7.10: Like You

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Lan Qin looked at the numbers on the scale and then at the wall The specially drawn scale for measuring height makes me feel a little dazzled.

"Housekeeper, come here and have a look. Is there something wrong with the scale and the height scale?"

Hearing what his young master said, Butler Liu hurriedly put down his work, took out his glasses from the pocket of his suit jacket, put them on, and carefully Stared at the scale and the numbers on the wall for a while.

"20kg, 117cm, young master, this is a very standard height and weight for a five or six-year-old child."

Butler Liu's answer did not make Lan Qin loosen his frown, because he clearly remembered that this data was not the same three days ago .

"But when I measured him three days ago, the data was 17.5kg and 114cm. How could it be possible to increase so much in just a few days?" Lan Qin's

words also did not attract Butler Liu's attention, because he thought it was normal, " The scale and weighing scale you used three days ago were all used by you when you were a child, young master, and they may have malfunctioned for so many years, and you were in a bad mood before, young master, and it may be that the measurement was wrong." Liu Butler explained that there seems to be a certain degree

of For the reason, Ke Lanqin just felt that something was wrong.

He wanted to refute Butler Liu's words, but he couldn't find any evidence. Finally, looking at the child who was obediently playing with his fingers in silence, he could only put aside his doubts for the time being.

"That may really be my measurement error."

Lan Qin rubbed his temples, did not argue with Butler Liu about this matter, and carried Lan Mu off the scale and put him on the sofa.

He pulled up the trousers for Lan Mu. He remembered very clearly that this suit was bought by Lan Mu when he first came to Lan's house. Butler Liu is a very careful person. The clothes he bought for Lan Mu are not bad. Might not fit - but the hem is just suddenly shortened right now.

Lan Qin didn't bring up this change now, Lan Mu never liked to follow others, even Steward Liu, he didn't like to follow, he just fell behind Lan Qin with a small tail.

No matter where Lanqin goes, he must follow him all the time, even sleeping together. After the funeral, Lan Qin asked Steward Liu to tidy up a room, and did not intend to sleep in the same room with the children, after all, five or six-year-old children also need to have their own privacy.

But Lan Mu was unwilling. Although he didn't open his mouth to express his objection, he just came to Lan Qin's room door at nine o'clock every night with his pillow in his arms, and looked at Lan Qin eagerly, as if he was homeless. .

Lan Qin thinks it might be because the child has no sense of security, and the child in the Lan family only knows him, and he brought the child out of the magic cave in Luohua Village, maybe the child has something for him. Bird feelings.

Anyway, I haven't found a partner. Living alone in a room is really empty and deserted, so it's better to add another child.

Lan Mu has been eating and living with Lan Qin, no matter whether Lan Qin is at home or going to Lan's work, he always follows him.

This also made it difficult for Lan Qin to discover the changes in Lan Mu's body in time. It was only when Lan Qin felt a little bit of a hand drop when he was holding the child that he suddenly felt something wrong-just as he was about to take the child to go shopping, the new weighing scale arrived again , is still a very cute little yellow duck, Lanqin will measure the child again at any time.

And it was this measurement that Lan Qin discovered something was wrong.

Just asking the child couldn't figure it out, Liu Butler also felt that he was depressed and too tired and made a mistake, so Lan Qin could only put this matter on hold for now.

But Lan Chin had made a plan in his mind to use a notepad to record, and then make another measurement three days later.

Lan Qin was thinking, did Lan Mu, a child, notice the changes in his body, or did Lan Mu feel that such changes in his body were normal?

At this time, Lan Qin couldn't help but think of the scene when he met this child in the temple of Luohua Village. The whole Luohua Village was caught in a murderous frenzy. The attitude of the children is also a bit of a problem.

It seems to be disgusted, and a little coveted, but it is also mixed with some strange fears... Lan Qin was hiding under the statue at the time, and did not

see meeting between the villagers and the children at all, but only from the words of the villagers , they seem to want to get something from the child.

And this thing can only be obtained after the child grows up. Lan Qin doesn't think that the villagers of Luohua Village have a lot of time to wait for a five or six-year-old child to grow up according to the normal law.

Is it possible that Lan Mu's growth pattern is completely different from that of normal children?

And more importantly, what role does Lan Mu play in the mission details? Lan Qin did not find any traces of children in the task details, and even the evil spirits that appeared did not look like children.

Wait, there seems to be a character in Luohua Village who might have been different a few years ago, and that is his partner who doesn't know what kind of situation he is now... Thinking of this, Lan Chin had to make a bold guess in his mind --Lan Mu will not be his partner in this mission world, right?

Thinking of this possibility, Lan Qin paused his hand for writing down important information on the notepad, and the pen directly left a little ink on the white paper.

He had this strange conjecture not for nothing, after all, in the temple, he saw Lan Mu, who looked like a living person, and in the details of the mission, the hero and heroine directly saw a man with a snake's tail, but At that time, they were in the process of fleeing, and they didn't take a closer look.

But it was because of the snake-tailed man who controlled the escape route out of Luohua Village that the hero and heroine could not escape from Luohua Village in time, but was beheaded with an ax by the villagers who were chasing him.

Thinking that Passerby A died in such a brutal way, Lan Qin couldn't help touching the back of his neck.

If it wasn't for the children to show him the way, then he, a passer-by, would definitely end up with his head on the ground, not much better than the hero and heroine.

At least the hero and heroine can live for a few more years, but passerby A's head was used as a collection by that Hua Xueliang, which directly left an indelible psychological shadow on the heroine in the follow-up.

Assuming that there is really a problem with Lan Mu's growth rate, it is not impossible to grow into a dreadful existence in a few years at the rate of three centimeters in height and five kilograms in three days, especially this person If the existence of the snake tail is still an evil god, it is even more frightening to look at.

So here comes the question again, where is the long snake tail that caused great trouble for the hero and heroine? At least Lan Qin didn't feel anything wrong during the days when he was sharing the bed with Lan Mu.

Thinking that Lan Mu might be his villain partner who hadn't grown up yet, Lan Qin began to think about whether there was anything wrong with the recent Lan family, such as something involving evil spirits.

But it doesn't seem to be. After all, there are several celestial masters living in the Lan family. If there is something wrong in this area, it is impossible for them not to find out.

Is it possible that it happened at a time when these celestial masters didn't discover it? Celestial masters are also human, they always have to sleep, it is impossible to follow him 24 hours a day, especially when sleeping at night.

Lan Qin tapped the time he had just written with a pen - "9 o'clock in the evening to seven o'clock in the morning", this time period is the time when those celestial masters are not following him closely, and it is also the time when he and Lan Mu The time spent alone, it can be said that if Lan Mu really wants to do something, then this time period is the most suitable.

As for other times, Lan Qin didn't think about it, because Lan Mu followed him step by step, just like a newborn chick following its mother bird.

This metaphor made Lan Qin feel a little funny, but after speculating from this conjecture to the details, Lan Qin discovered that his work and rest has been surprisingly regular recently.

For example, take a shower at nine o'clock, then brush your teeth and wash your face to get ready for bed, and sleep until seven o'clock in the morning. And the quality of sleep is also very good, and I often have no dreams until dawn.

Could it be that that kid Lan Mu did something while he was asleep?

Lan Qin tapped a few times on the table with his fingers very regularly. He thought that he could observe and observe first. After three days, it was really confirmed that there was something wrong with Lan Mu's growth rate, and then he would test whether Lan Mu really went out at night. do something else.


when Lan Qin was thinking about what to do next, there was a knock on the door of the study room, which was also very regular with three long knocks and two short knocks, which was exclusive to Lan Mu.

As long as he heard this rule, Lan Qin knew that it was definitely Lan Mu who knocked on the door.

Thinking of his guess, Lan Qin had a very strange feeling about Lan Mu's arrival, so he quickly said, "Please come in".

And being pushed away gently, and then there was no sound of footsteps for a while, Lan Qin didn't need to look up to know that Lan Mu was walking in.

This child has never walked without footsteps, or the footsteps are very slight, so slight that it is difficult for human ears to catch them.

After suspecting that Lan Mu was the statue of the evil god in the back mountain temple of Luohua Village, Lan Qin accepted the fact that the child had no sound when walking-snakes were silent when they crawled.

In addition, no one told Lan Mu that walking should have sound, so he kept walking in this silent way.

Lan Qin watched Lan Mu walk in with an expressionless face. If it wasn't for people in his line of sight, it would be really hard to find someone walking in.

It was the same at the temple that night. He only heard the sound of the gate opening. Presumably, the temple was in disrepair for a long time, so there was such a loud noise when the door was opened and closed. Otherwise, he might not have noticed that a child came out.

And Lan Qin also doubted one thing again, that is, what was Lan Mu going to do when he came out of the temple that night?

If he hadn't been stopped by him and brought out of Luohua Village soon, in the mission details, what would Lan Mu be going to do that night?

Lan Qin has a lot of doubts in his heart, but now he can't ask Lan Mu directly. He also knew that such an inquiry would only get Lan Mu's silence, and this child seemed unable to talk to anyone.

The villain Cthulhu in the task details has never spoken. His partner will not be really dumb in this life, right? Or as an evil god, he can't speak casually?

There were many speculations in his heart, but on the surface, Lan Qin didn't show anything strange, instead he waved to Lan Mu with a gentle expression and a smile on his face.

"It's just in time for you to come here. I just happen to be free now, so I will teach you how to read first. After your identity and account are completed, I will choose a suitable school to go to. Then our family, Mumu, can get to know each other. I have met many new children."

Lan Qin said this, but in fact this was his first plan, but if there is really a problem with Lan Mu's growth speed, or if Lan Mu is really his partner, then Just make other plans.

But no matter what the situation is, it will not delay him giving the child the first enlightenment now.

Regardless of whether it is true that it will grow up in a few years, or it is really an evil god, this literacy is very necessary.

In modern society, one cannot always be an illiterate-Lan Chin does not believe that those villagers will teach Lan Mu knowledge.

Judging by the attitude of those villagers towards Lan Mu, it is estimated that they also have bad intentions.

It's just that Lan Qin is also very curious about Lan Mu's origin. If Lan Mu turned from a god into a child, then Luohua Village suddenly had a child, why would those villagers not do something? If Lan Mu was a child of Luohua Village, why did the villagers treat him like that?

There are too many doubts waiting for Lan Qin to unravel, but Lan Qin is not in a hurry. He thinks that the child must be raised first.

As for how long the raising process will take, it depends on Lan Mu's situation.

Thinking of this, Lan Qin calmed down and helped Lan Mu's hand to trace the literacy cards that Steward Liu had prepared.

He just taught Lanmu some daily vocabulary. As for the more systematic teaching, professional teachers will come.

Even if there is a problem with Lan Mu's growth rate, it is just a matter of hiring a tutor. Lan Qin thinks the problem is not too big.

But Lan Mu didn't care about these things at all, it just nestled in Lan Qin's arms peacefully, doing some things with his favorite person.

For Lan Mu, this is already the best life.

If it can, it wants such moments to stay with this person forever.

But it knows very well that this is impossible , because it has to grow up as quickly as possible.

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