.

But the celestial masters thought it was caused by their own unremitting efforts, and they didn't expect an evil god to take action at all.

The Cthulhu didn't show his thoughts in front of people, and Lan Chin also believed that the existence of the Cthulhu should be known by as few people as possible.

After all, human beings are always full of vigilance and hatred for all things beyond their control.

Not to mention such a powerful existence as the evil god, although Lanqin is not worried that humans will defeat the evil god, but he has to worry about the fact that humans will be beaten to death by the evil god.

So the state of not interfering with each other now is the best.

When going back to Luohua Village, Lan Qin still saw the hero Tan Qianhe in the team of celestial masters. Although Tan Qianhe's aura of the hero was much dimmer, it still existed.

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