1.15: Remembering

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Lanqin did not find anything wrong with ghosts and gods at all, he just walked over to check In Yang Jian's situation, he was relieved to find that he was simply unconscious from choking on water.

Now that one person has been checked, it is natural to check the other two, but when Lan Qin wanted to reach out to check the situation of Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi, he was directly given by the ghost who also came over. blocked.

"Dirty things, don't touch them."

Lan Qin's eyes fell on Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi, who were soaked by the river and rubbed on the ground, they looked a bit embarrassed, but they shouldn't be considered dirty.

And I don't know if it's Lan Qin's illusion, he just feels that Qin Ziwei's condition is much worse than Xu Yi's, and there is more dust on his body.

Li Yan and Gong Shuxin looked at Qin Ziwei who was still unconscious on the ground very indifferently, with disgust and disgust different from Yang Jian and Xu Yi in their eyes.

Lan Qin didn't realize the malice directed at Qin Ziwei, the protagonist, and he wasn't too worried about the two protagonists. After all, even if everyone present and the ghosts were gone, the protagonist could rely on the protagonist's halo. survive.

Of course, except for the horror mission world that is destined to be destroyed.

Lan Qin was sure that Yang Jian's life was not in danger, so he thought about how to let Yang Jian leave this dangerous Qin Shiling safely.

"Li Yan, can you please send my friend away from here safely?"

Lan Qin has already seen that this ghost may have a deep-rooted affection for him. He doesn't know how long such a strong love will last, but at least it should be enough to let him go. Yang Jian left.

Faced with Lan Qin's request, Li Yan smiled, and Lan Qin knew that this meant that he wanted him to exchange something.

When Gong Shuxin heard the Crown Princess calling the Crown Prince's real name, he lowered his head in surprise and maintained a respectful attitude.

Although His Highness the Crown Prince paid close attention to Lan Qin in the previous day or two, he could clearly see that His Highness the Crown Prince liked Lan Qin. There are often ministers who support the other princes and attack His Royal Highness because the prince has no concubine and concubines.

In fact, before Lan Qin appeared, Gong Shuxin always thought that His Highness the Crown Prince was ill, so he...cough cough cough! But when Lan Qin appeared in Shiling Village, he realized that His Highness the Crown Prince is not close to beauty, it is simply because the huge Qin Dynasty has no beautiful women that the Crown Prince likes.

General Gongshu really never imagined that His Royal Highness, the crown prince whom he is loyal to, would actually be a Yan Kong with high demands-this is a word that Gong Shuxin got from some people who came to Shiling Village. After asking what it meant, he felt that it was very suitable to describe His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

From the mouths of those outsiders, Gong Shuxin learned that the Great Qin Dynasty had already disappeared in the long river of history. At that time, His Highness the Crown Prince was not loved by His Majesty the Emperor, so he had to follow rough people like him to garrison the frontier.

And as the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, he has always been fighting on the front line of defending his family and the country. Part of the reason why he can be a prince is because the late empress is the queen of the general, and part of it is because His Royal Highness is already outstanding in military exploits. Reputation out there.

It's just that the Great Qin Dynasty and the equally powerful Shangyong had a great war, and when the two countries were at war, a second prince who betrayed the country and colluded with foreign enemies appeared in the Great Qin Dynasty, so the Great Qin Dynasty, which leaked all military information, was defeated. die in battle.

Because of the protection of His Highness the Crown Prince, Gong Shuxin survived despite being seriously injured. During his recuperation period, he witnessed with his own eyes the coffin of the Second Prince who forced the palace and killed his father to ascend the throne. Qin Shiling.

Later, in order to cleanse the power of His Royal Highness, the second prince, who was like a mad dog, made up many trumped-up charges and killed many loyal officials, and killed a hundred thousand soldiers loyal to the prince in Qinshiling. On the one hand, it is to suppress the loyal souls who died tragically on the battlefield, and on the other hand, it is also to make the country of the Great Qin Dynasty last forever.

Gong Shuxin, who is loyal to His Royal Highness, is among these 100,000 people. But even though the second prince planned everything, the Great Qin Dynasty, which was originally powerful enough to sweep all directions , was destroyed by the enemy

Shangyong three years later . At least in the chatting of those outsiders, the second prince has been infamous for thousands of years. However, Prince Yan, who had made great achievements in both civil and military affairs in the Great Qin Dynasty, died young because of the conspiracy of a despicable villain, has become a regret and pain point that many people can hardly bring up.

The views of many people in later generations are the same as the views that Gong Shuxin has always insisted on, that is, His Royal Highness, as an excellent prince, has made great achievements in both civil and military affairs. century.

During this long millennium, the souls of His Royal Highness and hundreds of thousands of soldiers have been lingering in this Qin Shiling. The hatred, resentment and the seal reinforced by the villagers with blood made them unable to reincarnate and unable to leave. Because if His Royal Highness leaves by force, all the ghosts will be in danger of being struck by lightning and then scattered.

Neither His Royal Highness nor he dared to bet that there would be a real danger of losing their souls. It is already miserable enough for those innocent soldiers to be buried and sealed. . After investigating for a long time with His Highness the Crown Prince, he realized that only when His Highness the Crown Prince falls in love with someone and obtains an unswerving true love, can he transform from a ghost into a human being, successfully leave here, and prevent hundreds of thousands of ghosts from suffering from heaven. The pain of being struck by lightning.

And the despicable villain of the second prince knows that His Highness the Crown Prince will never be able to truly fall in love with someone because of His Highness's noble and indifferent conduct. At the same time, such a terrifying and ferocious ghost will never be able to obtain an unswerving true love. So he left such a malicious seal.

At the same time, this is also the second prince's curse on the elder brother who has been jealous for a long time.

As for the 300 villagers in Shiling Village, they were ordered to guard the tomb, they were also accomplices, and they were evil people carefully selected by the second prince.

But the Great Qin Dynasty soon perished, and the millennium was too long. The tomb guards who were originally living people died and were born generation after generation, and finally became numb, ruthless and cruel living dead.

These living dead not only ate the flesh and blood of living people to maintain their own lives of only two or three hundred years, but also worshiped Prince Yan as a ghost and god, and sacrificed living people.

And the most important thing in the ghost sacrifice is the ghost bride. This is actually a sacrifice by order, and it is simply the sinister move of the second prince, that despicable villain who disgusted His Royal Highness.

You see, I sacrifice a beautiful bride for you every year, but you will never get true love, and you will never escape the fate of being sealed forever.

For this lifelong enemy, not only was he guilty of treason, but he also sent the entire Great Yong Dynasty abroad to defeat him. The Second Prince was clearly not a normal person anymore.

After Gong Shuxin learned that the Great Qin Dynasty had fallen for a thousand years, he couldn't spit out or swallow the resentment that had accumulated for thousands of years.

His Royal Highness was betrayed in this way, Gong Shuxin was very angry and hated, but he also knew that it was because His Royal Highness had been marching since he was a child and had great authority in the army, and many people felt that His Royal Highness had made great achievements.

The first emperor didn't like the deceased queen, so he didn't like the prince who was used to balance the civil and military officials of the court. Instead, he favored the second prince who was born to his favorite concubine, and acquiesced in the second prince and other princes' slander against the prince and framed.

As a result, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince fell, but the late Emperor was also so enraged by the second prince's treason and forced palace that he became seriously ill and died.

From the corner of his eye, Gong Shuxin was watching the extraordinary-looking princess concubine talking to His Royal Highness. As for the content of the words, he also consciously entered his left ear and exited his right ear.

It can be said that he has never seen His Highness the Crown Prince so happy.

If it wasn't for the presence of him and a few living people at the scene, Gong Shuxin would have felt that His Highness the Crown Prince was having some kind of boudoir fun with the Crown Princess.

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