4.6: Concentric Gu

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"Lan Qin, if you don't want to..., then I actually have There is only one way, but although that way can be done once and for all, it can only make you stay by my side forever."

Si said this matter a little embarrassedly, and at the same time was looking forward to Lan Qin's answer.

No matter what Lan Qin's answer was in the end, Si felt that he could bear it. After all, without his permission, it would be impossible for Lan Qin to leave Ganshui Town.

When Lan Qin heard Si's words, he knew that Si must have some other strange method, such as establishing a telepathy with him, or a life connection, so that he could live and die with Si.

Lan Qin felt that this was nothing, so he agreed to Si.

"It was my own fault that I was bitten by the snake gu. Now that you can save me, I am definitely willing to do whatever it takes." Although Si has become a little pure in his mind because he has few contacts

, But he can understand what Lan Chin said.

But Si still couldn't believe it, because there were too many... hints hidden in these words.

Si didn't know if this was also a conspiracy by outsiders against the great witch of the Wu tribe, just like the woman who suddenly appeared before and took the former great witch away.

But now the priest can't think rationally at all, his whole heart is only for Lanqin in front of him.

Seeing Si as if looking at himself in a daze, Lan Qin smiled, and then asked what the treatment method was.

"No matter what it is, I can bear it. As long as it is what you give me, I am willing, Si." When Si

heard Lan Qin's words, he immediately felt a burst of electricity rushing through his body. It made Si's mind even more confused, and it could even be said that he could no longer think.

But in the end, Si still told Lan Qin the method, that is to form a marriage relationship with him, and then transfer his life Gu to Lan Qin's body.

"My life Gu can make you invulnerable to all poisons, and you will never be infested by the poison."

Of course, only the great witch's life Gu can have such a magical effect, so many outsiders who know the magic of the great witch's life Gu say The meeting came to Ganshui Town one after another, just to get this life-saving artifact.

After Lan Qin heard that Si's chest was going to be cut open, and then he took out the life gu and let him eat it, he couldn't help but raised his hand and stroked Si's chest.

"It will definitely hurt if I cut it open here..."

Lan Qin was worried that Si would be in pain, but Si was worried that Lan Qin would find it disgusting to eat life Gu.

In fact, life Gu could also crawl in through Lan Qin's chest, but that would be very painful, and Si didn't want Lan Qin to suffer the pain of being cut open by a dagger in his chest.

When the life Gu was planted, Si had personally experienced that kind of pain.

He didn't want Lan Qin to experience it, so he proposed to eat it directly.

But Lan Qin didn't care about this matter at all, instead he cared more about the pain the priest endured.

In the task details, from the perspective of the hero and heroine, I have also witnessed the scene where the Wu tribe planted life Gu on a child, which can be said to be terrifying.

For the first time, Si boldly stretched out his hand to hold Lan Qin's hand, and then directly pressed it tightly on his chest, "The fate Gu I planted may be waiting for this moment."

Lan Qin looked at Si's extremely serious expression, I knew he was telling the truth.

It's not so much that Si is now able to speak sweet words, it's better to say that Si is being honest with him and caring for him, so Lan Qin is very happy to listen to every word he utters.

Lan Qin also knew that the Wu Clan's Fate Gu was actually Love Gu, or it could also be said to be Unity Gu.

So Lan Qin also said very seriously that he would cherish Si's Life Gu.

At this time, Si was still a little uneasy, in order to keep Lan Qin back, Si's lips moved a few times, but he still didn't reveal the real purpose of Life Gu.

Anyway, after Lan Qin had his Fate Gu, he could no longer leave his side.

As long as Lan Qin will not leave his side, then other things are not important.

In this way, Lan Qin

and Si lived a very warm life in the Wu Clan's land, until the full moon night came as scheduled a few days later, Si was ready for the ceremony of exchanging life Gu.

In fact, this ceremony is not particularly complicated, it only needs two people to toast a glass of wine to the world, and then drink a glass of wine to each other, and finally dig out the life Gu, and let the other person accept the life Gu, the ceremony is considered to be over.

In order to make Lan Qin more accepting of the entry of Fate Gu, Si also tried his best to ask Lao Ou to bring a jar of the sweetest fruit wine, and let Fate Gu be directly mixed in the glass of wine, so that it would be easier for Lan Qin to absorb Fate Gu. To swallow.

When Lan Qin saw that Si's Life Gu was actually something about the size of a peanut, he couldn't tell what kind of creature it was, but the slowly crawling white body somehow reminded Lan Qin of some terrible caterpillars.

"Ah, it actually has wings..."

Lan Qin looked at the Ming Gu who directly opened those very small wings and flew into his wine glass under Si's order, and said a little awkwardly.

But Si looked at Lan Qin's expression that seemed to want to repent, but he was very gentle and handed the wine glass to Lan Qin's mouth.

"Lan Qin, drink it, and your body will recover completely."

In fact, the life of the past few days has been very peaceful and happy, but Lan Qin almost forgot that he still has the poison of snake Gu on his body.

Looking at Si's expectant expression, Lan Qin swallowed nervously for no reason, then raised the glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking the Fate Gu, Lan Qin didn't feel any discomfort, which made Lan Qin wonder whether the Fate Gu had melted in his mouth, or hadn't successfully entered his body.

Just when Lan Qin was thinking this way, he felt as if something was surging in his throat. Fortunately, the touch that made Lan Qin feel a little creepy only lasted a few seconds, otherwise Lan Qin was worried that he would spit it out .

At that time, he will give another life Gu that he spit out to...

Lan Qin may think that it is not impossible to see the world in the next mission.

"Is this okay?"

Lan Qin drank another glass of sweet fruit wine, and asked Si with a slightly drunken expression.

Si, on the other hand, caught Lan Qin's wobbly body, rolled his throat a few times, and said that it was indeed ready.

But Lan Qin felt that there was a fire hidden in his body, and when he saw his partner's indifferent handsome appearance, he put a finger on Si's lips, "But I think another method must be used , just to be on the safe side, Si, you don't want my body to go wrong, do you?"

Si's lips moved slightly, and when he was about to speak, Lan Qin stood on tiptoe, and gave him a lingering kiss.

Si: "!!!"

Si felt that all his rationality was melted away by this kiss.

But Lan Qin, who finally reunited with his friend, was not satisfied with this, he put his arms around Si's neck tightly, and then pulled Si to the wooden bed.

The priest couldn't refuse any request from Lan Qin at all, so he followed Lan Qin's force direction and got on the wooden bed meekly, and let Lan Qin fall on the soft quilt intimately.

Lan Qin only felt that his mind was a little dizzy. He thought that maybe he might have forgotten something, but with his partner by his side, he felt that other things were definitely not important.

"Today is the night of the full moon, I need your rescue, honorable lord witch..."

Lan Qin smiled foolishly, a thin layer of blush appeared on that flawless cheek, as if he had been robbed. White porcelain vase stained with a thin layer of powder.

From Lanchin's point of view, his partner is holding his hand on him, and it can be seen that his partner is very nervous.

Lan Qin had known for a long time that the more nervous Si was, the more indifferent his expression would be. Lan Qin raised one eyebrow, looking forward to what Si would do next.

The outline of Si's face has a kind of sacred coldness, and his appearance has a kind of indifference that does not change when the mountain collapses. The skin of his whole body is the color of being kissed by the sun, and his eyebrows are dark and black, and he is so nervous that he frowned. It looked very fierce when it was on the lips, even with a murderous look.

Lan Qin knew that this was just a sign of Si's nervousness.

And as Si got angry, the marks on both sides of his

forehead seemed to come to life, and it seemed that Si was sacred, cold and inviolable.

But Lanchine just wants to get away and desecrate his partner.

"Maybe you should give me a kiss."

Lan Qin said these words softly, and Si also obediently gave him one kiss, two kisses... and countless tenderness.

Like the turbulent tide, the thick sea fog surrounded and soaked Lanqin tightly, making the unbearable Lanqin nowhere to escape.

In the end, Lan Qin couldn't even cry out, he could only gasp for breath desperately, and slap Si's strong back hard.

If it is a former partner, you can definitely understand that Lan Chin can't bear it now, and he needs his partner to stop and let him recover his physical strength temporarily, and then continue when Lan Chin has the strength to speak. This is the sustainability advocated by Lan Chin .

But this is only the first time, Si Ke did not establish such a tacit understanding with Lan Qin, so when Lan Qin patted him on the back very gently.

But Si only felt that it was the encouragement of his beloved for all his efforts, so he immediately continued to 'serve' his lover with more heart.

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