2.15: Agreed

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Lan Qin was very surprised at the arrival of the protagonist Xiang Hua, especially in He was even more shocked when he learned that the alien plant Lin Fengyu next to Xiang Hua was actually Xiang Hua's spouse.

However, he also felt nothing about Xiang Hua's request, and even thought it might be a good thing for the human race.

In this doomsday world full of dangers, it is obviously very difficult for human beings to get out of the haze of the doomsday and live a good life on their own.

After all, if heterogeneous species and heterogeneous plants cannot become friends or relatives of human beings, they will become the biggest obstacle in the way of human survival.

Moreover, Lanqin is also very aware of how terrifying the strength of the alien species and the alien plants is. Now that the attitude of the alien species and the alien plants has greatly changed, humans might as well follow suit.

After Lan Qin promised to help, Xiang Hua was very happy to follow Lin Fengyu back. After all, when two equally powerful alien species and alien plants meet, they will fight after getting along for a long time.

And Xiang Hua knew very well how strong this Lu Xingzhi was, and he was really afraid that Lin Fengyu's territorial consciousness would start a fight, and if he couldn't beat the two of them, he would be beaten together.

What's even more frightening is that what was promised by this beautiful Lanqin just now will come to naught.

Lan Qin looked at the back of Xiang Hua and Lin Fengyu leaving with curiosity, and felt that the protagonist was actually with a different plant who didn't mention the details of the mission, which really surprised Lan Qin.

At the same time, he was even more curious about the situation of the other main character, Du Wenhan. He was only curious for a while, but he didn't pay any more attention. He just heard that Du Wenhan was dead in the years after this incident. But I don't know much more about the situation.

Lan Qin sighed, and no longer cared about the protagonist, because Xiang Hua's halo of the protagonist, which had a little golden light on it, also disappeared.

In Lan Chin's view, this was beyond reason and expected.

After all, in the last mission world, the halo of Xu Yi's protagonist also suddenly disappeared.

Lan Qin once learned from System 1122 that the reason why people need to play passerby A is to maintain the stability of the mission world.

And now that one of the protagonists, Xiang Hua, came to him for help, and he could help, so there was no reason to refuse.

Lu Xingzhi has no objection to his spouse wanting to do such a thing. After all, Lan Qin is not his accessory, and he has the right to decide whether to do something or not. As Lan Qin's spouse, he is Be respectful and supportive.

But Lu Xingzhi took it very seriously, but it was difficult for Lu to accept it, because if his wife was busy with other things, he would spend less time with him.

This is unacceptable to it.

Lu Xingzhi didn't even raise his eyebrows about the protest of "myself", and directly asked Lu to speak to Lan Qin in person if he had any objections.

If Lan Qin is willing to change his mind for Lu, he has no objection.

Lu frowned tightly, always feeling that Lu Xingzhi was full of bad things and wanted to plot against him.

It's just that after thinking about it, I can't figure out what kind of trap Lu Xingzhi is digging for it, and feels that it is unacceptable that his wife always travels far away.

And Lin Fengyu's insidious smiling tiger also had a bad impression, so he tried every means to make Lan Qin give up this idea.

In Lu's view, the future of human beings, alien species, and alien plants has nothing to do with them.

It's just that from Lu Xingzhi's memory, Lu also knew that his idea was not right, if he really said it, he might make his wife unhappy.

You can't just say things that will make your wife unhappy.

Lu Xingzhi, who was on the sidelines, saw all kinds of thoughts in his heart and rolled his eyes-this guy can turn his mind very quickly whenever he encounters something related to Lan Qin.

He doesn't listen to anything else, just paws and pulls Lan Qin every day.

If he didn't know that Lu was himself, and he was Lu, he really wanted to drive this big guy who exposed his low IQ all the time out of the nest. Lu was so worried that he couldn't even eat soup and meat anymore. Lan Qin quickly noticed his increasingly poor appetite .

As an adult, Lu Xingzhi doesn't need to worry about eating, so it's Lu Xingzhi who is in a bad mood and loses his appetite. After getting along for so many months, and with countless close contacts, Lan Qin can naturally find the difference between Lu Xingzhi and Lu, not to mention that there is also a big difference between the two. Lan Qin had also heard about split personalities, and he knew the situation of Lu and Lu Xingzhi very well.

And he is also very clear, Lu Xingzhi also knows that he knows this matter, and only Lu, who only has rice and his wife in his heart, knows nothing. In order to own Lanqin peacefully, Lu Xingzhi once discussed with Lu straight to the point, and started thinking and discussing whether they are the same individual, and finally came to the conclusion that they are the same individual, and they are both Lanqin's spouse.

Moreover, Lu Xingzhi also has a trump card, that is, as the main character, if he really wants to obliterate Lu's personality, it is not impossible to do it at all.

It's just that Lu is not a simple character, and split personality itself is a very complicated and dangerous thing. If they have a conflict, not only will they not eliminate each other, but will split into other personalities, that will be the real trouble. Before the end of the world, Lu Xingzhi had seen a news case of 56 split personalities. He didn't want to compete with a lot of personalities for a spouse.

From Lu Xingzhi, Lu Xingzhi knew that personality can be split without limit, and he was shocked immediately.

One Lu Xingzhi is enough to cause headaches and troubles, why does it want to have a few more difficult and bad things!

Lu's sullen look made Lan Qin very worried, and he didn't have the habit of guessing by himself, so he asked Lu directly if he had any troubles.

Lu threw the big bones he gnawed into the trash can, and then changed from a handsome man with a bare upper body to a majestic white wolf, and then put the huge wolf head on Lanqin on the legs.

The white wolf whimpered and howled a few times. Although Lan Qin had established a tacit understanding with Lu, it was obviously difficult for him to accept such wolf language.

Seeing that Lan Qin's wife couldn't understand its complaints, Lu angrily changed back to human form, and said very directly, "Wife, I don't want you to play with other people." Lan Qin felt a little funny when he heard it, he touched He stroked Lu's furry head, then touched the corner of his already drooping mouth, and manually gave him a smile.

"They all stink, and I don't want your wife to get close to them." Lu said sullenly, "They are all bad guys!"

Lan Qin's hand had already fallen on Lu's naked chest, because he had to go out to hunt every day. , These eight-pack abs are also very toned, and the feel is naturally very good.

Lu was very comfortable being touched by Lan Qin, and his originally sullen expression became relaxed.

Seeing that Lu's expression improved, Lan Qin explained to him why he agreed to Xiang Hua's request.

"After all, I am still a human being. Even if I don't live with them, I have the ability to do something for them. I am free, so there is no need to refuse." Lan Qin could not say that Xiang Hua is the protagonist, and he is helping the protagonist. Things can only be explained in other ways.

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