10.3: Extra Special 3

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Lanqin is really in a bad mood, especially when being carried along the way Going back, even if he raised an objection, it was still not adopted.

System 1122 felt that he had to say a word for the gods, after all, it still belongs to the system of the gods.

【"The host and the centaurs are all against their beloved brides like this, mainly because of their special body structure. For them, this posture is the highest etiquette and the most sincere expression of emotion..."] Lan Qin smiled

: 【"Then it used to be so resistant to other pure-blooded humans, right? It seems that this villain has quite a lot of brides."】

System 1122: 【"..."】

This situation seems a bit dangerous, so it should do it first The host system.

If the gods really want to blame it, then blame all the faults on the mission details! Anyway, it is a weak, confused and innocent poor system, and everything has nothing to do with it.


Manor is the residence of the king of the centaur clan, but this is also the territory that the centaur clan conquered, but because the products here are rich in aquatic plants and delicious, it has become a short-term residence for the centaur clan on their way of continuous migration.

Moreover, this place is quite far away from the auction house. If it weren't for the news that the auction house would take pure-blooded humans as the finale this time, and with the blessing of magic, this long distance would mean a ten-hour journey. It is possible to miss this auction.

In the task details, the centaurs were the last to attend, just in time for the auction of the finale, but I don't know why they attended on time this time, and even auctioned the passerby who should have been photographed by the werewolves disguised as male and female protagonists .

However, in the task details, the hero and heroine still failed to save their own kind. Instead, they witnessed the bloody scene of a passer-by being eaten in order to save their lives.

This is obviously to make the hero and heroine hold grudges against alien races other than human beings. If reason is not still there, I am afraid that they would have to fight these alien races at that time.

Lanqin guessed that the villain Luo Ming's price of 300 billion star coins at once was too appalling, and the hero and heroine had no choice but to give up his rescue because they did not have enough money to support him.

As for the rescue after the auction is over, it is even more impossible. After all, they are going to face the most powerful king of the centaur family.

Lan Qin felt that the hero and heroine would definitely abandon him, an insignificant human being, and then turn to rescue other human beings who are more likely to be rescued.

In fact, what Lan Qin didn't know was that the hero and heroine originally wanted to save him, but when they wanted to contact other people, they found that the king of the centaur had left his entourage, Directly use the highest magic to teleport himself away with Lanqin.

This highest magic is usually used in the most critical moment of life-saving, but now it is easily used to rush back to Cross Manor, or where to go? !

Although their fellow clan is indeed very fragrant, even they feel that the magic power fluctuates violently when they smell it, but this is not the reason for the centaur king to use the highest magic!

This is completely overkill.

Yes, the hero and heroine want to save Lan Qin because Lan Qin is very useful. Such a fragrant breath, coupled with such a peerless beauty, is definitely a great weapon against aliens.

And this is also one of the important reasons why the hero and heroine are unwilling to give up this same race.

It's just that the same family must have been hidden by the king now. If they want to find him, the time and energy they spend is enough for them to save many of the same family.

Although those of the same family may not be as fragrant and useful as this one, the more people saved, the quantity can make up for the quality.

After thinking about it this way, the hero and heroine will no longer waste their thoughts on a fellow who is destined to become the bane of the centaur clan, and will rush to the next auction house without stopping.


Chin didn't expect that the hero and heroine would actually have a plan to take risks, just because he is very fragrant and useful.

In addition to being good-looking, the pure-blooded humans in this mission world also have a very important use, that is, they can be used to

stimulate magical talent and enhance magical power.

And the more fragrant the pure-blooded human being, the more useful the pure-blooded human being is.

But the pure-blooded humans themselves can't smell this scent at all, which leads to the misfortune of the pure-blooded humans.

Because of this ability, many pure-blooded human beings are either intentionally kept in captivity by many alien races, or they are protected by their own race. However, this protection also has a certain purpose, that is, to provide blood to the same race on a regular basis, that is, demon hunters.

Lan Qin wondered if the use of pure-blooded human beings was created by human beings in order to stimulate the magic talent of demon hunters.

In fact, demon hunters are largely similar to pure-blooded humans, but when they are selected to be demon hunters, they will voluntarily drink blood belonging to a certain alien race and pure-blooded humans.

This is still a fierce gamble. If the blood of a foreign race prevails, the human will become a foreign race, and then be killed by the same race on the spot; Fight for the survival of mankind.

And the villain Luo Ming, the centaur king who shocked all other races, was born from the union of the previous centaur king and a human demon hunter. You can know their love just by looking at the identities of the villain's parents. How rough it will be, how miserable the villain's childhood was.

Of course, system 1122 will complain about this tragedy, and Lan Chin is dubious about this.

But thinking about what his partner did this time, it is indeed very possible to make such a choice to win his sympathy.

Lanchin thought it worked out really well, because he wasn't too angry at his partner's behavior.

From this point of view, his partner is also working hard for a certain purpose!

In fact, if his partner tells him frankly and discusses with him, then he will not agree.

It's just that this way of dealing with it first and then playing it really needs to be dealt with seriously, otherwise more troublesome things will happen in the future.

Of course, there is also the reason why the gods abide by male virtues. Many of the pure-blooded humans auctioned off by the centaur clan were bought by Luo Ming's father, and a small part were bought by Luo Ming's father. Mother bought it.

Moreover, the purposes of the two are different, one is to enhance magical power, and the other is to save mankind.

Just looking at this difference in point of view, you can know that this couple is also noisy on weekdays.

At the same time, Lan Qin also knew that Luo Ming's mother was snatched back by his father, and the centaurs would automatically start the snatch mode after meeting their destined mate.

After learning about the way his partner's parents often get along in this world, coupled with the fact that the parents have passed away, and they are still hurting each other, Lan Qin feels that he has to be prepared.

Otherwise, he is very likely to be ridden by a particularly bad-tempered partner and run amok.

Of course, it is also possible that he is riding on his partner, and then let the partner run amok on him.

In any case, he has to be ready for all horse training, after all, his partner is a strong horse, in a double sense.

System 1122 can prove that its host Lanchin's horse training plan is indeed very successful, because the gods are indeed tamed very well.

System 1122 felt that it had to look at its host again, because before this task world, it didn't know that its host, Lan Qin, could be so pure and lustful, with a hot and cold attitude and superb acting skills, directly making the god Got it right.

It can be regarded as understanding how the gods were planted in the previous task world.


Luo Ming held Lan Qin in front of his chest and kissed him like a doll, but because of his poor body shape, Lan Qin's head touched his partner's chest at most, while his lower body was completely fitted Under the belly of the horse.

It always remembers that human beings are weak, so even in the most unbearable estrus period, it is very careful to enter, and try not to pull out all of them.

After all, it has already been tried, and if they are all pulled out, it will be extremely difficult to get in again.

Before the sex scene started, System 1122 consciously turned on the mosaic, and then slipped to the system forum for anonymous online dating.

Well, its god boss and its host, Lan Qin, are both in a relationship. There is no reason why it can't date a lot of system online.

When the system 1122 went to the system forum and came back, the seven-day and seven-night estrus period finally ended.

The system looked at Lan Qin, who was slumped on the bed, like a puddle of mud, or like a ruined rag doll, and felt that this time it would definitely be completed smoothly.

And it is true in the end, the villain who is keen to trouble the hero and heroine has been in love all his life, and has no interest in fighting humans at all.

As for Lan Qin's plan to prepare for a rainy day, it really worked. In the countless mission worlds that followed, God did learn to discuss with his lover first, and then began the wonderful honeymoon of role-playing.

System 1122 has already looked numb at this pair of showy affection, but as long as the gods and the host are not angry with it, and continue to give it the delicious Supreme Gold soft food, and make it anonymous on the system forum, everything will be fine. No problem.

In return, it will also try to make the mosaic tighter and more durable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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