1.22: Really virtuous

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After a day of hard work, Lan Qin came home and smelled it as soon as he entered the door Various food flavors.

Li Yan seemed to be able to know in advance that Lan Qin was back, and would always put the dishes and chopsticks on the table just when Lan Qin came in to change his slippers.

I have to say that such a considerate and virtuous behavior really made Lan Qin feel comfortable, and even created a feeling that it was a very good thing to have a partner.

After all, to have someone who can arrange slippers in the hallway in advance, do all kinds of housework well, and is also very good at cooking, this is really a blessing from the previous life.

Especially Lan Qin has always been busy with tasks. As a passer-by, he can eat well, wear warm clothes and sleep well. Basically, when he arrives in the task world, he will quickly get a box lunch and leave, let alone enjoy life.

Yang Jian said more than once or twice that he was envious of Lan Qin, and even said that if he can get such a happy life by being a foundation, then he can make sacrifices.

Lan Qin: "..."

But as soon as he said this, Yang Jian himself immediately refuted, "The foundation circle has always been very chaotic, let alone IKEA, maybe even a trip will hurt your ass." Paul and then there is the risk of AIDS. And thinking carefully about forming a family with a man is also a very creepy thing. Of course, a good-looking couple like you and your husband, Lan Chin, must be very pleasing to the eye, and the other is Not necessarily."

After Yang Jian talked to himself like this, he secretly asked Lan Qin to keep it a secret, and he must not tell his wife, otherwise it would be hard to choose whether to kneel on the durian or kneel on the keyboard.

"I just bought a very expensive gaming keyboard. This is my treasure. I can't kneel down..."

Lan Qin ignored Yang Jian's remarks. After all, Yang Jian has always been Unreliable symbol.

Of course, sometimes Yang Jian is very unreliable at work.

For example, when I went to Qin Shiling to collect materials this time, Lan Qin was basically working. In the end, when I came back, because Lan Qin was most familiar with Qin Shiling and Shiling Village, writing reports became Lan Qin's job, and Yang Jian It is to browse the Internet to find new material locations.

"It's better to go on a business trip. You don't need to look at the boss's ugly capitalist face. He will yell every day, just like a chimpanzee..."

Yang Jian pulled Lan Qin to complain about the retarded boss for a while, and then went back to fish , while working.

There are still a lot of materials for Qin Shiling, but Lan Qin felt a little headache about how to write a horror-themed article introducing Qin Shiling.

After I was so irritable that I pulled out a few hairs, I finally wrote the first draft. Yang Jian helped to revise it two or three times, and then the manuscript was presented to the boss's desk, and then the boss who seemed to be in a very bad mood directly scolded the manuscript It's like shit doesn't make sense.

The manuscript was typed back, and Lan Qin could only carry out endless revision work in a bit of depression.

But after modifying it four or five times in a row, but still being beaten back, Lan Qin felt that this broken boss and broken company would end sooner or later.

Yang Jian was also filled with righteous indignation about this, but he felt that the boss's behavior was very abnormal, because although the boss usually had a normal temper, he was not as irritable as this, as if he had eaten gunpowder.

There must be something wrong with this, Yang Jian said so, and then he turned to other colleagues' workstations to inquire about the company's situation during their business trips.

Lan Qin watched Yang Jian integrate into a large group of female colleagues without any violation, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and then he continued to work hard.

He has already decided one thing in his heart, that is, if the revision fails, he will have to start thinking about resigning.

This mentally retarded company, this mentally retarded job, he really didn't want to do more than a minute.

But thinking that there is a newlywed husband in the family who needs a lot of incense, Lanqin has to bear the burden of supporting the family.

However, he could see that the person at home was also trying to reduce his burden to the greatest extent.

He even got up early to buy vegetables, and went to the vegetable market to buy the freshest and cheapest vegetables, because he had been going out to buy vegetables like this for more than half a month. Lan Qin was surprised to find that his object was actually the same as his neighbors. They are all very familiar, and some neighbors even send some souvenirs over.

After dinner, Lan Qin went to the study to continue working on his work. He planned to submit this revision tomorrow morning. If it still didn't work this time, he decided to resign and find another job that didn't require traveling.

Of course, it would be even better if it didn't work.

After finally having a task world with no time limit, he wanted to take a good rest.

If it is suitable, maybe he can have a romantic relationship with Li Yan.

Regarding Li Yan's identity as a ghost, Lan Qin didn't have much thought. After all, strictly speaking, a living person is not necessarily better than a ghost.

Many times, perhaps evil spirits are shocked by the ugliness and sinisterness of human nature.

After Li Yan supervised the automatic cleaning of the dishes and put them into the disinfection cupboard, he went to the bathroom to put hot water in the bathtub, and then went to the study to tell Lan Qin that the water had been put in.

"I've been working hard today, so I'd better go take a bath and relax first. Lan Qin, isn't your cervical spine not feeling well? Recently, I learned massage for the blind with my neighbor next door. Why don't I give you a massage later?"

Li Yan Wensheng said that he behaved like a virtuous housemate, and he was completely considerate for Lan Qin's sake.

Lan Qin didn't think too much, twisted his neck from side to side, and found that it was still a little sore, he nodded, expressing his agreement with Li Yan's proposal.

At this time, Lan Qin didn't realize that he was sending sheep to the tiger's mouth.

After getting Lan Qin's nod of agreement, Li Yan's eyes lit up, and then he floated out of the study in a very happy mood.

Generally, he controls his normal walking, so as not to remind his sweetheart of his inhuman status, and then he can't accept it emotionally. But when the mood is agitated, Li Yan can't help the behavior of floating up.

Looking back at his sweetheart, he found that he was still busy and didn't notice his drifting away. Li Yan quickly breathed a sigh of relief, then straightened his appearance, and walked out with a serious and upright appearance.

Lan Qin didn't think too much, and he didn't have the habit of letting others wait for him. After agreeing to take a bath and get a massage, he quickly saved the revised manuscript as a backup, and then turned off the computer to take a bath.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he saw Li Yan standing waiting for him at the door of the bathroom, Lan Qin felt a rush of warmth in his heart on the spot. Since he died of illness, he has been busy with tasks, and it has been a long time since anyone has cared so much about him.

Moreover, with such appropriate care and care, it was really hard for Lan Qin not to be moved.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lan Qin said to Li Yan with a gentle expression. At this moment, Lan Qin felt like a husband outside the Lord, comforting and grateful to his virtuous wife inside the Lord after returning home.

But it seems that thinking about it carefully, he really didn't give Li Yan anything, not even the money for grocery shopping on weekdays.

Lan Qin also thought about untying Li Yan after he came back. After all, according to his thinking, the reason why Li Yan married him should be to leave Qin Shiling freely. Now that his goal has been achieved, That separation is a normal thing.

But Li Yan didn't think so. He almost looked like he was about to cry, and asked Lan Qin if he would give up and be a heartless person after returning home safely?

He even wanted to call Lanqin's good friend Yang Jian and their neighbors over to comment.


Lan Qin only felt helpless, and was afraid that this matter would become a big mess, so he finally had to take back those words and let's not talk about it for the time being.

Later, when Lan Qin found out that Li Yan had done all the housework at home, he proposed to hand in the salary card, but Li Yan refused again, and asked Lan Qin to get the salary card by himself, and he could buy whatever he wanted. wronged myself.

Lan Qin felt that Li Yan's words were a bit of a reversal of status, and he should be the one to say it.

But thinking that I only have a bank card with a deposit of 30,000 yuan and an internship salary of 3,000 yuan a month, it seems that it is indeed not enough to support my family.

Moreover, Li Yan, as a prince of gold and jade, should have enjoyed no matter how rich and noble he is, so he must have looked down on his dead salary.

However, Lan Qin was also a little curious about where Li Yan got the money to buy vegetables, and brought some flowers and unique gifts back to him

from time to time , which should not be a small expense.

But when Lan Qin asked Li Yan about this, Li Yan said calmly that he had found a job.

Lan Qin was very curious about what kind of job Li Yan, a ghost, would find, so he just continued to ask, but Li Yan said that he would keep it a secret, and promised to tell Lan Qin when he had some achievements in his career.

Lan Qin didn't care about it at the time. After all, he didn't need him for all the expenses of the family, and it happened that he could save money. When he had enough money, he would resign and take Li Yan to travel by the way.

After all, a prince who used to be well-clothed and well-fed, he couldn't let Li Yan always take care of him. Not to mention that Li Yan had saved his life and Yang Jian's life, so he couldn't let the life-saving ghost work.

Li Yan has no other thoughts about this, he simply wants to take care of his sweetheart himself, and since he has nothing to do, he is also very happy to work.

Especially Li Yan found that the more work he did, the more Lan Qin felt sorry for him.

It turned out that Lan Qin was a little wary of him, but after more than half a month of getting along with him, Lan Qin was no longer wary of him, and occasionally talked to him about work matters.

Li Yan feels that Lan Qin is already putting him in the position of a close friend, but what he expects is more than that.

He longs to be the true love of his sweetheart, and wants to live together with Lan Qin until he grows old.

Li Yan knew that being a ghost was not a good thing, and he didn't want Lan Qin to experience the ethereal and empty feeling that couldn't be realized.

So he will grow old with Lan Qin, and after decades, Lan Qin can't eat food and can't walk, he will take Lan Qin back to Qinshiling, let Lan Qin and him live and die together , so life after life will not be separated.

Lan Qin didn't know that Li Yan was still thinking of life and death, he just lay stretched in the bathtub and enjoyed Li Yan's very skillful and thoughtful massage.

I have to say that Li Yan's massage technique is really good. Lan Qin was very moved and asked Li Yan if he had learned it for a long time.

His Royal Highness Li Yan, once known as the bright and beautiful phoenix, with a fairy air, lowered his eyes and controlled his gaze to fall on Lan Qin's white neck, so as not to move to other places and expose himself Too hot eyes and emotions.

But even looking at the graceful neck, Li Yan felt that it was difficult to express the emotions in his heart.

In the past, he never thought that he would be so trapped by love.

But now he is enjoying it.

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