9.4: Extra 4

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So that many netizens even more unexpected things will happen soon, because this The big beauty they just unearthed seems to be maybe... fell in love with this robot who just appeared not long ago?

Looking at the two people who are almost close together on the light curtain, and one is beautiful and the other is handsome, except that one of them is their favorite wife, everything is very harmonious.

--I now seriously doubt that this man named Horning is not a robot, otherwise how could he say so many witty words and successfully make my wife smile?

--I thought so too, after all, my wife was already smiling so prettily that she almost stunned my eyes!

--Keep typing, I'll just slap it! My wife, shasha, I want to kiss your little mouth, lick your swan neck, touch your long legs, and then use the cannon @#¥%&*damn harmony mechanism! You actually harmonized all the sweet words I said to my wife, damn it!

-Is it possible that even if we typed it out, our beautiful wife wouldn't be able to see it?

--Wait, is the wife shared now? Have you ever asked your wife about this? And by the way, ask me, after all, I am my wife's husband, although my wife doesn't know about it.


-? ? ? Did we skip something particularly important, why is the wife suddenly laying her head on this man named Horning? Can my wife consider my feelings, although I like being a tauren very much, but this is not a reason for them to disrespect me!

--...Did the previous one get into the drama too deeply? That's my wife, not yours!

--Very well, it seems that humans are about to start marrying machines, don't panic, after all, we humans are already very experienced, aren't we just robots? They are all old acquaintances. We used to have such a good relationship. Every household has robots... Well, although there are now, it is definitely not a self-aware robot on the deserted planet. It is better to think about it carefully. After all, we humans There are also frigid people in it.

--What I said earlier made me a little desperate. Is it possible that robots are willing to install a fully automatic and detachable colorful tool for their human lover? Also, the length is best limited to between 20 centimeters and 30 centimeters. I think it may not be good if it is too much or too little.

-Maybe we should ask someone else instead of only yellow...ah no, only cosmic peace.


Lan Chin felt that this time the Starless Star Observation Program was really the most relaxing job he had ever done. It was as if he was traveling with his friend Huoning. Had a very happy time.

Until the end of the filming, Lan Chin was still reluctant to part, and wanted to continue traveling with Huo Ning, but he also knew that even if they were friends, they would have their own lives, especially the robots on Desolate Star, who became famous I don't like to go out.

To let the robot leave the deserted star, it is basically only when a war is launched.

Obviously, based on the fact that robots are created by humans, Blue Star will generally not suffer from wars. After all, humans and robots are not easy to mess with.

Although there is a certain amount of hatred between humans and the defected robots, it seems that such hatred is not enough to allow other alien planets to invade the Blue Star.

When Lan Qin was about to leave for Blue Star, it was Huo Ning who persuaded Lan Qin to stay and invite Lan Qin to travel around the universe.

Lan Qin hesitated for a while, then happily agreed.

After all, Lan Chin still cherishes Horning as his only friend, especially this trip plan sounds very good, and the most important thing is that it doesn't need to spend too much money.

The god who racked his brains to prevent his wife from spending more money smiled softly, and then hid his merit and fame deeply.

Seeing that God and its host are progressing smoothly, system 1122 feels even better in its heart. It feels that it will definitely be able to continue to lie down and eat soft food this time.

And to be able to eat the soft rice given by the gods, no one is as lucky as him!

"The fruit dessert of Rose Star is very famous in the whole universe, maybe we can go there at the next stop ,

and taste it while traveling."


Popular front row, we can buy some there."



"The gemstones of the blood-stained planet are the hardest and brightest in the universe. We can drop by and auction some gemstones that are valuable for collection. It can be doubled in ten years."


After traveling several planets with his best friend, Lan Chin finally realized with hesitation that something was wrong. The degree to which human beings abandon diamond rings and propose marriage with gemstone rings.

Generally speaking, if someone proposes to travel to the blood-stained planet and auction some gems by the way, there is a high probability that they are proposing marriage.

Lan Qin felt that he might be wrong, and worried that he was being sentimental, but when he thought about Horning's concern for him all the time, he felt that it was really possible.

Could it be possible that Horning liked him as much as he liked him?

After Lanqin had this idea in his mind, he couldn't help turning his eyes to Huoning from time to time, and then he didn't know whether he was expecting or nervously waiting for Huoning's next words.

But Horning didn't continue to speak, he took Lan Qin's hand directly, and then took him on board the spaceship to the bloody planet.

It's just that this is not the only thing that Lanqin never thought of. For example, the spaceship they have been riding on is actually a spaceship belonging to Desolate Star.

To be precise, it belongs to Horning's private property.

System 1122 feels that if God tells its current host about this matter, it may win the host's heart immediately.

After all, it seems that Lan Qin, who lost his memory this time, seems to like money very, very much, and his temper is a bit too violent.

It's just that God has taken good care of Lan Qin. At least until now, Lan Qin's violent temper has never had a chance to flare up. If there is no accident, there may not be a chance to flare up in this life.

After all, even the entertainment company that its host disliked the most was dealt with by God, and now they are all eating in prison and only using sewing machines-it's really outrageous, why do there still be sewing machines in this technologically advanced era!

Because the host never went back to Blue Star after finishing the filming of the "Star Adventure" program, System 1122 naturally paid less attention to Blue Star.

However, it will still pay attention to some important news of Blue Star on a regular basis. For example, the relationship between the hero and heroine is going well, and for example, those murderers who persecuted passer-by A have been sent to prison according to law.

The chaos in this task world actually originated from the fact that the robots were dissatisfied with the discrimination of humans against themselves. Specifically, the human federation prohibited intermarriage between humans and robots, and even wantonly belittled the status of robots.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the status of robots has never been higher, because in many human minds, robots are tools created by humans.

Who would want to marry a tool they created? They are not perverts!

And the Blue Star where the hero and heroine are located is because the defected robots wanted to conquer humans, and then launched a war. In the end, the Blue Star was completely defeated and was directly replaced by the robots on the Desolate Star.

Of course, part of the willingness is that Blue Star's service robots also betrayed - being able to freely dominate the Creator who created themselves is something that robots can't resist.

But this time, this kind of thing will definitely not happen. In fact, the system 1122 has already thought that when the host marries the god, it should say some special words of blessing.

At this rate of development, it won't take long to enter the sacred palace of marriage.

And with the company of God, I believe this mission world will end peacefully soon.

At that time, it will be settled, and I hope its host can protect it more, after all, it is a weak, helpless and pitiful system.


"Lan Qin, please marry me?"

Horning knelt on the ground on one knee, looking at Lan Qin, his most beloved person, with a very serious expression.

They are in

the very beautiful and romantic Rising Star, which is a holy place for couples. Basically, couples who want to get married will come here to watch a grand shooting star, and then make a good wish that they will never be separated.

Lan Qin looked at Huo Ning with a sincere face, if Huo Ning said just now "please marry me", then Lan Qin would definitely refuse him without hesitation. But now what Huo Ning said was 'please marry him', of course Lan Chin couldn't refuse.

So Lan Qin took over the priceless gemstone ring, this gem is still his favorite sapphire, which made Lan Qin really hard to resist.

Especially the one who sent him the wedding invitation was a beautiful man like Huo Ning, well, he was still a beautiful man who could transform anytime and anywhere.

That made it even harder for Lanchin to refuse.

The gemstone ring symbolizing eternal love was brought to Lanqin's hand. While admiring this beautiful sapphire, Lanqin imagined a happy life in the future.

Although his boyfriend seems to have some special secrets, it obviously won't affect their happy life.

At this time, Lan Chin never imagined that he would be the first person to create a marriage between humans and robots.

Many Netizens of Blue Star could not have imagined that the beautiful wife they just found would become a beautiful husband so quickly, and even Huang Xing's beautiful husband.

That's really cool!

Cuckolding a robot or something, although it cannot become a reality, it is still very happy to say hello.

After all, who doesn't like a beautiful married wife? !

Because Lan Qin, a young and beautiful human being, chooses to marry to Desolate Star, and many humans choose to try it. Anyway, if they feel that their married life is not happy, divorce is also very convenient.

But to everyone's surprise, the robot can add and replace that important tool at any time according to the partner's request. As long as the partner is willing, the fully automatic colorful tool is also achievable!

Netizens: It's a little outrageous, but it's actually quite delicious!

In this way, Desolate Star, who was supposed to go crazy, immediately became loyal again because of human preference. The purpose of the robot's defection was to make their creator face up to their existence.

And what could be more exciting for a robot right now than being able to marry their creator?

After humans took the initiative to show kindness, the robots of Huangxing also turned against each other. Every day, they thought about what shape they should make to stand out from the crowd of robots and win the favor of their favorite creator.

Lan Qin never expected such a development, and he seriously suspected that it was secretly promoted by his boyfriend.

Although I don't know how it was promoted, Lanchin believes that peace can never be wrong.

The intermarriage between humans and robots will stun all races in the universe, except for the Zerg and Angels. After all, one of them only likes the Zerg Mother, and the other only cares about faith.

But for many planets that love peace and development, this is really good news. After all, no one can stop the tense relationship between humans and robots from fighting one day.

Now it's fine to fight on the bed instead.

But aren't robots famous? But if you are facing your own Creator, probably even a robot or an angel will not be indifferent.

Their sincere hope is that the friendship between Huang Xing and Lan Xing... ah no, it is love that lasts forever!

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