6.16: Dzogchen

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All monsters in Base No. 3 are sterilized.

Lanqin found that he couldn't stop it, and that the monster had indeed become more docile and obedient after undergoing the sterilization operation, and even its combat effectiveness had improved, so Lanqin had no choice but to agree to this matter.

As for the director, Fu Zhizhang, he comforted himself every day that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with him. Anyway, he is now a human being, not a helpless weak monster, so no matter what, this matter cannot fall on him.

It's just that his Lanchin can take him less to visit, and it would be better if Dr. Ansi Kemei performed the sterilization operation with perfect proficiency.

Regarding the fact that he has to go to the scene of monster sterilization every day, Fu Zhizhang just wants to put a mask on his face, but in order not to show his flaws in front of his sweetheart, as the director of the base, he still has to look calm and joyful-after all, monsters They are more suitable for doctors to use for experiments, and the director will be unhappy if there is no way!

Fu Zhizhang: I really am! high! prosper!

Lanqin found that after taking his partner to see several surgeries, his partner suddenly became busy. Even after he rarely came down from his laboratory, he knew that he could have some leisure time recently.

Although it is not impossible to do experiments while falling in love, the efficiency is still a bit low. Especially under the tactful reminder from his assistant Modi, Lan Chin still decided to pay attention.

But this kind of thing cannot be said directly to his partner, otherwise his partner will act like a baby, and will never go to work obediently anyway.

It would be better to find another way and start from other places.

According to the number of monsters in base 13, after Anxi Kaimei sterilizes them one by one, his experiments can come to an end.

It's time to make up for the mental loss suffered by his partner. Originally, he didn't want nothing to happen with his partner.

After all the monsters in Base No. 13 were sterilized in circles, Fu Zhizhang felt that his precious Lan Qin would not take him to see such a cruel scene again, so he continued to look for his sweetheart Qingqingwowo in high spirits.

And Lanqin's assistant, Modi, almost rolled his eyes, especially after seeing Director Fu still following a certain oil tank, he was even more speechless.

Lan Qin felt that his assistant still liked Zhang Shibin, his partner's subordinate, but he didn't know why the way this young couple got along was no different from Huanxi's friends.

Originally, Lan Qin also wanted to be a matchmaker, but after realizing that the two people were actually addicted to this noisy relationship, he understood that it was only their own interest.

Huh? Never imagined that he would also have a day of watching others show affection!

Apart from having no sex life, Fu Zhizhang is very satisfied with his current life. He used to be jealous when he saw his sweetheart's gentle expression and looked at the monsters in the observation room, but now he knows that it was all done. After sterilizing the same kind of people, all he had left in his heart was gloating.

Anyway, no matter how obsessed his baby Lan Chin looked at those monsters, nothing would happen anyway, so he didn't need to waste time being jealous.

Thinking about it this way, Dr. Ansi Kaimei's proposal to sterilize all the monsters in the base is not without any benefit.

Fu Zhizhang thought this way in his heart, and decided to wait until he went back to raise Anxi Kaimei's salary by one rank.

Lan Qin had no idea that his partner had adapted so quickly to the fact that all of his own kind had been sterilized. After he obtained all the memories of the original owner, he was indeed obsessed with those monsters that looked hideous to outsiders. As if it was some big baby instead of a man-eating monster.

It can be said that people who can do a doctorate in a research institute are always a bit strange in terms of aesthetics, but this is not a big problem.

As for Anxi Kaimei, she didn't know what Director Fu was thinking at all. Of course, she felt that what Director Fu was thinking about was Dr. Lanqin. It's like hanging Dr. Lanchin around his waist.

What a sticky little couple


But the sweeter this couple gets along with each other, Anxi Kaimei often thinks that Dr. Lan Qin died before Director Fu came back from a business trip in her previous life. Although she didn't know when Director Fu and Dr. Lan Qin fell in love, but This matter should be a big blow to Director Fu.

Otherwise, Director Fu and Dr. Lan Qin would not have died unexpectedly in the previous life.

Of course, Anxi Kaimei also suspected that the accidental deaths of these two big men were caused by the monster Hill. Even though she had no evidence, she took revenge when she sterilized the monster Hill. , but also the whole root resection.

Anyway, this monster Hill will die soon, so there is no need to keep these things.

Ansi Kaimei was very happy with the operation. As for how painful and hopeless the monster Hill was when he woke up, it goes without saying.

Anyway, after the monster Hill knew that he had been sterilized by this human doctor that he had always looked down upon, he fell into a strange mood. He was not even interested in the king of monsters or the grand ambition of conquering all human bases. Nevermind, I just want to kill Ansi Kaimei for revenge.

But Anxi Kaimei, who took the lead, was also very vigilant. Not only did he mercilessly squeeze out the genetic value of the monster Hill, but he also killed chickens and took eggs after all the experiments became stable... Oh no, it was killing monsters to obtain The blood directly killed the monster that threatened the No. 13 base.

To deal with a monster that eats countless people, Anxi Kemei felt that there was no need to waste emotion and time.

When Lanqin knew that the male protagonist was actually killed by the female protagonist, the male protagonist's body was completely melted away by chemicals, not even a single extra hair was left.

Research Institute No. 13 is very cautious when dealing with dead monster corpses. After all, no one knows whether there will be smart monsters who will keep their hands and have some weird splitting and rebirth abilities, so monster corpses must be disposed of with nothing. Leave.

Of course, for these monsters that contributed to the survival of the human base, all researchers will try their best to euthanize them so that they will suffer less pain during their lifetime.

But this only compassion and kindness is not enough to keep those monsters who may violently kill and eat people alive at any time.


Fu Zhizhang's view, most of the monsters in the monster lair are similar to the zombies in human movies, without any IQ and self-awareness at all, and only endlessly thirsty for human flesh and blood.

If human beings want to tame these irrational monsters, it would be faster to tame the aliens who have not yet appeared.

After all, even he, the master of monsters, relies on the powerful energy in his blood to put pressure on them to be more obedient, but that is to say, he can direct them to go east or go left. Difficult.

It's not that it can't be done, that is, he won't go when he's pressed, but as soon as he falls asleep, or doesn't press, the monsters will go to the human side like a cat looking for a mouse.

Besides, from the standpoint of being the master of monsters, he doesn't have much interest in protecting a group of humans.

According to the belief that people who are not of our race must change their minds, once they know that he is the master of monsters, they will be the first to get rid of him.

Because of this worry, Fu Zhizhang never told his sweetheart his monster status all his life, but he felt that Lan Qin probably felt it, after all his sweetheart was so smart.

Of course Lan Qin knew that Fu Zhizhang was a monster, and he even guessed that the person who created the power riot in the mission details must be his partner.

Probably because he couldn't bear to see the destruction of the 13th base, so he brought such a large number of monsters to die together.

If there are no more monsters appearing in the future, the remaining human bases will be in a safer situation. Even if the humans pay the price of the strongest base, it is not absolutely bad for humans.

Among human monsters, Lan Qin still prefers to think from the perspective of human beings, so at the exchange meeting of experimental research results of the base, he fully supported the heroine Anxi Kaimei to give a speech on stage, and popularized it to all human bases. Benefits of sterilization surgery.

This sterilization

operation is also very particular, such as the most thorough sterilization operation for the most irritable monsters; for those with a milder temper, the eggs will be removed, that is, the female monsters who can still have sex with the monster's lair, but lose their birth. The ability of offspring; and the most gentle and obedient temperament is not to undergo sterilization surgery, and to reproduce and mate after marking, and artificially interfere with the birth type of monsters.

In this way, all the ferocious and bloodthirsty monsters on the monster lair can be replaced in the long run, which is equivalent to weakening the overall strength of the monsters.

As for the experiment of completely eradicating monsters, in fact, there were bases that did it when the monsters first flooded, but that war was too tragic, and it also proved that that road was unworkable.

Ansi Kemei's point of view is refreshing for everyone. After all, no one has ever solved the problem of monster infestation like breeding selection.

Although this method is a long-term task, after careful study, it seems to be somewhat feasible.

And more importantly, it is not a big burden for the base and the research institute to just do the sterilization operation by the way.

Coupled with the promotion of the most famous Dr. Lan Chin and Director Fu, the top leaders of other bases met several times to study and decided to participate.

And so the longest-term plan for the monsters proceeded in order, and this progress lasted for sixty years.

In the 60 years that Lan Qin and his partner Fu Zhizhang spent lovingly, the situation of the human base has also developed better and better, especially after the number and strength of monsters have been effectively contained, humans began to return to life on the ground preparation.

And in this process, the heroine Anxi Kaimei also shines brightly because of various experimental research results that are beneficial to human beings in the mission details.

But this time it is a positive rise that can be positively recorded in the annals of history.

After losing the heroine, the heroine really lived out her own life.

Compared with the research career of the heroine, who has gained both fame and fortune despite being unmarried all her life, Lan Qin, a Ph.D. who has always attracted much attention, is no different, and the results of his research every year are eye-catching.

But because Lan Qin still has to take care of his family and lover, it is impossible to dedicate all his time and energy to the institute like the heroine Ansi Kaimei.

But Lan Chin himself thinks it's all right. After all, what he mainly does is to fall in love with a salary, and everything else should be incidental.

As for Fu Zhizhang, he used to be a very ambitious workaholic, but after falling in love, he just wanted to hang out with his baby Lan Qin every day, and he had no intention of working at all.

If I had known that there would be a day when I would fall in love, I shouldn't have found a job that often required business trips because of boredom!

If the leaders of the base hadn't talked to Lan Qin, Fu Zhizhang might have fought for it and retired early.

Lan Qin felt that he didn't need a house husband, so he still insisted that his partner go to work obediently.

After all, he still needs to go to work, so it doesn't make sense for his partner to retire early!

After Fu Zhizhang found that there was no way to get rid of his job, he began to enjoy the joy of fishing and falling in love while going to work. After all, office play and laboratory play are also very good.

Of course, the premise is that it would be better if there are no unsightly subordinates bringing his significant other to disturb him.

While monsters have no shame, humans do.


for his partner's monster status, Lan Qin actually felt that he didn't hide it very well.

Especially in the bed when they are all confused. There will be things like tails or wings appearing at every turn.

Although his partner explained that it was a sex toy, Lan Chin still felt that his partner took him for a fool.

But seeing that the tail and wings are very useful, and the fluffy tiger ears are also very easy to play, Lan Qin can only accompany his partner to pretend to be stupid.

After all, these things appeared when he was in a state of mind, disorder, passion, obsession, maybe he was wrong.

Lan Qin said it so casually, and Fu Zhizhang believed it casually, but the number of times he used his tail and wings was increasing day by day.

What can Lanchin do? Of course he forgave him in bed!

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