2.2: He and It

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feels that this big guy puts it carefully with a long tail On the back, and then I don't know how long after walking wildly, this big guy finally stopped.

After blowing the cool wind along the way again, Lan Qin felt that his cold might be more serious.

The specific manifestation is that Lan Qin's mind began to become more and more blurred, even to the point where it was difficult to lift his eyelids.

Before he passed out completely, Lan Qin felt that he was definitely in danger, and he should be able to close his eyes and open them again before returning to the system space, and then proceed to the next task.

He only hopes that after completing these tasks, System 1122 will go online to distribute tasks again, so that he can leave System 1122 to ask about Li Yan.

It's just that how to solve the matter is difficult for him to decide.


quickly returning to his own territory and lair, Lu put down the spouse he had just found on his back, but when Lu wanted to hug and hold his spouse high, he found that the spouse's condition seemed to be Kind of bad.

Lu's long tail was originally intended to avoid his spouse's injured arm, but after pushing his spouse a few times with no response, it decided to remove the cover on his spouse's face first.

Of course, it originally wanted to respect the wishes of the spouse, and removed it after asking the spouse and obtaining consent, but now that the spouse is suspected to be in a dangerous state of coma, it can only do something on its own initiative.

Lu really felt a little guilty about this, but after it removed the covering of his spouse's face in twos and twos, and that beautiful and delicate face was revealed, Lu just wanted to shout a few words on the spot, "wife!" '.

WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooLoss, Lu Xingzhi did not lie to it!

Lu was very happy and couldn't wait to tell the good news to Lu Xingzhi who was sleeping at this time.

And my wife's situation seems to be a bit like a human being's sickness, maybe Lu Xingzhi can give her some help and advice.

When Lu Xingzhi was woken up from a deep sleep, he felt annoyed for a while, and he was sure that this damn simple 'self' must have done something stupid again.

But even though he was mentally prepared, when he learned that it had kidnapped a living human, Lu Xingzhi still couldn't hold back his anger and clenched his fists.

【"If you don't want to be beaten up by me, then quickly put this person back to the human base!"】

Lu Xingzhi's harsh words were spoken quickly, but Lu was not afraid, and even had time to refute Lu Xingzhi's words,【 "You and I use the same body, I am you, and you are me, so you can't beat me at all."] [

"Lu Xingzhi, stop talking nonsense, save my wife quickly! Otherwise, I will beat you too Meal!"]

Lu Xingzhi: ["..."]

He no longer wants to quarrel with this stupid and childish 'self', it will only lower his IQ without limit.

The communication between Lu and Lu Xingzhi only happened in the conscious level of the brain, and it only took a few seconds in reality, but Lu Xingzhi was so helpless by this stupid self that he had to look down at the so-called spouse or wife.

Then Lu Xingzhi, who saw what this living person looked like, couldn't help being taken aback: This person's appearance is indeed too superior, no wonder this big fellow Lu is so excited, and snatched him back to the lair without a moment's delay .

At this time, Lu Xingzhi was still praising how sweet and fragrant this hard-won wife was, and Lu Xingzhi just wanted to hit someone when he heard it.

He had to explain to a alien wolf with a low IQ, about ten years old human child's IQ, that he can't find a wife just according to his mood, the most important thing is to get his wife to agree sincerely, instead of just grabbing a living person from anywhere. can be a wife.

Lu felt wronged, because he knew very well that his wife was not snatched, but picked up by him. According to Lu Xingzhi's memory, it is the wolf who saved his wife's life.

According to the usual practice, his wife should agree with him.

Lu Xingzhi was speechless when he said such righteous words, but thinking that when Lu first appeared in his consciousness, he called himself Zai

Zai, and let Lu Xingzhi call him the most powerful Zai Zai in the world, Lu Xingzhi lost his IQ for this big guy any ideas.

Lu Xingzhi took a lot of effort to change the name of this big guy who claimed to be Zai Zai to Lu instead of claiming to be the most powerful Zai Zai in the world.

Otherwise, Lu Xingzhi felt that he would definitely die from time to time.

Although those alien species may not be able to understand the meaning of Zai Zai, but the most powerful in the world can be understood.

【"Lu Xingzhi, my wife seems to be sick, her face is hot and her whole body is hot, we have to save him quickly!"】【"..."】How does this guy know that this


beauty has a hot face and a hot body? of? !

Lu Xing subconsciously thought about this question in his mind, and then got Lu's straightforward answer, 【"I just touched my wife's face and whole body, and I found his skin is very white, smooth and tender..."】【"Okay,

you Needless to say!"] Lu Xingzhi interrupted 'myself', and then said seriously again, ["I don't think he is your wife, and he will not agree to be your wife."] Lu Xingzhi refuted 'myself' in this

way , but the scene that emerged in Lu Xingzhi's mind following Lu's words just now changed Lu Xingzhi's expression drastically.

After bringing this human being back to the lair, this guy Lu actually tore up his mask, then tore all his clothes, and carefully felt it all with his tongue after feeling that the temperature of the human was not right.

Lu Xingzhi realized that he had a little understanding of what licking with his tongue meant-this was an instinctive nesting behavior of a foreign species. The alien always likes to smear his spouse all over his body, whether it is with saliva, urine or semen...

He can only rejoice that 'himself' has not been so crazy that he has entered the reproductive period after meeting his wife, Otherwise, this human being who is still running a high fever may be killed directly under the attack of Lu's body three times his size.

On the contrary, Lu just used his long tongue to lick. Although he licked at the first meeting, Lu Xingzhi thought it was acceptable.

I just don't know if this human being will find it unacceptable to learn that he has been licked by a foreign species.

This is actually because the human body is sprayed with other alien or alien smells, otherwise I would not let 'myself' do this strange thing, carefully lick all the other alien smells on the human body, and then cover it with my own. Smell, to announce to all alien species and alien plants that this is its partner...

Lu Xingzhi, who has changed from a human to an alien species, is very clear about the role of smell, because the human being sprayed with the drug is considered by the alien species to be a partner of the same kind. So it will not attack at will.

But because the heterogeneity is actually a kind of loyalty to love, and there will only be one spouse in a lifetime, and it will never change if it is determined, so finding a spouse for both the heterogeneity and the heterogeneity must be cautious.

Lu Xingzhi never expected that "I" would suddenly pick up a spouse one day, but when he heard that this living person of unknown origin was actually sick, his expression became tense, and he immediately stretched out his hand, ignoring the awkwardness in his heart. Check the temperature.

But when he stretched out his hand, Lu Xingzhi saw his mechanical hard shell like an arthropod, and immediately withdrew his hand.

Although he had never met this person, Lu Xingzhi still didn't want to touch him with such twisted and terrifying limbs.

Quickly transforming his body into his original human form, Lu Xingzhi stretched out his hand to take the person's temperature amidst Lu's dissatisfied protests and urging sounds.

After measuring that the person's body temperature was 36 degrees Celsius higher than that of normal humans, Lu Xingzhi withdrew his hand with a solemn expression.

【"How is it? What's the situation with my wife? You guys don't keep talking! Is there anything you can do to save my wife?"】

Lu asked anxiously.

This is not your wife!

Lu Xingzhi resolutely refuted in his heart, but he didn't waste time, but quickly told the person's illness.

["The symptoms should be a cold and a high fever, but we don't have any antipyretics here. If you want to save him, you have to send him back to the human base


["And there will be no harm between humans and alien species . As a result, if you are so obsessed with it, you will only be sold by this human being, and alien species of our level are very popular in the human base."]

As a former human being, Lu Xingzhi also hunted and killed many alien species and plants, naturally It is clear that such a high-level heterogeneous species is a top-notch treasure. Because of the high level, it has a great deterrent effect on other heterogeneous species and heterogeneous plants, so the human base will flock to high-level heterogeneous species and heterogeneous plants.

And he didn't think this human being would be the right spouse for them, let alone he didn't even have the idea of ​​finding a partner.

Lu was very conflicted when he heard Lu Xingzhi's words. On the one hand, he was really worried about his wife's situation, but on the other hand, it was impossible for him to send his wife back.

【"I can't send my wife back to that dangerous place, because they threw my wife out of the car not long ago, and those humans abandoned my wife! If I wasn't in a hurry to bring my wife back to the lair, I would definitely send them Kill them all!"]

Lu said that he was filled with righteous indignation, obviously really angry.

After all, the previous land disdained to fight with humans, because it felt that humans were too weak to be its opponents.

After Lu Xingzhi knew that this human being was abandoned, he was not surprised, because according to his inspection of this human being just now, his body was very weak, and his force value did not look very good.

In this crisis-ridden end times, this is obviously a very difficult human being to survive.

The experience of this human being suspected of being abandoned and betrayed also made Lu Xingzhi feel rippling, because he was also betrayed by his so-called teammates, and then he fell to the point of becoming a different species... In fact, if you look carefully, this human is not completely without advantages, at least

he His appearance is very outstanding, more beautiful than anyone Lu Xingzhi has ever seen.

If this human being is willing to betray, lust, and attach himself to the strong in the base, survival should not be a problem, and he can even live the same life as before the end of the world.

But obviously this human did not take this path, otherwise he would not have appeared outside the base, and was suspected of being abandoned by his teammates.

Lu Xingzhi picked up the clothes that had been torn apart by 'himself'. He recognized the logo on the clothes, which was completely different from the logo of the Dawn Base where he was before. Most likely it came from the Hope Base which is closest to here.

["Hey! Lu Xingzhi, don't look at my wife in a daze! The most important thing now is how to save my wife..."]

Lu has been yelling, making Lu Xingzhi's thoughts very confused. Although he is not optimistic that this human will stay voluntarily Doing the thing of a heterogeneous wife, but not just watching an innocent human die with his own eyes.

【"Since you are not willing to send this human back, and it is impossible for us to take the risk of going to the human base to get the medicine. Then you can only go to the xenograft now. I think there will be suitable herbs for the xenograft. He heals diseases."]

After the end of the world began, not only humans and animals mutated and evolved, but also plants.

["There are many medicines that can cure diseases, it depends on whether you can find and defeat them."]

Lu Xingzhi told Lu in his mind the appearance of the plants that can cure colds and fevers in his memory, and Lu immediately responded after getting the answer. It has to go to find medicine, and it doesn't worry at all about whether it can win or not.

Of course Lu Xingzhi is well aware of its strength, but when an innocent life is involved, Lu Xingzhi decides that he has to follow, and Lu Xingzhi has no objection to this.

After all, the most important thing now is to cure my wife.

With the blessing of Lu Yixuan's strength and Lu Xingzhi's wisdom, the medicine that can cure colds and fevers was quickly picked up. Because plants are also constantly evolving, the effects of the medicine are also quite fast.

Within half an hour after the herb was chewed and fed, the human body temperature dropped quickly.

Lu was very happy and said "Okay", while Lu Xingzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now I have to wait for this human to wake up, and then ask him what his future plans are. No matter whether this human wants to go back to the original human base or go to other human bases, this guy Lu should be willing to send him there.

But as for what happened afterwards, Lu

Xingzhi didn't think about it again.

But if this human wants to stay in this lair, he can agree...

Lu Xingzhi thought to himself looking at the human's already relieved expression.

Lu was completely unaware of Lu Xingzhi's plan, and after confirming that his wife's condition had improved, it transformed into a third form - a fluffy giant white wolf.

【"My wife will definitely like me like this. No human being will not like the fluffy, warm, loyal and beautiful big white wolf! And I can let my wife ride on my back, and then take her to enjoy many beautiful scenery! "]

Listening to the cheering and boasting in his mind, Lu Xingzhi was noncommittal, but he didn't object to Lu's behavior of carefully protecting this human being under his body to keep warm. Instead, he followed Lu's thoughts to care for this fragile human being.

Human beings are very fragile, and Lu has almost torn human clothes. Now the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the night temperature here is not very friendly to humans.

If he didn't use the fur of the giant wolf to keep the human warm, then the human who had just subsided his fever would have a high fever again and couldn't sleep.


Qin didn't know what happened at all, he only knew that he passed out, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a very weak straw mat, and this place seemed to be a huge cave.

He hesitated to think about his current situation. After all, seeing how he was taken away by a big alien last night, he should have been killed.

But when he closed his eyes and opened them again, he woke up in a dry and warm lair instead of sticking out of the system space, which made Lan Qin very puzzled.

But Lan Chin didn't panic, instead he propped up his body and looked around.

This is indeed a very typical nest in a cave. Although there is only a lot of clean and soft grass on the ground as a bed, it is also very dry and warm, but there is nothing else in this nest.

And based on the area covered with hay, Lanchin could imagine how huge the owner of this cave would be.

It is also very likely that it is the alien species he vaguely saw last night.

But it was strange that he was not killed or eaten.

Are you really raising him as a reserve grain?

Lan Qin was not sure, but he didn't have the idea of ​​lying on the haystack and waiting to die, so Lan Qin looked at the cave entrance that was wide open to the outside, and the bright sunlight was still shining in more than half, so he stood up and wanted to leave here.

After a night's rest, Lan Qin's physical strength has almost recovered. Although his body is still a little weak due to hunger, he can feel that everything is fine.

Now he just needs to leave here first. As for how to complete the task in the future, Lan Chin is still a little confused to be honest.

After all, according to the task details given by system 1122, he should have been killed by the alien species last night, instead of having a chance to open his eyes like now.

Moreover, the clothes on his body were torn to pieces, and he basically didn't have any serious injuries. Even the wound that was cut by those people with a knife last night was almost healed.

According to Passerby A's memory, if a living person is injured outside the base, it is very dangerous, because it provides a way for those heterogeneous species and heterogeneous plants to parasitize into their bodies.

Once a living person is parasitized by a heterogeneous species or a heterogeneous plant, the mutation or evolution begins.

And the result of this evolution is only failure or success, but it may not be a good thing for human beings-successful evolution will become a heterogeneous species that can freely transform in heterogeneous or heterogeneous forms and human forms, and evolution failure is die.

Lan Qin gently pressed the wound, he was not sure if he was parasitized.

But if it is really parasitized, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. After all, his acting believes that although suicide is not allowed, he can die naturally.

Lanqin walked to the entrance of the cave. He looked around and was taken aback, because the cave was actually on a cliff about ten meters high, and it was difficult to go down or up by manpower alone.

At this time,

Lan Qin was sure that he was really being raised in captivity as a food reserve.

He is just an agent with the ability of invisibility, and the most powerful thing is his sense. The sense of danger and the ability to facilitate exploration make him a not too risky agent.

But this time there was an accident, the whole team accidentally fell into the siege of alien species, and in the end they could only sacrifice one unarmed and innocent person.

Passerby A is always unlucky to be selected when faced with such a choice.

No matter what Lan Qin knew, those who escaped safely from here did not survive to the end safely, but all died in the follow-up operation to eliminate alien species.

Lan Qin saw that there was no way to leave the cave, so he sat at the entrance of the cave with a broken jar, starving and admiring the rising sun that seemed to have just risen not long ago, and the beautiful scenery around the cliff.

It should be the end of spring at this time. Although the night is a bit cold, the temperature during the day is just suitable for human body surface temperature. It is precisely because of this that the plants grow luxuriantly, lush and vibrant.

The ones that can grow near the nests of different species should be ordinary plants, but with so much vegetation covered, there should be some evolved heterogeneous plants. If human beings are trapped in this mountain forest, ten lives may not be enough to lose.

Lan Qin sat in a daze at the entrance of the cave, when suddenly he heard a familiar roar, he immediately stood up and looked into the distance, and then saw a thing running fast in the distance.

Lan Qin recognized that this was the big guy who took him away from the wasteland plain last night. Now that the daylight is bright, he can clearly see that this should be a different species.

This alien species looks very much like a biological machine, with a hint of icy elegance, but also with the shadow of humans and the ferocity of animals, and its running speed may be faster than the fastest cheetah.

Its movements are sensitive and elegant, with strong muscular curves all over its body, and its sharp long tail swings as it runs. It can easily smash the big stones blocking the way, and there is a kind of bloody blood in its actions. feel.

Looking down like this, this alien species really looks like some kind of arthropod. The shell looks hard and curved, and the claws and teeth are almost as sharp and flexible as the tail. The dark body surface should be very good at camouflaging sneak attacks.

But Lan Qin knows that many alien species and alien plants are afraid of fire, and alien species that live in groups like wolves, dogs, and lions are even good at tactical coordination. A group of alien species is a nightmare for humans.

Fortunately, the normal alien IQ is similar to that of animals before the end of the world, but if it is the fusion and evolution of humans and animals, it may have the same high IQ as humans.

This is the most troublesome situation.

For example, the villain Lu Xingzhi in the task details, he is such a high-level and high-IQ alien, as the former captain of the Thunder Team at Chenxi Base, after being betrayed by his teammates, he fought against the alien wolf, and when life and death were at stake, he evolved into New species.

In the end, he only wanted revenge, and devoted himself to turning all human beings into different species or plants, so as to realize the true peaceful coexistence of the three races and stop unnecessary disputes.

Lan Chin also knew that some xenogeneic exoskeletons contained strong acid blood, which was a self-defense mechanism evolved by many carnivorous xenomorphs. Of course, milder herbivores generally did not have it.

He looked at the alien species that was running towards the cave rapidly, and felt that it looked more like a carnivorous alien species than a less lethal herbivorous species.

After seeing the true face of the alien species, Lan Qin didn't feel too much fear, but simply hoped that the biting by the alien species would not be too bloody and cruel.

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