2.12: New lover

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Xiang Hua doesn't understand why she appears in this strange place, and this The strange man who was suspected to be a foreign plant was also very strange, and he still had a very strange sense of intimacy with him.

He was sure that he and this man had never known each other before, let alone suddenly became his spouse.

Xiang Huan suspected that this strange man might have eaten poisonous mushrooms to eat his brains!

Maybe Xiang Hua looked at the fool too clearly, Yi Zhi no longer kept silent, but walked to a place only two or three steps away from Xiang Hua, then half-knelt down with an extremely serious expression, and stretched out his hand as if wanting to touch Xiang Hua's face.

Xiang Hua turned his head resolutely, but Yi Zhi held Xiang Hua's face with both hands, and said seriously: "You are my destined spouse, I can smell your scent, this is my My favorite. From today onwards, you will stay here with me until my breeding period is over." The xenograft looked at the eyelashes of its mate who were so nervous that they kept shaking, hesitated for a while, and then comforted him.

"When my breeding season is over, I will go hunting for you, but before the spring is over, I can only wrong you to use my juice as food." The gentle but resolute xiezhi said this, but Not to mention that its juice has an aphrodisiac effect.

How could Xiang Hua have imagined that this man who was suspected of being a foreign plant would have such a conspiracy. He was just nervous inside, trying to keep his appearance as stable as possible, and asked where this place was very unhappy.

Yi Zhi looked at Xiang Hua, but said something else, "What's your name? My name is Lin Fengyu, you can call me Fengyu." Xiang Hua pursed his lips tightly, not replying to Lin Fengyu's words at all.

Lin Fengyu didn't seem to care about Xiang Hua's indifference, and instead brought up the situation of Xiang Hua's teammates.

"Do you want to know the situation of your companions? If you want to, tell me your name first."

Hearing the man's threats to him, Xiang Hua gave him a very unhappy look. The companions who would abandon him didn't care much, but they only needed to say their names to know their situation, Xiang Hua thought it was worthwhile.

So he reluctantly said his name.

After Lin Fengyu knew his spouse's name, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he quickly told the situation of the others.

"Some of the people who came with you were killed, and some were taken away by different species or plants that you saw right, and they were probably taken back to be spouses, so you don't need to waste your energy on caring for them." Wrinkled
slightly Frowning and thinking for a while, facing Xiang Hua's more wary expression, Lin Fengyu still added.

"The death or arrest of those people has nothing to do with me. I always just want to take you away. As for other things, I won't take a look."

"And here is a tall tree , it's nearly seventy or eighty meters, you'd better not walk casually, or if you fall from such a high place, I'll have to find another spouse I like."

Lin Fengyu said with a smile, which was Xiang Hua's words before answering. Doubt, but also to warn its mate.

However, as for the fact that the big tree has its own vines entwined, even if its spouse accidentally falls off the tree, there will be no danger at all, but he keeps silent.

As a former human being, Lin Fengyu knew exactly how to make Xiang Hua stay in the nest obediently.

In order to prove that he was not lying, Lin Fengyu even raised his hand to open a hole at will, allowing his spouse to see the high world outside with his own eyes.

Being forced to witness this high-altitude scene where he could hardly see the ground, Xiang Hua only felt terrified and thankful that he didn't have a particularly severe fear of heights, otherwise he would have a myocardial infarction now.

Just like that, Xiang Hua, who had nowhere to escape, had to stay obediently in this seemingly safe lair for the time being.

But as a living person, he needs to eat, and it is impossible to rely on photosynthesis like Lin Fengyu to live alive.

In the end, Xiang Hua had to obediently eat the juice of different plants. Fortunately, the taste of the vines that looked like cucumbers was not very strange, it was purely plant taste. Xiang Hua I can feel the sweetness of a cucumber.

To survive in the last days, it is very good to have food and not be starved to death, but after eating a vine stick every day, Xiang Hua feels that her whole body smells like this Lin Fengyu.

Xiang Hua, who was on the verge of autism after eating plants, didn't notice at all. As he ate more and more vines, Lin Fengyu looked at him with more and more fiery eyes.

Until one day, Lin Fengyu no longer gave him vine sticks to eat, but took out a few pure white flowers, saying that this was food.

Xiang Hua frowned and took it anyway, and tried to eat a few mouthfuls, only to find that it was actually a flower with nectar, which tasted much better than vines.

And a few days after eating the flowers with nectar, Lin Fengyu actually took out some bright red fruits that seemed to be ripe. Xiang Hua looked at this fruit, which was even redder and brighter than the holy maiden fruit before the end of the world, and was a little afraid to eat it.

After all, in the last days, it is a common sense of survival that everyone knows not to eat brightly colored fruits casually.

Because plants have evolved into heterophytes, many flowers and fruits are very special symbols for plants...

Xiang Hua, who had only thought of this for a while, was suddenly stunned. He was a little afraid to think that the vines and flowers he had eaten before would really be What is it? Or to be more precise, to Lin Fengyu, what do vines and flowers symbolize.

Reminiscent of what Lin Fengyu said before to be his spouse and the so-called reproduction period, Xiang Hua suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Spring is the season of flowering and pollination for many plants.

Lin Fengyu looked at the behavior of his spouse who refused to eat the fruit for a long time, sighed faintly, and then said inexplicably, "I originally wanted to make you relax, but since you don't want to eat, let's start now ..."

Hearing these words, Xiang Hua was still a little dazed, he couldn't figure out what to start now.

And Lin Fengyu didn't mean to explain to Xiang Hua, instead, it exuded a floral fragrance directly from the inside out, and it really couldn't help it.

I only hope that the transformation these days will allow its mate to withstand its three-month breeding period safely and soundly.

Xiang Hua, who didn't know anything, only felt that he smelled a very strong and fragrant smell, and then bursts of heat suddenly spread throughout his body, which directly shocked Xiang Hua's sanity to the point of no remnant.

"You, what did you do to me?"

Xiang Hua asked Lin Fengyu with difficulty, but Lin Fengyu who was asked by him didn't say a word, but stretched out his hands very gently to catch Xiang who was about to collapse due to exhaustion.

"I told you, you are my spouse and my only love for the rest of my life."

Lin Fengyu's words sounded vaguely in Xiang Hua's ear, but he didn't hear them in his mind at all.

He just suddenly realized that he might be a frog boiled in warm water.

... Xiang Hua was afraid to eat the bright fruit out of vigilance, but she still ate an unknown number of them in the long three months. Sometimes it was Lin Fengyu who mashed vines and fed them to him, and sometimes he was too hungry to rush to eat.

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