8.17: Trouble

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The God of Light always thought that this was just an ordinary human being, at most he had a lot older All God wants is a beautiful appearance, and the only one who can be fooled by such a superficial beauty is the simple-minded guy like the evil dragon.

But this year, he couldn't fall asleep successfully, and he had to resist the urge not to find another one to fight with himself, and to "watch" the dragon's love for that human being, all of which made the God of Light suffer a lot. torment.

Especially now that the evil dragon still has the guts to bring this human being to his domain, and he is still swaggering and arrogant, which really makes the God of Light feel jealous at a glance.

Perhaps apart from jealousy, the God of Light has many other complicated emotions, but when he sees the human beings who think about it day and night, he suddenly appears, or stands in front of his god statue, which is completely face-to-face intimate distance for the gods.

No believer dares to be so close to the statue, that is, the evil dragon who never pays attention to it, and Lan Qin, who has never set foot in the temple, will not obey the 30-meter distance from the statue to pray.

This is not a rule directly set by the God of Light, but when many believers want to get closer to God, as long as they exceed a safe distance of 30 meters, they will be punished, so the rule of 30 meters away from the statue is Set down tacitly.

Even the king had to stand thirty meters away, otherwise he would suffer the punishment of being almost blinded in the eyes and in pain all over his body.

For the gods, it is natural to respect and fear, and the subjects of the Kingdom of Goss do not think there is any problem with this rule.

If it wasn't because of their limited ability, otherwise they all wanted to let the most holy and powerful statue of the God of Light be suspended in the sky, so that all the dirty things in the world could not get close to the statue.

However, with this rule, the idol has become the most holy existence that cannot be desecrated.

Lan Qin, who was looking directly at the statue just now, didn't know that even the most devout believer couldn't directly see the true face of the God of Light. At most, he could see a circle of holy light emanating from the statue.

It's just that he deceived the demon king into thinking it was his own fault, so Lan Qin was able to look directly at the statue.

At this time, the deceitful demon king is most at ease with the God of Light. After all, the God of Light is the least likely to fall in love in the whole world. In that guy's heart, it is estimated that all creatures and things in the world are dirty. All should be purified or destroyed.

The Deceiver Demon King has thought about this serious question more than once. Did he confuse him with the God of Light when he was distracted by the main body? Guys are much better.

In many things, the deceitful demon king pays attention to fairness, justice, honesty and friendliness, instead of deceiving all human beings like the God of Light, and asking those defrauded human beings to count their money for him.

At the beginning, the whole continent was torn apart by the big commotion when the old god fell, and even most of the land sank into the ocean. If it wasn't for the God of Light suddenly thinking about being a savior, I am afraid that the Yinzhou Continent is now It's not called Yinzhou Continent, and human beings have long since ceased to exist.

The reason why the Deceitful Demon King had this idea was because the huge silver boat that saved many lives was completely built by the Deceitful Demon King himself, and the God of Light spread miracles on the continent when the Deceitful Demon King was busy.

At that time, the deceitful demon king could also sense that the God of Light had bad intentions, but because he had nothing else to do, he still made the silver boat because he was bored.

The silver boat carrying countless lives wandered in the vast ocean for a full twenty-six days, and then returned to the ground that had slowly risen from the silver boat. As for the silver boat, which has the ability to save the world, after the passengers left completely , It turned into stars and disappeared.

The miracle of this scene alone has been sung by humans for thousands of years, and the deceitful devil would roll his eyes every time he heard it-it really is a stupid race, who doesn't even know who its savior is, and yet it is so blatant publicity.

But it's fine if the God of Light doesn't care, the Deceitful Demon King has no interest in caring about those humans who are still playing in the mud.

The powerful deceitful demon king naturally likes powerful demons the most - compared to those

short-lived and stupid humans, demons are indeed a group of very interesting servants.

When the God of Light is playing with people's hearts, the Demon King of Deceit is also fighting with various demons. As long as he can win him, God can do one thing for the winner.

It's just that so far, no demon has been able to defeat the Deceitful Demon King.

In the past, the deceitful demon king only wanted to fight and sleep, and troubled the God of Light by the way, but now, the deceitful demon king only wants to be in love with his sweetheart. Of course, it is best to stay in the lair and play however he wants!

But thinking of the honeymoon, the Deceitful Demon King barely resisted the urge.

After all, there are many interesting things on the human side, such as sex toys and sex hotels, and role-playing experience halls, all of which make the heart of the fraud king who opened the door to the new world itchy.

Sometimes humans will hold a very large outdoor party, um, the kind used to reproduce offspring. This is also very common in hell, but those are all parties other than the palace of the deceitful devil.

As we all know, the deceitful demon king hates parties the most, especially the yellow party. It is definitely for the deceitful demon king to witness it once, and hell can change a new batch of demons from top to bottom.

Although it is said that the devil is not afraid of death, but he can't just die in an unclear manner like this, and he still dies at the hands of the devil king he is loyal to. This is really too embarrassing!

The God of Light stared at the backs of the two who were leaving so closely, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and decided to do something for the Deceitful Demon King, otherwise the red face of the evil dragon would be too annoying!

In particular, there are many, many 'criminal evidence' on Lanqin's body, silently accusing the ferocity of the dragon.

Human clothes and the magic of deceiving the Demon King can at best deceive other living beings, but with the God of Light, they can be seen directly at a glance.

The God of Light has never been interested in paying attention to this kind of thing, but after the deceitful demon king brought Lanqin before him, the God of Light still couldn't help but take a look at the essence.

He just wanted to check whether the dragon treated the human well, not to see the naked body of the human specifically.

The God of Light convinced himself in this way, so he glanced at it again and again until the two unexpected visitors left in a hurry.

The God of Light suspected that he was affected by the strong emotions of the Deceitful Demon King, and it was impossible for him to have any interest in love.

And what He needs to do now is to separate this human being from the evil dragon as soon as possible. After all, how can human beings be with the evil dragon? This is not in line with common sense at all!

And more importantly, this human being could barely be regarded as his believer, so naturally, he couldn't let this human's life of just a few decades be wasted on an evil dragon.

In particular, this evil dragon has a more despicable identity-the deceitful devil.

The God of Light doesn't think that the Deceitful Demon King likes this human being as much as the dragon. At most, he is affected by the simple and rude thinking of the dragon just like him, so as long as they are separated, everything will return to the original state.

Ignoring the heartache at the thought of this human being dying soon, decades may not be enough to satisfy a god's deep sleep, how can a god love an ordinary human being?

The God of Light had various thoughts in his mind, but he did not procrastinate in making trouble for hell. He was even thinking about where he should hide the human beings after separating them from the evil dragon.

Even if the evil dragon doesn't really like this human named Lanqin, he is very interested now, otherwise he wouldn't give so much love.

Therefore, the two must be separated, and then calm down with each other, so that he can truly set things right.

As soon as the God of Light had a thought, countless believers waited for the opportunity to find trouble in hell, preferably serious enough to deceive the devil to go back.

Hell is so dangerous, so complicated, and in some respects very unsightly. The God of Light does not believe that the Deceitful Demon King would have the guts to take Lanqin back.

And the guess of the God of Light is obviously correct, the Deceitful Demon King will not and will not dare to take Lanqin back to hell.

After all, Lanqin is just a weak, helpless and beautiful human being. If such an existence is put into hell, it will definitely be torn to pieces, and then every bone will have to be savored repeatedly.

So how dare he take Lanqin back to that perilous hell?

Just a few days after their honeymoon, the deceitful devil who failed to solve the problem of his sweetheart's lifespan faced another very serious problem-a lot of demons rebelled in hell and wanted to occupy the whole hell.

The deceitful demon king really couldn't figure out who gave those demon kings the courage to resist his rule?

The deceitful demon king thought hard and couldn't find a reliable person who could take care of his wife for him. Finally, the deceitful demon king finally thought about the God of Light.

I just thought that the God of Light was in a sleeping state last time, and this time they were probably in the same situation again.

The Deceitful Demon King had a sad face, but in the end he could only take a gamble and go to Mesfant's temple to see if the God of Light had woken up.

If the God of Light hadn't woken up, then the Deceitful Demon King would call him a pig.

When Lan Chin noticed that his partner was frowning all day long, he knew that something must have happened.

Although his partner didn't directly tell him what happened, Lan Qin still said seriously that he could live alone for a while, so there was no need for the dragon to worry too much.

Of course he had to listen to what his wife said, but there was also time, especially when he went to a tavern for a drink before. If he didn't pay attention, his wife was accosted by someone who didn't know what to do.

If Lanqin hadn't stopped him, some of that person's body could be found in hell now.

With such a beautiful wife, and she snatched it by himself, the deceitful devil shouldn't worry too much, let alone quarrel with his wife recently.

In case the wife ran away suddenly, of course he could catch her back, but in doing so, the state of loving each other would be broken.

The Deceiver King doesn't want to treat his precious sweetheart like that.

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