4.5: The Great Witch

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After being warmly received, the tour guide Lao Ou said that everyone should rest for a night , Wait until early tomorrow morning to take people to various places to collect and sketch.

"Ganshui Town is full of beautiful scenery, we have beautiful mountains, rivers, and people. No matter what kind of beautiful things you want to appreciate, Ganshui Town has them!"

Lao Ou drank two jars and said they were made by Ganshui Town He started to talk about the fruit wine, and quickly became good brothers with Fan Huaqing, who also loves wine, at the wine table. Even the male protagonist Fu Ze and the male supporting actor Xu Yiming were not skipped, and they directly pulled Drinking and guessing.

Except for him, the patient who almost fainted on the way, was let go.

Of course, Lan Qin would not try to be brave and say that he can drink too. Although the fruit wine looked sweet and not intoxicating, but seeing Fan Huaqing, who had a good capacity for alcohol, started bragging and talking nonsense after a few drinks, he knew what was going on here. Drinks and food may be a bit of a problem.

It's just impossible not to eat, so Lan Qin watched Lao Ou eat a little more of that dish, took a little bit of that dish, and then ate half full with white rice.

But the others are not as wary as Lan Chin, and they just choose whatever dish they like. After all, although they have eaten bread and chocolate in the middle, who can be indifferent to the steaming and fragrant fresh food!

They walked on the mountain road for almost four hours.

They were tired and hungry a long time ago, if they were not seduced by delicious food, they would like to fall asleep on the soft bed now.

After eating a good meal, everyone didn't have the energy to talk to Lao Ou anymore. They just wanted to sleep quickly and wait for tomorrow to wake up to talk about everything.

Old Ou also thinks the same way, as long as the Tomorrow Witch comes out of the clan land and picks out these people, he can directly throw those who are not picked under the cellar and lock them up at will.

After the trial of the new Gu is over, the Wangyou Gu can be planted together, and everyone here can be put back safe and sound.

Old Ou looked at the sober Lan Qin with his drunken eyes, hoping that this extraordinary-looking guest would be more obedient.

After all, according to his good-looking appearance, the big witch should not be too harsh, and he only needs to survive half a month of testing the new Gu, and then he can go back safe and sound.

Old Ou was not interested in letting these outsiders die. He hoped that they could survive the time of experimenting with the new Gu for the good-looking ones, and hoped that they could stay in the cellar peacefully for the testers to come back.

In this way, after the experiment of new Gu is over, they can all be sent away.

After all, they didn't want the lives of these foreigners.

Thinking of this, Lao Ou pretended to be stumbling, and then asked his wife, son and daughter to send these people to their residence.

Of course, this residence is not Lao Ou's own home, but another residence not far from his home.

Under normal circumstances, he only brings back less than ten foreigners, so two buildings are enough to accommodate them.

One building is three rooms, and two buildings are six rooms. This time he only brought back seven people, especially there is a young couple inside, so they can be arranged as they like.

Li Xingruo only drank half a glass of fruit wine. She knew her drinking capacity very well, so she was not greedy, so she was arranged to live in a room with her boyfriend Fu Ze, and she could take care of her boyfriend by the way.

Li Xingruo looked a little disappointed when he saw Mr. Lan Qin, who was in the same building as them but in a different room.

But thinking of her boyfriend who was already a little drunk, Li Xingruo could only make up for that disappointment. After all, even if she didn't have to live in the same room with her boyfriend Fu Ze, she couldn't live in the same room with Teacher Lan Qin.

In order to be safe and to take care of his companions, Li Xingruo and her boyfriend Fu Ze shared a room, Chen Qiao shared a room, and Lan Qin shared a room in the same building.

The other building is where Fan Huaqing, Xu Yiming and Zhou Suyun live.

Lao Ou didn't think there was any problem with this random allocation.

Both Xu Yiming and Zhou Suyun felt that it was a pity that they could not share the same building with Lan Qin, but they thought that the distance between the two buildings was not too far, and they had only been here for half a month, so they didn't have to worry too much about other things for fifteen days


And even if it's not in the same building, you can drop by at any time, so I didn't say anything more.

When Lan Qin went to the assigned room, he found that the room was cleaned very clean and tidy, and the layout was extremely simple.

But if you take a closer look, you are still very careful. For example, the pillows and quilts are very soft, and there is a smell of sunlight that has been dried. It can be seen that they are specially prepared for guests like them recently.

If the danger of Ganshui Town is not considered, Lan Qin thinks that this is indeed a good place for vacation, with beautiful mountains and rivers, outstanding people, and even the food is very delicious.

It's just that the folk customs are simple and honest, which is worth thinking about.

Lan Qin wasn't even sure if that weird villain was his partner, but he still came to Ganshui Town with the idea that he couldn't miss it.

After all, if he misses this time, it may be difficult for him to find an opportunity to come to Ganshui Town.

Without the leadership of locals, it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to find the existence of Ganshui Town.

If his partner is really in Ganshui Town, but he misses it because he is greedy for life and afraid of death, then Lan Qin will never forgive himself.

Recalling the life and death parting in the last mission world, Lan Chin showed an extremely sad expression on his face.

My partner, my love, where are you now?


Old Ou took a shower and changed into new clothes after settling the seven outsiders, and hurried to the clan area, because his wife told him just now that the big witch might be leaving the clan area early.

This made Lao Ou very anxious, wishing to see the great witch immediately, and then present a new outsider.

So he didn't even take a break, so he rushed over with a lot of energy.

But Lao Ou's joyful expression did not affect the great witch he admired at all.

The Great Witch Priest really didn't care about the look of Ou, he just casually asked if the new Gu people were ready.

Old Ou replied respectfully with downcast eyes that he was ready.

"... There are seven people in total, and I just wait for you to choose them." The big witch is

very strict in the selection of Gu people. Generally speaking, if you can pick five out of ten people, it is already very good. Lao Ou thought of this team The guests here are basically good-looking, and there is a teacher named Lan Qin who is as outstanding as a beautiful woman-after all, studying art must have a bit of temperament, especially the family of the person who studies art is very rich.

Lao Ou felt that the big witch would probably pick all seven of them away this time, and the reason was very simple. Seeing that the big witch had a good look when he came out just now, he could tell that the big witch had developed a lot of Gu in the clan land.

After passing the test, it can be taught to other clansmen.

And the new Gu that has been domesticated may become the baby of the Wu tribe, or it may be sold as a commodity to those who need it outside.

Some things like Wangyou Gu, Curse Gu, Substitute Gu, etc. can all be sold very well.

If it wasn't for the big witch who doesn't like the Gu people sent by others, and the Wu clan is also extremely xenophobic, and doesn't like outsiders other than Gu people to come to Ganshui Town, I am afraid that those powerful and rich people will Ganshui Town was packed.

Compared with ordinary people, those who are rich are always more hungry.

No matter how rich people are, they long to be richer, so they curse their opponents, and worry about being cursed or assassinated all the time. This is how the substitute Gu sells well.

The Wu Clan in Ganshui Town doesn't care how bloody the outside world is. When they have no money to use, they just sell some Gu that they are tired of playing, and then exchange for some gold, silver and jewelry they like.

Of course, they bought the most simple gold and silver jewelry, and they still had to do it themselves if they wanted to make it into jewelry.

The Wu people always look down on those gaudy jewelry from the outside world, and they prefer the jewelry made by themselves.

In their view, this production process is to engrave the soul on jewelry.

And a set of exquisite jewelry that can be worn by a young girl for a lifetime is the best courtship gift, and it can also be used as a token of love.

Lao Ou felt that this time

the big witch really made a lot of powerful new Gu, otherwise he wouldn't have gone directly to the two buildings where the guest lived before dawn, and had to personally select the people who would test the new Gu.

Si didn't care about Lao Ou's ecstatic expression at all, because he knew that after years of painstaking research, it was finally time to accept the results.

According to what Lao Ou said, there was also a couple among the people brought in this time, who happened to be the best candidates for Gu testing.

As long as the couple will break their love and righteousness after being planted with the ruthless Gu, and can no longer have the slightest affection for others, then his ruthless Gu will really succeed.

And this means that there will no longer be liars in love in this world, and there will no longer be infatuated women who have been hurt by love.

Because they directly lost any desire for love.

As for the side effect of ruthless Gu that would directly cause human beings to lose the instinct to reproduce, Si felt even more indifferent.

After all, the so-called sex or mating, in his opinion, is the most filthy thing in this world.

As long as all desires related to love are cleaned up, the world can become truly clean!

There was madness in Si's long and narrow eyes, but Ou, who walked respectfully behind the big witch, didn't notice anything wrong with him at all.

After all, every great witch has to survive being bitten by thousands of Gu insects before he can become the most capable great witch. This process alone can torture countless Wu clan members to death.

It's just that the Wu people are also very self-aware, unless they are really talented, otherwise they should not gamble with their lives.

Although the great witch can achieve a different kind of immortality, not everyone can have that blessing.

First of all, it is impossible for him to withstand the gnawing and backlash of Gu insects every fifty years.

Instead of being a noble witch who has to endure thousands of kinds of pain, he still prefers to be an ordinary member of the Wu clan.

After all, it's a little more comfortable.

Moreover, in the thousands of years of the witch clan, so many great witches died under the backlash of Gu insects, he dare not gamble.

In fact, seeing with his own eyes that the new great witch was able to hold on to the Gu worm's backlash twice, he admired him very much, and even admired this great witch.

Therefore, for Dawu who wants a long-term Gu person, Lao Ou is also willing to travel here and there to find the most suitable Gu person for Dawu.

"Dawu, the guests this time are very good-looking, and one of them is very beautiful. Maybe he will be the most suitable Gu person for Dawu." Lao Ou thought over and over again in his heart, feeling

that This time the big witch's new Gu experiment might be about to succeed, and then he would be able to relieve himself of the heavy responsibility of the Gu seeker.

In order to be able to retire as soon as possible, Lao Ou boldly recommended to Da Wu a foreigner he liked very much.

When Si Zain heard that there was a foreigner who was very beautiful, he subconsciously frowned, and even felt a burst of displeasure in his heart.

Contrary to what Lao Ou once guessed, the reason why Sixuan Gu chooses good-looking people is because he hates people with outstanding looks the most.

This reminds him of his biological parents who died many years ago and have now turned into a handful of loess.

And every time he recalled the miserable days in the past, Si couldn't help touching the burn mark on his other arm with his hand.

This is the punishment given by his biological mother, which Si will never forget in his life.

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