1.14: Jealousy

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Lanqin doesn't understand why this ghost does such sticky things If he didn't know that this was a ghost, he would still think that it was the white peacock and black cat that clung to him before.

Yes, at this time Lanqin has already guessed from the layout of this large tomb and the power possessed by this male ghost who is feared by all 'people' that this groom in red is the one who made everyone The ghosts and gods that the villagers keep secret.

It's just that he didn't understand why the ghosts and gods would act so...so deeply affectionate towards him.

Could it be that his identity as a passer-by has any special emotional connection with the ghosts and gods who have been sealed for thousands of years in this remote Shiling village?

Lan Qin immediately searched his memory, but he didn't find any abnormalities, not even any strange things like marrying a yin marriage when he was weak when he was a child, or being tainted by ghosts when he was unlucky while walking, so this person who was suspected of admiring him Where did ghosts and gods come from?

Lan Chin felt puzzled and curious at the same time.

At this time, Lan Qin didn't know that curiosity was the beginning of love.

"You know me?"

Lan Qin avoided the ghost's kiss again, and then looked at the ghost and asked seriously.

Faced with Lan Qin's question, the joyful expression on the ghost's face became hesitant, and after a pause, he answered Lan Qin in this way.

"Qinqin, from the first day you came to Qinshiling, I fell in love with you at first sight. The little animals you loved, such as the lovely yellow warbler, the beautiful white peacock and the vigorous black cat, In fact, they are all my incarnations."

The ghosts and gods seldom spoke a little hesitantly, he was a little worried that Lan Qin would not like his behavior, and would also dislike him, so the identity he said was that Lan Qin had clearly revealed his identity A few favorites.

As for the big fish who don't have a strong sense of presence and haven't met Lan Qin, there is no need to mention it.

And ghosts and gods are also a little guilty, because in addition to being aware of Lan Qin's appearance and turning into a big fish to see Lan Qin, he also specially sent his subordinates to monitor the situation in Shiling Village.

Lan Qin pursed his lips, a little embarrassed to tell ghosts and gods not to call him 'Qin Qin'. When he was still alive, this nickname was usually given to him by his parents and elder brothers. After his death, no one like this anymore. call him.

As an inconspicuous passer-by who comes and goes in a hurry, everyone he meets in the mission world, not to mention calling him 'Qinqin' so intimately, may not even remember his name.

This really made him feel awkward.

The ghost understands that Lan Qin means that they are not familiar with each other, he can't call 'Qinqin' like that, but the ghost deliberately misinterprets Lan Qin's words, pretending to suddenly realize, "It turns out that Qinqin wants me to call you Mrs. , This is for the husband."

Lan Qin: "..."

The acting skills of ghosts and gods are very average, and they let Lan Qin know that he was joking, Lan Qin couldn't help but stare at ghosts and gods, because he really didn't see him. Such a rascal...ghost.

And this ghost has clearly existed for thousands of years, how could it be such a childish appearance?

But thinking of the clingy temperament shown by the various small animals that appeared in front of him, those cute little creatures, it doesn't seem to surprise him that ghosts and gods have such a character.

It's just that after knowing the true character of ghosts and gods, Lan Qin didn't feel less pressure, because this couldn't be the reason why ghosts and gods forced him to marry him.

Although it's a little embarrassing to talk about a forced marriage between a man and a ghost, this is Lan Qin's true thoughts, and he has clearly stated it to the ghost.

"...You and I are just strangers, you, you can't just kiss me like this."

Hearing Lan Qin's words, ghosts and gods only thought his bride was very cute and frank.

"At present, strangers are not allowed to kiss, but after we get acquainted, we can kiss casually, right?"

Lan Qin didn't mean that at all: "..."

The ghost who was stared at by his sweetheart only felt that he had never been in such a good mood. It's not that he wants to take care of his appearance, he wants to laugh outright now.

Although the ghost didn't lose his composure and laughed heartily, Lan Qin could still see the obvious smile on the ghost's face, and clearly

knew that the ghost was in a good mood now.

So after confirming that his life was not in danger, Lan Qin began to worry about Yang Jian. Qin Ziwei and Xu Yi had the aura of protagonists, and the probability of accidents was very low. But Yang Jian, who was obviously a passer-by with him, was different.

If you really want to rescue Yang Jian, asking this ghost for help is the best way.

"Master Ghost, can you help me save a person?"

Lan Qin asked the ghost seriously and respectfully, but Ghost frowned slightly, thinking that the title "Master Ghost" was too unfamiliar.

"My name is Li Yan, and I was the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty thousands of years ago. You can call me by this name. Of course, if Qinqin wants to call me a husband and wife, it's not impossible." Lan Qin felt that he was saying something very serious

. But ghosts and gods... This Prince Yan is a little bit unscrupulous.

"Your Highness, you can also call me Lan Qin."

Facing Lan Qin's serious suggestion, Li Yan was very happy, and at the same time, he did not continue to tease his new wife, but he still preferred the same unfamiliar title of His Royal Highness. Very dissatisfied.

"You don't need to call me His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. You and I are married now, so we shouldn't be born in such a way. If we really want to call you in such a unique way, then I can only call you Lady or Princess. "

When Lan Qin heard such words, he subconsciously felt embarrassed. He felt that the current situation was very helpless, but in the end he decided to save people first.

Because of the insistence of both parties, the newly married couple established a rule of addressing each other directly by their first names.

As for the more intimate nicknames, they will only appear after getting along with each other a lot.

Lan Qin was curious about why His Royal Highness Prince Yan was sealed here, but because he just met him now, it was not easy to ask more questions.

The ghost god Li Yan promised his princess to save his friend, and he acted very quickly. Without the ghost and god directly doing it, the subordinates of the evil ghost presented the three living people who jumped into the Baigui River together with the princess. come up.

All three were in a coma, and Lan Qin was most worried about Yang Jian's situation.

Seeing that his sweetheart focused all his attention on that friend after he appeared, the ghost couldn't help but feel jealous and dissatisfied, but such emotions were not suitable to be exposed in front of his sweetheart, so the ghost had no choice but to remain silent and not to speak. Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked at these three living people who were very obtrusive.

As a general who galloped in the battlefield with great achievements, Gong Shuxin was also the most confidant and loyal minister of His Royal Highness, so he could naturally detect some kind of ominous anger from His Highness's expressionless expression.

The general sighed in his heart, only feeling that things are difficult to handle now.

After all, His Royal Highness was neither feminine nor masculine during his lifetime. Not only did he not have a concubine, but he did not have any concubines. Moreover, he and His Royal Highness have been stationed in the frontier all year round, and they have been in contact with rough generals, but they have never had to deal with such things as they are now.

In particular, it was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who was suspected of being jealous and displeased.

If it is not handled properly, His Highness the Crown Prince will not lose his mind immediately, and then make this place full of ghosts, and make the one hundred thousand ghost soldiers and ghost generals also full of resentment and murderous intent, right?

Thinking of such a noisy situation, Gong Shuxin felt that the whole ghost was going numb!

After all, whether His Highness the Crown Prince lost his mind, or ghost soldiers and ghost generals were murderous, he had to deal with it when the time came.

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