- Dragon's Nest - 8.1: Little Princess

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Lanqin did not immediately tell the system 1122 about his relationship , because he is really not sure about letting the system 1122 help him.

If he still wanted to ask System 1122 in the first one or two mission worlds, but now he just doesn't have the guts.

Because he is more and more afraid of losing his partner.

System 1122 never thought that his most promising host would secretly fall in love behind its back, and every mission world without it's company is falling in love!

"The system center is about to be overthrown now. Since you are already an old employee of our universe system center, Lan Qin, there is no need for me to hide it from you. I have not been able to accompany you into the mission world in these mission worlds The mission is done because some hosts and systems are rebelling, and the reason why they want to rebel is that they want to bring the objects in the mission world back to the system center, and let the objects do missions with them." System 1122 said here with a serious

expression , the tone immediately became very cold and angry.

"What do they think of the center of the universe system? Is it their love hut?! The center of the universe system has express regulations, prohibiting the system from falling in love with the host, and prohibiting the system or the host from falling in love with any existence in the task world, but they It's still falling on deaf ears, and even went to the center of the universe system because of the so-called object! It's ridiculous! Absurd!"

Lan Qin was in a cold sweat when he heard this, and his current situation seems to be very different from the rebels in System 1122. Big similarities - no! His situation is exactly the same as that of those rebels, but he hasn't embarked on the road of rebellion yet!

And the reason why he didn't go all-in on the path of rebellion is because he hasn't lost his partner yet, but how long can this moment of happiness last? System 1122 will one day follow him into the mission world, then what should he and his partner do? !

Lan Qin became inexplicably panicked, but on the surface he tried to maintain a normal expression of surprise, and then asked the rebels about the current situation with a curious tone as much as possible.

System 1122 did not notice the abnormality of the host Lan Chin. After all, from its point of view, Lan Chin is still a human being who has just grown up, and because of a congenital heart disease, he was raised innocent and ignorant of worldly affairs. The rebellious appearance of the villain in the mission world falling in love?

"Those hateful rebels were of course taken down by my God, and then imprisoned in the cosmic prison to wait for the final judgment! Committing such a sinful and serious mistake, they must receive the most severe punishment!" System 1122 said

coldly Then, he was very dissatisfied and disgusted with those rebellious systems and hosts.

Lan Qin swallowed nervously, and he continued to ask, "1122, what is the most serious punishment?"

System 1122 was about to answer, but then thought that such a punishment might make Lan Qin, a naive boy The child was frightened, so he swallowed the words back, and turned to concern about Lan Qin's task. "This is not what you need to know. Anyway,

it is a very serious punishment. Neither the system nor the host can bear it."

Well done! After completing two more mission worlds, I will apply for the "Most Diligent Host" evaluation project for you. If you can win an award, even the lowest excellence award can reduce your mission amount by ten This way, you will be able to go back to see your biological parents and elder brother soon!"

System 1122 felt that this should be the deepest wish of the host, Lan Qin, so he was very concerned about it.

After learning the news, Lan Qin was really happy, but he couldn't help but feel sad when he thought that if he lost ten mission worlds, he might spend ten less mission worlds with his partner.

But before Lan Qin could feel sad, the system 1122 dropped another bomb on him, directly blowing Lan Qin's heart to pieces.

"My recent work at the Cosmic System Center has come to an end. I will accompany you, Lan Chin, to enter the next mission world. In this way, I can also

provide help. Then we will complete the two mission worlds as soon as possible. You can apply for the appraisal project as soon as possible!"

System 1122 rambled that if you apply earlier than other systems, the probability of winning is higher, and then mentioned that some systems may be so busy that they forget to apply.

"I have ten hosts under my command, but none of them are as diligent as you, Lan Qin. You often go to work like a fish, and you still have a work attitude like going to work, so Lan Qin, don't let me down!" Lan

Qin Of course he knew that System 1122 was not just his host, but he never expected that System 1122 would pay him so much attention at this time, and would accompany him into the mission world to do missions.

This is undoubtedly a thunderbolt!

After Lan Qin was shocked, he wanted to stop System 1122 who was selecting the mission world, but no matter how hard Lan Qin tried to talk, he couldn't convince System 1122. On the contrary, in the end, System 1122 began to doubt whether he What did the quest world do.

This made Lanqin even more alarmed-in the sensitive period when the system and the host rebelled for love just now, he couldn't expose his love affair. Who knows if system 1122 will also catch him and lock him up in the cosmic prison!

If System 1122 is allowed to accompany him to do missions, at most one mission world cannot be together, but if it is really discovered, it is very likely that countless mission worlds will not be able to be together in the future.

At that moment, Lan Qin thought about all the pros and cons, and immediately changed his attitude.

"I'm just worried that you are too tired in 1122. After all, you have just finished work at the Cosmic System Center, and you still have so many hosts under your command. You just accompany me to do the task alone. It may not be very good to take care of one and lose the other. "

Lan Qin said sincerely, the system 1122 took a closer look, and was really unwilling to blame Lan Qin for his youthful and immature beauty.

"Host, you are also concerned about me, but it doesn't matter. The other hosts are old fritters, and they know how to fish every day. I have to fish whether I go or not. I really get angry when I look at it!" System 1122

and Lanqin complained about the hosts under him for a long time. Generally speaking, the system would only help the new hosts to complete a few or a dozen mission worlds, and when the hosts had experience, they would transfer to bring new hosts.

But because of Lan Qin's special situation, the system 1122 is always worried that he will be bullied, so it is even more troublesome.

Of course, there is a more important point, that is, the system 1122 does not have a new host to bring.

"After accompanying the host and you complete these two mission worlds, I will go to find a new host, and then you will have to work hard on your own." The last

sentence of system 1122 also gave Lan Qin a reassurance. , that is, two mission worlds, Lan Qin believes that he can do it.

So the system 1122 and Lan Qin entered the mission world together to do the mission, and it was determined in this way.

With System 1122, Lan Chin doesn't have to worry about choosing missions, but now there are only two mission worlds, and there is nothing to choose from, so System 1122 chose "Dragon's Nest" very casually.

Lan Qin wants to see his partner, but he is worried that with System 1122, he will bring uncontrollable troubles to his partner.

But Lan Qin never took a break when doing tasks before, and at this time the system 1122 was about to declare the hard work award for him, so it was even more difficult to mention the rest.

So with the ardent hope of System 1122 and Lan Qin's secret fear, one human and one system soon entered a new mission world.


successfully entering the mission world, Lan Qin accepted the mission details sent by system 1122.

The advantage of doing tasks with System 1122 is this. He does not need to observe the surrounding situation. If there is danger, System 1122 will immediately remind him.

After reading the details of the mission and the memory of the original owner, Lan Qin felt very surprised. Although he basically got some short-lived passerby identities when doing the missions, he might not even meet the protagonist, but this time The task identity is really too early for the world plot.

In the mission details, the heroine, one of the protagonists, was only born a year ago, and the identity he got as passer-by was a bard who had traveled the entire Yinzhou continent.

It is precisely because Passerby A's status as a bard is too famous, so the heroine's first birthday party invited "Lan Chin" to write a hymn for the heroine, who is now the youngest princess in the royal family.

In the original mission details, Passerby A did go, and he also wrote a very perfect hymn, which made the little princess's fame spread throughout the Yinzhou Continent. The plot of coming to snatch the little princess laid the groundwork.

Of course, what is more effective in this is the prophecy of the little princess' fairy godmother to the little princess-she will become the most beautiful princess in Yinzhou Continent.

Here I have to mention the villain identity of this mission world. As the only black dragon, the villain also has the nature of all evil dragons. He not only likes precious treasures such as gold, jewelry and diamonds, but also likes the most beautiful things in the world. people.

And in countless legends of evil dragons, each evil dragon wants to snatch a beautiful princess as a spoil of war.

This is the uncontrollable nature of the dragon seeing all the treasures and beauties.

Violent, plundering, greedy, and powerful, these are the fixed impressions of all living beings in the Yinzhou Continent of the Dragon Clan.

The original owner, the passer-by, played such a role in the original plot, but in the mission details, the original owner, the passer-by, died unexpectedly at the little princess's birthday party, which was considered very ominous by everyone.

At this time, a dark witch appeared, cursing the little princess, the heroine-she would kill all the subjects of her kingdom!

The death of the bard, coupled with the curse of the dark witch, directly put the heroine, a one-year-old little princess, into a difficult life.

In order to ensure the safety of the entire kingdom, the king and queen must personally execute their little daughter!

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